EHI Export

Centriq Financial Data

The EHI export generates several pipe (|) delineated .CSV files containing patient billing and claim information. In the .ZIP file, the file names below will be preceded by the medical record number and encounter number (for example, 184654-0001_AccountNotes.csv.)

The .ZIP file will contain all the files below, even if there is no data for a particular file. (In that case, the file will still be included in the .ZIP file, but it will be blank.)

Select a file name to view the data included in the corresponding file.

File Name Description Centriq Data Source
AccountNotes A list of all notes that have been entered for an account. Health Information Management > Edit MPI > Comments Field
BillHistory A list of all bills that have been created for an episode. Accounts Receivable > Balance Inquiry
ChargeHistory A list of all charges that have been billed. Accounts Receivable > Balance Inquiry > Charges
Company The name of each organization within the database. System Administration > Companies
Demographics Contact and personal information for each patient. Health information Management > Edit MPI > Demographics tab
Guarantors A list of people who are named as responsible for payment on an account. Accounts Receivable > Guarantors
Insurance Listing of each payor source available to tie to a patient record and send bills to. Patient Registration > Master Files> Insurance Companies
PatientInsurance Listing, by medical record number, of insurance companies tied to an account. Patient Registration > Registration > Edit MPI > Insurances
PaymentHistory Listing of all payments that have been received. Accounts Receivable > Balance Inquiry > Transactions
Staff Listing of all medical providers able to be tied to episodes. Patient Management > Master Files > Medical Staff > Staff
VisitHistory Listing of all visits (episodes) that have occurred for an individual. Health Information Management > Patient Inquiry
VisitNotes Listing of all notes that have been entered for an episode. Accounts Receivable > Balance Inquiry > Episode Notes

Account Notes

Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Guarantor_No
3 Name
4 Note
8 Promise_Amt
9 Promise_Date
10 Created_By

Bill History

Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Medical_Record_Number
3 Episode_No
4 Bill_No
5 Guarantor_No
6 Bill_Date
7 Status B = Bad Debt, C = Collections, P = Paid, T = Transferred
8 Patient_Class
9 Patient_Type
10 Patient_Name
11 Current_Insurance
12 Current_Financial_Class
13 Total_Charges1
14 Total_Charges2
15 Total_Charges3
16 Finance_Charges
17 Payment_Adjustment0
18 Payment_Adjustment1
19 Payment_Adjustment2
20 Payment_Adjustment3
21 Private_Pay_Date
22 Collection_Date
23 Collection_Agent
24 Bad_Debt_Date
25 Bad_Debt_Agent
26 Financial_Class1
27 Financial_Class2
28 Financial_Class3
29 Insurance_Company1
30 Insurance_Company2
31 Insurance_Company3
32 Covers_From_Date
33 Covers_To_Date
34 Num_Of_Statements_Printed
35 Bill Type U = UB, H = 1500

Charge History

Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Medical_Record_Number
3 Episode_No
4 Bill_No
5 Charge_Code
6 Description
7 Charge_Date
8 Charge_Post_Date
9 Charge_Post_Period
10 Charge_Post_Year
11 Charge_Batch_No
12 Bill_Date
13 Bill_Post_Date
14 Physician
15 Modifier1
16 Modifier2
17 Modifier3
18 Modifier4
19 Department
20 Units
21 Rate
22 Contractual_Rate
23 Amount
24 Charge_Type U = UB, H = 1500
25 Diagnosis_Code1
26 Diagnosis_Code2
27 Diagnosis_Code3
28 Diagnosis_Code4
29 JCode_Procedure_Code
30 Procedure_Code
31 Revenue_Code
32 NDC
33 Administered_Qty


Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Name
3 Address1
4 Address2
5 City
6 State
7 Zip
8 TaxID


Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Medical_Record_Number
4 Last_Name
5 First_Name
6 Middle_Name
7 Suffix Jr., Sr. I, II, III, IV, V
8 Preferred_Name
9 Race
10 Race_Code
11 Primary_Language
12 Primary_Language_Code
13 Gender M = Male, F = Female, U = Unknown, O = Other
14 DOB
15 DOD
16 Address1
17 Address2
18 County_Code
19 County_Name
20 City
21 State
22 Zip
23 Country
24 Home_Phone
25 Work_Phone
26 Fax
27 Cell_Phone
28 Other_Phone2
29 Email
30 Drivers_License
31 Marital_Status D = Divorced, M = Married, P = Life Partner, S = Single, U = Unknown, W = Widowed, X = Legally Separated
32 Religion
33 Person_Comment
34 Last_UpdatedOn
35 Employer_Name
36 Employer_Address1
37 Employer_Address2
38 Employer_City
39 Employer_State
40 Employer_Zip
41 Employer_Phone
42 Employer_Fax
43 Employer_Status
44 Special_Needs
45 Is_Hispanic_Or_Latino Y = Hispanic or Latino, N = Not Hispanic or Latino, O = Other, U = Unknown, R = Declined to Specify
46 Primary_Physician
47 Living_Will Y = Yes, N = No
48 Living_Will_Date
49 Organ_Donor Y = Yes, N = No
50 Organ_Donor_Date
51 Adv_Directives Y = Yes, N = No
52 Adv_Directives_Date
53 Date_Of_Retirement
54 Spouse_Date_Of_Retirement
55 Guarantor_No
56 Guarantor_Name
57 Privacy Notice Date
58 Patient Refused Signing Y = Yes, N = No


Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Guarantor_No
3 Last_Name
4 First_Name
5 Middle_Name
7 Gender M = Male, F = Female, U = Unknown, O = Other
10 Address1
11 Address2
12 City
13 State
14 Zip
15 County
16 Country
17 Home_Phone
18 Work_Phone
19 Fax
20 Cell_Phone
21 Other_Phone2
22 Last_Payment_Amount
23 PTD_Payment
24 YTD_Payment
25 Private_Pay_Balance
26 Bad_Debt_Balance
27 Comment
28 Last_Billed_Amount
29 Relationship
30 Bad_Address
31 Num_Of_Statements_Printed
32 Last_Statement_Printed_Date
33 Employer_Name
34 Employer_Address1
35 Employer_Address2
36 Employer_City
37 Employer_State
38 Employer_Zip
39 Employer_Phone
40 Employer_Fax
41 Employer_Status


Field Number Field Description Notes
1 Insurance_CompanyID
2 Name
3 Financial_Class_Code
4 Financial_Class_Description
5 UB_PayerID
6 Status A = Active, I = Inactive
7 Form_Name
8 Address1
9 Address2
10 City
11 State
12 Zip
13 Phone
14 Fax

Patient Insurance

Field Number Field Description Notes
1 InsuranceID
2 Insurance_CompanyID
3 Insurance_Company_Name
4 Relationship_Code
5 Relationship_Description
6 Medical_Record_Number
7 Insured_Last_Name
8 Insured_First_Name
9 Insured_Middle_Name
10 Insured_Last_Name_Override
11 Insured_First_Name_Override
12 Insured_SSN
13 Insured_Gender M = Male, F = Female, U = Unknown, O = Other
14 Insured_DOB
15 Insured_DOD
16 Insured_Address1
17 Insured_Address2
18 Insured_City
19 Insured_State
20 Insured_Zip
21 Insured_Home_Phone
22 Insured_Work_Phone
23 Insured_Fax
24 Insured_Cell_Phone
25 Insured_Other_Phone2
26 Insured_Email
27 Insured_Drivers_License
28 Insured_Marital_Status D = Divorced, M = Married, P = Life Partner, S = Single, U = Unknown, W = Widowed, X = Legally Separated
29 Seq_No
30 Deductible
31 Copay1
32 Copay1_Description
33 Copay2
34 Copay2_Description
35 Copay3
36 Copay3_Description
37 Insurance_No
38 Group_Name
39 Group_No
40 Member_ID_No
41 Effective_Date
42 Discontinued_Date
43 Employment_Status
44 Insured_Employerid
45 Employer_Name
46 Employer_Address1
47 Employer_Address2
48 Employer_City
49 Employer_State
50 Employer_Zip
51 Employer_Phone
52 Employer_Fax
53 Employer_Status

Payment History

Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Episode_No
3 Guarantor_No
4 Bill_No
5 Transaction_Date
6 Amount
7 Fiscal_Year
8 Period
9 Print_Flag Y = Yes, N = No
10 Batch_No
11 Description
12 Action_Type A = Adjustment, P = Payment, R = Remark, C = Credit (transfer), O = Overpayment, M = Miscellaneous
13 System_Action_code
14 Created_By
15 Created_On
16 Modified_By
17 Modified_On
18 Check_No
19 Physician
20 Procedure_Code


Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 StaffID
3 Staff_Type
4 Staff_Initials
5 Last_Name
6 First_Name
7 Middle_Name
8 Discipline
10 UPIN_No
11 Status A = Active, I = Inactive
12 SSN
13 Gender F = Female, M = Male, U = Unknown, O = Other
14 DOB
15 Address1
16 Address2
17 City
18 State
19 Zip
20 Home_Phone
21 Marital_Status D = Divorced, M = Married, P = Life Partner, S = Single, U = Unknown, W = Widowed, X = Legally Separated
22 License_State_No
23 License_State_Code

Visit History

Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Medical_Record_No
3 Episode_No
4 Patient_Name
5 Admission_Status C = Combined, T = Transferred, D = Discharged, N = PreAdmit, Q = Quick Admit, Y = Yes (admitted)
6 Admission_Datetime
7 Billing_Facility_Name
8 Service_Facility_Name
9 Bed_Location
10 Room_Location_Type
11 Unit_Code
12 Unit_Description
13 Discharge_Datetime
14 Patient_Class_Code
15 Patient_Class_Description
16 Admit_Priority 1 = Emergency, 2 = Urgent, 3 = Elective, 4 = Newborn, 9 = Info Not Available, 5 = Trauma Center
17 Admit_Source
18 Complaint
19 Admitting_Service_Code
20 Admitting_Service_Description
21 Patient_Type_Code
22 Patient_Type_Description
23 Referral_Source
24 Discharge_StatusID
25 Discharge_Location
26 Discharge_Reason
27 CoPay_Collected
28 Accompanied_By
29 Transportation_Mode
30 GuarantorNo
31 Patient_Insurance1
32 Patient_Insurance2
33 Patient_Insurance3
34 External_Episode_No
35 Coded_Status C = Coded, NULL = Not Coded
36 Abstract_Complete_Date
37 Coded_Completed
38 Include_Stats Y = Yes, N = No
39 ERVisit Y = Yes, N = No, NULL = Pre-Admit Episode
40 Discharge_To_Facility
41 Admitting_Diagnosis_ICD9_CodeID
42 Pt_Visit_Reason_ICD9_a
43 Pt_Visit_Reason_ICD9_b
44 Pt_Visit_Reason_ICD9_c
45 Pt_Visit_Reason_ICD10_a
46 Pt_Visit_Reason_ICD10_b
47 Pt_Visit_Reason_ICD10_c
48 Admitting_Diagnosis10_Code
49 Admitting_Diagnosis_SNOMED_Code
50 Triage_Visit_Date
51 Quick_Admit_Date
52 Last_Known_Well_Datetime
53 Admit_Decision_Datetime
54 IntelichartLastUpdateDate
55 Treatment_Authorization1
56 Treatment_Authorization2
57 Treatment_Authorization3
58 DRG Code

Visit Notes

Field Number Field Description Notes
1 CompanyID
2 Medical_Record_Number
3 Episode_No
4 Name
5 Notes
6 NoteSequence
7 Created_On
8 Created_By