The TruBridge EHR platform database table export program generates a file in JSON format.
profile-<profile number>.json
visit-<visit number>.json
"Patient": [
"facility":"facility name",
"table:" [
"field": [
"data": [
Description: Abn
Name | Description |
abn_prof_spid | Profile Spid |
abn_signed | Signed |
abn_visit_id | Visit Number |
abn_status | Abn Status |
abn_ubl | Ubl |
abn_prof_c_profilenum | Profile C Profile Num |
abn_date | Date |
abn_prof_cpsiarid | Profile Cpsi Accounts Receivable Id |
abn_sch5appt_id | Scheduling Id |
abn_print_type | Abn Print Type |
abn_time | Time |
abn_engine_ver | Engine Version |
abn_id | Serial Key |
abn_db_ver | Db Version |
Description: Account card
Name | Description |
acc_cof_id | Acc cof id |
acc_arid | Acc arid |
acc_account | Acc account |
acc_id | Acc id |
Description: Scanned Images Accounts Payable
Name | Description |
apimg_acct | Image 3 Company Vendor Number |
apimg_fidx_key | Image 3 Fidx-Key |
apimg_dt | Image 3 Stored Date |
apimg_title | Image 3 Title |
apimg_num | Image 3 Document Num |
apimg_opt | Image 3 Optical Disk |
apimg_memo | Image 3 Memo |
apimg_storagenum | Image 3 Storage Num |
apimg_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Order Result Messages
Name | Description |
aoorm_order_no | Order Num |
aoorm_a_name | Ack Emp Name |
aoorm_msgid1orignum | Msg Body Text Orig Num |
aoorm_s_init | Signed In Emp Init |
aoorm_phylnk | Tty Device Type |
aoorm_clo3acktm | Clord Key Ack Time |
aoorm_a_num | Ack Emp Num |
aoorm_msgid1note | Aoorm msgid1note |
aoorm_clo3ackdt | Clord Key Ack Date |
aoorm_stat | Stat Line Sub |
aoorm_s_time | Sending Time |
aoorm_msgid1com_e_init | Msg Body Text Com E Init |
aoorm_text_l3 | Oe Ques Line Sub3 |
aoorm_cancel | Can Line Sub |
aoorm_text_l2 | Oe Ques Line Sub2 |
aoorm_text2 | Aoorm text2 |
aoorm_s_num | Signed In Emp Num |
aoorm_form | Req Form Flag |
aoorm_s_tty | Sending Tty |
aoorm_msgid1sch | Msg Body Text Sch |
aoorm_text_l4 | Oe Ques Line Sub4 |
aoorm_time | Msg Time Created |
aoorm_s_name | Signed In Emp Name |
aoorm_status | Current Msg Status |
aoorm_clo3seq | Clord Key Ack Sequence |
aoorm_a_time | Ack Time |
aoorm_tty | Msg Mail Terminal |
aoorm_a_date | Ack Date |
aoorm_msgid1pname | Pat Name |
aoorm_s_dnum | Sending Dept |
aoorm_need_by | Sched Line Sub |
aoorm_msgid1room | Room Number |
aoorm_msgid1proc | Procedure Description |
aoorm_a_init | Ack Emp Init |
aoorm_arid | Aoorm arid |
aoorm_a_dnum | Ack Dept |
aoorm_text_l1 | Oe Ques Line Sub1 |
aoorm_remote | Ref Lab Flag |
aoorm_date | Msg Date Created |
aoorm_s_date | Sending Date |
aoorm_msgid1pnum | Account Number |
Description: Order Result Messages
Name | Description |
aporm_s_num | Signed In Emp Num |
aporm_text_l1 | Oe Ques Line Sub1 |
aporm_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
aporm_a_dnum | Ack Dept |
aporm_clo3seq | Clord Key Ack Sequence |
aporm_a_num | Ack Emp Num |
aporm_s_init | Signed In Emp Init |
aporm_s_name | Signed In Emp Name |
aporm_phylnk | Tty Device Type |
aporm_form | Req Form Flag |
aporm_a_name | Ack Emp Name |
aporm_msgid1orignum | Msg Body Text Orig Num |
aporm_s_date | Sending Date |
aporm_status | Current Msg Status |
aporm_text_l3 | Oe Ques Line Sub3 |
aporm_remote | Ref Lab Flag |
aporm_s_tty | Sending Tty |
aporm_clo3ackdt | Clord Key Ack Date |
aporm_a_time | Ack Time |
aporm_stat | Stat Line Sub |
aporm_a_date | Ack Date |
aporm_s_time | Sending Time |
aporm_text2 | Aporm text2 |
aporm_need_by | Sched Line Sub |
aporm_s_dnum | Sending Dept |
aporm_msgid1pname | Msg Body Text Pat Name |
aporm_time | Msg Time Created |
aporm_msgid1proc | Msg Body Text Proc |
aporm_text_l2 | Oe Ques Line Sub2 |
aporm_msgid1pnum | Msg Body Text Pat Num |
aporm_msgid1sch | Msg Body Text Sch |
aporm_msg7phylink_id | Msg Link Id |
aporm_text_l4 | Oe Ques Line Sub4 |
aporm_msgid1note | Aporm msgid1note |
aporm_a_init | Ack Emp Init |
aporm_clo3acktm | Clord Key Ack Time |
aporm_cancel | Can Line Sub |
aporm_date | Msg Date Created |
aporm_msg7phylink_cs | Msg Link Csnum |
aporm_msgid1room | Msg Body Text Room |
aporm_order_no | Order Num |
aporm_msgid1com_e_init | Msg Body Text Com E Init |
Description: Advanced Beneficiary Code Information
Name | Description |
clabn2_status | Cpt Status |
clabn2_cptcd | Cpt Code |
clabn2_time | Advanced Beneficiary Time |
clabn2_freqcd | Cpt Frequency Code |
clabn2_mn2status | Coverage Status |
clabn2_num | Visit Number |
clabn2_mn2covgtype | Coverage Type |
clabn2_cptdesc | Cpt Description |
clabn2_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
clabn2_freq | Cpt Frequency |
clabn2_price | Item Price |
clabn2_phy_price | Item Physician Price |
clabn2_seq | Record Sequence |
clabn2_date | Advanced Beneficiary Date |
Description: Advanced Beneficiary Notice
Name | Description |
clabn1_error | Diagnosis Code Error |
clabn1_date | Advanced Beneficiary Date |
clabn1_signed | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Signed |
clabn1_num | Visit Number |
clabn1_init | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Initials |
clabn1_diagcd | Diagnosis Code |
clabn1_diag_desc | Diagnosis Code Description |
clabn1_prsw | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Printed |
clabn1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
clabn1_time | Advanced Beneficiary Time |
Description: Advanced Beneficiary Notice Changes
Name | Description |
clabn3_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
clabn3_signed | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Signed |
clabn3_date | Advanced Beneficiary Date |
clabn3_prsw | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Printed |
clabn3_num | Visit Number |
clabn3_init | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Initials |
clabn3_reason | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Reason Code |
clabn3_time | Advanced Beneficiary Time |
Description: Event Record
Name | Description |
adr2_freq | Adr2 freq |
adr2_phy | Adr2 phy |
adr2_therapyto | Adr2 therapyto |
adr2_lot | Adr2 lot |
adr2_test | Adr2 test |
adr2_pat | Adr2 pat |
adr2_outcomes | Adr2 outcomes |
adr2_route | Adr2 route |
adr2_abated | Adr2 abated |
adr2_exp | Adr2 exp |
adr2_dose | Adr2 dose |
adr2_therapyfr | Adr2 therapyfr |
adr2_init | Adr2 init |
adr2_otherhist | Adr2 otherhist |
adr2_date | Adr2 date |
adr2_indication | Adr2 indication |
adr2_recurred | Adr2 recurred |
adr2_event | Adr2 event |
adr2_time | Adr2 time |
adr2_other | Adr2 other |
adr2_arid | Adr2 arid |
adr2_title | Adr2 title |
adr2_drug | Adr2 drug |
Description: Age of majority registration log
Name | Description |
aomr_arid | Aomr arid |
aomr_profilenum | Aomr profilenum |
aomr_ack_ts | Aomr ack ts |
aomr_logname | Aomr logname |
aomr_spid | Aomr spid |
aomr_removal_ts | Aomr removal ts |
aomr_email | Aomr email |
Description: Patient Allergy Verification Info
Name | Description |
algv1_del_ver_emp_num | Delete Verifying Employee Number |
algv1_del_ver_phy_sw | Delete Verifing Physician Employee Type |
algv1_emp_pr | Entering Employee Pr |
algv1_emp_num | Entering Employee Number |
algv1_del_phy_sw | Deleting Physician Employee Type |
algv1_del_ver_phy_low | Delete Verifiying If Physician |
algv1_del_date | Date Delete Placed |
algv1_del_ver_emp_co | Delete Verifying Employee Co |
algv1_ver_phy_sw | Verifying Physician Employee Type |
algv1_ver_phy_low | Verifying If Physician |
algv1_algcd | Alergy Code |
algv1_phy_sw | Verifying Physician Employee Type |
algv1_del_emp_co | Deleting Employee Co |
algv1_ver_emp_num | Verifying Employee Number |
algv1_ver_emp_co | Verifying Employee Co |
algv1_phy_low | Entering Physician Number Low |
algv1_del_phy_low | Deleting If Physician |
algv1_del_ver_date | Date Delete Verified |
algv1_del_time | Time Delete Place |
algv1_merge | Merge Allergy Versions |
algv1_react | Reaction Code |
algv1_ver_emp_pr | Verifying Employee Pr |
algv1_patnum | Patient Number |
algv1_del_ver_time | Time Delete Verified |
algv1_severity | Allergy Severity |
algv1_emp_co | Entering Employee Co |
algv1_time | Time Created |
algv1_ver_time | Time Verified |
algv1_del_phy_num | Deleting Physician Number |
algv1_arid | Algv1 arid |
algv1_type | Record Type |
algv1_ver_phy_num | Verifying Physician Number |
algv1_del_ver_emp_pr | Delete Verifying Employee Pr |
algv1_priority | Allergy Priority |
algv1_del_ver_phy_num | Delete Verifying Physician Number |
algv1_ver_date | Date Verified |
algv1_del_emp_pr | Deleting Employee Pr |
algv1_phy_num | Entering Physician Number |
algv1_del_emp_num | Deleting Employee Number |
algv1_date | Date Created |
Description: Patient Allergy Verification Info 2
Name | Description |
algv2_phy_low | Creating If Physician |
algv2_merge | Merge Alergy Versions |
algv2_time | Time Created |
algv2_date | Date Created |
algv2_arid | Algv2 arid |
algv2_patnum | Patient Number |
algv2_emp_co | Creating Employee Co |
algv2_emp_num | Creating Employee Number |
algv2_phy_sw | Creating Physician Employee Type |
algv2_type | Record Type |
algv2_algcd | Allergy Code |
algv2_phy_num | Creating Physician Number |
algv2_emp_pr | Creating Employee Pr |
Description: Patient Allergy Record
Name | Description |
alg1_enter_ubl | Allergies Entry Ubl |
alg1_severity | Severity Code |
alg1_del_ver_phy_num | Deleted Verify Physician Number |
alg1_inact_date | Allergies Inactive Date |
alg1_priority | Priority Code |
alg1_del_time | Allergy Deleted Time |
alg1_del_ver_emp_pr | Deleted Verify Employee Payroll Type |
alg1_patnum | Person Profile Number |
alg1_last_updated | Allergies Last Updated Timestamp |
alg1_emp_num | Employee Number |
alg1_time | Allergy Entry Time |
alg1_del_emp_pr | Deleting Employee Payroll Type |
alg1_algcd | Allergy Code |
alg1_clinrec_import | Alg1 clinrec import |
alg1_ver_emp_num | Verifying Employee Id |
alg1_inact_ubl | Allergies Inactivating Ubl |
alg1_rmvd_ubl | Allergies Removal Ubl |
alg1_ver_emp_co | Verifying Employee Company |
alg1_spid | Shared Profile Id |
alg1_source | Allergies Source |
alg1_ndfrt | Alg1 ndfrt |
alg1_del_ver_phy_sw | Deleted Verify Physician Employee Type |
alg1_ver_phy_num | Verifying Physician Number |
alg1_del_emp_num | Deleting Employee Id Number |
alg1_del_ver_phy_low | Deleted Verify If Physician |
alg1_ver_phy_sw | Verifying Physician Employee Type |
alg1_merge | Merge Duplication Check |
alg1_del_phy_sw | Deleting Physician Employee Type |
alg1_del_phy_low | Deleting If Physician |
alg1_severity_desc | Allergies Severity Description |
alg1_del_ver_emp_num | Deleted Verify Employee Id Number |
alg1_phy_num | Physician Number |
alg1_del_ver_date | Deleted Verify Date |
alg1_phy_low | If Physician Check |
alg1_inact_time | Allergies Inactive Time |
alg1_react | Allergy Reaction Code |
alg1_onset_dt | Allergy Onset Date |
alg1_emp_co | Employee Company Code |
alg1_phy_sw | Physician Employee Type Switch |
alg1_del_date | Allergy Deleted Date |
alg1_ver_date | Allergy Verified Date |
alg1_date | Allergy Entry Date |
alg1_arid | Allergies Arid |
alg1_severity_snomed | Allergy Reaction Severity Snomed Code |
alg1_snomed | Alg1 snomed |
alg1_emp_pr | Employee Payroll Code |
alg1_ver_time | Allergy Verified Time |
alg1_rxnorm | Allergen Rxnorm |
alg1_ver_phy_low | Verifying If Physician |
alg1_medrt | Allergies Medrt Code |
alg1_del_ver_time | Deleted Verify Time |
alg1_type | Allergy Type Code |
alg1_del_ver_emp_co | Deleted Verify Employee Company Code |
alg1_del_phy_num | Deleting Physician Number |
alg1_ver_emp_pr | Verifying Employee Payroll Code |
alg1_del_emp_co | Deleting Employee Company Code |
Description: Patient Allergy Record 2
Name | Description |
alg2_emp_num | Followup Employee Id Number |
alg2_emp_co | Followup Employee Company Code |
alg2_spid | Shared Profile Id |
alg2_merge | Merge Duplication Check |
alg2_emp_pr | Followup Employee Payroll Type |
alg2_phy_sw | Followup Physician Employee Type |
alg2_patnum | 10 Digit Social Security Number |
alg2_date | Followup Verify Date |
alg2_type | Allergy Type |
alg2_time | Followup Verify Time |
alg2_phy_num | Followup Physician Number |
alg2_phy_low | Followup If Physician |
alg2_algcd | Allergy Code |
Description: Allergy intolerance
Name | Description |
algint_onset_range_low_value | Algint onset range low value |
algint_onset_age | Algint onset age |
algint_onset_range_low_unit_code | Algint onset range low unit code |
algint_verified_concept_uuid | Algint verified concept uuid |
algint_code_concept_uuid | Algint code concept uuid |
algint_onset_age_unit | Algint onset age unit |
algint_timestamp | Algint timestamp |
algint_asserter_ref_uuid | Algint asserter ref uuid |
algint_onset_period_end | Algint onset period end |
algint_onset_range_high_value | Algint onset range high value |
algint_onset_range_low_unit | Algint onset range low unit |
algint_last_occurrence | Algint last occurrence |
algint_patient_id | Algint patient id |
algint_asserter_id | Algint asserter id |
algint_patient_ref_uuid | Algint patient ref uuid |
algint_onset_range_high_uri | Algint onset range high uri |
algint_onset_string | Algint onset string |
algint_onset_range_high_unit | Algint onset range high unit |
algint_recorder_ref_uuid | Algint recorder ref uuid |
algint_onset_timestamp | Algint onset timestamp |
algint_encounter_id | Algint encounter id |
algint_criticality | Algint criticality |
algint_onset_range_high_unit_code | Algint onset range high unit code |
algint_onset_range_low_uri | Algint onset range low uri |
algint_onset_period_start | Algint onset period start |
algint_recorder_type | Algint recorder type |
algint_onset_precision | Algint onset precision |
algint_status_concept_uuid | Algint status concept uuid |
algint_type | Algint type |
algint_arid | Algint arid |
algint_spid | Algint spid |
algint_recorder_id | Algint recorder id |
algint_last_occur_precision | Algint last occur precision |
algint_onset_type | Algint onset type |
algint_uuid | Algint uuid |
algint_encounter_ref_uuid | Algint encounter ref uuid |
algint_asserter_type | Algint asserter type |
Description: Allergy Verification Change History
Name | Description |
alrg1_dreac | Alrg1 dreac |
alrg1_type | Alrg1 type |
alrg1_food | Alrg1 food |
alrg1_alrgtype | Alrg1 alrgtype |
alrg1_empnum | Alrg1 empnum |
alrg1_location | Alrg1 location |
alrg1_empname | Alrg1 empname |
alrg1_num | Alrg1 num |
alrg1_prog | Alrg1 prog |
alrg1_time | Alrg1 time |
alrg1_arid | Alrg1 arid |
alrg1_empinit | Alrg1 empinit |
alrg1_dalcd | Alrg1 dalcd |
alrg1_date | Alrg1 date |
alrg1_seq | Alrg1 seq |
Description: Alternating Dose Additive Record
Name | Description |
ada_seq | Key Sequence Number |
ada_add_sub | Additive Subscript |
ada_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ada_ipanum | Visit Number |
ada_add | Additive Information |
ada_ipbad_seq | Ipb Alternating Dose Sequence Number |
Description: Alternating Dose Global Record
Name | Description |
adg_firstdosedt | First Dose Date |
adg_stop_init | Stop Initials |
adg_ipanum | Visit Number |
adg_stop_time | Stop Time |
adg_alt_freq | Component Frequency |
adg_sfreq | Standard Frequency |
adg_start_date | Start Date |
adg_volume | Volume |
adg_ipbad_seq | Ip Bad Sequence Number |
adg_start_time | Start Time |
adg_stop_date | Stop Date |
adg_freq | Frequency |
adg_start_init | Start Initials |
adg_decflowrate | Decimal Flow Rate |
adg_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
adg_add_sub | Additive Subscript |
adg_time | Dose Time |
adg_intflowrate | Flow Rate |
adg_seq | Key Sequence Number |
adg_firstdosetm | First Dose Time |
adg_stop_code | Stop Code |
Description: Patient Orders
Name | Description |
orp_testnum | Patient Order Test Number |
orp_rec | Patient Order Number |
orp_seq | Key Sequence Number |
orp_num | Patient Number |
orp_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
orp_com_dt | Patient Order Complete Date |
orp_date | Patient Order Date |
Description: Purged Ancillary Orders
Name | Description |
dbord_or1combtrans | Combined Transcription Flag |
dbord_or1stop_tm | Order Stop Time |
dbord_or1rptloc | Order Report Location |
dbord_or1coldt | Collect Date |
dbord_or1rad_exam_strt_date | Exam Start Date |
dbord_or1examroom | Order Exam Room Code |
dbord_or1recdt | Order Received Date |
dbord_or1dict_dt | Order Dictated Date |
dbord_or1resultimage | Order Result Image Flag |
dbord_or1text1 | Order Entry Question Line 1 |
dbord_arpname | Patient Name |
dbord_or1clo3acktm | Chartlink Order Acknowledged Time |
dbord_or1dict_tm | Order Dictated Time |
dbord_or1coltm | Order Collect Time |
dbord_or1com_tm | Order Complete Time |
dbord_or1time | Order Time |
dbord_or1ns | Ordering Department |
dbord_or1stat | Order Stat Flag |
dbord_or1origord | Original Order Number |
dbord_or1loinc | Loinc Code |
dbord_or1rad_exam_end_init | Ended Exam Initials |
dbord_or1reflab_init | Sent To Ref Lab Initials |
dbord_or1text2 | Order Entry Question Line 2 |
dbord_or1colinit | Order Collect Initials |
dbord_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
dbord_clinic_arid | Dbord clinic arid |
dbord_or1stop_dt | Order Stop Date |
dbord_or1signdt | Order Signed Date |
dbord_ip1room | Patient Room |
dbord_or1chg_gl | Order Charge Gl |
dbord_or1chg_tm | Order Charge Time |
dbord_or1freq | Order Frequency |
dbord_or1credit_emp_init | Order Credited By Initials |
dbord_or1phychg | Order Physician Charge |
dbord_or1transcribe | Order Transcribe Flag |
dbord_or1signtm | Order Signed Time |
dbord_or1freqcd | Order Frequency |
dbord_or1modality | Order Modality |
dbord_or1rad_exam_end_time | Exam End Time |
dbord_or1ifrslttrxdt | Result Transmit Date |
dbord_or1cancel_reason | Order Cancel Reason |
dbord_or1clo3ackdt | Chartlink Order Acknowledged Date |
dbord_or1examtype | Order Exam Type Code |
dbord_or1phy | Ordering Physician |
dbord_or1result1 | Order Entry Question Line 3 |
dbord_or1has_images | Order Has Image Flag |
dbord_or1chgqty | Order Charge Quantity |
dbord_or1xrn | Xray Number |
dbord_or1stop_e_init | Order Stopped By Initials |
dbord_arpsex | Patient Gender |
dbord_or1remote_item | Remote Site Item Number |
dbord_or1recinit | Order Received Initials |
dbord_or1verbal | Verbal Flag |
dbord_ar0s_type | Patient Subtype |
dbord_or1remote_ord | Remote Order Number |
dbord_or1mpmpatnum | Mpm Patient Number |
dbord_or1result2 | Order Entry Question Line 4 |
dbord_or1bodysnomedcd | Body Site Snomed Code |
dbord_or1remote_site | Remote Site Code |
dbord_or1chg_rate | Order Charge Rate |
dbord_or1stop_cd | Order Stop Code |
dbord_or1signinit | Order Signed Initials |
dbord_or1com_e_init | Order Completed By Initials |
dbord_or1p_type | Order Patient Type Code |
dbord_or1testnum | Test Number |
dbord_or1num | Order Number |
dbord_or1mpmadir | Mpm Directory Code |
dbord_or1procsnomedcd | Procedure Snomed Code |
dbord_or1rectm | Order Received Time |
dbord_or1reflab_time | Sent To Ref Lab Time |
dbord_or1cat | Order Batch Category |
dbord_or1cr_dt | Order Credited Date |
dbord_or1reflexord | Reflexed Order Flag |
dbord_auc_uuid | Dbord auc uuid |
dbord_or1cr_tm | Order Credited Time |
dbord_or1mpmactnum | Mpm Action Number |
dbord_ip1species | Species Code |
dbord_or1start_tm | Order Start Time |
dbord_or1e_init | Ordering Employee Initials |
dbord_or1isol | Isolation Flag |
dbord_or1clo3seq | Chartlink Order Key Sequence |
dbord_or1chorderserial | Clinical History Orders Serial Key |
dbord_or1pat | Patient Number |
dbord_or1inbclinord | Clinic Inbound Switch |
dbord_or1rad_exam_end_date | Exam End Date |
dbord_or1chg_dt | Order Charge Date |
dbord_or1sws | Order Control Switches |
dbord_or1testdesc | Test Description |
dbord_or1start_dt | Order Start Date |
dbord_or1resinit | Order Resulting Initials |
dbord_or1rad_exam_strt_time | Exam Start Time |
dbord_or1rad_exam_strt_init | Exam Start Initials |
dbord_or1phyc | Order Physician Code |
dbord_or1com_dt | Order Complete Date |
dbord_or1reflab_date | Sent To Ref Lab Date |
dbord_or1value | Order Value Amount |
dbord_or1date | Order Date |
Description: Appointment Scheduling
Name | Description |
schedxp_statusdate | Schedule Status Changed Date |
schedxp_init | Schedule Initials |
schedxp_fee_tkt | Schedule Feeticket |
schedxp_8digit | Profile Number |
schedxp_status | Schedule Status |
schedxp_time | Schedule Time |
schedxp_arpname | Schedule Patient Name |
schedxp_date | Schedule Date |
schedxp_arid | Schedxp arid |
schedxp_code | Schedule Appointment Code |
schedxp_act1seq | Schedule Action Sequence |
schedxp_dura | Schedule Appointment Duration |
schedxp_statustime | Schedule Status Changed Time |
schedxp_statuscomm | Schedule Status Changed Comment |
schedxp_comment | Schedule Comment |
schedxp_seq | Schedule Sequence |
schedxp_phone | Schedule Phone |
schedxp_phy | Schedule Physician |
Description: Appropriate Use Criteria Record.
Name | Description |
auc_req_cpt_code | Auc req cpt code |
auc_logname | Auc logname |
auc_mods | Auc mods |
auc_consult_ts | Auc consult ts |
auc_sel_cpt_code | Auc sel cpt code |
auc_arid | Auc arid |
auc_score | Auc score |
auc_cdsm_gcode | Auc cdsm gcode |
auc_req_procedure | Auc req procedure |
auc_cdsm_seqnum | Auc cdsm seqnum |
auc_id | Auc id |
auc_item_num | Auc item num |
auc_sel_procedure | Auc sel procedure |
auc_consult_id | Auc consult id |
auc_scoretext | Auc scoretext |
auc_entry_type | Auc entry type |
auc_visit_num | Auc visit num |
auc_phy_npi | Auc phy npi |
Description: Appropriate use criteria history
Name | Description |
auch_req_cpt_code | Auch req cpt code |
auch_cdsm_seqnum | Auch cdsm seqnum |
auch_req_procedure | Auch req procedure |
auch_cdsm_gcode | Auch cdsm gcode |
auch_arid | Auch arid |
auch_phy_npi | Auch phy npi |
auch_consult_ts | Auch consult ts |
auch_score | Auch score |
auch_visit_num | Auch visit num |
auch_entry_type | Auch entry type |
auch_logname | Auch logname |
auch_scoretext | Auch scoretext |
auch_id | Auch id |
auch_item_num | Auch item num |
auch_consult_id | Auch consult id |
auch_sel_procedure | Auch sel procedure |
auch_mods | Auch mods |
auch_sel_cpt_code | Auch sel cpt code |
Description: Patient Charge Information. Most Of The Fields Will Be Found On A Patient'S Account Detail After A Charge Is Posted.
Name | Description |
arch_misc_ola | Charge Miscellaneous |
arch_chgtype | Account Detail, Type Column. |
arch_element | Charge Element Position |
arch_init | Initials Of Who Posted The Charge. Found In The Account Detail Under Code Column When You Press The \Iniitials\ Button. |
arch_arid | Deals With The Facility The Charge Was Posted In. |
arch_cahlevelofcare | Chrg Critical Access Level Of Care Value |
arch_splitlevelofcare | Charge Split Level Of Care |
arch_3mchgflg | 3m Charge Flag |
arch_order | Charge Order Or Ews Event Number |
arch_type | Charge Code Record Type |
arch_visit_key | Charge Visit Key |
arch_subcomp | Charge Subcomp Code |
arch_narcctl | Charge Narcotic Control Number |
arch_sumcd | Charge Summary Code |
arch_arxseq | Charge Record Sequence |
arch_or_dept | Charge Order Dept |
arch_date | Account Detail, Ar Date Column |
arch_gl | Gl Associated With Item Being Charged. Gl Is Loaded On P3 Of The Item Master For The Specific Item. |
arch_amt | Located In The Account Detail, \Charge\ Collumn |
arch_sdate | Charge Service Date |
arch_chgno | Located In The Account Detail In The Chg/Rec# Column |
arch_qty | Charge Qty |
Description: Ar charge history
Name | Description |
archh_misc_ola | Archh misc ola |
archh_date | Archh date |
archh_type | Archh type |
archh_qty | Archh qty |
archh_subcomp | Archh subcomp |
archh_sumcd | Archh sumcd |
archh_sdate | Archh sdate |
archh_order | Archh order |
archh_gl | Archh gl |
archh_chgno | Archh chgno |
archh_splitlevelofcare | Archh splitlevelofcare |
archh_cahlevelofcare | Archh cahlevelofcare |
archh_3mchgflg | Archh 3mchgflg |
archh_init | Archh init |
archh_arid | Archh arid |
archh_amt | Archh amt |
archh_arxseq | Archh arxseq |
archh_chgtype | Archh chgtype |
archh_visit_key | Archh visit key |
archh_element | Archh element |
archh_narcctl | Archh narcctl |
archh_or_dept | Archh or dept |
Description: Ar File Index
Name | Description |
arfi_id_num | Id Number |
arfi_profilenum | Profile Number |
arfi_seq | Record Sequence |
arfi_id | Id |
arfi_appt_id | Arfi appt id |
arfi_ordernum | Order Number |
arfi_shared_prof | Shared Profile |
arfi_patordkey | Arfi patordkey |
arfi_id_company | Company |
Description: Ar High Value
Name | Description |
arhigh_arxnum | Visit Number |
arhigh_arid | Deals With The Directory The Flar Process Took Place |
arhigh_element | Notates The \Position\ The Element Of Flar Took Place On The Account. |
arhigh_arxseq | Counts The Amount Of Flar Processes On The Account |
Description: Ar High Value
Name | Description |
arhighh_element | Arhighh element |
arhighh_arxseq | Arhighh arxseq |
arhighh_arid | Arhighh arid |
arhighh_arxnum | Arhighh arxnum |
Description: Ltch Interrupted Stay Log Information
Name | Description |
altch_disch_cond | Ltch Discharge Condition |
altch_visit_key | Ltch Visit Number |
altch_arxseq | Ltch Record Sequence |
altch_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
altch_admit_date | Ltch Admit Date |
altch_date | Ltch Date |
altch_disch_code | Ltch Discharge Code |
altch_admit_init | Ltch Admit Initials |
altch_disch_init | Ltch Discharge Initials |
altch_facility | Ltch Facility |
altch_admit_cond | Ltch Admit Condition |
altch_disch_date | Ltch Discharge Date |
altch_admit_code | Ltch Admit Code |
altch_element | Ltch Element Position |
Description: Ar ltch stay history
Name | Description |
altchh_arxseq | Altchh arxseq |
altchh_admit_code | Altchh admit code |
altchh_admit_date | Altchh admit date |
altchh_visit_key | Altchh visit key |
altchh_facility | Altchh facility |
altchh_disch_init | Altchh disch init |
altchh_disch_cond | Altchh disch cond |
altchh_admit_init | Altchh admit init |
altchh_element | Altchh element |
altchh_arid | Altchh arid |
altchh_disch_code | Altchh disch code |
altchh_admit_cond | Altchh admit cond |
altchh_date | Altchh date |
altchh_disch_date | Altchh disch date |
Description: Ar managed care
Name | Description |
armc_arhdate | Managed Care Date |
armc_arxseq | Managed Care Record Sequence |
armc_subscrib_emp_code | Managed Care Subscrbr Guar Employee Code |
armc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
armc_patient_emp_code | Managed Care Patient Employee Code |
armc_element | Managed Care Element Position |
armc_visit_key | Managed Care Visit Number |
armc_spouse_emp_code | Managed Care Spouse Employee Code |
Description: Ar managed care history
Name | Description |
armch_subscrib_emp_code | Armch subscrib emp code |
armch_arhdate | Armch arhdate |
armch_arxseq | Armch arxseq |
armch_spouse_emp_code | Armch spouse emp code |
armch_visit_key | Armch visit key |
armch_patient_emp_code | Armch patient emp code |
armch_arid | Armch arid |
armch_element | Armch element |
Description: Ar note
Name | Description |
arn_arxseq | Notes Record Sequence |
arn_misc | Comments Miscellaneous |
arn_note | Comments Note |
arn_initials | Comments Initials |
arn_code | Comments Code |
arn_date | Comments Date |
arn_visit_key | Comments Care Visit Number |
arn_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
arn_element | Notes Element Position |
Description: Ar note history
Name | Description |
arnh_note | Arnh note |
arnh_element | Arnh element |
arnh_code | Arnh code |
arnh_misc | Arnh misc |
arnh_visit_key | Arnh visit key |
arnh_arxseq | Arnh arxseq |
arnh_date | Arnh date |
arnh_initials | Arnh initials |
arnh_arid | Arnh arid |
Description: Ar payment
Name | Description |
arp_misc | Payment Miscellaneous |
arp_gl | Payment General Ledger Number |
arp_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
arp_rtype | Payment Receipt Code |
arp_init | Payment Initials |
arp_date | Payment Date |
arp_ins | Payment Insurance Code |
arp_amt | Payment Amount |
arp_paycd_reject | Payment Code |
arp_recno | Payment Receipt Number |
arp_element | Payment Element Position |
arp_arxseq | Payment Record Sequence |
arp_visit_key | Payments Care Visit Number |
arp_set | Payment Set Number |
Description: Ar payment history
Name | Description |
arph_element | Arph element |
arph_arxseq | Arph arxseq |
arph_visit_key | Arph visit key |
arph_date | Arph date |
arph_set | Arph set |
arph_ins | Arph ins |
arph_gl | Arph gl |
arph_misc | Arph misc |
arph_rtype | Arph rtype |
arph_recno | Arph recno |
arph_init | Arph init |
arph_paycd_reject | Arph paycd reject |
arph_arid | Arph arid |
arph_amt | Arph amt |
Description: Ar phy charge
Name | Description |
arphc_date | Physician Charge Date |
arphc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
arphc_activity | Home Health Contract Activity |
arphc_pr_num | Home Health Employee Payroll Number |
arphc_desc | Physician Charge Description |
arphc_visit_key | Home Health Care Visit Number |
arphc_reason | Home Health Contract Reason |
arphc_costcenter | Home Health Contract Cost Center |
arphc_time_in | Home Health Time In |
arphc_phy | Physician Charge Number |
arphc_flag | Home Health Flag |
arphc_time_out | Home Health Time Out |
arphc_miles | Home Health Miles |
arphc_amt | Physician Charge Amount |
arphc_arxseq | Sequential Number Of The Record This Charge Was Pulled From |
arphc_element | Physician Charge Element Position |
arphc_paysource | Home Health Contract Pay Source |
Description: Ar phy charge history
Name | Description |
arphch_phy | Arphch phy |
arphch_visit_key | Arphch visit key |
arphch_desc | Arphch desc |
arphch_time_in | Arphch time in |
arphch_miles | Arphch miles |
arphch_paysource | Arphch paysource |
arphch_arid | Arphch arid |
arphch_time_out | Arphch time out |
arphch_activity | Arphch activity |
arphch_element | Arphch element |
arphch_costcenter | Arphch costcenter |
arphch_arxseq | Arphch arxseq |
arphch_reason | Arphch reason |
arphch_flag | Arphch flag |
arphch_date | Arphch date |
arphch_amt | Arphch amt |
arphch_pr_num | Arphch pr num |
Description: Ar room charge
Name | Description |
arrc_arxseq | Accounts Receivable Room Record Sequence |
arrc_amt | Room Amount |
arrc_visit_key | Room Visit Number |
arrc_date | Room Date |
arrc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
arrc_accomcd | Room Accommodation Code |
arrc_sdate | Room Service Date |
arrc_serv | Room Service Code |
arrc_ns | Room Nursing Station |
arrc_cahlevelofcare | Room Critical Access Level Of Care Code |
arrc_element | Room Charge Element Position |
arrc_cond | Room Condition Code |
arrc_typrm | Room Type Code |
arrc_gl | Room General Ledger Number |
arrc_room | Room Number |
arrc_init | Room Initials |
arrc_misc | Room Miscellaneous |
arrc_splitlevelofcare | Room Split Level Of Care Code |
arrc_ness | Room Privateness Code |
arrc_p_type | Room Stay Type |
arrc_sumcd | Room Summary Code |
Description: Ar room charge history
Name | Description |
arrch_sumcd | Arrch sumcd |
arrch_splitlevelofcare | Arrch splitlevelofcare |
arrch_p_type | Arrch p type |
arrch_cond | Arrch cond |
arrch_arxseq | Arrch arxseq |
arrch_ns | Arrch ns |
arrch_sdate | Arrch sdate |
arrch_serv | Arrch serv |
arrch_arid | Arrch arid |
arrch_accomcd | Arrch accomcd |
arrch_element | Arrch element |
arrch_misc | Arrch misc |
arrch_cahlevelofcare | Arrch cahlevelofcare |
arrch_visit_key | Arrch visit key |
arrch_init | Arrch init |
arrch_gl | Arrch gl |
arrch_ness | Arrch ness |
arrch_room | Arrch room |
arrch_typrm | Arrch typrm |
arrch_date | Arrch date |
arrch_amt | Arrch amt |
Description: Admit Or Discharge Index
Name | Description |
ariad_arinum | Visit Number |
ariad_aridate | Admit Or Discharge Date |
ariad_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Admit Or Discharge Index
Name | Description |
aridc_aridate | Admit Or Discharge Date |
aridc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
aridc_arinum | Visit Number |
Description: Admit Or Discharge Index
Name | Description |
arina_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
arina_aridate | Admit Or Discharge Date |
arina_arinum | Visit Number |
Description: Admit Or Discharge Index
Name | Description |
aripa_arinum | Visit Number |
aripa_aridate | Admit Or Discharge Date |
aripa_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Associated Diagnosis Record
Name | Description |
assocdiag_code | Grouper |
assocdiag_desc | Grouper |
assocdiag_seq | Grouper |
assocdiag_type | Grouper |
Icd9=1 Icd10=2 | |
assocdiag_poa | Grouper |
assocdiag_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
assocdiag_visit_num | Visit Number |
Description: Associated Items Parent Item
Name | Description |
labchgxr_assoc_itemnum | Labchgxr assoc itemnum |
labchgxr_chg_date | Labchgxr chg date |
labchgxr_arid | Labchgxr arid |
labchgxr_parent_item | Labchgxr parent item |
labchgxr_visitnum | Labchgxr visitnum |
labchgxr_chg_seq | Labchgxr chg seq |
Description: Associated Procedure
Name | Description |
assocproc_date | Grouper > Proc |
assocproc_type | Grouper > Proc |
Icd9=1 Icd10=2 | |
assocproc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
assocproc_cpt4mod1 | Cpt Modifier 1 |
assocproc_cpt4mod2 | Cpt Modifier 2 |
assocproc_visit_num | Visit Number |
assocproc_phy | Grouper > Proc |
assocproc_seq | Grouper > Proc |
assocproc_cpt4mod3 | Cpt Modifier 3 |
assocproc_cpt4mod4 | Cpt Modifier 4 |
assocproc_desc | Grouper > Proc |
assocproc_code | Grouper > Proc |
Description: Out of range vitals
Name | Description |
badv_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
badv_visit_id | Visit Id |
badv_type | Vital Type |
badv_key | Vital Key |
Description: Blood Sugar Documentation Key
Name | Description |
bsux_amendnew_tm | Amend New Time |
bsux_ss_com_rec | Sliding Scale Comment Record Flag |
bsux_orig_decdose | Original Decimal Dose |
bsux_action_cd | Problem Action Code |
bsux_ss_type | Sliding Scale Type |
bsux_moseq | Problem Sequence |
bsux_full_interv | Full Intervention |
bsux_amendold_tm | Amend Old Time |
bsux_action_tm | Problem Action Time |
bsux_ubl | Bsu Ubl |
bsux_date | Entry Date |
bsux_acctnum | Visit Number |
bsux_method | Method |
bsux_moedate | Problem Entry Date |
bsux_highlevel | Alphanumeric Or Numeric High Level Value |
bsux_historic | Historic Account Flag |
bsux_witness_nurse | Witness Nurse |
bsux_delete_tm | Amend Delete Time |
bsux_actual_tm | Amend Actual Time |
bsux_type | Blood Sugar Type |
bsux_action_seq | Problem Action Sequence |
bsux_origord | Original Order Number |
bsux_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
bsux_site | Site |
bsux_time | Entry Time |
bsux_nurse | Entering Nurse |
bsux_super_amend_ubl | Bsu Super Amend Ubl |
bsux_super_amend | Bsu Super Amend |
bsux_late_chart | Late Chart Flag |
bsux_delete_dt | Amend Delete Date |
bsux_bolus2 | Larger Bolus Field |
bsux_witness_init | Witness Initials |
bsux_orig_dose | Original Dose |
bsux_dose | Dose |
bsux_ss_seq | Sliding Scale Comment Sequence Number |
bsux_mopatnum | Problem Patient Number |
bsux_bolus | Bolus |
bsux_clo7key | Chartlink Order Type 7 Key |
bsux_intervention | Intervention |
bsux_one_time | One Time Switch |
bsux_actionother | Problem Action Other |
bsux_actual_dt | Amend Actual Date |
bsux_ss_medorder | Sliding Scale Medical Order Number |
bsux_decdose | Decimal Dose |
bsux_probnum | Problem Number |
bsux_ss_itemtype | Sliding Scale Item Type |
bsux_method2 | Method2 |
bsux_orig_bolus | Original Bolus |
bsux_given | Given Medication Item Number |
bsux_amendnew_dt | Amend New Date |
bsux_moetime | Problem Entry Time |
bsux_order | Order Number |
bsux_ss_title | Sliding Scale Title |
bsux_id | Sql Sequence |
bsux_medorder | Medical Order Number |
bsux_amendold_dt | Amend Old Date |
bsux_action_dt | Problem Action Date |
Description: Callbacks
Name | Description |
callback1_forwardubl | Callback Forwarded By Ubl |
callback1_serialkey | Callback Key |
callback1_item | Callback Item Number |
callback1_arxnum | Callback Visit Number |
callback1_status | Callback Status |
callback1_forwarddate | Callback Forwarded Date |
callback1_lastchangeubl | Callback Last Changed Ubl |
callback1_phynum | Callback Physician Number |
callback1_profilenum | Callback Profile Number |
callback1_enterdate | Callback Entry Date |
callback1_callmsg | Callback Title |
callback1_callphone | Callback Phone Number |
callback1_forwardphynum | Callback Forward To Physician Number |
callback1_forwardtime | Callback Forwarded Time |
callback1_lastchangetm | Callback Last Changed Time |
callback1_refillrequest | Callback Refill Request Switch |
callback1_lastchangedt | Callback Last Changed Date |
callback1_spid | Callback Shared Profile Id |
callback1_enterubl | Callback Employee Ubl |
callback1_arid | Callback Visit Arid |
callback1_entertime | Callback Entry Time |
Description: Cancer case diagnosis
Name | Description |
ccd_pathologic_stager | Ccd pathologic stager |
ccd_primary_tumor_clinical | Ccd primary tumor clinical |
ccd_pathologic_stage_observation_date | Ccd pathologic stage observation date |
ccd_regional_lymph_nodes_pathologic | Ccd regional lymph nodes pathologic |
ccd_status | Ccd status |
ccd_distant_metastases_pathologic | Ccd distant metastases pathologic |
ccd_pathologic_stage | Ccd pathologic stage |
ccd_clinical_stager | Ccd clinical stager |
ccd_clinical_stage | Ccd clinical stage |
ccd_diagnosis | Ccd diagnosis |
ccd_pathologic_stage_descriptor | Ccd pathologic stage descriptor |
ccd_primary_site | Ccd primary site |
ccd_behavior | Ccd behavior |
ccd_clinical_stage_observation_date | Ccd clinical stage observation date |
ccd_clinical_stage_descriptor | Ccd clinical stage descriptor |
ccd_arid | Ccd arid |
ccd_grade | Ccd grade |
ccd_histologic_type | Ccd histologic type |
ccd_regional_lymph_nodes_clinical | Ccd regional lymph nodes clinical |
ccd_distant_metastases_clinical | Ccd distant metastases clinical |
ccd_primary_tumor_pathologic | Ccd primary tumor pathologic |
ccd_sent_dttm | Ccd sent dttm |
ccd_laterality | Ccd laterality |
ccd_version | Ccd version |
ccd_arxnum | Ccd arxnum |
ccd_diagnostic_confirmation | Ccd diagnostic confirmation |
ccd_coding_complete | Ccd coding complete |
ccd_disease_id | Ccd disease id |
Description: Cancer case narrative
Name | Description |
ccn_social_history | Ccn social history |
ccn_medications_administered | Ccn medications administered |
ccn_arid | Ccn arid |
ccn_payers | Ccn payers |
ccn_medications | Ccn medications |
ccn_visit | Ccn visit |
ccn_cancer_diagnosis | Ccn cancer diagnosis |
ccn_vital_signs | Ccn vital signs |
ccn_assessment | Ccn assessment |
ccn_results | Ccn results |
ccn_problem | Ccn problem |
ccn_plan_of_treatment | Ccn plan of treatment |
ccn_family_history | Ccn family history |
ccn_procedures | Ccn procedures |
Description: Care Plan Data
Name | Description |
careplan_arid | Arid Of Visit When Added To Plan Of Care. |
careplan_last_mod_logname | Last Modification User |
careplan_last_mod_time | Last Modification Time |
careplan_entry_time | Entry Time |
careplan_entry_logname | Entry User |
careplan_prob_snomed | Problem Snomed |
careplan_entry_date | Entry Date |
careplan_status | Status |
careplan_serial | Care Plan Id |
careplan_visit_num | Visit When Added To Plan Of Care |
careplan_last_mod_date | Last Modification Date |
careplan_spid | Shared Profile Id |
careplan_profilenum | Patient Profile Number |
Description: Careplan medical order key
Name | Description |
cpmok_unverdept | Cpmok unverdept |
cpmok_seq | Cpmok seq |
cpmok_careplaninter_id | Cpmok careplaninter id |
cpmok_arid | Cpmok arid |
cpmok_patnum | Cpmok patnum |
cpmok_etime | Cpmok etime |
cpmok_edate | Cpmok edate |
Description: Careplan pharmacy order key
Name | Description |
careplok_careplaninter_id | Careplok careplaninter id |
careplok_arid | Careplok arid |
careplok_ipaseq | Careplok ipaseq |
careplok_ipanum | Careplok ipanum |
Description: Case report
Name | Description |
cr_create_ts | Cr create ts |
cr_content | Cr content |
cr_code | Cr code |
cr_arid | Cr arid |
cr_visit_id | Cr visit id |
cr_code_sys | Cr code sys |
cr_id | Cr id |
Description: Ccda Jobs
Name | Description |
cj_status | Cj status |
cj_expired_ts | Cj expired ts |
cj_thrive_logname | Cj thrive logname |
cj_completed_ts | Cj completed ts |
cj_created_ts | Cj created ts |
cj_visit_id | Cj visit id |
cj_doc_type | Cj doc type |
cj_uuid | Cj uuid |
cj_file_path | Cj file path |
cj_arid | Cj arid |
cj_spec_version | Cj spec version |
cj_started_ts | Cj started ts |
Description: Cds Alert Actions
Name | Description |
cdsa_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
cdsa_visit_num | Visit Number |
cdsa_status | Status |
cdsa_task_id | Task Id |
cdsa_time | Time |
cdsa_date | Date |
cdsa_logname | Logname |
cdsa_alert_measure_id | Alert Measure Id |
Description: Census Addresses
Name | Description |
cnad_address3 | Address Three |
cnad_number | Visit Number |
cnad_address4 | Address Four |
cnad_phone | Phone Number |
cnad_address2 | Address Two |
cnad_cell | Cell Phone Number |
cnad_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
cnad_state | State |
cnad_address5 | Address Five |
cnad_email | Email Address |
cnad_address1 | Address One |
cnad_country | Country |
cnad_zip | Zip |
cnad_city | City |
cnad_type | Address Type |
Description: Census Associations
Name | Description |
cnassoc_cg_decline_to_specify | Cnassoc cg decline to specify |
cnassoc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
cnassoc_authrepprofilenum | Authorized Rep Profile Number |
cnassoc_authreprelation | Authorized Rep Relationship |
cnassoc_caregiverprofilenum | Cnassoc caregiverprofilenum |
cnassoc_patnum | Visit Number |
Description: Census Service Log Changes
Name | Description |
cnchg_active | Active |
cnchg_time | Field Changed Time |
cnchg_initials | Initials |
cnchg_new2 | Field Changed To 2 |
cnchg_newpt | First Time Visit New Pt |
cnchg_dt | Change Date |
cnchg_effdt | Effective Date |
cnchg_seq | Change Seq |
cnchg_field | Type Field Changed |
cnchg_new | Field Changed To |
cnchg_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
cnchg_num | Visit Number |
cnchg_orig | Field Changed From |
cnchg_xrn_new | Mr Xray Changed To |
cnchg_orig2 | Field Changed From 2 |
cnchg_xrnorig | Mr Xray Changed From |
Description: Transfer File
Name | Description |
tr1_type | Record Type |
tr1_date | Transfer Date |
tr1_init | Employee Initials |
tr1_hours | Length Of Stay Hours |
tr1_mins | Length Of Stay Minutes |
tr1_seq | Sequence |
tr1_time | Transfer Time |
tr1_newrm | New Room |
tr1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
tr1_newacc | New Accommodation Code |
tr1_prevns | Previous Nursing Station |
tr1_prevacc | Previous Accommodation Code |
tr1_patnum | Patient Number |
tr1_roomtype | Room Type |
tr1_days | Length Of Stay Days |
tr1_prevrm | Previous Room |
tr1_ubl | Displays The Employee Login Effecting The Account. |
tr1_stats_cnt | Denotes If The \Counted In Ei Stats\ Prompt Was Acknowledged |
tr1_reversed | Reversed Indicator |
tr1_newns | New Nursing Station |
tr1_action | Denotes What Action Was Produced Via Adt Functions. |
tr1_reason | Reason For Transfer |
Description: Changelog Table
Name | Description |
chglog_field_id | Field Change Identification |
chglog_time | Field Change Time |
chglog_tmpordseq | Temporary Order Sequence |
chglog_action | Field Change Action |
chglog_src | Field Change Source |
chglog_comp | Payroll Company |
chglog_num | Visit Number |
chglog_value | Field Change Value |
chglog_eetype | Employee Type |
chglog_pr | Payroll Type |
chglog_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
chglog_eenum | Employee Number |
chglog_phynum | Physician Number |
chglog_seq | Key Sequence Number |
chglog_date | Field Change Date |
Description: Chart communication
Name | Description |
cc_serialkey | Cc serialkey |
cc_arxnum | Cc arxnum |
cc_status | Cc status |
cc_spid | Cc spid |
cc_profilenum | Cc profilenum |
cc_arid | Cc arid |
Description: Chart Location
Name | Description |
cloc_type | Chart location type |
cloc_init | Chart location initials |
cloc_drop | Chart location drop |
cloc_com2 | Chart location comment 2 |
cloc_patnum | Chart location visit number |
cloc_num | Chart location number |
cloc_loc | Chart location |
cloc_arid | Facility Id |
cloc_date | Chart location date |
cloc_patname | Chart location patient name |
cloc_time | Chart location time |
cloc_com1 | Chart location comment 1 |
Description: Chartlink Orders
Name | Description |
clord_time | Time |
clord_clo8pcahidden_purge | Hidden Purge |
clord_clo5momdesc | Category |
clord_clo3durationqty | Duration Quantity |
clord_clo5dept | Department |
clord_hidden_redays | Standing Order Reorder Days |
clord_ad2addaltfreq | Additive Alternate Frequency |
clord_apriority | Priority |
clord_tempackbynursing | Verify Acknowledge 2 By Nursing |
clord_ad3myaltordgss | Selected Alternating Order Group Seq |
clord_pca_4hrlimit | Pca 4hr Limit |
clord_apca_4hrlimit | Pca 4hr Limit |
clord_ad3altordmednum | Alternating Item Number |
clord_clo3q3 | Question 3 |
clord_clo5momitem2 | Description Line 2 |
clord_clo7ipord | Pharmacy Order Number |
clord_clo8pca_infrate | Infusion Rate |
clord_pca_delay | Pca Delay |
clord_clo8ipseq | Pharmacy Order Number |
clord_clo7filler | Filler Not Used |
clord_from_physdoc | From Physdoc Flag |
clord_apca_delay | Pca Delay |
clord_achg | Item Number |
clord_clo2subtype | Clo2 Sub Type |
clord_lock_tbanum_low | Is Physician Check |
clord_priority | Priority |
clord_stop_init | Stop Initials |
clord_clo2link_next | Next Link-Order |
clord_clo8pcahidden_route | Route |
clord_apig_ivrate | Piggy Iv Rate |
clord_clo5momjetcode | Jet To Code |
clord_clo7sscalecomments | Sliding Scale Comments |
clord_clo3time | Time |
clord_clo5filler | Filler Not Used |
clord_pubkey_ele | Signature Flphypublic Key Element |
clord_clo3chg | Item Number |
clord_lock_user | Record Lock User |
clord_clo2stoptime | Stop Time |
clord_apca_infrate | Pca Infusion Rate |
clord_ahidden_redays | Standing Order Reorder Days |
clord_tempacktm | Verify Acknowledge Time 2 |
clord_sigdt | Signed Date |
clord_afreq | Frequency |
clord_clo5momacuity | Acuity |
clord_alt_version | Alternate Record Version |
clord_clo7subtype | Clo7 Sub Type |
clord_clo5momseq | Sequence Number |
clord_clo3dept | Department |
clord_aaltmedsw | Alternate Med Switch |
clord_clo8pcahidden_protocol | Hidden Protocol |
clord_chg | Item Number |
clord_cosig_inprogress | Cosignature In Progress Flag |
clord_cosigtm | Cosigned Time |
clord_aivchg | Iv Additive Item Number |
clord_clo3q4 | Question 4 |
clord_atype | Clo1adata Type |
clord_duration | Duration |
clord_lock_time | Record Lock Time |
clord_ad2addaltsched | Additive Alternate Schedule |
clord_pca_bolus | Pca Bolus |
clord_clo5momskillmix | Skill Mix |
clord_filler | Filler Not Used |
clord_cosigdt | Cosigned Date |
clord_clo3duration | Duration |
clord_cosig_dcreason | Cosignature Dc Reason |
clord_clo6nsmedokey | Nursing Order Key |
clord_aroute | Route |
clord_ageneric | Generic |
clord_clo5mompatcensus | Patient Census Flag |
clord_atime | Time |
clord_clo6subtype | Clo6 Sub Type |
clord_pubkey_seq | Signature Flphypublic Key Sequence |
clord_sigtm | Signed Time |
clord_clo3reptnums | Send Report To Nums |
clord_lock_phy_sw | Employee Type |
clord_readback | Verbal Order Readback |
clord_clo5date | Date |
clord_ahidden_maxqty | Standing Order Max Quantity |
clord_adate | Date |
clord_apca_padose | Pca Pa Dose |
clord_clo5type | Clo5data Type |
clord_verbal_order | Verbal Order Type |
clord_pca_padose | Pca Dose |
clord_clo8filler | Filler Not Used |
clord_hidden_maxqty | Standing Order Max Quantity |
clord_clo4startdate | Start Date |
clord_clo2starttime | Start Time |
clord_clo6stopdate | Stop Date |
clord_lock_tbanum | Record Lock Physician Number |
clord_date | Date |
clord_pca_protocol | Pca Protocol |
clord_clo3with_stat | With Stat |
clord_clo8subtype | Clo8 Sub Type |
clord_acmdata | Clinical Monitoring Data |
clord_clo8pca_bolus | Bolus |
clord_clo5momitem4 | Description Line 4 |
clord_ack_init | Verify Acknowledge Initials 1 |
clord_clo6type | Clo6data Type |
clord_clo3_maxdose | Maximum Number Of Doses |
clord_clo3days | Days |
clord_ahidden_standkey | Standing Order Key |
clord_clo3type | Clo3data Type |
clord_clo2startdate | Start Date |
clord_freq | Frequency |
clord_adose | Dose |
clord_on_hold | Clord on hold |
clord_iv_noniv_rate | Rate |
clord_acomment | Comment |
clord_clo3q1 | Question 1 |
clord_ahidden_times | Standing Order Times |
clord_clo4procname | Procedure Name |
clord_clo8pca_syamt | Sy Amt |
clord_tempackinit | Verify Acknowledge Initials 2 |
clord_phynum | Physician Number |
clord_clo4subtype | Clo4 Sub Type |
clord_clo6orderdesc | Order Description |
clord_clo2stopdate | Stop Date |
clord_clo5momitem5 | Description Line 5 |
clord_apsdoverride | Psd Override |
clord_clo4starttime | Start Time |
clord_data2type | Clo1data2 Type |
clord_hidden_reqty | Standing Order Reorder Quantity |
clord_clo5time | Time |
clord_clo2medname | Medication Name |
clord_comment | Comment |
clord_clo3filler | Filler Not Used |
clord_cosig_pubkey_ele | Cosignature Flphypublic Key Element |
clord_acktm | Verify Acknowledge Time 1 |
clord_clo2route | Route |
clord_ahidden_hrsstrt | Clord ahidden hrsstrt |
clord_clo6filler | Filler Not Used |
clord_clo5hidden_standkey | Standing Order Key |
clord_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
clord_apca_syamt | Pca Syamt |
clord_hidden_standkey | Standing Order Key |
clord_clo5momitems | Description Line 1 |
clord_cosig | Electronic Cosignature Data |
clord_neworderkeydata | Order Key Data |
clord_clo2type | Clo2data Type |
clord_lock_pr1num_x | Employee Number |
clord_clo5momhasgoals | Has Goals Flag |
clord_clo8pca_delay | Delay |
clord_cmdata | Clinical Monitoring Data |
clord_generic | Generic |
clord_clo2link_first | First Link Order |
clord_apca_route | Pca Route |
clord_apca_bolus | Pca Bolus |
clord_clo5mombox | Box Number |
clord_hidden_daysdisc | Standing Order Days To Discontinue |
clord_ahidden_hrsdisc | Clord ahidden hrsdisc |
clord_aivrate | Rate |
clord_seq | Key Sequence |
clord_lock_date | Record Lock Date |
clord_patord1serialkey | Clord patord1serialkey |
clord_clo2freq | Frequency |
clord_clo8type | Clo8data Type |
clord_apca_protocol | Pca Protocol |
clord_ahidden_maxdose | Standing Order Maximum Number Of Doses |
clord_clo4dept | Department |
clord_aduration | Duration |
clord_clo3freq | Frequency |
clord_cosigner | Cosigner |
clord_clo7sscaledata | Sliding Scale Data |
clord_clo3notifchg | Notification Item Number |
clord_apatsown | Patients Own Med Flag |
clord_route | Route |
clord_clo4stopdate | Stop Date |
clord_pca_infrate | Pca Infusion Rate |
clord_ad3altordgss | Alternating Order Group Sequence |
clord_cosig_pubkey_seq | Cosignature Flphypublic Key Sequence |
clord_aduration_qty | Duration Quantity |
clord_changekey | Change Serial Key |
clord_dose | Dose |
clord_clo4stoptime | Stop Time |
clord_clo3priority | Priority |
clord_clo3overrides | Clord clo3overrides |
clord_clo3qty | Quantity |
clord_clo3itemname | Item Name |
clord_stop_date | Stop Date |
clord_clo3hidden_standkey | Standing Order Key |
clord_type | Clo1data Type |
clord_clo5hidden_sortseq | Standing Order Sequence |
clord_ahidden_daysstrt | Standing Order Days Till Start |
clord_clo3q2 | Question 2 |
clord_ivchg | Iv Additive Item Number |
clord_clo4filler | Filler Not Used |
clord_ahidden_reqty | Standing Order Reorder Quantity |
clord_vophynum | Verbal Order Physician Number |
clord_clo7stopcd | Stop Code |
clord_clo3printlabel | Print Label |
clord_pca_syamt | Pca Syamt |
clord_clo5mompacuity | Predictive Acuity |
clord_verbal_type | Old Verbal Type Field |
clord_serialkey | Serial Key |
clord_duration_qty | Duration Quantity |
clord_apca_purge | Pca Purge |
clord_clo6startdate | Start Date |
clord_ahidden_daysdisc | Standing Order Days To Discontinue |
clord_tempackprinted | Temp Acknowledge Printed Flag |
clord_afiller | Filler Not Used |
clord_clo2filler | Filler Not Used |
clord_hidden_daysstrt | Standing Order Days Till Start |
clord_hidden_times | Standing Order Times |
clord_stop_time | Stop Time |
clord_cancelkey | Cancel Serial Key |
clord_pca_route | Pca Route |
clord_clo5momitem3 | Description Line 3 |
clord_a_maxdose | Maximum Number Of Doses |
clord_aivdose | Iv Additive Dose |
clord_pat | Patient Number |
clord_shortdesc | Short Description |
clord_esig | Electronic Signature Data |
clord_pca_purge | Pca Purge |
clord_ashortdesc | Short Description |
clord_clo5momprobnum | Problem Number |
clord_dept | Order Dept |
clord_clo8pca_padose | Pa Dose |
clord_tempackdt | Verify Acknowledge Date 2 |
clord_clo5subtype | Clo5 Sub Type |
clord_clo3date | Date |
clord_clo6stoptime | Stop Time |
clord_ackdt | Verify Acknowledge Date 1 |
clord_stop_code | Stop Code |
clord_clo4type | Clo4data Type |
clord_ivdose | Iv Additive Dose |
clord_clo8pca_4hrlimit | 4hr Limit |
clord_clo6starttime | Start Time |
clord_data2signsw | Clo1data2 Sign Switch |
clord_clo7type | Clo7data Type |
Description: Problem List
Name | Description |
clpl1_seq | Clpl1 seq |
clpl1_patnum | Clpl1 patnum |
clpl1_arid | Clpl1 arid |
clpl1_resolvetm | Clpl1 resolvetm |
clpl1_rank | Clpl1 rank |
clpl1_entryphy | Clpl1 entryphy |
clpl1_resolvedt | Clpl1 resolvedt |
clpl1_entrydt | Clpl1 entrydt |
clpl1_resolvephy | Clpl1 resolvephy |
clpl1_desc | Clpl1 desc |
clpl1_entrytm | Clpl1 entrytm |
Description: Clinical auto reconcile allergies
Name | Description |
crara_user | Crara user |
crara_autorec_timestamp | Crara autorec timestamp |
crara_review_timestamp | Crara review timestamp |
crara_profile | Crara profile |
crara_spid | Crara spid |
Description: Clinical auto reconcile immunizations
Name | Description |
crari_user | Crari user |
crari_autorec_timestamp | Crari autorec timestamp |
crari_profile | Crari profile |
crari_review_timestamp | Crari review timestamp |
crari_spid | Crari spid |
Description: Clinical auto reconcile medications
Name | Description |
crarm_profile | Crarm profile |
crarm_user | Crarm user |
crarm_autorec_timestamp | Crarm autorec timestamp |
crarm_review_timestamp | Crarm review timestamp |
crarm_spid | Crarm spid |
Description: Clinical auto reconcile problems
Name | Description |
crarp_autorec_timestamp | Crarp autorec timestamp |
crarp_user | Crarp user |
crarp_spid | Crarp spid |
crarp_review_timestamp | Crarp review timestamp |
crarp_profile | Crarp profile |
Description: Clinical Demographic Note
Name | Description |
chdnote_arid | Facility Arid |
chdnote_data | Clinical Demographic Tab Note |
chdnote_profilenum | Profile Number |
chdnote_spid | Shared Profile Id |
Description: Clinical History Comments
Name | Description |
chc_acctseq | Chc acctseq |
chc_beg | Chc beg |
chc_comment | Chc comment |
chc_title | Chc title |
chc_end | Chc end |
chc_acctnum | Chc acctnum |
chc_arid | Chc arid |
Description: Triggered Clinical Monitoring
Name | Description |
cma_item | Cma item |
cma_arid | Cma arid |
cma_id | Serial Id |
cma_visit_number | Cma visit number |
cma_monograph_id | Monograph Id |
cma_timestamp | Timestamp |
cma_detail | Warning Detail |
cma_type | Warning Type |
Description: Clinical monitoring override reasons
Name | Description |
cmover_pccmo_subnum | Sub Number |
cmover_pccmo_reason | Reason |
cmover_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
cmover_pccmo_first_30 | Override Reason First 30 |
cmover_pccmo_emppr | Employee Payroll Type |
cmover_pccmo_empcomp | Employee Payroll Company |
cmover_pccmo_last_20 | Override Reason Last 20 |
cmover_pccmo_seqnum | Sequence Number |
cmover_pccmo_patnum | Visit Number |
cmover_pccmo_origin | Origin |
cmover_pccmo_second_30 | Override Reason Second 30 |
cmover_pccmo_employee | Employee |
Description: Clinical Reconciliation Allergies
Name | Description |
crallergy_allergy_severity | Allergy Severity |
crallergy_severity_snomed | Crallergy severity snomed |
crallergy_code_system | Code System |
crallergy_status | Status |
crallergy_last_modified | Last Modification Date |
crallergy_serialkey | Serial Key |
crallergy_reaction_snomed | Crallergy reaction snomed |
crallergy_onset_date | Crallergy onset date |
crallergy_description | Description |
crallergy_code | Code |
crallergy_spid | Shared Profile Id |
crallergy_allergy_reactions | Allergy Reactions |
crallergy_source | Source |
crallergy_profilenum | Profile Number |
Description: Clinical reconciliation medications
Name | Description |
crmed_home_med_route | Home Med Route |
crmed_home_med_route_code | Crmed home med route code |
crmed_spid | Shared Profile Id |
crmed_home_med_freq_code | Home Med Frequency Code |
crmed_home_med_freq | Home Med Frequency |
crmed_serialkey | Serial Key |
crmed_clinrec_import_source | Crmed clinrec import source |
crmed_dc_date | Crmed dc date |
crmed_home_med_unit | Home Med Unit |
crmed_code_system | Code System |
crmed_home_med_dose | Home Med Dose |
crmed_profilenum | Profile Number |
crmed_home_med_order_date | Home Med Order Date |
crmed_directions | Directions |
crmed_last_modified | Last Modification Date |
crmed_rx_pharmnum | Pharmnum |
crmed_source | Source |
crmed_description | Description |
crmed_code | Code |
crmed_home_med_ucum | Crmed home med ucum |
crmed_status | Status |
crmed_prescriber | Crmed prescriber |
Description: Clinical reconciliation problems
Name | Description |
crprob_code_system | Code System |
crprob_last_modified | Last Modification Date |
crprob_resolve_date | Resolved Date |
crprob_serialkey | Serial Key |
crprob_status | Status |
crprob_code | Code |
crprob_spid | Shared Profile Id |
crprob_source | Source |
crprob_onset_date | Crprob onset date |
crprob_description | Description |
crprob_profilenum | Profile Number |
crprob_onset_time | Crprob onset time |
Description: Clinical reconcile by app
Name | Description |
clinrec_userid | Clinrec userid |
clinrec_dttm | Clinrec dttm |
clinrec_app | Clinrec app |
clinrec_arxnum | Clinrec arxnum |
clinrec_arid | Clinrec arid |
Description: Collection agency charity care
Name | Description |
cacc_cost_report_year_claimed | Cacc cost report year claimed |
cacc_collection_agency_code | Cacc collection agency code |
cacc_amount | Cacc amount |
cacc_status | Cacc status |
cacc_application_sent_date | Cacc application sent date |
cacc_orig_collection_agency_date | Cacc orig collection agency date |
cacc_comment | Cacc comment |
cacc_write_off_date | Cacc write off date |
cacc_medicare_write_off_date | Cacc medicare write off date |
cacc_return_from_collections_date | Cacc return from collections date |
cacc_arid | Cacc arid |
cacc_beneficiary_responsible | Cacc beneficiary responsible |
cacc_visit_num | Cacc visit num |
cacc_information_provided_date | Cacc information provided date |
cacc_other_discount_amount | Cacc other discount amount |
cacc_collections_ceased_date | Cacc collections ceased date |
cacc_delivery_method | Cacc delivery method |
cacc_application_received_date | Cacc application received date |
Description: Collection agency charity care history
Name | Description |
cacch_other_discount_amount | Cacch other discount amount |
cacch_orig_collection_agency_date | Cacch orig collection agency date |
cacch_return_from_collections_date | Cacch return from collections date |
cacch_status | Cacch status |
cacch_cost_report_year_claimed | Cacch cost report year claimed |
cacch_beneficiary_responsible | Cacch beneficiary responsible |
cacch_visit_num | Cacch visit num |
cacch_delivery_method | Cacch delivery method |
cacch_application_sent_date | Cacch application sent date |
cacch_information_provided_date | Cacch information provided date |
cacch_collections_ceased_date | Cacch collections ceased date |
cacch_write_off_date | Cacch write off date |
cacch_comment | Cacch comment |
cacch_amount | Cacch amount |
cacch_arid | Cacch arid |
cacch_collection_agency_code | Cacch collection agency code |
cacch_medicare_write_off_date | Cacch medicare write off date |
cacch_application_received_date | Cacch application received date |
Description: Collection Tickler File Accounts
Name | Description |
artic1_letdt | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_prior_col | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_reviewdt | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_col_id | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_begdt | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_arid | Artic1 arid |
artic1_findt | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_reviewcds | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_patnum | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_changedt | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
artic1_letcd | Master Selection > Collections Tickler > Account Maintenance |
Description: Comfort Measures
Name | Description |
comfmeas_entry_date | Entry Date |
comfmeas_comfmeas_only | Comfort Measures Only |
comfmeas_visit_num | Visit Number |
comfmeas_comfmeasures_only | Recieving Comfort Measures Only |
comfmeas_snomed | Comfort Measures Only Snomed |
comfmeas_entry_time | Entry Time |
comfmeas_entry_logname | Entry User |
comfmeas_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Communication Query
Name | Description |
mrcomq1_physician_num | Mrcomq1 physician num |
mrcomq1_physician_sign_dttm | Mrcomq1 physician sign dttm |
mrcomq1_created_by_ubl | Mrcomq1 created by ubl |
mrcomq1_account_num | Mrcomq1 account num |
mrcomq1_id | Mrcomq1 id |
mrcomq1_form_key | Mrcomq1 form key |
mrcomq1_response_acknwld_ubl | Mrcomq1 response acknwld ubl |
mrcomq1_sent_to_phys_dttm | Mrcomq1 sent to phys dttm |
mrcomq1_arid | Mrcomq1 arid |
mrcomq1_creation_dttm | Mrcomq1 creation dttm |
mrcomq1_response_acknwld_dttm | Mrcomq1 response acknwld dttm |
Description: Contract Billing Transfer Charges
Name | Description |
contbtranschg_contr_chg_date | Contbtranschg contr chg date |
contbtranschg_element | Contbtranschg element |
contbtranschg_visitnum | Contbtranschg visitnum |
contbtranschg_arxseq | Contbtranschg arxseq |
contbtranschg_arid | Contbtranschg arid |
Description: Creatine Clearance History
Name | Description |
cch_serum | Creatinine Clearance Serum History |
cch_weight | Creatinine Clearance Weight History |
cch_time | Creatinine Clearance History Time |
cch_age | Creatinine Clearance Age History |
cch_type | Creatinine Clearance History Type |
cch_agecode | Creatinine Clearance Age History Code |
cch_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
cch_crcl | Creatinine Clearance History |
cch_num | Creatinine Clearance History Patient Number |
cch_date | Creatinine Clearance History Date |
cch_height | Creatinine Clearance Height |
Description: Credit Score Table
Name | Description |
crscore_profnum | Credit Score Profile Number |
crscore_2ndprev_repdt | Credit Score 2 Prev Reported Dt |
crscore_curr_city | Credit Score Curr City |
crscore_curr_repdt | Credit Score Curr Reported Date |
crscore_score | Credit Score Score |
crscore_2ndprev_addr | Credit Score 2 Prev Addr |
crscore_prev_city | Credit Score Prev City |
crscore_spid | Credit Score Shared Profile Id |
crscore_date | Credit Score Date |
crscore_2ndprev_city | Credit Score 2 Prev City |
crscore_2ndprev_st | Credit Score 2 Prev State |
crscore_prev_repdt | Credit Score Prev Reported Date |
crscore_curr_addr | Credit Score Curr Addr |
crscore_prev_state | Credit Score Prev State |
crscore_curr_state | Credit Score Curr State |
crscore_2ndprev_zip | Credit Score 2 Prev Zip |
crscore_prev_zip | Credit Score Prev Zip |
crscore_filler | Score |
crscore_prev_addr | Credit Score Prev Addr |
crscore_curr_zip | Credit Score Curr Zip |
Description: Critical Access Record
Name | Description |
ca1_newacctnum | New Visit Number |
ca1_is3netwkcd | Managed Care Network Code |
ca1_ip1p_cell | Patient Cell Phone Number |
ca1_ip0sub_sex | Patient Gender |
ca1_revised | Revised |
ca1_ar0s_type | Patient Sub Type |
ca1_isbprioramt | Prior Amount |
ca1_isacert_type | Percertification Number/Type |
ca1_ip1p_state | Patient Address State |
ca1_is3sub_empcd | Managed Care Subscriber Employer Code |
ca1_is3gbhcno | Georgia Better Healthcare Number |
ca1_ip0eradmdt | Er Log Admit Date |
ca1_is1co_used | Covered Days Used |
ca1_is1a_ded | Deductible |
ca1_is1effdt | Insurance Effective Date |
ca1_is1copay | Copay Rate |
ca1_is1diem | Ins Company Perdiem Amount |
ca1_newar0p_type | New Patient Stay Type |
ca1_ip1no_cell | Emergency Notify Cell Phone Number |
ca1_isbmisc3 | Miscellaneous 3 |
ca1_ip1guar_profilenum | Guarantor Profile Number |
ca1_isbmedigapno | Medigap Number |
ca1_ip1acc_event | Accident Event |
ca1_newar0serv | New Patient Service Code |
ca1_is1bl_ded | Blood Deductible |
ca1_ip1acc_state | Accident State |
ca1_is1colim | Copay Limit |
ca1_isas_zip | Subscriber Zip |
ca1_ip1pre_init | Pre Admitting Employee Initials |
ca1_is1_isas_addr_id | Ca1 is1 isas addr id |
ca1_isas_empa | Subscriber Employer Address |
ca1_levelofcare | Level Of Care |
ca1_isac_state | Insurance Company State |
ca1_ip0erdistm | Er Log Discharge Time |
ca1_ip1c_profilenum | Profile Number |
ca1_ip2diet | Diet |
ca1_isacert2 | Not Used |
ca1_ip1language | Patient Language |
ca1_is1contract_old | Ca1 is1contract old |
ca1_ip1condition | Patient Condition Code |
ca1_prim | Primary |
ca1_ip1ethnic | Patient Ethnicity |
ca1_ip1ad_time | Patient Admit Time |
ca1_ip1acc_place | Accident Place |
ca1_ip0ercomplaint | Er Log Chief Complaint |
ca1_isas_addr1 | Subscriber Address1 |
ca1_ip0famphy | Family Physician Number |
ca1_ar0doc | Patient Admitting Physician |
ca1_isaprecert_ph | Precertification Phone Number |
ca1_isas_emp | Subscriber Employer |
ca1_time | Level Of Care Change Time |
ca1_isac_name | Insurance Company Name |
ca1_ip1c_ssn_10dig | 10 Digit Social Security Number |
ca1_ar0admcd | Patient Admit Code |
ca1_is1nondays | Noncovered Days |
ca1_isapat_r_sub | Patients Relationship To Subscriber |
ca1_isbpsrofrom | Psro Approval From Date |
ca1_ip1acc_time | Accident Time |
ca1_isac_city | Insurance Company City |
ca1_ip1origin | Admission Origin Code |
ca1_isbspecprog | Special Program Id |
ca1_ar0discd | Patient Discharge Code |
ca1_is1covdays | Covered Days |
ca1_ip0erlog | Er Log Code |
ca1_is1contr2 | Contract Number Last 4 Characters |
ca1_ip2misc1 | Miscellaneous 1 |
ca1_isaesc | Employee Status Code |
ca1_arpreploca | Report Location |
ca1_ip1guar_email | Guarantor Email |
ca1_is1set | Insurance Claim Set Number |
ca1_isac_addr1 | Insurance Company Address1 |
ca1_ip2com1 | Last Field On The \Clinical\ Tab |
ca1_ip1req_room | Patient Requires Room Code |
ca1_ip2chiefcomplnt | Chief Complaint |
ca1_ip0erdispositn | Er Log Disposition Code |
ca1_ip1moms_num | Patient Mother Visit Number |
ca1_ip1ex_date | Preadmit Expect Date |
ca1_ip0sub_birthdt | Patient Birthdate |
ca1_is1lifeused | Life Days Used |
ca1_is1semi_rate | Ins Company Semi Private Room Rate |
ca1_ip1care | Care Level |
ca1_ip0eradmtm | Er Log Admit Time |
ca1_isacert | Not Used |
ca1_isas_city | Subscriber City |
ca1_ip1dis_init | Discharging Employee Initials |
ca1_posted | Charge Posted |
ca1_is1dayfull | Full Days |
ca1_ar0p_type | Patient Stay Type |
ca1_is1app_rec | Approval Received Date |
ca1_ip0erdisdt | Er Log Discharge Date |
ca1_isas_addr2 | Subscriber Address2 |
ca1_ar0d_cond | Discharge Condition Code |
ca1_isas_state | Subscriber State |
ca1_ip1isolation | Isolation |
ca1_isaeid | Employer Identification Number |
ca1_ip1emp | Guarantor Employer |
ca1_ip0dnr | Do Not Resuscitate Code |
ca1_ip0ermodearriv | Er Log Mode Of Arrival Code |
ca1_is1_isac_addr_id | Ca1 is1 isac addr id |
ca1_isbpsroto | Psro Approval To Date |
ca1_ip1guar_cell | Guarantor Cell Phone Number |
ca1_ip1p_email | Patient Email |
ca1_isac_addr2 | Insurance Company Address2 |
ca1_isac_zip | Insurance Company Zip |
ca1_ip0erdoc | Er Log Physician Number |
ca1_isbpriorcd | Prior Code |
ca1_ip2admit_wgt | Admit Weight |
ca1_ar0admdt | Patient Admit Date |
ca1_is1direct | Direct Pay |
ca1_ar0serv | Patient Service Code |
ca1_ip1indwel | Indigent Code |
ca1_ip0ertriagelev | Er Log Triage Level Code |
ca1_isaperson | Insurance Company Contact Person |
ca1_is1daylife | Life Days |
ca1_is1app_sent | Approval Sent Date |
ca1_ip0eradmcd | Er Log Admit Code |
ca1_ip1phy2 | Secondary Physician |
ca1_ip1ad_init | Admitting Employee Initials |
ca1_is3clinic | Clinic Code |
ca1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ca1_ar0a_cond | Patient Admit Condition Code |
ca1_is1covrmrate | Covered Room Rate |
ca1_ip1dis_time | Patient Discharge Time |
ca1_is1covrate | Insurance Coverage Rate |
ca1_is3payerid | Policy Info Payer Id |
ca1_is1dayco | Covered Days |
ca1_isac_phone | Insurance Company Phone |
ca1_is3plancd | Managed Care Plan Code |
ca1_isbben1 | Benefit Description |
ca1_is1contract | Contract Number |
ca1_patnum | Visit Number |
ca1_isas_sex | Subscriber Sex |
ca1_ip2abn | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code |
ca1_ip2p_emp | Patient Employer |
ca1_ip1hosp_dir | Hospital Directory |
ca1_ar0ins | Patient Financial Class |
ca1_ip1acc_date | Accident Date |
ca1_is1endcare | Date Care Ended |
ca1_ip2abnreason | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Reason |
ca1_date | Level Of Care Change Date |
ca1_ip0erdiscd | Er Log Discharge Code |
ca1_ip1pvtness | Private Room Necessity |
ca1_isasub | Subscriber Name |
ca1_ip0restraints | Use Restraints Code |
ca1_isbsub_dob | Subscriber Birthdate |
ca1_ar0disdt | Patient Discharge Date |
ca1_ip1language_code | Language Code |
ca1_isagroup | Insurance Group Number |
Description: Cycle Bill Master Table
Name | Description |
cm1_visitnum | Cm1 visitnum |
cm1_arid | Cm1 arid |
cm1_pay_src_complete_date | Cm1 pay src complete date |
cm1_computed_cyle_end_date | Cm1 computed cyle end date |
cm1_exception | Cm1 exception |
cm1_review_date | Cm1 review date |
Description: Cycle Bill Pay Source Table
Name | Description |
cbps1_pre_cert_from_date | Cbps1 pre cert from date |
cbps1_genned_set_number | Cbps1 genned set number |
cbps1_coverage_to | Cbps1 coverage to |
cbps1_pre_cert_type | Cbps1 pre cert type |
cbps1_pre_cert_to_date | Cbps1 pre cert to date |
cbps1_co_pay | Cbps1 co pay |
cbps1_contact_phone | Cbps1 contact phone |
cbps1_co_ins | Cbps1 co ins |
cbps1_from_date | Cbps1 from date |
cbps1_primary | Cbps1 primary |
cbps1_visitnum | Cbps1 visitnum |
cbps1_ins_genned_date | Cbps1 ins genned date |
cbps1_ins | Cbps1 ins |
cbps1_arid | Cbps1 arid |
cbps1_pre_cert_num | Cbps1 pre cert num |
cbps1_deductible | Cbps1 deductible |
cbps1_contact_name | Cbps1 contact name |
Description: Dept Registration Notification
Name | Description |
drn_s_num | Msgn Sending Num |
drn_fil2 | Dept Registration Notification |
drn_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
drn_s_mach | Msgn Sending Mach |
drn_s_time | Msgn Sending Time |
drn_s_dnum | Msgn Sending Dept |
drn_a_date | Ack Date |
drn_tty | Msgn Tty |
drn_status | Msgn Message Status |
drn_s_date | Msgn Sending Date |
drn_patname | Msgn Pat Name |
drn_date | Msgn Date |
drn_a_init | Ack Init |
drn_s_name | Msgn Sending Name |
drn_dept | Msgn Dept |
drn_time | Msgn Time |
drn_a_tty | Ack Tty |
drn_s_init | Msgn Sending Init |
drn_patnum | Msgn Pat Num |
drn_a_num | Ack Num |
drn_text | Msgn Text |
drn_a_time | Ack Time |
drn_a_dnum | Ack Dept |
drn_a_name | Ack Num |
drn_s_tty | Msgn Sending Tty |
Description: Scanned Images Digital Signature
Name | Description |
dsigimg_fidx_key | Image 5 Fidx-Key |
dsigimg_deaddttm | Image 5 File Change Date Time |
dsigimg_acct | Image 5 Account Number |
dsigimg_comdttm | Image 5 Comment Date Time |
dsigimg_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
dsigimg_seq | Image 5 Seq Number |
dsigimg_deadreason | Image 5 Reason For Change |
dsigimg_title | Image 5 Title |
dsigimg_auddttm | Image 5 Last Accesed Date Time |
dsigimg_allsigs_acquired | All Signatures Acquired |
dsigimg_loc | Image 5 File Location |
dsigimg_dt | Image 5 Stored Date |
Description: Direct Msg Data
Name | Description |
direct1_xtype | Direct Msg Image Type |
direct1_creationdate | Direct Msg Creation Date |
direct1_body | Direct Msg Body |
direct1_creationtime | Direct Msg Creation Time |
direct1_arid | Direct Msg Arid |
direct1_subjectline | Direct Msg Subject |
direct1_transtype | Direct1 transtype |
direct1_xnum | Direct Msg Image Num |
direct1_emailfrom | Direct Msg Email From |
direct1_acct | Direct Msg Account |
direct1_emailto | Direct Msg Email To |
direct1_xacct | Direct Msg Image Acct |
direct1_inboundpath | Direct Msg Inbound Path |
direct1_xtitle | Direct Msg Image Title |
direct1_senslevel | Direct1 senslevel |
direct1_serialkey | Direct Msg Seria Lkey |
Description: Dose Calculation
Name | Description |
dosecalc_patordkey | Patient Orders Key |
dosecalc_time | Time |
dosecalc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
dosecalc_serialkey | Serial Key |
dosecalc_weightkg | Patient Weight |
dosecalc_admindose | Administer Dose |
dosecalc_rounding | Rounding Decimal Places |
dosecalc_dose | Dose For Calculation |
dosecalc_frequency | Frequency |
dosecalc_adminamount | Administer Amount |
dosecalc_overridedose | Override Administer Dose |
dosecalc_concentration | Concentration |
dosecalc_visit | Visit Number |
dosecalc_logname | Logname |
dosecalc_ipseq | Ip Sequence |
dosecalc_unit | Unit |
dosecalc_date | Date |
Description: Drug Comments
Name | Description |
mbdc_isolate_id | Isolate Id |
mbdc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mbdc_ordered_time | Order Time |
mbdc_comment | Drug Comment |
mbdc_account_number | Visit Number |
mbdc_cmmt_seq | Drug Comment Sequence |
mbdc_comment_loc | Comment Location |
mbdc_ordered_date | Order Date |
mbdc_drug_seq | Drug Sequence |
mbdc_order_number | Order Number |
Description: Drug Use History
Name | Description |
sochistdrug_alcohol_start_date | Sochistdrug alcohol start date |
sochistdrug_alcohol_type_wine | Sochistdrug alcohol type wine |
sochistdrug_alcohol_freq_unit | Sochistdrug alcohol freq unit |
sochistdrug_alcohol_use_rare | Sochistdrug alcohol use rare |
sochistdrug_alcohol_use_abuse_his | Sochistdrug alcohol use abuse his |
sochistdrug_tob_packs_unit | Sochistdrug tob packs unit |
sochistdrug_caffeine_use_coffee_serv | Sochistdrug caffeine use coffee serv |
sochistdrug_alcohol_use_in_recovery | Sochistdrug alcohol use in recovery |
sochistdrug_spid | Sochistdrug spid |
sochistdrug_tob_smokeless_end_date | Sochistdrug tob smokeless end date |
sochistdrug_tob_packs_per_unit | Sochistdrug tob packs per unit |
sochistdrug_tob_smokeless_per_unit | Sochistdrug tob smokeless per unit |
sochistdrug_tob_drtn_cigarette_years | Sochistdrug tob drtn cigarette years |
sochistdrug_alcohol_use_occasional | Sochistdrug alcohol use occasional |
sochistdrug_elec_cig_end_date | Sochistdrug elec cig end date |
sochistdrug_tob_drtn_cigars_years | Sochistdrug tob drtn cigars years |
sochistdrug_elec_cig_use | Sochistdrug elec cig use |
sochistdrug_profile_num | Profile Number |
sochistdrug_alcohol_type_liquor | Sochistdrug alcohol type liquor |
sochistdrug_alcohol_type_beer | Sochistdrug alcohol type beer |
sochistdrug_removed_flag | Removed Flag |
sochistdrug_alcohol_screening_dttm | Sochistdrug alcohol screening dttm |
sochistdrug_alcohol_freq_per_unit | Sochistdrug alcohol freq per unit |
sochistdrug_tob_smokeless_years | Sochistdrug tob smokeless years |
sochistdrug_alcohol_use_frequent | Sochistdrug alcohol use frequent |
sochistdrug_tob_drtn_pipes_years | Sochistdrug tob drtn pipes years |
sochistdrug_caffeine_use_tea_serv | Sochistdrug caffeine use tea serv |
sochistdrug_alcohol_duration_years | Sochistdrug alcohol duration years |
sochistdrug_alcohol_use_binge | Sochistdrug alcohol use binge |
sochistdrug_alcohol_use_never | Sochistdrug alcohol use never |
sochistdrug_elec_cig_start_date | Sochistdrug elec cig start date |
sochistdrug_tob_smokeless_unit | Sochistdrug tob smokeless unit |
sochistdrug_tob_smokeless_start_date | Sochistdrug tob smokeless start date |
sochistdrug_alcohol_end_date | Sochistdrug alcohol end date |
sochistdrug_caffeine_use_soda_serv | Sochistdrug caffeine use soda serv |
sochistdrug_alcohol_use_quit | Sochistdrug alcohol use quit |
sochistdrug_elec_cig_duration_years | Sochistdrug elec cig duration years |
Description: Eb Claim Note
Name | Description |
ebcn_set | Ebcn set |
ebcn_num | Ebcn num |
ebcn_note | Ebcn note |
ebcn_arid | Ebcn arid |
ebcn_qualifier | Ebcn qualifier |
ebcn_ins | Ebcn ins |
Description: Electronic case report log
Name | Description |
ecrl_code | Ecrl code |
ecrl_parent_uuid | Ecrl parent uuid |
ecrl_sent_dttm | Ecrl sent dttm |
ecrl_arid | Ecrl arid |
ecrl_code_sys | Ecrl code sys |
ecrl_visit | Ecrl visit |
ecrl_uuid | Ecrl uuid |
Description: Electronic case report log history
Name | Description |
ecrlhis_code_sys | Ecrlhis code sys |
ecrlhis_arid | Ecrlhis arid |
ecrlhis_code | Ecrlhis code |
ecrlhis_parent_uuid | Ecrlhis parent uuid |
ecrlhis_sent_dttm | Ecrlhis sent dttm |
ecrlhis_visit | Ecrlhis visit |
ecrlhis_uuid | Ecrlhis uuid |
Description: Eforms history ccda forms table
Name | Description |
efhist_start_dttm | Efhist start dttm |
efhist_seq | Efhist seq |
efhist_origin_type | Efhist origin type |
efhist_version | Efhist version |
efhist_arid | Efhist arid |
efhist_visit | Efhist visit |
efhist_fidx_key | Efhist fidx key |
efhist_deleted | Efhist deleted |
efhist_completed_dttm | Efhist completed dttm |
efhist_origin_dttm | Efhist origin dttm |
efhist_formcd | Efhist formcd |
Description: Ehi export audit
Name | Description |
eea_spid | Eea spid |
eea_completed_ts | Eea completed ts |
eea_type_run | Eea type run |
eea_job_id | Eea job id |
eea_visit_id | Eea visit id |
eea_profilenum | Eea profilenum |
eea_start_ts | Eea start ts |
eea_arid | Eea arid |
Description: Scanned Images Employee
Name | Description |
empimg_title | Image 2 Title |
empimg_dt | Image 2 Stored Date |
empimg_acct | Image 2 Pr Type Company Employeenum |
empimg_arid | Empimg arid |
empimg_num | Image 2 Document Number |
empimg_fidx_key | Image 2 Fidx-Key |
empimg_opt | Image 2 Optical Disk |
Description: Explanation Of Benefits Claim Level
Name | Description |
eob1_set | Eob1 set |
eob1_pps_capital | Eob1 pps capital |
eob1_remark4 | Eob1 remark4 |
eob1_hic | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_covered | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_outlier_days | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_coins_days | Eob1 coins days |
eob1_arid | Eob1 arid |
eob1_adjust_reason | Eob1 adjust reason |
eob1_clm_stat | Eob1 clm stat |
eob1_rc1seq | Eob1 rc1seq |
eob1_drg_weight | Eob1 drg weight |
eob1_pps_cap_dsh_drg | Eob1 pps cap dsh drg |
eob1_denied_chgs | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_payer_natl_id | Eob1 payer natl id |
eob1_pps_cap_exception | Eob1 pps cap exception |
eob1_adjust_amt | Eob1 adjust amt |
eob1_non_chgs | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_net_reim | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_coinsurance | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_seq | Eob1 seq |
eob1_payer | Eob1 payer |
eob1_indirect_teaching | Eob1 indirect teaching |
eob1_trace | Eob1 trace |
eob1_disp_share | Eob1 disp share |
eob1_pps_cap_ime | Eob1 pps cap ime |
eob1_contractual | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_era_file | Eob1 era file |
eob1_ins | Eob1 ins |
eob1_adjust_grp | Eob1 adjust grp |
eob1_per_diem | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_msp_pass_thru | Eob1 msp pass thru |
eob1_adjust_type | Eob1 adjust type |
eob1_num | Eob1 num |
eob1_pps_cap_outlier | Eob1 pps cap outlier |
eob1_reimb_rate | Eob1 reimb rate |
eob1_reported_chgs | Eob1 reported chgs |
eob1_cov_days | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_deductible | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_fiscal_period | Eob1 fiscal period |
eob1_drg_amount | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_npi | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_patient | Eob1 patient |
eob1_ncov_days | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_drg | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_life_reserve_days | Eob1 life reserve days |
eob1_pps_oper | Eob1 pps oper |
eob1_hcpcs_allowed | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_life_psych_days | Lifetime Psychiatric Days Count |
eob1_pcn | Eob1 pcn |
eob1_pat_stat | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_pps_cap_fsp_drg | Eob1 pps cap fsp drg |
eob1_interest | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_crossins | Eob1 crossins |
eob1_rc1num | Eob1 rc1num |
eob1_remark1 | Eob1 remark1 |
eob1_rc1date | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_from | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_file_date | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_remark3 | Eob1 remark3 |
eob1_mrn | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
Listed As Mrn | |
eob1_bill_type | Detail Charges |
eob1_outlier | Eob1 outlier |
eob1_to | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_icn | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
eob1_pps_cap_hsp_drg | Eob1 pps cap hsp drg |
eob1_remark2 | Eob1 remark2 |
eob1_cost_rpt_days | Account > Insurance >Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit |
Description: Explanation Of Benefits Detail Level
Name | Description |
eob2_eob2trace | Eob2 eob2trace |
eob2_eob2paid_amt | Eob2 eob2paid amt |
eob2_eob2cov_visits | Eob2 eob2cov visits |
eob2_eob2mod | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2srvcdt | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2adjust_grp | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2ncov_visits | Eob2 eob2ncov visits |
eob2_eob2ncov_amt | Eob2 eob2ncov amt |
eob2_eob2num | Eob2 eob2num |
eob2_eob2adjust_amt | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2era_file | Eob2 eob2era file |
eob2_eob2rc1date | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2detnum | Eob2 eob2detnum |
eob2_eob2det_match | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2adjust_type | Eob2 eob2adjust type |
eob2_eob2rcode | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2detset | Insurance Detail Set Number |
eob2_eob2rc1seq | Eob2 eob2rc1seq |
eob2_eob2detins | Insurance Detail Insurance Code |
eob2_eob2processed_hcpc | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2seq | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2contract_amt | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2allowed_amt | Eob2 eob2allowed amt |
eob2_eob2adjust_reason | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2ins | Eob2 eob2ins |
eob2_eob2remark | Eob2 eob2remark |
eob2_eob2detseq | Insurance Detail Record Sequence |
eob2_arid | Eob2 arid |
eob2_eob2rc1num | Eob2 eob2rc1num |
eob2_eob2submitted_chg | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2ded_amt | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2set | Eob2 eob2set |
eob2_eob2copay_amt | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2reim_amt | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2submitted_hcpc | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
eob2_eob2detscd | Insurance Detail Summary Code |
eob2_eob2units | Eob2 eob2units |
eob2_eob2apchipps | Eob2 eob2apchipps |
eob2_eob2per_diem | Account > Insurance > Claim > Claim Status Screen > Receipt Information > \E\Ob/Remit > Detail |
Description: Explanation Of Benefits Scanned Remit
Name | Description |
eob3_arid | Eob3 arid |
eob3_num | Eob3 num |
eob3_ins | Eob3 ins |
eob3_rc1num | Eob3 rc1num |
eob3_rc1date | Eob3 rc1date |
eob3_rc1seq | Eob3 rc1seq |
eob3_seq | Eob3 seq |
eob3_remit_title | Eob3 remit title |
eob3_set | Eob3 set |
eob3_remit_acct | Eob3 remit acct |
Description: Er Log
Name | Description |
cnerlog_triagelev | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_dispositn | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_admtm | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_services | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_provseentimestamp | Cnerlog provseentimestamp |
cnerlog_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
cnerlog_arrivaltime | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_modearriv | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_doc | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_admdt | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_discd | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_transport_person | Cnerlog transport person |
cnerlog_disdt | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_obstimestamp | Cnerlog obstimestamp |
cnerlog_trans_person_rel | Cnerlog trans person rel |
cnerlog_seq | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_admcd | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_dis_cond | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_complaint | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_arrivaldt | Account > Census > Er Log |
cnerlog_patnum | Patient Visit Number |
cnerlog_distm | Account > Census > Er Log |
Description: Esign Hh Orders
Name | Description |
eshmord_seid | Shared Ews Id |
eshmord_hmckey_seq | Key Sequence |
eshmord_patkey_seq | Patient Key Sequence |
eshmord_type | Record Type |
eshmord_hmckey_date | Key Date |
eshmord_hmckey_pnum | Patient Number |
eshmord_patkey_date | Patient Key Date |
Description: Ews Schedule Changes Detail
Name | Description |
ewschg_proc_comment | Event Change Procedure Comment |
ewschg_init | Event Change Initials |
ewschg_arid | Facility Arid |
ewschg_dt | Event Change Date |
ewschg_seid | Shared Ews Id |
ewschg_patnum | Visit Number |
ewschg_tm | Event Change Time |
ewschg_orig | Event Field Original Data |
ewschg_new | Event Field New Data |
ewschg_patname | Patient Name |
ewschg_confirmnum | Event Change Confirmation Number |
ewschg_field | Event Change Field |
ewschg_dept | Event Change Department |
ewschg_birth | Patient Birth |
ewschg_tty | Event Change Tty |
ewschg_eventnum | Event Number |
ewschg_seq | Event Change Sequence |
ewschg_loca | Event Change Location |
ewschg_reason | Event Change Reason |
Description: Ews Schedule Detail
Name | Description |
evdet_mdstart_mn | Surgeon Start Minute |
evdet_stop_cd | Schedule stop code |
evdet_freq_last_schdt | Frequency last schedule date |
evdet_freq_interval | Frequency interval |
evdet_esp1date | Schedule Date |
evdet_beg | Schedule begin time |
evdet_chorderserial | Ews Chorders Serial Key |
evdet_seq | Appointment'S Sequence For Date And Time |
evdet_dept | Task or procedure department |
evdet_stop_init | Scheduler stop initials |
evdet_entry_tm | Schedule entry time |
evdet_entry_dt | Schedule entry date |
evdet_ntfyloca | Schedule notification location |
evdet_date | Appointment Date For Task |
evdet_arid | Ews Facility Ar Id |
evdet_freq_stop_dt | Frequency stop date |
evdet_freq_cd | Frequency Code Daily Weekly Monthly |
evdet_time | Time needed for task or procedure |
evdet_mpmadir | Old Mpm Account Directory Letter |
evdet_mpmpatnum | Visit number |
evdet_freq_dow | Frequency days of the week |
evdet_seid | Shared Ews Id |
evdet_eventnum | Schedule event number |
evdet_mpmactnum | Mpm Action Number |
evdet_stop_reason | Schedule stop reason |
evdet_end | Schedule end time |
evdet_stop_dt | Schedule stop date |
evdet_task | Scheduled task or procedure |
evdet_cleanup_time | Task or procedure cleanup time |
evdet_loca | Location code |
evdet_mdstop_mn | Surgeon Stop Minute |
evdet_stop_tm | Schedule stop time |
evdet_entry_init | Scheduler entry initials |
evdet_prep_time | Task Or Procedure Time |
evdet_esp1seq | Schedule'S Sequence Number |
evdet_freq_wom | Frequency weeks of the month |
Description: Ews Patient Schedule Index
Name | Description |
esp1_stop_reason | Schedule Stop Reason |
esp1_schbeg | Schedule Begin Time |
esp1_anest_type | Anesthesia Type |
esp1_modality | Patient Modality |
esp1_patname | Patient Name |
esp1_stop_init | Initials Of Stop Scheduler |
esp1_date | Schedule Date |
esp1_schloca | Scheduled Location Code |
esp1_surgeon | Surgeon Number |
esp1_arid | Facility Ar Id |
esp1_eventnum | Schedule Event Number |
esp1_anest | Anesthesiologist |
esp1_task | Scheduled Task Or Procedure |
esp1_add_comment | Task Or Procedure Additional Comments |
esp1_hhdiscipline | Discipline Code |
esp1_hmsched_key | Schedule Key To Flhmsched |
esp1_icd9code | Icd9 Codes |
esp1_equip | Equipment Used |
esp1_seq | Same Date Sequence |
esp1_seid | Shared Ews Id |
esp1_birth | Patient Birthdate |
esp1_schdtd | Schedule Date |
esp1_stop_dt | Schedule Stop Date |
esp1_comment | Scheduled Task Or Procedure Comment |
esp1_schseq | Same Date Time Sequence |
esp1_stop_cd | Schedule Stop Code |
esp1_dept | Scheduled Task Or Procedure Department |
esp1_pat | Visit Number |
esp1_stop_tm | Schedule Stop Time |
Description: Excluded careteam
Name | Description |
exclcare_patphys_pat_num | Exclcare patphys pat num |
exclcare_patphys_arid | Exclcare patphys arid |
exclcare_patphys_rel_type | Exclcare patphys rel type |
exclcare_excloption_uuid | Exclcare excloption uuid |
exclcare_patphys_phy_num | Exclcare patphys phy num |
exclcare_uuid | Exclcare uuid |
Description: Excluded clinical note
Name | Description |
exclcn_arid | Exclcn arid |
exclcn_uuid | Exclcn uuid |
exclcn_excloption_uuid | Exclcn excloption uuid |
exclcn_visit_id | Exclcn visit id |
exclcn_fidx_seq | Exclcn fidx seq |
Description: Excluded diagnosis
Name | Description |
excldiag_pdiag_id | Excldiag pdiag id |
excldiag_arid | Excldiag arid |
excldiag_excloption_uuid | Excldiag excloption uuid |
excldiag_uuid | Excldiag uuid |
excldiag_visit | Excldiag visit |
Description: Excluded image
Name | Description |
exclimage_patimg_acct | Exclimage patimg acct |
exclimage_excloption_uuid | Exclimage excloption uuid |
exclimage_patimg_num | Exclimage patimg num |
exclimage_uuid | Exclimage uuid |
exclimage_patimg_title | Exclimage patimg title |
exclimage_patimg_arid | Exclimage patimg arid |
Description: Excluded problem
Name | Description |
exclproblem_excloption_uuid | Exclproblem excloption uuid |
exclproblem_uuid | Exclproblem uuid |
exclproblem_pl1_profilenum | Exclproblem pl1 profilenum |
exclproblem_visit | Exclproblem visit |
exclproblem_arid | Exclproblem arid |
exclproblem_pl1_spid | Exclproblem pl1 spid |
exclproblem_pl1_seq | Exclproblem pl1 seq |
Description: Excluded procedure
Name | Description |
exclproc_excloption_uuid | Exclproc excloption uuid |
exclproc_visit | Exclproc visit |
exclproc_uuid | Exclproc uuid |
exclproc_arid | Exclproc arid |
exclproc_pproc_id | Exclproc pproc id |
Description: Excluded result
Name | Description |
exclres_r1_received_date | Exclres r1 received date |
exclres_uuid | Exclres uuid |
exclres_excloption_uuid | Exclres excloption uuid |
exclres_r1_order_number | Exclres r1 order number |
exclres_r1_arid | Exclres r1 arid |
exclres_r1_seq | Exclres r1 seq |
exclres_r1_received_time | Exclres r1 received time |
exclres_r1_account_number | Exclres r1 account number |
Description: Excluded transcription
Name | Description |
excltrans_fitype_seq | Excltrans fitype seq |
excltrans_visit | Excltrans visit |
excltrans_uuid | Excltrans uuid |
excltrans_excloption_uuid | Excltrans excloption uuid |
excltrans_arid | Excltrans arid |
Description: Excluded visit
Name | Description |
exclvisit_ipv1_num | Exclvisit ipv1 num |
exclvisit_excloption_uuid | Exclvisit excloption uuid |
exclvisit_ipv1_arid | Exclvisit ipv1 arid |
exclvisit_uuid | Exclvisit uuid |
Description: Exercise History
Name | Description |
sochistexer_exer_frequency_amount | Sochistexer exer frequency amount |
sochistexer_spid | Sochistexer spid |
sochistexer_exer_type_yoga_stretching | Sochistexer exer type yoga stretching |
sochistexer_exer_type_cardiovascular | Sochistexer exer type cardiovascular |
sochistexer_exer_type_aerobic | Sochistexer exer type aerobic |
sochistexer_exer_type_none | Sochistexer exer type none |
sochistexer_exer_type_str_training | Sochistexer exer type str training |
sochistexer_exer_frequency_unit | Sochistexer exer frequency unit |
sochistexer_exer_type_team_sports | Sochistexer exer type team sports |
sochistexer_exer_type_swimming | Sochistexer exer type swimming |
sochistexer_profile_num | Sochistexer profile num |
sochistexer_exer_type_walking | Sochistexer exer type walking |
sochistexer_exer_type_running | Sochistexer exer type running |
sochistexer_exer_type_non_aerobic | Sochistexer exer type non aerobic |
sochistexer_exer_type_other_text | Sochistexer exer type other text |
sochistexer_exer_type_other | Sochistexer exer type other |
sochistexer_removed_flag | Sochistexer removed flag |
sochistexer_exer_routine | Sochistexer exer routine |
Description: Extended Info Ar1type Recs
Name | Description |
arext1_dosage | Extended Info Arext1dosage |
arext1_mod2 | Extended Info Arext1mod2 |
arext1_mod3 | Extended Info Arext1mod3 |
arext1_narseq | Extended Info Arext1narseq |
arext1_p_type | Extended Info Arext1 Pat-Type |
arext1_ndc | Extended Info Arext1ndc |
arext1_mod1 | Extended Info Arext1mod1 |
arext1_pointer | Arext1 pointer |
arext1_mod4 | Extended Info Arext1mod4 |
arext1_idcode | Extended Info Arext1idcode |
arext1_entrytime | Extended Info Arext1 Entry-Time |
arext1_ref_used | Extended Info Arext1ref-Used |
arext1_prempcomp | Extended Info Arext1prempcomp |
arext1_arxel_sub | Extended Info Ar1 Element |
arext1_pr1num | Extended Info Arext1pr1num |
arext1_arxseq | Extended Info Ar1 Sequence |
arext1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
arext1_premptype | Extended Info Arext1premptype |
arext1_dispqty | Extended Info Arext1dispqty |
arext1_drlicense | Extended Info Arext1 Drivers-License |
arext1_note | Extended Info Arext1note |
arext1_time | Extended Info Arext1time |
arext1_ex_qty | Extended Info Arext1ex-Qty |
arext1_narsub | Extended Info Arext1narsub |
arext1_entrydate | Extended Info Arext1 Entry-Date |
arext1_servcd | Extended Info Arext1 Service-Cd |
arext1_patnum | Extended Info Ar1 Patnum |
arext1_nurs | Extended Info Arext1nurs |
Description: External identifier profile
Name | Description |
eiprof_venfac_id | Eiprof venfac id |
eiprof_spid | Eiprof spid |
eiprof_external_id | Eiprof external id |
eiprof_external_id_type | Eiprof external id type |
eiprof_thrive_profile | Eiprof thrive profile |
eiprof_arid | Eiprof arid |
eiprof_id | Eiprof id |
Description: External identifier visit
Name | Description |
eivisit_external_id | Eivisit external id |
eivisit_id | Eivisit id |
eivisit_arid | Eivisit arid |
eivisit_venfac_id | Eivisit venfac id |
eivisit_external_id_type | Eivisit external id type |
eivisit_thrive_visit | Eivisit thrive visit |
Description: Fake visit
Name | Description |
visit_call_ref_acct | Visit call ref acct |
visit_contrbill | Visit contrbill |
visit_rep_loc | Visit rep loc |
visit_disch_cond_key | Visit disch cond key |
visit_xrn | Visit xrn |
visit_mr_num | Visit mr num |
visit_online_acct | Visit online acct |
visit_guar_addr1 | Visit guar addr1 |
visit_disch_date | Visit disch date |
visit_cycle_sw | Visit cycle sw |
visit_stay_type | Visit stay type |
visit_admit_init | Visit admit init |
visit_terms_amt | Visit terms amt |
visit_terms_dt | Visit terms dt |
visit_guar_zip | Visit guar zip |
visit_optch | Visit optch |
visit_race | Visit race |
visit_drg | Visit drg |
visit_sex | Visit sex |
visit_col_sw | Visit col sw |
visit_cr_rate | Visit cr rate |
visit_temp_acct | Visit temp acct |
visit_restored_dt | Visit restored dt |
visit_arpaddress_id | Visit arpaddress id |
visit_cur_name | Visit cur name |
visit_marital | Visit marital |
visit_serv_old | Visit serv old |
visit_vre | Visit vre |
visit_admit_phy_key | Visit admit phy key |
visit_arid | Visit arid |
visit_ss | Visit ss |
visit_guar_city | Visit guar city |
visit_advdir | Visit advdir |
visit_bill_sw | Visit bill sw |
visit_vpat | Visit vpat |
visit_admit_code | Visit admit code |
visit_disch_code | Visit disch code |
visit_ins | Visit ins |
visit_subtype_key | Visit subtype key |
visit_mr_fdt | Visit mr fdt |
visit_guar_phone | Visit guar phone |
visit_name | Visit name |
visit_date_of_birth | Visit date of birth |
visit_chart_type | Visit chart type |
visit_terms_cd | Visit terms cd |
visit_misc2 | Visit misc2 |
visit_servicecd_key | Visit servicecd key |
visit_guar_state | Visit guar state |
visit_chart | Visit chart |
visit_optar | Visit optar |
visit_guar_ss | Visit guar ss |
visit_admit_cond_key | Visit admit cond key |
visit_admit_date | Visit admit date |
visit_guar_addr2 | Visit guar addr2 |
visit_id | Visit id |
visit_final_drg | Visit final drg |
visit_notes_num | Visit notes num |
visit_mrsa | Visit mrsa |
visit_new_acct | Visit new acct |
visit_hold_clord | Visit hold clord |
visit_guar_name | Visit guar name |
Description: Family Health History
Name | Description |
fhh_relation_code | Relation Code |
fhh_age_of_onset | Age Of Onset |
fhh_sequence | Fhh sequence |
fhh_spid | Shared Profile Id |
fhh_age | Fhh age |
fhh_notes | Notes |
fhh_status | Fhh status |
fhh_diagnosis_cpcode | Diagnosis Code |
fhh_age_at_death | Fhh age at death |
fhh_profilenum | Profile Number |
fhh_deactivated_date | Deactivated Date |
fhh_ethnicity_code | Ethnicity Code |
fhh_race_code | Fhh race code |
fhh_transaction_date | Transaction Date |
fhh_source | Fhh source |
fhh_transaction_time | Transaction Time |
fhh_deactivated_time | Deactivated Time |
Description: Family history reviewed table
Name | Description |
fhrev_logname | Fhrev logname |
fhrev_arid | Fhrev arid |
fhrev_reviewed_ts | Fhrev reviewed ts |
fhrev_spid | Fhrev spid |
fhrev_profile_num | Fhrev profile num |
Description: Fax Table
Name | Description |
fxtb_fxattempts | Num Retries Before Fail |
fxtb_fxttyreal | Sending Tty Num |
fxtb_fxcust_phnum | Custom Fax Num |
fxtb_fxempinit | Senders Initials |
fxtb_fxlogname | Senders Logname |
fxtb_fxdestname | Fax Recipient Name |
fxtb_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
fxtb_fxjob | Fax Job Id |
fxtb_fxpages | Num Of Pages Sent |
fxtb_fxphnum | Fax Num + Areacode |
fxtb_fxprnum | Printer Num |
fxtb_fxtime | Time Fax Created |
fxtb_fxfilename | Tmp Fax Filename |
fxtb_fxdept | Sending Dept Num |
fxtb_fxdocinfo | Test Description |
fxtb_fxlongd | Fax Num Leading 1 |
fxtb_fxstatus | Current Fax Status |
fxtb_fxdate | Date Fax Created |
fxtb_fxdoctype | Fax Document Type |
fxtb_fxpat_num | Patient Num |
Description: Fhir Query Lola
Name | Description |
fhirqlola1_seq | Fhirqlola1 seq |
fhirqlola1_visit_dt | Fhirqlola1 visit dt |
fhirqlola1_profnum | Fhirqlola1 profnum |
fhirqlola1_uuid | Fhirqlola1 uuid |
fhirqlola1_spid | Fhirqlola1 spid |
fhirqlola1_lola | Fhirqlola1 lola |
fhirqlola1_provider | Fhirqlola1 provider |
Description: File index lab result
Name | Description |
fidlr_seq | Sequence |
fidlr_r1_order_number | Test Result Order Number |
fidlr_r1_account_number | Test Result Visit Number |
fidlr_r1_arid | Test Result Arid |
fidlr_r1_received_time | Test Result Received Time |
fidlr_r1_received_date | Test Result Received Date |
fidlr_r1_seq | Test Result Sequence |
fidlr_fidx_seq | File Index Sequence Id |
Description: Film Tracking
Name | Description |
flmtrk_proc | Flmtrk proc |
flmtrk_film_cnt | Flmtrk film cnt |
flmtrk_given_to | Flmtrk given to |
flmtrk_given_by | Flmtrk given by |
flmtrk_seq | Flmtrk seq |
flmtrk_num | Flmtrk num |
flmtrk_acct | Flmtrk acct |
flmtrk_movedt | Flmtrk movedt |
flmtrk_loc | Flmtrk loc |
flmtrk_arid | Flmtrk arid |
flmtrk_type | Flmtrk type |
flmtrk_date | Flmtrk date |
Description: Final Daily Census
Name | Description |
aricn_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
aricn_num | Visit Number |
aricn_date | Final Census Date |
Description: Scanned Images General Ledger
Name | Description |
glimg_acct | Image 6 Cs Batch Number |
glimg_fidx_key | Image 6 Fidx-Key |
glimg_opt | Image 6 Optical Disk |
glimg_storagenum | Image 6 Image File Name |
glimg_num | Image 6 Scan Seq Num |
glimg_memo | Image 6 Scan Memo |
glimg_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
glimg_dt | Image 6 Stored Date |
glimg_title | Image 6 Title |
Description: Guarantor note
Name | Description |
guarnote_update_logname | Guarnote update logname |
guarnote_profile | Guarnote profile |
guarnote_seq | Guarnote seq |
guarnote_create_ts | Guarnote create ts |
guarnote_spid | Guarnote spid |
guarnote_arid | Guarnote arid |
guarnote_update_ts | Guarnote update ts |
guarnote_create_logname | Guarnote create logname |
guarnote_text | Guarnote text |
Description: Health concern
Name | Description |
hc_arid | Hc arid |
hc_id | Hc id |
hc_comment | Hc comment |
hc_spid | Hc spid |
hc_dttm | Hc dttm |
hc_status_of_concern | Hc status of concern |
hc_description | Hc description |
hc_author | Hc author |
hc_last_modified_dttm | Hc last modified dttm |
hc_health_status_snomed | Hc health status snomed |
hc_arxnum | Hc arxnum |
hc_userid | Hc userid |
hc_profilenum | Hc profilenum |
Description: Health concern to problem list
Name | Description |
hctopl_spid | Hctopl spid |
hctopl_hc_id | Hctopl hc id |
hctopl_profilenum | Hctopl profilenum |
hctopl_pl_removed | Hctopl pl removed |
hctopl_pl_seq | Hctopl pl seq |
Description: Hie document query
Name | Description |
hiedq_hieent_uid | Hiedq hieent uid |
hiedq_logname | Hiedq logname |
hiedq_hieent_arid | Hiedq hieent arid |
hiedq_visit_arid | Hiedq visit arid |
hiedq_visit_id | Hiedq visit id |
hiedq_uuid | Hiedq uuid |
hiedq_timestamp | Hiedq timestamp |
Description: Hie document submitted
Name | Description |
hieds_status | Hieds status |
hieds_visit_id | Hieds visit id |
hieds_hieent_arid | Hieds hieent arid |
hieds_action | Hieds action |
hieds_uuid | Hieds uuid |
hieds_docsent | Hieds docsent |
hieds_timestamp | Hieds timestamp |
hieds_hieent_uid | Hieds hieent uid |
hieds_visit_arid | Hieds visit arid |
hieds_logname | Hieds logname |
Description: Hie Patient Id Indexing
Name | Description |
hiepid_arid | Hiepid arid |
hiepid_ent_uid | Exchange unique id |
hiepid_affpid_namespace | Affpid assigning authority namespace |
hiepid_sharedprof_id | Shared profile id |
hiepid_profile_number | Profile number |
hiepid_affpid_number | Affinity patient id number |
hiepid_affpid_assauth | Affinity patient id assigning authority |
Description: History Record
Name | Description |
his_hisoptar | History optical disc ar |
his_hisaddr1 | History guarantor address1 |
his_hisbirth | History patient date of birth |
his_hisxrn | History xray number |
his_arid | Facility Id |
his_hismrnum | History medical record number |
his_hisbadebt | History bad debt code |
his_hisprocs2 | History procedure codes page 2 |
his_hisguar | History guarantor name |
his_hischart | History chart code |
his_hisclin_note | History clinic note |
his_hisguarss | History guarantor social security number |
his_hispdates2 | History procedure dates page 2 |
his_hisdisdt | History discharge date |
his_hiscity | History guarantor city |
his_hisvpat | History Violent Patient |
his_hiss_type | History subtype code |
his_hisphone | History patient phone |
his_hisc_ssn_10dig | History Social Security Number |
his_hisdiags2 | History diagnosis codes page 2 |
his_hispdates | History procedure dates |
his_hisstate | History guarantor state |
his_hisblip_num | History Blip Number |
his_hisdoc | History admiting physician |
his_hisdiags | History diagnosis codes |
his_hispaadm | History pat diagnosed at admit |
his_his_room | History room number |
his_hisaddr2 | History guarantor address2 |
his_hiscitizenship | His hiscitizenship |
his_hisaddr_id | History Guarantor Address Uuid |
his_hisserv | History service code |
his_hisoptch | History Optical Disc Ch |
his_hismar_stat | History marital status |
his_hisadvdir | History advanced directive |
his_hisrace | History patient race |
his_hisadmdt | History admit date |
his_hiscom1 | History comments1 |
his_hisc_profilenum | History profile number |
his_hisroll_num | History Roll Number |
his_hisdms_id | His hisdms id |
his_hisguar_profilenum | History guarantor profile number |
his_hisprivacy | History privacy code |
his_hisname | History patient name |
his_hiscom2 | History comments2 |
his_hisnum | History account number |
his_hisss | Hist pat Social security number |
his_hisprivacy_dt | History privacy date |
his_hisvre | History Vancomycin Resistant Enzyme Patient |
his_histype | History patient type |
his_hisexpired_dt | History expired date |
his_hisins | History financial class code |
his_hisdrg | History drg code |
his_hissex | History patient sex |
his_hisprevmrnum | History previous medical record number |
his_hisdis_cd | History discharge code |
his_hismrsa | History Multi Resistant Staph Patient |
his_hisdelete_dt | History delete date |
his_hiscurname | History current name |
his_hiszip | History guarantor zip |
his_hisprocs | History procedure codes |
Description: Oasis Assessment Record
Name | Description |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_cert_da2 | Hmo2 c2 oc pps cert da2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 2 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_hhrg | Hmo2 c2 oc pps hhrg |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_19 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 19 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_5 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 5 |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2016 | Hmo2 c2 ock m2016 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0040 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0040 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1302 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1302 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1900c | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1900c |
hmo2_c2_och_m1620 | Hmo2 c2 och m1620 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2401a | Hmo2 c2 oco m2401a |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_15 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 15 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1730a | Hmo2 c2 oci m1730a |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_4 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 4 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1850 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1850 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_d2 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 d2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_icdb | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 icdb |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1740_4 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1740 4 |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2010 | Hmo2 c2 ock m2010 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd3a | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd3a |
hmo2_c2_ocl_m2102g | Hmo2 c2 ocl m2102g |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1800 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1800 |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2001 | Hmo2 c2 ock m2001 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_lupa | Hmo2 c2 oc pps lupa |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0018 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0018 |
hmo2_c2_oci_hmocode | Hmo2 c2 oci hmocode |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1036_6 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1036 6 |
hmo2_c2_ocl_m2102d | Hmo2 c2 ocl m2102d |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1740_2 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1740 2 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_13 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 13 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_icda | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 icda |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1740_1 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1740 1 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_16 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 16 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1313_b | Hmo2 c2 oce m1313 b |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2005 | Hmo2 c2 ock m2005 |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2200a | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2200a |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2250f | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2250f |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1021_icda | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1021 icda |
hmo2_c2_oco_m0903 | Hmo2 c2 oco m0903 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1720 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1720 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1810 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1810 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag4a | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag4a |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd4b | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd4b |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_6 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 6 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_diagd | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 diagd |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_16 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 16 |
hmo2_c2_occ_m1100 | Hmo2 c2 occ m1100 |
hmo2_c2_oca_create_tm | Hmo2 c2 oca create tm |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd4f | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd4f |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_6 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 6 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_9 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 9 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_5 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 5 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1030_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1030 2 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1306 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1306 |
hmo2_c2_och_m1615 | Hmo2 c2 och m1615 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0102_dt | Hmo2 c2 oca m0102 dt |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_7 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 7 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2420 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2420 |
hmo2_c2_ocd_m1200 | Hmo2 c2 ocd m1200 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_eocosts | Hmo2 c2 oc pps eocosts |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_icdf | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 icdf |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd3b | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd3b |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_a1 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 a1 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_diage | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 diage |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0140_2 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0140 2 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1745 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1745 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_icdc | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 icdc |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_diagc | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 diagc |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0140_5 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0140 5 |
hmo2_c2_ocg_m1511_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocg m1511 2 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1870 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1870 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_7 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 7 |
hmo2_90 | Hmo2 90 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1700 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1700 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd3f | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd3f |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1340 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1340 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0064 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0064 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1322 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1322 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_b2 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 b2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_icdd | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 icdd |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1046 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1046 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_icde | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 icde |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1036_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1036 1 |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2250b | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2250b |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_12 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 12 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1332 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1332 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0140_4 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0140 4 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_diagb | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 diagb |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1845 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1845 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_gg0170c_goal | Hmo2 c2 ocj gg0170c goal |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_2 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag4e | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag4e |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_14 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 14 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1900d | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1900d |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2401b | Hmo2 c2 oco m2401b |
hmo2_seq | Hmo2 seq |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1840 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1840 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1730b | Hmo2 c2 oci m1730b |
hmo2_c2_ocd_m1210 | Hmo2 c2 ocd m1210 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_5 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 5 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0060 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0060 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_17 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 17 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_3 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 3 |
hmo2_c2_och_m1610 | Hmo2 c2 och m1610 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_icdd | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 icdd |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_eopmt | Hmo2 c2 oc pps eopmt |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_3 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 3 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_14 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 14 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_matchkey | Hmo2 c2 oc pps matchkey |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_stvis | Hmo2 c2 oc pps stvis |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1030_3 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1030 3 |
hmo2_c2_ocd_m1220 | Hmo2 c2 ocd m1220 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_1 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 1 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_reim | Hmo2 c2 oc pps reim |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1890 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1890 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_1 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 1 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1910 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1910 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_icdf | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 icdf |
hmo2_c2_ocg_m1511_3 | Hmo2 c2 ocg m1511 3 |
hmo2_date | Hmo2 date |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_other | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 other |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_4 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 4 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0063_na | Hmo2 c2 oca m0063 na |
hmo2_c2_ocf_m1410_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocf m1410 2 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_eototal | Hmo2 c2 oc pps eototal |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2410 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2410 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1060_weight | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1060 weight |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1313_c | Hmo2 c2 oce m1313 c |
hmo2_c2_ocr_init | Hmo2 c2 ocr init |
hmo2_c2_ocl_m2102f | Hmo2 c2 ocl m2102f |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_na | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 na |
hmo2_c2_ocl_m2102c | Hmo2 c2 ocl m2102c |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_hipps | Hmo2 c2 oc pps hipps |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0104 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0104 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_seve | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 seve |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1320 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1320 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_diagb | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 diagb |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_7 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 7 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0140_6 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0140 6 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_8 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 8 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd4a | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd4a |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_21 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 21 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0064_uk | Hmo2 c2 oca m0064 uk |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1028_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1028 1 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_manifest | Hmo2 c2 oc pps manifest |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2030 | Hmo2 c2 ock m2030 |
hmo2_c2_oci_inactivate | Hmo2 c2 oci inactivate |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_6 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 6 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1021_seva | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1021 seva |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_9 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 9 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 2 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0069 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0069 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0065 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0065 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1880 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1880 |
hmo2_c2_ocg_m1511_6 | Hmo2 c2 ocg m1511 6 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0065_na | Hmo2 c2 oca m0065 na |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_20 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 20 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd4e | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd4e |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_c2 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 c2 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_11 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 11 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1830 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1830 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_6 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 6 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 1 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1342 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1342 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_5 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 5 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1740_5 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1740 5 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0102_na | Hmo2 c2 oca m0102 na |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1005 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1005 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_18 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 18 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1710 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1710 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_icdf | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 icdf |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_11 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 11 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd3e | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd3e |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_finish | Hmo2 c2 oc pps finish |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag3c | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag3c |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 1 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_diagd | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 diagd |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_10 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 10 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_10 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 10 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1740_6 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1740 6 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m0906 | Hmo2 c2 oco m0906 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag3e | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag3e |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag3d | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag3d |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0030 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0030 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_icdb | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 icdb |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_8 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 8 |
hmo2_c2_ocl_xmit | Hmo2 c2 ocl xmit |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_5 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 5 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0014 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0014 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_icde | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 icde |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_cert_da | Hmo2 c2 oc pps cert da |
hmo2_c2_ocf_m1410_3 | Hmo2 c2 ocf m1410 3 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_8 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 8 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1056 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1056 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1036_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1036 2 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0063 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0063 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_diagc | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 diagc |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_sevf | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 sevf |
hmo2_c2_ocj_gg0170c_perform | Hmo2 c2 ocj gg0170c perform |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2301 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2301 |
hmo2_c2_ocg_m1511_4 | Hmo2 c2 ocg m1511 4 |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2250d | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2250d |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2401e | Hmo2 c2 oco m2401e |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_cert_dt | Hmo2 c2 oc pps cert dt |
hmo2_c2_ocl_m2102e | Hmo2 c2 ocl m2102e |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1030_4 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1030 4 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_17 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 17 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_13 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 13 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0032 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0032 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_diagf | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 diagf |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_4 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 4 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_8 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 8 |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2250a | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2250a |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_6 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 6 |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2040b | Hmo2 c2 ock m2040b |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_diagc | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 diagc |
hmo2_patnum | Hmo2 patnum |
hmo2_c2_och_m1630 | Hmo2 c2 och m1630 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_e1 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 e1 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1060_height | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1060 height |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_c1 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 c1 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1900a | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1900a |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1334 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1334 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_icdc | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 icdc |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_eothresh | Hmo2 c2 oc pps eothresh |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0066 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0066 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0016 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0016 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag4d | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag4d |
hmo2_c2_ocd_m1242 | Hmo2 c2 ocd m1242 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1036_4 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1036 4 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag3b | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag3b |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_icdd | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 icdd |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_19 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 19 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_5 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 5 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_diagf | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 diagf |
hmo2_c2_ocd_m1240 | Hmo2 c2 ocd m1240 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1324 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1324 |
hmo2_c2_ocl_m2102b | Hmo2 c2 ocl m2102b |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_2 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_diagd | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 diagd |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0040_suffix | Hmo2 c2 oca m0040 suffix |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1820 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1820 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0040_first | Hmo2 c2 oca m0040 first |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1034 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1034 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1350 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1350 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag3a | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag3a |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_fin_ready | Hmo2 c2 oc pps fin ready |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_other | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 other |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd4d | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd4d |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2003 | Hmo2 c2 ock m2003 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_sevb | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 sevb |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0110 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0110 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_icdc | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 icdc |
hmo2_arid | Hmo2 arid |
hmo2_c2_ocl_date | Hmo2 c2 ocl date |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0080 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0080 |
hmo2_c2_ocf_m1410_4 | Hmo2 c2 ocf m1410 4 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_7 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 7 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_4 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 4 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1036_3 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1036 3 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag3f | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag3f |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_12 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 12 |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2200b | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2200b |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0100 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0100 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1300 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1300 |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2040a | Hmo2 c2 ock m2040a |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_b1 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 b1 |
hmo2_c2_ocf_m1400 | Hmo2 c2 ocf m1400 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1313_f | Hmo2 c2 oce m1313 f |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_10 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 10 |
hmo2_c2_oca_create_dt | Hmo2 c2 oca create dt |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_11 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 11 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1730 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1730 |
hmo2_c2_ocl_m2110 | Hmo2 c2 ocl m2110 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2401c | Hmo2 c2 oco m2401c |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1030_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1030 1 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd3d | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd3d |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1860 | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1860 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_3 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 3 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_diaga | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 diaga |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_calc_type | Hmo2 c2 oc pps calc type |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_9 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 9 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0010 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0010 |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2250e | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2250e |
hmo2_c2_oca_create_eenum | Hmo2 c2 oca create eenum |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0020 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0020 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_9 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 9 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_9 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 9 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_cbsa | Hmo2 c2 oc pps cbsa |
hmo2_c2_ocr_date | Hmo2 c2 ocr date |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1051 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1051 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_icda | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 icda |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_d1 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 d1 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 1 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1750 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1750 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_f1 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 f1 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1028_2 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1028 2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1041 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1041 |
hmo2_c2_ocj_m1900b | Hmo2 c2 ocj m1900b |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2401f | Hmo2 c2 oco m2401f |
hmo2_c2_ocd_m1230 | Hmo2 c2 ocd m1230 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0032_na | Hmo2 c2 oca m0032 na |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag4f | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag4f |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1740_3 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1740 3 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0018_uk | Hmo2 c2 oca m0018 uk |
hmo2_c2_oci_hmodate | Hmo2 c2 oci hmodate |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_10 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 10 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_sevd | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 sevd |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_6 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 6 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_13 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 13 |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2250g | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2250g |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1018_7 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1018 7 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_snvis | Hmo2 c2 oc pps snvis |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1036_5 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1036 5 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag4c | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag4c |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_validity | Hmo2 c2 oc pps validity |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_18 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 18 |
hmo2_c2_oci_m1740_7 | Hmo2 c2 oci m1740 7 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_12 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 12 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_20 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 20 |
hmo2_code | Hmo2 code |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_diagb | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 diagb |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_icdb | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 icdb |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_mswvis | Hmo2 c2 oc pps mswvis |
hmo2_c2_ocg_m1511_5 | Hmo2 c2 ocg m1511 5 |
hmo2_c2_ock_m2020 | Hmo2 c2 ock m2020 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0040_mid | Hmo2 c2 oca m0040 mid |
hmo2_c2_ocl_m2102a | Hmo2 c2 ocl m2102a |
hmo2_c2_oci_hmopatnum | Hmo2 c2 oci hmopatnum |
hmo2_c2_ocf_m1410_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocf m1410 1 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0040_last | Hmo2 c2 oca m0040 last |
hmo2_c2_ocg_m1501 | Hmo2 c2 ocg m1501 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1021_diaga | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1021 diaga |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1000_8 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1000 8 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_15 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 15 |
hmo2_c2_och_m1600 | Hmo2 c2 och m1600 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_ptvis | Hmo2 c2 oc pps ptvis |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2401d | Hmo2 c2 oco m2401d |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0050 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0050 |
hmo2_version | Hmo2 version |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_4 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 4 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_sevc | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 sevc |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1313_d | Hmo2 c2 oce m1313 d |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_diaga | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 diaga |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_init | Hmo2 c2 oc pps init |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1330 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1330 |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_8 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 8 |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0140_1 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0140 1 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1313_e | Hmo2 c2 oce m1313 e |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1307_dt | Hmo2 c2 oce m1307 dt |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_diage | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 diage |
hmo2_c2_oco_m2430_3 | Hmo2 c2 oco m2430 3 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1307 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1307 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1313_a | Hmo2 c2 oce m1313 a |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_rap_ready | Hmo2 c2 oc pps rap ready |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1023_icde | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1023 icde |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_diage | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 diage |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_f2 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 f2 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd3c | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd3c |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 1 |
hmo2_c2_oca_create_eecomp | Hmo2 c2 oca create eecomp |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_3 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 3 |
hmo2_c2_ocn_m2310_4 | Hmo2 c2 ocn m2310 4 |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_otvis | Hmo2 c2 oc pps otvis |
hmo2_c2_oc_pps_hhavis | Hmo2 c2 oc pps hhavis |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1033_7 | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1033 7 |
hmo2_c2_oca_create_eepr | Hmo2 c2 oca create eepr |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0150_3 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0150 3 |
hmo2_correct | Hmo2 correct |
hmo2_c2_ocg_m1511_1 | Hmo2 c2 ocg m1511 1 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_diag4b | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 diag4b |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_e2 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 e2 |
hmo2_c2_oce_m1311_a2 | Hmo2 c2 oce m1311 a2 |
hmo2_c2_ocm_m2250c | Hmo2 c2 ocm m2250c |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1011_diagf | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1011 diagf |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1025_icd4c | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1025 icd4c |
hmo2_c2_oca_m0140_3 | Hmo2 c2 oca m0140 3 |
hmo2_c2_ocb_m1017_na | Hmo2 c2 ocb m1017 na |
Description: Oasis Assessment Record
Name | Description |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd4e | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd4e |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_diagf | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 diagf |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0065 | Oasisca Medicaid Number |
hmo0_c1_ocd_m1200 | Hmo0 c1 ocd m1200 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0080 | Oasisca Discipline Of Assessor |
hmo0_patnum | Hmo0 patnum |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1041 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1041 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2400a | Hmo0 c1 oco m2400a |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_8 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 8 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1307_dt | Hmo0 c1 oce m1307 dt |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1030_3 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1030 3 |
hmo0_c1_ocl_xmit | Hmo0 c1 ocl xmit |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1051 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1051 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0064_uk | Oasisca Security Number Unknown |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd3a | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd3a |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_3 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 3 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1900c | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1900c |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2200b | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2200b |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1308b | Hmo0 c1 oce m1308b |
hmo0_c1_oco_m0906 | Hmo0 c1 oco m0906 |
hmo0_c1_ocf_m1410_4 | Hmo0 c1 ocf m1410 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_3 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 3 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_6 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 6 |
hmo0_c1_ocl_date | Hmo0 c1 ocl date |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_diage | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 diage |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1740_6 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1740 6 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_lupa | Pps Estimated Lupa |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2020 | Hmo0 c1 ock m2020 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0018 | Oasisca Referring Phy |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2250e | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2250e |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0140_2 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0140 2 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1308a | Hmo0 c1 oce m1308a |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_icde | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 icde |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_4 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_2 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 2 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0018_uk | Oasisca Referring Phy Unknown |
hmo0_c1_ocg_m1510_4 | Hmo0 c1 ocg m1510 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd3f | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd3f |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2002 | Hmo0 c1 ock m2002 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1870 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1870 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag3f | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag3f |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_init | Pps Initials |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_icdb | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 icdb |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_3 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 3 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag3d | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag3d |
hmo0_c1_och_m1620 | Hmo0 c1 och m1620 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_3 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 3 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_diagf | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 diagf |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2040a | Hmo0 c1 ock m2040a |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1810 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1810 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_icdd | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 icdd |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_eocosts | Pps Estimated Outlier Cost |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1309_a | Hmo0 c1 oce m1309 a |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0030 | Oasisca Start Of Care Date |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_diage | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 diage |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd3b | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd3b |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_6 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 6 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_sevd | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 sevd |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_14 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 14 |
hmo0_date | Hmo0 date |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_6 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 6 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_diaga | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 diaga |
hmo0_code | Hmo0 code |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_manifest | Pps-Manifest |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_7 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 7 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_eothresh | Pps Estimated Outlier Thresh |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0050 | Oasisca Patient State |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_17 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 17 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag3b | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag3b |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_10 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 10 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0140_4 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0140 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocd_m1220 | Hmo0 c1 ocd m1220 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1036_4 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1036 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_20 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 20 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0063 | Oasisca Medicare Number |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_11 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 11 |
hmo0_c1_ocl_m2102b | Hmo0 c1 ocl m2102b |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1830 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1830 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_matchkey | Pps Matchkey |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_20 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 20 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1740_3 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1740 3 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1308d2 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1308d2 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_10 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 10 |
hmo0_c1_ocl_m2102f | Hmo0 c1 ocl m2102f |
hmo0_version | Hmo0 version |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_9 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 9 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1046 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1046 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1740_5 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1740 5 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1745 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1745 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_icde | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 icde |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0060 | Oasisca Patient Zip Code |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2400e | Hmo0 c1 oco m2400e |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0040_mid | Oasisca Patient Mid Name |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1740_7 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1740 7 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_2 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 2 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_other | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 other |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_eototal | Pps Estimated Outlier Total |
hmo0_c1_ocd_m1242 | Hmo0 c1 ocd m1242 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1342 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1342 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_9 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 9 |
hmo0_c1_ocl_m2102g | Hmo0 c1 ocl m2102g |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1030_1 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1030 1 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1334 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1334 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_snvis | Pps Skilled Nursing Visit |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2250d | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2250d |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0032_na | Oasisca Resumption Of Care Na |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1850 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1850 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_diagd | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 diagd |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1030_2 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1030 2 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0020 | Oasisca Patient Id Number |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1330 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1330 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_5 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 5 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1350 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1350 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag3e | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag3e |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_15 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 15 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2410 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2410 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_7 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 7 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd4d | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd4d |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_finish | Pps Finish Date |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2300 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2300 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_2 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 2 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1910 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1910 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1020_diaga | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1020 diaga |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_9 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 9 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1302 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1302 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1030_4 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1030 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_diagc | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 diagc |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_2 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 2 |
hmo0_c1_ocg_m1510_5 | Hmo0 c1 ocg m1510 5 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_3 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 3 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_diaga | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 diaga |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_5 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 5 |
hmo0_c1_ocl_m2102e | Hmo0 c1 ocl m2102e |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2040b | Hmo0 c1 ock m2040b |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0102_na | Oasisca M0102 Na |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_5 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 5 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_7 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 7 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_2 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 2 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_cbsa | Pps Cbsa |
hmo0_c1_ocf_m1410_3 | Hmo0 c1 ocf m1410 3 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0064 | Oasisca Social Security Number |
hmo0_c1_och_m1615 | Hmo0 c1 och m1615 |
hmo0_c1_ocf_m1410_2 | Hmo0 c1 ocf m1410 2 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_1 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 1 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_cert_da | Pps Certified Day |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_icdc | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 icdc |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_1 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 1 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_6 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 6 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_icde | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 icde |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2250a | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2250a |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_15 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 15 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1036_5 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1036 5 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1320 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1320 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_21 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 21 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_16 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 16 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_4 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_icda | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 icda |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_hhrg | Pps Hhrg |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1005 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1005 |
hmo0_c1_ocl_m2110 | Hmo0 c1 ocl m2110 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd4f | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd4f |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_8 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 8 |
hmo0_c1_ocl_m2102c | Hmo0 c1 ocl m2102c |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag3a | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag3a |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_otvis | Pps Occupational Therapy Visit |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_8 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 8 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag4a | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag4a |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_rap_ready | Pps Rap Ready |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_5 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 5 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1900d | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1900d |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_diagb | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 diagb |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_11 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 11 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_10 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 10 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_8 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 8 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1700 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1700 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_diagb | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 diagb |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_19 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 19 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd3e | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd3e |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_16 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 16 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0140_5 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0140 5 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_na | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 na |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1020_icda | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1020 icda |
hmo0_c1_oci_inactivate | Hmo0 c1 oci inactivate |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_icdf | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 icdf |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd4c | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd4c |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0040_suffix | Oasisca Patient Name Suffix |
hmo0_c1_ocg_m1510_1 | Hmo0 c1 ocg m1510 1 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_13 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 13 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1308d1 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1308d1 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1308c | Hmo0 c1 oce m1308c |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1324 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1324 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_4 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_icdd | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 icdd |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1740_4 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1740 4 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2400b | Hmo0 c1 oco m2400b |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1900a | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1900a |
hmo0_c1_ocr_date | Hmo0 c1 ocr date |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_10 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 10 |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2015 | Hmo0 c1 ock m2015 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_icdf | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 icdf |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0010 | Oasisca Medicare Provider Number |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2250g | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2250g |
hmo0_90 | Not Used |
hmo0_c1_oci_hmopatnum | Hmo0 c1 oci hmopatnum |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0016 | Oasisca Agency Branch Id Number |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2004 | Hmo0 c1 ock m2004 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_12 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 12 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1309_c | Hmo0 c1 oce m1309 c |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1322 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1322 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1750 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1750 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1036_1 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1036 1 |
hmo0_correct | Hmo0 correct |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_diagb | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 diagb |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2000 | Hmo0 c1 ock m2000 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_6 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 6 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_6 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 6 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1034 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1034 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_4 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 4 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_ptvis | Pps Physical Therapy Visit |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag4d | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag4d |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1710 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1710 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1820 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1820 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1880 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1880 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_cert_dt | Pps Certified Date |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1309_b | Hmo0 c1 oce m1309 b |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1740_1 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1740 1 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_icdb | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 icdb |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_hhavis | Pps Hha Visit |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_sevf | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 sevf |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1900b | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1900b |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_diagc | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 diagc |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_hipps | Pps Hipps Code |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1020_seva | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1020 seva |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_fin_ready | Pps Fin Ready |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2250c | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2250c |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1036_2 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1036 2 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_13 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 13 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_12 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 12 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1860 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1860 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_1 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 1 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0014 | Oasisca Agency Branch State |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2400c | Hmo0 c1 oco m2400c |
hmo0_c1_ocg_m1510_2 | Hmo0 c1 ocg m1510 2 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_17 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 17 |
hmo0_c1_ocr_init | Hmo0 c1 ocr init |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0100 | Oasisca Reason For Care |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_2 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 2 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_9 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 9 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1332 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1332 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd3d | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd3d |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0140_6 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0140 6 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd4a | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd4a |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_diagd | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 diagd |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_1 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 1 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2400f | Hmo0 c1 oco m2400f |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_14 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 14 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_19 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 19 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1730a | Hmo0 c1 oci m1730a |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0065_na | Oasisca Medicaid Na |
hmo0_c1_ocl_m2102d | Hmo0 c1 ocl m2102d |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_reim | Pps Estimated Reimbursement |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1033_8 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1033 8 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_4 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 4 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_sevc | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 sevc |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_icdd | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 icdd |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_diagc | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 diagc |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1800 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1800 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_9 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 9 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd4b | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd4b |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2200a | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2200a |
hmo0_c1_occ_m1100 | Hmo0 c1 occ m1100 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1036_3 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1036 3 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1840 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1840 |
hmo0_c1_ocg_m1500 | Hmo0 c1 ocg m1500 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_3 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 3 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag4e | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag4e |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_validity | Pps Validity |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_other | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 other |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0040_last | Oasisca Patient Last Name |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_4 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 4 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_18 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 18 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag4b | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag4b |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_icda | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 icda |
hmo0_c1_och_m1610 | Hmo0 c1 och m1610 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_13 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 13 |
hmo0_c1_ocg_m1510_6 | Hmo0 c1 ocg m1510 6 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag4c | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag4c |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_5 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 5 |
hmo0_c1_ocf_m1400 | Hmo0 c1 ocf m1400 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0140_1 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0140 1 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_stvis | Pps St Visit |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_diagf | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 diagf |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2250f | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2250f |
hmo0_c1_och_m1630 | Hmo0 c1 och m1630 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0102_dt | Oasisca M0102 Date |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_icdc | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 icdc |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2010 | Hmo0 c1 ock m2010 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1730 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1730 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_eopmt | Pps Estimated Outlier Payment |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0069 | Oasisca Patient Gender |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_calc_type | Pps Calc Type |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_cert_da2 | Pps Cert Day |
hmo0_c1_ocl_m2102a | Hmo0 c1 ocl m2102a |
hmo0_c1_ock_m2030 | Hmo0 c1 ock m2030 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_8 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 8 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1720 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1720 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1306 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1306 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_5 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 5 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1309_d | Hmo0 c1 oce m1309 d |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_7 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 7 |
hmo0_c1_ocd_m1210 | Hmo0 c1 ocd m1210 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_icdc | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 icdc |
hmo0_seq | Hmo0 seq |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2400d | Hmo0 c1 oco m2400d |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0110 | Oasisca Episode Timing |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_icdb | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 icdb |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag3c | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag3c |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_icd3c | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 icd3c |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_diagd | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 diagd |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1016_diage | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1016 diage |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1890 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1890 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0040 | Oasisca Patient Full Name |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1300 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1300 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0040_first | Oasisca Patient First Name |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1024_diag4f | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1024 diag4f |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_sevb | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 sevb |
hmo0_c1_oci_hmocode | Hmo0 c1 oci hmocode |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1018_1 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1018 1 |
hmo0_c1_ocg_m1510_3 | Hmo0 c1 ocg m1510 3 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2420 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2420 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_12 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 12 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1000_1 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1000 1 |
hmo0_c1_oci_hmodate | Hmo0 c1 oci hmodate |
hmo0_c1_ocf_m1410_1 | Hmo0 c1 ocf m1410 1 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1340 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1340 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0032 | Oasisca Resumption Of Care Date |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0104 | Oasisca M0104 |
hmo0_c1_oc_pps_mswvis | Pps Msw Visit |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0066 | Oasisca Patient Date Of Birth |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0140_3 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0140 3 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_11 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 11 |
hmo0_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmo0_c1_och_m1600 | Hmo0 c1 och m1600 |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0063_na | Oasisca Medicare Na |
hmo0_c1_ocd_m1240 | Hmo0 c1 ocd m1240 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1036_6 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1036 6 |
hmo0_c1_ocn_m2310_18 | Hmo0 c1 ocn m2310 18 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1056 | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1056 |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1307 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1307 |
hmo0_c1_ocm_m2250b | Hmo0 c1 ocm m2250b |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1022_seve | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1022 seve |
hmo0_c1_oce_m1308d3 | Hmo0 c1 oce m1308d3 |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1740_2 | Hmo0 c1 oci m1740 2 |
hmo0_c1_ocj_m1845 | Hmo0 c1 ocj m1845 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m2430_7 | Hmo0 c1 oco m2430 7 |
hmo0_c1_ocb_m1010_icdf | Hmo0 c1 ocb m1010 icdf |
hmo0_c1_oci_m1730b | Hmo0 c1 oci m1730b |
hmo0_c1_oca_m0150_7 | Hmo0 c1 oca m0150 7 |
hmo0_c1_ocd_m1230 | Hmo0 c1 ocd m1230 |
hmo0_c1_oco_m0903 | Hmo0 c1 oco m0903 |
Description: Oasis Assessment Record
Name | Description |
hmo_c_oca_m0040_suffix | Oasisc patient name suffix |
hmo_b_j_m0640p | Oasis-B Grooming prior |
hmo_c_ock_m2002 | Oasisc Medication followup switch |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag4e | Oasis-B Payment diag 4e |
hmo_c_oco_m2400e | Oasisc Intervention prevent pressure ulcers |
hmo_b_pps_eopmt | Oasisb pps eo payment |
hmo_b_a_m0063_na | Oasis-B Medicare na |
hmo_c_ocb_m1045 | Oasisc Influenza vaccine not received reason |
hmo_c_oce_m1308c | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage 4 |
hmo_b_pps_reim | Oasisb pps estimated reimbursement |
hmo_c_oc_pps_eothresh | Oasisc Pps estimated outlier thresh |
hmo_c_oc_pps_ptvis | Oasisc Pps physical therapy visit |
hmo_c_ocb_m1005 | Oasisc Inpatient discharge date |
hmo_b_pps_otvis | Oasisb pps occupational therapist visit |
hmo_b_b_m0180 | Oasis-B Most recent discharge date |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd3b | Oasis-B Payment icd 3b |
hmo_b_m0320_other | Oasis-B other |
hmo_b_b_m0230_diagf | Oasis-B Primary diag f |
hmo_b_i_m0560 | Oasis-B Cognitive functioning |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd3c | Oasisc Case mix icd 3c |
hmo_c_oca_m0040_first | Oasisc patient first name |
hmo_c_oc_pps_stvis | Oasisc Pps st visit |
hmo_b_b_m0230_icde | Oasis-B Primary icd e |
hmo_c_ocl_date | Oasisc lock date |
hmo_c_oco_m2420 | Oasisc Discharge disposition |
hmo_b_a_m0040_mid | Oasis-B Patient mid name |
hmo_c_ocn_m2310_ary | Oasisc Emergency care reason |
hmo_c_oc_pps_finish | Oasisc Pps finish date |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd4d | Oasis-B Payment icd 4d |
hmo_c_oce_m1300 | Oasisc Ressure ulcer assessment |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd4f | Oasisc Case mix icd 4f |
hmo_c_oca_m0064 | Oasisc social security number |
hmo_c_ocl_m2100g | Oasisc Type and source of assistance |
hmo_b_j_m0680c | Oasis-B Toilet mobility current |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_na | Oasisc Changed medical regimen diag na |
hmo_b_m0160_other | Oasis-B other |
hmo_c_ocg_m1500 | Oasisc Heart failure symptoms |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_seve | Oasisc Other service code e |
hmo_b_m0610_ary | Oasis-B Weekly behaviors demonstrated |
hmo_b_f_m0450c | Oasis-B Two ulcers and stages |
hmo_c_ocj_m1820 | Oasisc Ability to dress lower body |
hmo_b_j_m0680p | Oasis-B Toilet mobility prior |
hmo_c_oci_m1720 | Oasisc When reported or observed anxious |
hmo_b_e_m0420 | Oasis-B Pain frequency |
hmo_b_pps_hhrgbs | Oasisb pps hhrgbs |
hmo_c_ocj_m1830 | Oasisc Bathing ability |
hmo_c_oca_m0050 | Oasisc patient state |
hmo_c_ocd_m1210 | Oasisc Hearing quality |
hmo_c_oci_hmocode | Oasisc Correction code |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag3e | Oasis-B Payment diag 3e |
hmo_c_ocj_m1900a | Oasisc Prior functioning self care |
hmo_b_m0590_ary | Oasis-B Depression reported or observed |
hmo_b_j_m0670c | Oasis-B Bathe body current |
hmo_c_oc_pps_cert_dt | Oasisc Pps certified date |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_icdf | Oasisc Other icd f |
hmo_c_ocr_init | Oasics review initials |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag3b | Oasis-B Payment diag 3b |
hmo_c_oc_pps_validity | Oasisc Pps validity |
hmo_c_oce_m1334 | Oasisc Status most problematic stasis ulcer |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_diagd | Oasisc Inpatient facility diagnosis d |
hmo_c_oc_pps_hhrg | Oasisc Pps hhrg |
hmo_b_f_m0488 | Oasis-B Status most problematic surgical wound |
hmo_c_ocj_m1860 | Oasisc Ambulation locomotion ability |
hmo_b_a_m0065 | Oasis-B Patient medicaid number |
hmo_c_oce_m1308d1_2 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage d1 on admit |
hmo_b_a_m0016 | Oasis-B Agency branch id number |
hmo_b_pps_mswvis | Oasisb pps msw visit |
hmo_c_oci_m1710 | Oasisc When reported or observed confused |
hmo_c_oce_m1306 | Oasisc Unhealed pressure ulcer present |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd3d | Oasisc Case mix icd 3d |
hmo_c_oca_m0016 | Oasisc agency branch id number |
hmo_c_oce_m1324 | Oasisc Stage most problematic unhealed |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_diagf | Oasisc Changed medical regimen diag f |
hmo_c_ocj_m1850 | Oasisc Transferring ability |
hmo_b_d_m0360 | Oasis-B Primary caregiver |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_icdc | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure C |
hmo_90 | Hmo 90 |
hmo_b_j_m0650c | Oasis-B Dress upper body current |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_icdb | Oasisc Other icd b |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_icda | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure A |
hmo_c_oca_m0065_na | Oasisc medicaid na |
hmo_c_ocb_m1020_icda | Oasisc History icd9 |
hmo_c_oca_m0150_other | Oasisc Other Current Payment Sources |
hmo_b_ci_inactivate | Oasis-B Correction info inactive switch |
hmo_b_pps_scdays2 | Oasisb pps scdays2 |
hmo_c_ocl_m2110 | Oasisc Frequency of adl iadl assistance |
hmo_c_oci_hmopatnum | Oasisc Patient visit number |
hmo_c_oc_pps_snvis | Oasisc Pps skilled nursing visit |
hmo_b_pps_ptvis | Oasisb pps physical thereapist visit |
hmo_c_oc_pps_matchkey | Oasisc Pps matchkey |
hmo_version | Hmo version |
hmo_b_e_m0410 | Oasis-B Speach quality |
hmo_b_f_m0445 | Oasis-B Pressure ulcer present |
hmo_b_a_m0064 | Oasis-B Patient social security number |
hmo_c_ock_m2040b | Oasisc Prior medication management injectable |
hmo_b_m0175_ary | Oasis-B Discharged from |
hmo_date | Oasisc Assessment completed date |
hmo_c_oca_m0150_ary | Oasisc Current Payment Sourches |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd4e | Oasis-B Payment icd 4e |
hmo_b_pps_calc_type | Oasis-B pps calc type |
hmo_c_ocd_m1240 | Oasisc Pain assessment test given |
hmo_b_a_m0030 | Oasis-B Start of care date |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag4f | Oasis-B Payment diag 4f |
hmo_c_oco_m0903 | Oasisc Most recent home visit date |
hmo_c_oce_m1307 | Oasisc Oldest nonepithelizlized stage2 ulcer |
hmo_b_a_m0040 | Oasis-B Patient full name |
hmo_c_och_m1620 | Oasisc Bowel incontinence frequency |
hmo_c_oc_pps_cert_da | Oasisc Pps certified day |
hmo_b_b_m0245_icdb | Oasis-B Payment icd b |
hmo_b_pps_cert_da | Oasisb pps cert day |
hmo_b_pps_manifest | Oasisb pps manifest |
hmo_c_ocb_m1040 | Oasisc Influenza vaccine |
hmo_b_b_m0245_diaga | Oasis-B Payment diag a |
hmo_b_b_m0230_seve | Oasis-B Primary severity e |
hmo_b_pps_hipps | Oasisb pps hipps |
hmo_c_ocj_m1910 | Oasisc Multifactor fall risk assessment given |
hmo_c_oco_m2400f | Oasisc Intervention treat pressure ulcers |
hmo_c_oce_m1320 | Oasisc Status most problem pressure ulcer |
hmo_b_j_m0730p | Oasis-B Transportation prior |
hmo_b_f_m0470 | Oasis-B Number of stasis ulcers |
hmo_c_oc_pps_hhavis | Oasic Pps hha visit |
hmo_c_och_m1630 | Oasisc Ostomy switch |
hmo_c_ocb_m1018_ary | Oasisc Condition prior to regimen change |
hmo_b_pps_msa | Oasisb pps msa |
hmo_b_pps_daysbs | Oasisb pps daysbs |
hmo_c_oca_m0063 | Oasisc medicare number |
hmo_b_pps_init | Oasisb pps initials |
hmo_b_b_m0190_icda | Oasis-B Inpatient within last 14days icd9 a |
hmo_b_b_m0210_diaga | Oasis-B Change regimen diag a |
hmo_b_f_m0450b | Oasis-B One ulcer and stage |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_diagf | Oasisc Other diagnosis f |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_icde | Oasisc Inpatient facility icde |
hmo_code | Oasisc Type of care |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_icde | Oasisc Other icd e |
hmo_b_pps_hhavis | Oasisb pps hha visit |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd4e | Oasisc Case mix icd 4e |
hmo_b_j_m0710p | Oasis-B Feeding prior |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag4b | Oasis-B Payment diag 4b |
hmo_c_oc_pps_eopmt | Oasisc Pps estimated outlier payment |
hmo_b_f_m0468 | Oasis-B Stasis ulcer present |
hmo_b_pps_fin_ready | Oasisb pps fin ready |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag4f | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 4f |
hmo_b_a_m0065_na | Oasis-B Medicaid na |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd4c | Oasis-B Payment icd 4c |
hmo_b_pps_daysas | Oasisb pps daysas |
hmo_b_b_m0230_diagc | Oasis-B Primary diag c |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_icdf | Oasic Inpatient facility icdf |
hmo_b_m0160_ary | Oasis-B options |
hmo_c_oca_m0040 | Oasisc patient full name |
hmo_b_b_m0245_diagb | Oasis-B Payment diag b |
hmo_c_ocm_m2250b | Oasisc Diabetic foot |
hmo_b_b_m0230_sevf | Oasis-B Primary severity f |
hmo_c_oco_m2400a | Oasisc Intervention synopsis diabetic foot |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_diage | Oasisc Other diagnosis e |
hmo_b_j_m0650p | Oasis-B Dress upper body prior |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_diage | Oasisc Changed medical regimen diag e |
hmo_c_oca_m0040_mid | Oasisc patient mid name |
hmo_b_f_m0440 | Oasis-B Lesion or open wound |
hmo_c_oca_m0032 | Oasisc resumption of care date |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_icdb | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure B |
hmo_c_ocl_m2100c | Oasisc Medication administer need |
hmo_b_f_m0476 | Oasis-B Status observed problematic ulcer |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd4d | Oasisc Case mix icd 4d |
hmo_c_oca_m0020 | Oasisc patient id number |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag4d | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 4d |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd3d | Oasis-B Payment icd 3d |
hmo_b_pps_validity | Oasisb pps validity |
hmo_b_a_m0063 | Oasis-B Patient medicare number |
hmo_b_pps_stvis | Oasisb pps st visit |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_procd | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure Code D |
hmo_c_ocl_m2100e | Oasisc Management of equipment need |
hmo_c_oca_m0104 | Oasisc Date Of Referral |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd4f | Oasis-B Payment icd 4f |
hmo_b_b_m0210_icdb | Oasis-B Change regimen icd9 b |
hmo_c_ocj_m1840 | Oasisc Toilet transferring ability |
hmo_b_a_m0100 | Oasis-B Reason for care |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag3c | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 3c |
hmo_c_ocb_m1055 | Oasisc Reason ppv not received |
hmo_c_ock_m2000 | Oasis Drug regimen review |
hmo_c_oce_m1308a | Oasisc Pressure ulcers stage 2 |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_procb | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure Code B |
hmo_b_c_m0300_other | Oasis-B Current resident other |
hmo_c_ocj_m1810 | Oasisc Ability to dress upper body |
hmo_c_oce_m1332 | Oasisc Number observable stasis ulcers |
hmo_b_k_m0800c | Oasis-B Manage injectable meds current |
hmo_b_f_m0482 | Oasis-B Surgical wound present |
hmo_c_ocd_m1230 | Oasisc Expression of language quality |
hmo_b_pps_screim2 | Oasisb pps screim2 |
hmo_c_oco_m2410 | Oasisc Inpatient facility admitted |
hmo_c_oci_m1745 | Oasisc Frequency disruptive behavior symptoms |
hmo_c_oca_m0060 | Oasisc patient zip code |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_icdc | Oasisc Other icd c |
hmo_b_f_m0486 | Oasis-B Non observable surgical wound present |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_sevb | Oasisc Other sevice code b |
hmo_b_b_m0190_diagb | Oasis-B Inpatient within last 14days diag b |
hmo_b_i_m0570 | Oasis-B When confused |
hmo_b_a_m0014 | Oasis-B Agency branch state |
hmo_b_j_m0710c | Oasis-B Feeding current |
hmo_c_ocn_m2300 | Oasisc Emergency care |
hmo_b_f_m0464 | Oasis-B Status of most problematic ulcer |
hmo_c_oc_pps_cbsa | Oasisc Pps Cbsa |
hmo_c_oc_pps_hipps | Oasisc Pps hipps code |
hmo_b_j_m0700c | Oasis-B Ambulation locomotion current |
hmo_b_b_m0230_icdf | Oasis-B Primary icd f |
hmo_c_oce_m1308b | Oasisc Pressure ulcers stage 3 |
hmo_b_j_m0720c | Oasis-B Plan prepare small meal current |
hmo_c_occ_m1100 | Oasisc Patient living arangement |
hmo_c_oce_m1307_dt | Oasisc Nonepithelialized stage2 noticed date |
hmo_b_pps_scdays1 | Oasisb pps scdays1 |
hmo_c_ocm_m2200a | Oasisc Therapy need number visits |
hmo_b_b_m0260 | Oasis-B Overall prognosis |
hmo_b_pps_cbsa | Oasisb pps cbsa |
hmo_c_oc_pps_mswvis | Oasic Pps msw visit |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_na | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure Na |
hmo_c_oce_m1310 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer length |
hmo_c_oci_m1730b | Oasisc Phq2 pfizer b |
hmo_c_ocb_m1020_diaga | Oasisc History diagnosis |
hmo_c_oc_pps_manifest | Oasisc Pps-Manifest |
hmo_c_ocb_m1020_seva | Oasisc History service code |
hmo_c_oco_m0906 | Oasisc Discharge transfer death date |
hmo_b_a_m0080 | Oasis-B Discipline of assessor |
hmo_b_a_m0050 | Oasis-B Patient state |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_icdc | Oasisc Inpatient facility icdc |
hmo_c_oco_m2430_ary | Oasisc Hospitalization reason |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd3a | Oasis-B Payment icd 3a |
hmo_b_b_m0210_diagc | Oasis-B Change regimen diag c |
hmo_b_m0150_other | Oasis-B Payment source other |
hmo_c_oca_m0018_uk | Oasisc referring phy unknown |
hmo_c_ocl_m2100d | Oasisc Medical procedure need |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag4a | Oasis-B Payment diag 4a |
hmo_b_b_m0210_icdc | Oasis-B Change regimen icd9 c |
hmo_c_ocb_m1000_ary | Oasisc Patient discharged inpatient facility |
hmo_c_oca_m0102_dt | Oasisc Date Physician Ordered Soc/Roc |
hmo_c_och_m1610 | Oasisc Urinary incontinence or urinary catheter |
hmo_b_pps_rap_ready | Oasisb pps rap ready |
hmo_b_a_m0032 | Oasis-B Resumption of care date |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd3a | Oasisc Case mix icd 3a |
hmo_b_b_m0210_diagb | Oasis-B Change regimen diag b |
hmo_b_c_m0300 | Oasis-B Current resident switch |
hmo_c_oce_m1308d3_2 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage d3 on admit |
hmo_c_oca_m0010 | Oasisc medicare provider number |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd4c | Oasisc Case mix icd 4c |
hmo_b_pps_eototal | Oasisb pps eo total |
hmo_b_pps_pepdays | Oasisb pps pepdays |
hmo_b_n_m0903 | Oasis-B Date of last home visit |
hmo_c_oca_m0063_na | Oasisc medicare na |
hmo_c_och_m1600 | Oasisc Urinary tract infection past 14days |
hmo_c_ocl_m2100f | Oasisc Supervision cognitive need |
hmo_b_j_m0700p | Oasis-B Ambulation locomotion prior |
hmo_c_ocd_m1242 | Oasisc Frequency of pain interference |
hmo_c_ocj_m1880 | Oasisc Ability to plan light meals |
hmo_c_ocm_m2250a | Oasisc Plan of care synopsis |
hmo_c_oca_m0069 | Oasisc patient gender |
hmo_c_ocb_m1032_ary | Oasisc Risk for patient hospitalization |
hmo_b_b_m0230_sevd | Oasis-B Primary severity d |
hmo_b_h_m0530 | Oasis-B When urinary incontinence occurs |
hmo_b_n_m0890 | Oasis-B Acute care hospitalization |
hmo_c_oc_pps_rap_ready | Oasisc Pps rap ready |
hmo_c_oci_m1740_ary | Oasisc Cognitive behavior psychiatric symptoms |
hmo_b_m0830_ary | Oasis-B Emergency care given |
hmo_c_ocb_m1034 | Oasisc Patients overall health status |
hmo_b_b_m0230_icdc | Oasis-B Primary icd c |
hmo_b_k_m0790p | Oasis-B Manage mist inhalers prior |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_diaga | Oasisc Changed medical regimen diag a |
hmo_c_ocj_m1900d | Oasisc Prior functioning household task |
hmo_b_m0150_ary | Oasis-B Payment source for homecare |
hmo_b_n_m0906 | Oasis-B Date of discharge transfer or death |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_icdd | Oasisc Other icd d |
hmo_b_f_m0450d | Oasis-B Three ulcers and stages |
hmo_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmo_b_k_m0780c | Oasis-B Manage oral meds current |
hmo_b_a_m0072_uk | Oasis-B Primary referring phy unknown |
hmo_b_ci_hmocode | Oasis-B Correction info code |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag3c | Oasis-B Payment diag 3c |
hmo_b_a_m0072 | Oasis-B Primary referring physician |
hmo_correct | Oasisc Assessment correction key |
hmo_b_m0600_ary | Oasis-B options |
hmo_b_e_m0400 | Oasis-B Hearing quality |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_icdb | Oasisc Changed medical regimen icd b |
hmo_c_oce_m1342 | Oasisc Number problematic surgical wounds |
hmo_c_oc_pps_cert_da2 | Oasisc Pps cert day |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag3d | Oasis-B Payment diag 3d |
hmo_b_b_m0230_diagb | Oasis-B Primary diag b |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_icdc | Oasisc Changed medical regimen icd c |
hmo_b_b_m0190_diaga | Oasis-B Inpatient within last 14days diag a |
hmo_c_oc_pps_lupa | Oasic Pps estimated lupa |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_diagd | Oasic Changed medical regimen diag d |
hmo_b_f_m0484 | Oasis-B Number observable surgical wounds |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_icda | Oasic Changed medical regimen icd a |
hmo_c_ocm_m2250d | Oasisc Depression intervention |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag3f | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 3f |
hmo_b_pps_lupa | Oasisb pps lupa |
hmo_b_b_m0210_diagd | Oasis-B Change regimen diag d |
hmo_c_oca_m0040_last | Oasisc patient last name |
hmo_c_oce_m1308d2 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage d2 unstageable |
hmo_b_pps_cert_da2 | Oasisb pps certda2 |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_sevd | Oasisc Other service code d |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_icdd | Oasisc Changed medical regimen icd d |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_diagf | Oasisc Inpatient facility diagnosis f |
hmo_b_m0310_ary | Oasis-B options |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag3a | Oasis-B Payment diag 3a |
hmo_b_j_m0730c | Oasis-B Transportation current |
hmo_c_ocb_m1036_ary | Oasisc Patient high risk factors |
hmo_b_ol_date | Oasis-B lock date |
hmo_b_pps_matchkey | Oasisb pps matchkey |
hmo_b_f_m0450e | Oasis-B Four or more ulcer and stages |
hmo_c_oca_m0030 | Oasisc start of care date |
hmo_c_oca_m0140_ary | Oasisc Race/Ethnicity |
hmo_c_ock_m2020 | Oasisc Management of oral medications |
hmo_c_ocr_date | Oasisc review date |
hmo_c_ocb_m1000_other | Oasisc Patient discharged from other |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd4a | Oasis-B Payment icd 4a |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd3f | Oasis-B Payment icd 3f |
hmo_c_ocj_m1890 | Oasisc Ability to use telephone |
hmo_b_m0880_ary | Oasis-B Assistance after discharge |
hmo_b_b_m0280 | Oasis-B Life expectancy |
hmo_b_ci_hmodate | Oasis-B Correction info date |
hmo_c_oce_m1312 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer width |
hmo_b_j_m0720p | Oasis-B Plan prepare small meal prior |
hmo_c_oc_pps_calc_type | Oasisc Pps calc type |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag3a | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 3a |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_icda | Oasisc Inpatient facility icda |
hmo_b_or_init | Oasis-B review initials |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag3f | Oasis-B Payment diag 3f |
hmo_b_b_m0230_seva | Oasis-B Primary serverity a |
hmo_c_oci_hmodate | Oasisc Correction date |
hmo_c_oce_m1340 | Oasisc Surgical wound present |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_diagb | Oasic Changed medical regimen diag b |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_diagb | Oasisc Other diagnosis b |
hmo_b_m0340_ary | Oasis-B Patient lives with |
hmo_b_f_m0474 | Oasis-B Stasis ulcer unobserved |
hmo_b_m0330_ary | Oasis-B options |
hmo_c_ocl_m2100a | Oasisc Adl assistance need |
hmo_b_k_m0780p | Oasis-B Manage oral meds prior |
hmo_b_pps_snvis | Oasisb pps skilled-Nursing visit |
hmo_c_oc_pps_otvis | Oasic Pps occupational therapy visit |
hmo_b_i_m0630 | Oasis-B Receiving psychiatric nursing service |
hmo_b_h_m0510 | Oasis-B Treatment of urinary tract infection |
hmo_c_oco_m2400b | Oasisc Intervention fall prevention |
hmo_b_b_m0200 | Oasis-B Treatment regimen change last14days |
hmo_c_ocj_m1800 | Oasisc Ability to groom self |
hmo_b_b_m0230_icdd | Oasis-B Primary icd d |
hmo_b_b_m0230_diaga | Oasis-B Primary diag a |
hmo_c_ock_m2010 | Oasisc Patient caregiver risk drug educated |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_icdd | Oasisc Inpatient facility icdd |
hmo_b_k_m0790c | Oasis-B Manage mist inhalers current |
hmo_b_h_m0550 | Oasis-B Ostomy for bowel |
hmo_b_l_m0825 | Oasis-B Therapy needed |
hmo_c_oce_m1308d3 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage d3 unstageable |
hmo_b_b_m0230_diagd | Oasis-B Primary diag d |
hmo_c_oc_pps_eocosts | Oasisc Pps estimated outlier cost |
hmo_c_oca_m0110 | Oasisc episode timing |
hmo_b_m0840_ary | Oasis-B Emergency care reason |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd4b | Oasisc Case mix icd 4b |
hmo_c_oc_pps_init | Oasic Pps initials |
hmo_b_l_m0826a | Oasis-B Therapy need number of visits |
hmo_b_i_m0580 | Oasis-B Anxiety reported or observed |
hmo_b_m0140_ary | Oasis-B Race ethnicity |
hmo_c_ock_m2015 | Oasisc Caregiver drug education intervention |
hmo_b_j_m0740p | Oasis-B Laundry prior |
hmo_b_m0290_ary | Oasis-B High risk factors |
hmo_b_a_m0040_suffix | Oasis-B Patient name suffix |
hmo_b_pps_eocosts | Oasisb pps eo costs |
hmo_b_a_m0012 | Oasis-B Agency medicaid provider number |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_sevc | Oasisc Other service code c |
hmo_c_ocl_m2100b | Oasisc Iadl assistance need |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_diaga | Oasisc Inpatient facility diagnosis a |
hmo_b_a_m0040_first | Oasis-B Patient first name |
hmo_c_ocj_m1900b | Oasisc Prior functioning ambulation |
hmo_c_ock_m2030 | Oasisc Management of injectable medications |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_icde | Oasisc Changed medical regimen icd e |
hmo_c_och_m1615 | Oasisc When urinary incontinence occurs |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_diage | Oasisc Inpatient facility diagnosis e |
hmo_b_d_m0370 | Oasis-B Primary caregiver frequency |
hmo_b_a_m0066 | Oasis-B Patient birth date |
hmo_b_j_m0750p | Oasis-B Housekeeping prior |
hmo_c_oce_m1302 | Oasisc Risk of developing pressure ulcers |
hmo_c_oce_m1330 | Oasisc Stasis ulcer present |
hmo_b_l_m0826b | Oasis-B Therapy visits na |
hmo_b_e_m0430 | Oasis-B Intractable pain |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd4b | Oasis-B Payment icd 4b |
hmo_b_l_m0810 | Oasis-B Patient manage equipment |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_proca | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure Code A |
hmo_b_a_m0020 | Oasis-B Patient id number |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag3b | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 3b |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag4e | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 4e |
hmo_c_ocl_xmit | Oasisc transmit date |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag4b | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 4b |
hmo_b_j_m0770c | Oasis-B Phone ability current |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_icdb | Oasisc Inpatient facility icdb |
hmo_b_j_m0640c | Oasis-B Grooming current |
hmo_b_l_m0820 | Oasis-B Caregiver manage equipment |
hmo_c_oce_m1308b_2 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage 3 on admit |
hmo_b_b_m0270 | Oasis-B Rehabilitation prognosis |
hmo_c_oce_m1308c_2 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage 4 on admit |
hmo_b_k_m0800p | Oasis-B Manage injectable meds prior |
hmo_c_ock_m2004 | Oasisc Medication intervention |
hmo_c_oc_pps_reim | Oasisc Pps estimated reimbursement |
hmo_c_ocm_m2250c | Oasisc Fall preventions |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_diagc | Oasic Changed medical regimen diag c |
hmo_b_a_m0064_uk | Oasis-B Social security number unknown |
hmo_c_oci_m1730a | Oasisc Phq2 pfizer a |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd3b | Oasisc Case mix icd 3b |
hmo_c_ock_m2040a | Oasisc Prior medication management oral |
hmo_b_b_m0210_icda | Oasis-B Change regimen icd9 a |
hmo_c_oce_m1308d2_2 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage d2 on admit |
hmo_b_j_m0660p | Oasis-B Dress lower body prior |
hmo_b_b_m0245_icda | Oasis-B Payment icd a |
hmo_b_pps_reprt_scic | Oasisb pps reprt scic |
hmo_c_ocm_m2200b | Oasisc Therapy need na |
hmo_b_a_m0060 | Oasis-B Patient zip code |
hmo_b_pps_cert_dt | Oasisb pps cert date |
hmo_c_oce_m1350 | Oasisc Skin lesion or open wound present |
hmo_b_m0500_ary | Oasis-B Respitary treatment at home |
hmo_b_g_m0490 | Oasis-B Notice shortness of breath |
hmo_c_ocj_m1845 | Oasisc Toileting hygiene |
hmo_c_oco_m2400c | Oasisc Intervention depression |
hmo_b_pps_eothresh | Oasisb pps eo thresh |
hmo_c_oc_pps_fin_ready | Oasisc Pps fin ready |
hmo_b_m0350_ary | Oasis-B Assisting persons |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag3d | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 3d |
hmo_c_oci_m1750 | Oasisc Patient receive psychiatric nursing care |
hmo_b_j_m0750c | Oasis-B Housekeeping current |
hmo_b_b_m0230_icda | Oasis-B Primary icd a |
hmo_b_j_m0690p | Oasis-B Transferring prior |
hmo_c_ocj_m1900c | Oasisc Prior functioning transfer |
hmo_b_b_m0230_sevb | Oasis-B Primary severity b |
hmo_b_b_m0230_diage | Oasis-B Primary diag e |
hmo_c_oca_m0064_uk | Oasisc security number unknown |
hmo_b_h_m0520 | Oasis-B Urinary incontinence or catherter |
hmo_b_j_m0670p | Oasis-B Bathe body prior |
hmo_b_m0320_ary | Oasis-B options |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_uk | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure Code Unknown |
hmo_b_n_m0855 | Oasis-B Inpatient facility |
hmo_b_ol_xmit | Oasis-B lock transmit date |
hmo_patnum | Oasisc Visit number |
hmo_c_oc_pps_eototal | Oasisc Pps estimated outlier total |
hmo_c_oce_m1308a_2 | Oasisc Pressure ulcers stage 2 on admit |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_diagb | Oasisc Inpatient facility diagnosis b |
hmo_b_m0250_ary | Oasis-B Therapies received at home |
hmo_c_ocb_m1050 | Oasisc Pneumococcal vaccine |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag4a | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 4a |
hmo_c_ocm_m2250f | Oasisc Pressure ulcer intervention |
hmo_b_or_date | Oasis-B review date |
hmo_c_ocb_m1030_ary | Oasisc Therapies patient receives at home |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd3e | Oasisc Case mix icd 3e |
hmo_b_a_m0110 | Oasis-B Episode timing |
hmo_b_j_m0740c | Oasis-B Laundry current |
hmo_c_ocf_m1400 | Oasisc Patient dyspneic or short of breath |
hmo_c_oca_m0066 | Oasisc patient date of birth |
hmo_c_ocb_m1016_icdf | Oasisc Changed medical regimen icd f |
hmo_b_m0170_other | Oasis-B other |
hmo_b_e_m0440 | Oasis-B Lesion or wound |
hmo_c_ocd_m1200 | Oasisc Vision quality |
hmo_c_oci_m1700 | Oasisc Cognitive functioning |
hmo_b_f_m0450a | Oasis-B No pressure ulcer |
hmo_b_j_m0760c | Oasis-B Shopping current |
hmo_c_oca_m0018 | Oasisc referring phy |
hmo_c_ocj_m1870 | Oasisc Feeding eating ability |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag4c | Oasis-B Payment diag 4c |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd3e | Oasis-B Payment icd 3e |
hmo_b_b_m0246_icd3c | Oasis-B Payment icd 3c |
hmo_c_oce_m1314 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer depth |
hmo_b_b_m0230_icdb | Oasis-B Primary icd b |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag3e | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 3e |
hmo_c_oce_m1308d1 | Oasisc Pressure ulcer stage d1 unstageable |
hmo_c_ocg_m1510_ary | Oasisc Heart failure followup |
hmo_b_pps_hhrg | Oasisb pps hhrg |
hmo_c_ocf_m1410_ary | Oasisc Respiratory treatments used at home |
hmo_c_oco_m2440_ary | Oasisc Nursing home admit reason |
hmo_c_oca_m0014 | Oasisc agency branch state |
hmo_b_a_m0032_na | Oasis-B Resumption of care na |
hmo_c_oci_inactivate | Oasisc Correction inactive switch |
hmo_b_j_m0690c | Oasis-B Transferring current |
hmo_b_e_m0390 | Oasis-B Vision quality |
hmo_b_m0380_ary | Oasis-B Primary caregiver assistance code |
hmo_b_h_m0540 | Oasis-B Bowel incontinence frequency |
hmo_seq | Oasisc Sequence number |
hmo_c_oco_m2400d | Oasisc Intervention pain |
hmo_b_m0220_ary | Oasis-B Condition prior to regimen |
hmo_b_pps_hhrgas | Oasisb pps hhrgas |
hmo_c_oci_m1730 | Oasisc Depression screening performed |
hmo_b_b_m0246_diag4d | Oaiss-B Payment diag 4d |
hmo_b_a_m0010 | Oasis-B Medicare provider number |
hmo_b_j_m0770p | Oasis-B Phone ability prior |
hmo_b_b_m0190_icdb | Oasis-B Inpatient within last 14days icd9 b |
hmo_c_oca_m0102_na | Oasisc Na Soc Ordered By Physician |
hmo_b_pps_screim1 | Oasisb pps screim1 |
hmo_c_oca_m0032_na | Oasisc resumption of care na |
hmo_b_m0895_ary | Oasis-B Reason for acute care |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd4a | Oasisc Case mix icd 4a |
hmo_c_ocm_m2250e | Oasisc Pain intervention |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_diagd | Oasic Other diagnosis d |
hmo_b_m0170_ary | Oasis-B options |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_sevf | Oasisc Other service code f |
hmo_b_pps_finish | Oasisb pps finish date |
hmo_b_pps_sctotal | Oasisb pps sc total |
hmo_b_f_m0460 | Oasis-B Stage of most problematic ulcer |
hmo_b_a_m0069 | Oasis-B Patient gender |
hmo_b_a_m0040_last | Oasis-B Patient last name |
hmo_c_ocb_m1010_diagc | Oasisc Inpatient facility diagnosis c |
hmo_c_ocm_m2250g | Oasisc Pressure ulcer treatment |
hmo_c_ocd_m1220 | Oasisc Comprehension quality |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_diag4c | Oasisc Case mix diagnosis 4c |
hmo_c_oce_m1322 | Oasisc Number stage one pressure ulcers |
hmo_b_ci_hmopatnum | Oasis-B Correction info number |
hmo_b_m0330_other | Oasis-B other |
hmo_b_j_m0660c | Oasis-B Dress lower body current |
hmo_c_oca_m0100 | Oasisc reason for care |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_procc | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure Code C |
hmo_b_j_m0760p | Oasis-B Shopping prior |
hmo_b_b_m0210_icdd | Oasis-B Change regimen icd9 d |
hmo_c_ocb_m1022_diagc | Oasisc Other diagnosis c |
hmo_b_i_m0620 | Oasis-B Frequency of behavior problems |
hmo_c_oca_m0065 | Oasisc medicaid number |
hmo_b_n_m0870 | Oasis-B Discharge disposition |
hmo_b_pps_pep | Oasisb pps pep |
hmo_c_ocb_m1024_icd3f | Oasisc Case mix icd 3f |
hmo_c_ocb_m1012_icdd | Oasisc Inpatient Procedure D |
hmo_c_oca_m0080 | Oasisc discipline of assessor |
hmo_b_m0900_ary | Oasis-B Admitted to nursing home reason |
hmo_b_b_m0230_sevc | Oasis-B Primary severity c |
Description: Oasis Assessment Record
Name | Description |
hmod1_18_gg0170o3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170o3 |
hmod1_pps2_hhrg | Hmod1 pps2 hhrg |
hmod1_4_m1033_3 | Hmod1 4 m1033 3 |
hmod1_pps_manifest | Hmod1 pps manifest |
hmod1_4_m1000_2 | Hmod1 4 m1000 2 |
hmod1_18_gg0130c2 | Hmod1 18 gg0130c2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170f4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170f4 |
hmod1_pps2_matchkey | Hmod1 pps2 matchkey |
hmod1_12_m1860 | Hmod1 12 m1860 |
hmod1_lock_xmit | Hmod1 lock xmit |
hmod1_4_m1051 | Hmod1 4 m1051 |
hmod1_18_gg0170l1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170l1 |
hmod1_17_m2401c | Hmod1 17 m2401c |
hmod1_a_m0040_mid | Hmod1 a m0040 mid |
hmod1_pps_acute_other | Hmod1 pps acute other |
hmod1_14_m2102a | Hmod1 14 m2102a |
hmod1_a_m0040 | Hmod1 a m0040 |
hmod1_a_m0150_11 | Hmod1 a m0150 11 |
hmod1_4_m1023_sevb | Hmod1 4 m1023 sevb |
hmod1_pps_stvis | Hmod1 pps stvis |
hmod1_4_m1000_5 | Hmod1 4 m1000 5 |
hmod1_a_m0063_na | Hmod1 a m0063 na |
hmod1_pps_eothresh | Hmod1 pps eothresh |
hmod1_18_gg0170q4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170q4 |
hmod1_18_gg0170l4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170l4 |
hmod1_18_gg0170g2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170g2 |
hmod1_10_m1600 | Hmod1 10 m1600 |
hmod1_18_gg130e2 | Hmod1 18 gg130e2 |
hmod1_13_m2010 | Hmod1 13 m2010 |
hmod1_4_m1028_1 | Hmod1 4 m1028 1 |
hmod1_code | Hmod1 code |
hmod1_pps2_acute_other | Hmod1 pps2 acute other |
hmod1_pps_cert_da2 | Hmod1 pps cert da2 |
hmod1_18_gg0130a4 | Hmod1 18 gg0130a4 |
hmod1_a_m0150_4 | Hmod1 a m0150 4 |
hmod1_13_m2005 | Hmod1 13 m2005 |
hmod1_4_m1033_8 | Hmod1 4 m1033 8 |
hmod1_18_gg0170n2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170n2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170k2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170k2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170b2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170b2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170r4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170r4 |
hmod1_18_gg0170a2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170a2 |
hmod1_11_m1700 | Hmod1 11 m1700 |
hmod1_16_m2310_10 | Hmod1 16 m2310 10 |
hmod1_4_m1023_diagd | Hmod1 4 m1023 diagd |
hmod1_seq | Hmod1 seq |
hmod1_a_m0064_uk | Hmod1 a m0064 uk |
hmod1_4_m1046 | Hmod1 4 m1046 |
hmod1_a_m0016 | Hmod1 a m0016 |
hmod1_11_m1745 | Hmod1 11 m1745 |
hmod1_18_gg0130b3 | Hmod1 18 gg0130b3 |
hmod1_18_gg0170i3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170i3 |
hmod1_7_m1334 | Hmod1 7 m1334 |
hmod1_a_m0100 | Hmod1 a m0100 |
hmod1_12_m1810 | Hmod1 12 m1810 |
hmod1_18_gg0170c3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170c3 |
hmod1_18_gg0130a3 | Hmod1 18 gg0130a3 |
hmod1_12_m1850 | Hmod1 12 m1850 |
hmod1_18_gg0170d3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170d3 |
hmod1_pps_finish | Hmod1 pps finish |
hmod1_18_gg0170m1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170m1 |
hmod1_7_m1311_a1 | Hmod1 7 m1311 a1 |
hmod1_18_gg0170j4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170j4 |
hmod1_4_m1005 | Hmod1 4 m1005 |
hmod1_18_gg0170q1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170q1 |
hmod1_4_m1060_weight | Hmod1 4 m1060 weight |
hmod1_18_gg0170rr3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170rr3 |
hmod1_11_m1740_4 | Hmod1 11 m1740 4 |
hmod1_oci_hmocode | Hmod1 oci hmocode |
hmod1_90 | Hmod1 90 |
hmod1_4_m1056 | Hmod1 4 m1056 |
hmod1_4_m1023_icdf | Hmod1 4 m1023 icdf |
hmod1_pps_mswvis | Hmod1 pps mswvis |
hmod1_12_m1840 | Hmod1 12 m1840 |
hmod1_pps_otvis | Hmod1 pps otvis |
hmod1_18_gg0170o2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170o2 |
hmod1_4_m1023_diage | Hmod1 4 m1023 diage |
hmod1_pps_calc_type | Hmod1 pps calc type |
hmod1_7_m1311_e1 | Hmod1 7 m1311 e1 |
hmod1_a_m0150_2 | Hmod1 a m0150 2 |
hmod1_7_m1322 | Hmod1 7 m1322 |
hmod1_18_gg0100d | Hmod1 18 gg0100d |
hmod1_pps2_rap_ready | Hmod1 pps2 rap ready |
hmod1_a_m0040_last | Hmod1 a m0040 last |
hmod1_14_m2102f | Hmod1 14 m2102f |
hmod1_18_gg0170a4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170a4 |
hmod1_18_gg0170b3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170b3 |
hmod1_4_m1033_10 | Hmod1 4 m1033 10 |
hmod1_a_create_eenum | Hmod1 a create eenum |
hmod1_pps_cert_da | Hmod1 pps cert da |
hmod1_a_m0140_1 | Hmod1 a m0140 1 |
hmod1_a_m0140_2 | Hmod1 a m0140 2 |
hmod1_a_m0018_uk | Hmod1 a m0018 uk |
hmod1_pps2_acute_dt | Hmod1 pps2 acute dt |
hmod1_pps_acute_dt | Hmod1 pps acute dt |
hmod1_18_gg0170q3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170q3 |
hmod1_11_m1740_3 | Hmod1 11 m1740 3 |
hmod1_a_m0150_1 | Hmod1 a m0150 1 |
hmod1_oci_hmodate | Hmod1 oci hmodate |
hmod1_18_gg0110a | Hmod1 18 gg0110a |
hmod1_a_m0080 | Hmod1 a m0080 |
hmod1_4_m1000_4 | Hmod1 4 m1000 4 |
hmod1_4_m1000_8 | Hmod1 4 m1000 8 |
hmod1_a_m0040_first | Hmod1 a m0040 first |
hmod1_20_j1900b | Hmod1 20 j1900b |
hmod1_18_gg0170e1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170e1 |
hmod1_patnum | Hmod1 patnum |
hmod1_4_m1033_7 | Hmod1 4 m1033 7 |
hmod1_18_gg0170r1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170r1 |
hmod1_a_m0150_5 | Hmod1 a m0150 5 |
hmod1_4_m1033_4 | Hmod1 4 m1033 4 |
hmod1_8_m1400 | Hmod1 8 m1400 |
hmod1_18_gg0100b | Hmod1 18 gg0100b |
hmod1_a_m0063 | Hmod1 a m0063 |
hmod1_4_m1030_2 | Hmod1 4 m1030 2 |
hmod1_a_m0064 | Hmod1 a m0064 |
hmod1_10_m1620 | Hmod1 10 m1620 |
hmod1_4_m1030_3 | Hmod1 4 m1030 3 |
hmod1_pps_ptvis | Hmod1 pps ptvis |
hmod1_17_m2401a | Hmod1 17 m2401a |
hmod1_pps_hipps | Hmod1 pps hipps |
hmod1_4_m1023_icde | Hmod1 4 m1023 icde |
hmod1_a_m0110 | Hmod1 a m0110 |
hmod1_arid | Hmod1 arid |
hmod1_10_m1630 | Hmod1 10 m1630 |
hmod1_18_gg0170ss3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170ss3 |
hmod1_4_m1033_1 | Hmod1 4 m1033 1 |
hmod1_a_m0140_6 | Hmod1 a m0140 6 |
hmod1_11_m1730b | Hmod1 11 m1730b |
hmod1_18_gg0110b | Hmod1 18 gg0110b |
hmod1_a_create_eepr | Hmod1 a create eepr |
hmod1_18_gg0100c | Hmod1 18 gg0100c |
hmod1_13_m2016 | Hmod1 13 m2016 |
hmod1_18_gg0130g1 | Hmod1 18 gg0130g1 |
hmod1_12_m1870 | Hmod1 12 m1870 |
hmod1_18_gg0130h2 | Hmod1 18 gg0130h2 |
hmod1_pps2_fin_ready | Hmod1 pps2 fin ready |
hmod1_18_gg130e1 | Hmod1 18 gg130e1 |
hmod1_18_gg0170k1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170k1 |
hmod1_16_m2301 | Hmod1 16 m2301 |
hmod1_a_m0090 | Hmod1 a m0090 |
hmod1_18_gg0170m4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170m4 |
hmod1_18_gg0170g3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170g3 |
hmod1_18_gg0130f1 | Hmod1 18 gg0130f1 |
hmod1_4_m1023_sevc | Hmod1 4 m1023 sevc |
hmod1_4_m1023_sevf | Hmod1 4 m1023 sevf |
hmod1_12_m1800 | Hmod1 12 m1800 |
hmod1_a_m0102_dt | Hmod1 a m0102 dt |
hmod1_18_gg0130c1 | Hmod1 18 gg0130c1 |
hmod1_13_m2001 | Hmod1 13 m2001 |
hmod1_a_m0150_8 | Hmod1 a m0150 8 |
hmod1_13_m2020 | Hmod1 13 m2020 |
hmod1_pps_rap_ready | Hmod1 pps rap ready |
hmod1_18_gg0130b2 | Hmod1 18 gg0130b2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170j1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170j1 |
hmod1_18_gg0110z | Hmod1 18 gg0110z |
hmod1_17_m2420 | Hmod1 17 m2420 |
hmod1_18_gg0170c4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170c4 |
hmod1_18_gg0170d4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170d4 |
hmod1_18_gg0170l3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170l3 |
hmod1_7_m1311_a2 | Hmod1 7 m1311 a2 |
hmod1_20_j1900c | Hmod1 20 j1900c |
hmod1_7_m1311_f1 | Hmod1 7 m1311 f1 |
hmod1_pps_validity | Hmod1 pps validity |
hmod1_18_gg0170i2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170i2 |
hmod1_pps_eototal | Hmod1 pps eototal |
hmod1_20_j1800 | Hmod1 20 j1800 |
hmod1_4_m1021_icda | Hmod1 4 m1021 icda |
hmod1_18_gg0170n3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170n3 |
hmod1_a_m0069 | Hmod1 a m0069 |
hmod1_a_m0032 | Hmod1 a m0032 |
hmod1_pps2_reim | Hmod1 pps2 reim |
hmod1_4_m1033_6 | Hmod1 4 m1033 6 |
hmod1_7_m1306 | Hmod1 7 m1306 |
hmod1_18_gg0110d | Hmod1 18 gg0110d |
hmod1_18_gg0170s2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170s2 |
hmod1_a_m0030 | Hmod1 a m0030 |
hmod1_11_m1740_6 | Hmod1 11 m1740 6 |
hmod1_14_m2102c | Hmod1 14 m2102c |
hmod1_pps_eopmt | Hmod1 pps eopmt |
hmod1_13_m2003 | Hmod1 13 m2003 |
hmod1_a_m0014 | Hmod1 a m0014 |
hmod1_a_m0150_6 | Hmod1 a m0150 6 |
hmod1_18_gg0170b1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170b1 |
hmod1_a_m0150_3 | Hmod1 a m0150 3 |
hmod1_11_m1740_1 | Hmod1 11 m1740 1 |
hmod1_7_m1330 | Hmod1 7 m1330 |
hmod1_a_m0140_5 | Hmod1 a m0140 5 |
hmod1_18_gg0170n1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170n1 |
hmod1_a_m0150_10 | Hmod1 a m0150 10 |
hmod1_17_m2401b | Hmod1 17 m2401b |
hmod1_18_gg0130a2 | Hmod1 18 gg0130a2 |
hmod1_version | Hmod1 version |
hmod1_a_m0066 | Hmod1 a m0066 |
hmod1_18_gg0170e2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170e2 |
hmod1_11_m1740_2 | Hmod1 11 m1740 2 |
hmod1_pps2_hipps | Hmod1 pps2 hipps |
hmod1_a_m0010 | Hmod1 a m0010 |
hmod1_18_gg0170o1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170o1 |
hmod1_7_m1332 | Hmod1 7 m1332 |
hmod1_18_gg0170r2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170r2 |
hmod1_12_m1845 | Hmod1 12 m1845 |
hmod1_a_m0065 | Hmod1 a m0065 |
hmod1_4_m1030_4 | Hmod1 4 m1030 4 |
hmod1_7_m1311_d1 | Hmod1 7 m1311 d1 |
hmod1_4_m1023_diagb | Hmod1 4 m1023 diagb |
hmod1_7_m1311_e2 | Hmod1 7 m1311 e2 |
hmod1_7_m1340 | Hmod1 7 m1340 |
hmod1_4_m1030_1 | Hmod1 4 m1030 1 |
hmod1_4_m1021_seva | Hmod1 4 m1021 seva |
hmod1_18_gg0170i1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170i1 |
hmod1_18_gg0170p2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170p2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170b4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170b4 |
hmod1_18_gg0170r3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170r3 |
hmod1_18_gg0110c | Hmod1 18 gg0110c |
hmod1_a_create_eecomp | Hmod1 a create eecomp |
hmod1_pps_fin_ready | Hmod1 pps fin ready |
hmod1_7_m1324 | Hmod1 7 m1324 |
hmod1_a_m0150_9 | Hmod1 a m0150 9 |
hmod1_7_m1311_b2 | Hmod1 7 m1311 b2 |
hmod1_4_m1023_diagf | Hmod1 4 m1023 diagf |
hmod1_4_m1060_height | Hmod1 4 m1060 height |
hmod1_7_m1311_c1 | Hmod1 7 m1311 c1 |
hmod1_a_m0018 | Hmod1 a m0018 |
hmod1_18_gg0130f3 | Hmod1 18 gg0130f3 |
hmod1_18_gg0170e4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170e4 |
hmod1_pps2_validity | Hmod1 pps2 validity |
hmod1_correct | Hmod1 correct |
hmod1_a_m0104 | Hmod1 a m0104 |
hmod1_pps_reim | Hmod1 pps reim |
hmod1_18_gg0170f2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170f2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170d1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170d1 |
hmod1_18_gg0170i4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170i4 |
hmod1_17_m2401f | Hmod1 17 m2401f |
hmod1_18_gg0130a1 | Hmod1 18 gg0130a1 |
hmod1_18_gg0170c1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170c1 |
hmod1_a_m0020 | Hmod1 a m0020 |
hmod1_15_m2200b | Hmod1 15 m2200b |
hmod1_18_gg0170f1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170f1 |
hmod1_18_gg0170m3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170m3 |
hmod1_4_m1000_3 | Hmod1 4 m1000 3 |
hmod1_18_gg0170s3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170s3 |
hmod1_4_m1023_sevd | Hmod1 4 m1023 sevd |
hmod1_18_gg0170l2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170l2 |
hmod1_6_m1242 | Hmod1 6 m1242 |
hmod1_pps_hhrg | Hmod1 pps hhrg |
hmod1_a_m0065_na | Hmod1 a m0065 na |
hmod1_a_m0060 | Hmod1 a m0060 |
hmod1_18_gg0170j2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170j2 |
hmod1_18_gg0130h3 | Hmod1 18 gg0130h3 |
hmod1_4_m1000_7 | Hmod1 4 m1000 7 |
hmod1_pps_late_exc | Hmod1 pps late exc |
hmod1_18_gg0130b1 | Hmod1 18 gg0130b1 |
hmod1_date | Hmod1 date |
hmod1_4_m1000_other | Hmod1 4 m1000 other |
hmod1_11_m1730 | Hmod1 11 m1730 |
hmod1_a_m0150_7 | Hmod1 a m0150 7 |
hmod1_7_m1307 | Hmod1 7 m1307 |
hmod1_18_gg130e3 | Hmod1 18 gg130e3 |
hmod1_11_m1710 | Hmod1 11 m1710 |
hmod1_4_m1033_2 | Hmod1 4 m1033 2 |
hmod1_4_m1000_1 | Hmod1 4 m1000 1 |
hmod1_11_m1730a | Hmod1 11 m1730a |
hmod1_12_m1910 | Hmod1 12 m1910 |
hmod1_11_m1740_7 | Hmod1 11 m1740 7 |
hmod1_pps2_claim2_dt | Hmod1 pps2 claim2 dt |
hmod1_18_gg0110e | Hmod1 18 gg0110e |
hmod1_18_gg0170f3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170f3 |
hmod1_18_gg0170ss1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170ss1 |
hmod1_pps_init | Hmod1 pps init |
hmod1_12_m1820 | Hmod1 12 m1820 |
hmod1_a_m0040_suffix | Hmod1 a m0040 suffix |
hmod1_oci_hmopatnum | Hmod1 oci hmopatnum |
hmod1_4_m1000_6 | Hmod1 4 m1000 6 |
hmod1_4_m1033_9 | Hmod1 4 m1033 9 |
hmod1_16_m2310_1 | Hmod1 16 m2310 1 |
hmod1_17_m2401d | Hmod1 17 m2401d |
hmod1_a_m0150_12 | Hmod1 a m0150 12 |
hmod1_a_m0050 | Hmod1 a m0050 |
hmod1_a_m0140_4 | Hmod1 a m0140 4 |
hmod1_pps_eocosts | Hmod1 pps eocosts |
hmod1_10_m1610 | Hmod1 10 m1610 |
hmod1_a_create_tm | Hmod1 a create tm |
hmod1_18_gg0170s1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170s1 |
hmod1_18_gg0170rr1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170rr1 |
hmod1_pps2_init | Hmod1 pps2 init |
hmod1_4_m1023_seve | Hmod1 4 m1023 seve |
hmod1_16_m2310_20 | Hmod1 16 m2310 20 |
hmod1_18_gg0170e3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170e3 |
hmod1_11_m1720 | Hmod1 11 m1720 |
hmod1_18_gg0130c3 | Hmod1 18 gg0130c3 |
hmod1_pps_matchkey | Hmod1 pps matchkey |
hmod1_18_gg0130g2 | Hmod1 18 gg0130g2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170n4 | Hmod1 18 gg0170n4 |
hmod1_a_m0150_other | Hmod1 a m0150 other |
hmod1_18_gg0170g1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170g1 |
hmod1_pps_lupa | Hmod1 pps lupa |
hmod1_a_m0032_na | Hmod1 a m0032 na |
hmod1_pps_snvis | Hmod1 pps snvis |
hmod1_4_m1028_none | Hmod1 4 m1028 none |
hmod1_pps_hhavis | Hmod1 pps hhavis |
hmod1_4_m1023_icdc | Hmod1 4 m1023 icdc |
hmod1_a_create_dt | Hmod1 a create dt |
hmod1_18_gg0130c4 | Hmod1 18 gg0130c4 |
hmod1_5_m1100 | Hmod1 5 m1100 |
hmod1_18_gg0170a3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170a3 |
hmod1_20_j1900a | Hmod1 20 j1900a |
hmod1_17_m2410 | Hmod1 17 m2410 |
hmod1_4_m1023_diagc | Hmod1 4 m1023 diagc |
hmod1_18_gg0170p3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170p3 |
hmod1_14_m2102d | Hmod1 14 m2102d |
hmod1_18_gg0130b4 | Hmod1 18 gg0130b4 |
hmod1_7_m1311_f2 | Hmod1 7 m1311 f2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170a1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170a1 |
hmod1_pps2_finish | Hmod1 pps2 finish |
hmod1_18_gg0170j3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170j3 |
hmod1_rev_date | Hmod1 rev date |
hmod1_7_m1311_b1 | Hmod1 7 m1311 b1 |
hmod1_a_m0102_na | Hmod1 a m0102 na |
hmod1_18_gg0170c2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170c2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170p1 | Hmod1 18 gg0170p1 |
hmod1_11_m1740_5 | Hmod1 11 m1740 5 |
hmod1_4_m1028_2 | Hmod1 4 m1028 2 |
hmod1_rev_init | Hmod1 rev init |
hmod1_pps_cbsa | Hmod1 pps cbsa |
hmod1_17_m2401e | Hmod1 17 m2401e |
hmod1_lock_date | Hmod1 lock date |
hmod1_4_m1023_icdb | Hmod1 4 m1023 icdb |
hmod1_4_m1041 | Hmod1 4 m1041 |
hmod1_18_gg0100a | Hmod1 18 gg0100a |
hmod1_18_gg0130h1 | Hmod1 18 gg0130h1 |
hmod1_13_m2030 | Hmod1 13 m2030 |
hmod1_6_m1200 | Hmod1 6 m1200 |
hmod1_16_m2310_19 | Hmod1 16 m2310 19 |
hmod1_18_gg0170d2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170d2 |
hmod1_a_m0150_13 | Hmod1 a m0150 13 |
hmod1_a_m0140_3 | Hmod1 a m0140 3 |
hmod1_7_m1311_d2 | Hmod1 7 m1311 d2 |
hmod1_18_gg0170k3 | Hmod1 18 gg0170k3 |
hmod1_17_m0906 | Hmod1 17 m0906 |
hmod1_7_m1307_dt | Hmod1 7 m1307 dt |
hmod1_12_m1830 | Hmod1 12 m1830 |
hmod1_4_m1021_diaga | Hmod1 4 m1021 diaga |
hmod1_4_m1023_icdd | Hmod1 4 m1023 icdd |
hmod1_18_gg0130f2 | Hmod1 18 gg0130f2 |
hmod1_oci_inactivate | Hmod1 oci inactivate |
hmod1_15_m2200a | Hmod1 15 m2200a |
hmod1_18_gg0170m2 | Hmod1 18 gg0170m2 |
hmod1_4_m1033_5 | Hmod1 4 m1033 5 |
hmod1_18_gg0130g3 | Hmod1 18 gg0130g3 |
hmod1_7_m1342 | Hmod1 7 m1342 |
hmod1_7_m1311_c2 | Hmod1 7 m1311 c2 |
hmod1_pps_cert_dt | Hmod1 pps cert dt |
Description: Oasis Assessment Record
Name | Description |
hmod_pps_stvis | Hmod pps stvis |
hmod_pps_manifest | Hmod pps manifest |
hmod_pps_lupa | Hmod pps lupa |
hmod_12_m1840 | Hmod 12 m1840 |
hmod_17_m2401e | Hmod 17 m2401e |
hmod_15_m2200a | Hmod 15 m2200a |
hmod_18_gg0170i4 | Hmod 18 gg0170i4 |
hmod_oci_hmopatnum | Hmod oci hmopatnum |
hmod_4_m1023_sevf | Hmod 4 m1023 sevf |
hmod_7_m1340 | Hmod 7 m1340 |
hmod_a_m0150_2 | Hmod a m0150 2 |
hmod_a_m0040_last | Hmod a m0040 last |
hmod_4_m1023_icdd | Hmod 4 m1023 icdd |
hmod_a_create_tm | Hmod a create tm |
hmod_a_m0018 | Hmod a m0018 |
hmod_11_m1740_7 | Hmod 11 m1740 7 |
hmod_10_m1620 | Hmod 10 m1620 |
hmod_pps_cert_da | Hmod pps cert da |
hmod_4_m1023_sevb | Hmod 4 m1023 sevb |
hmod_18_gg0170b2 | Hmod 18 gg0170b2 |
hmod_14_m2102a | Hmod 14 m2102a |
hmod_lock_date | Hmod lock date |
hmod_pps_eototal | Hmod pps eototal |
hmod_18_gg130e3 | Hmod 18 gg130e3 |
hmod_18_gg0170r2 | Hmod 18 gg0170r2 |
hmod_18_gg0130c4 | Hmod 18 gg0130c4 |
hmod_18_gg0130b1 | Hmod 18 gg0130b1 |
hmod_a_m0150_other | Hmod a m0150 other |
hmod_a_m0040_mid | Hmod a m0040 mid |
hmod_4_m1030_2 | Hmod 4 m1030 2 |
hmod_4_m1000_8 | Hmod 4 m1000 8 |
hmod_18_gg0170j1 | Hmod 18 gg0170j1 |
hmod_4_m1023_diagd | Hmod 4 m1023 diagd |
hmod_7_m1307_dt | Hmod 7 m1307 dt |
hmod_4_m1021_diaga | Hmod 4 m1021 diaga |
hmod_7_m1311_a2 | Hmod 7 m1311 a2 |
hmod_a_m0102_na | Hmod a m0102 na |
hmod_a_m0140_2 | Hmod a m0140 2 |
hmod_4_m1000_5 | Hmod 4 m1000 5 |
hmod_20_j1900a | Hmod 20 j1900a |
hmod_18_gg0170e1 | Hmod 18 gg0170e1 |
hmod_18_gg0170e3 | Hmod 18 gg0170e3 |
hmod_pps_snvis | Hmod pps snvis |
hmod_4_m1023_icdc | Hmod 4 m1023 icdc |
hmod_18_gg0130f3 | Hmod 18 gg0130f3 |
hmod_4_m1033_9 | Hmod 4 m1033 9 |
hmod_4_m1033_3 | Hmod 4 m1033 3 |
hmod_11_m1740_4 | Hmod 11 m1740 4 |
hmod_pps_eothresh | Hmod pps eothresh |
hmod_a_m0030 | Hmod a m0030 |
hmod_18_gg0170m3 | Hmod 18 gg0170m3 |
hmod_a_m0140_6 | Hmod a m0140 6 |
hmod_5_m1100 | Hmod 5 m1100 |
hmod_4_m1033_8 | Hmod 4 m1033 8 |
hmod_16_m2310_19 | Hmod 16 m2310 19 |
hmod_a_create_dt | Hmod a create dt |
hmod_a_m0150_7 | Hmod a m0150 7 |
hmod_20_j1900c | Hmod 20 j1900c |
hmod_18_gg0170l4 | Hmod 18 gg0170l4 |
hmod_18_gg0100a | Hmod 18 gg0100a |
hmod_10_m1610 | Hmod 10 m1610 |
hmod_a_m0040 | Hmod a m0040 |
hmod_a_m0150_13 | Hmod a m0150 13 |
hmod_18_gg0110d | Hmod 18 gg0110d |
hmod_4_m1030_4 | Hmod 4 m1030 4 |
hmod_18_gg0170o3 | Hmod 18 gg0170o3 |
hmod_7_m1311_d2 | Hmod 7 m1311 d2 |
hmod_oci_inactivate | Hmod oci inactivate |
hmod_18_gg0170r1 | Hmod 18 gg0170r1 |
hmod_4_m1000_1 | Hmod 4 m1000 1 |
hmod_13_m2020 | Hmod 13 m2020 |
hmod_correct | Hmod correct |
hmod_pps_finish | Hmod pps finish |
hmod_pps_init | Hmod pps init |
hmod_18_gg0170s1 | Hmod 18 gg0170s1 |
hmod_a_m0063 | Hmod a m0063 |
hmod_pps_hhrg | Hmod pps hhrg |
hmod_18_gg0130a2 | Hmod 18 gg0130a2 |
hmod_11_m1720 | Hmod 11 m1720 |
hmod_12_m1800 | Hmod 12 m1800 |
hmod_11_m1740_3 | Hmod 11 m1740 3 |
hmod_7_m1311_e2 | Hmod 7 m1311 e2 |
hmod_a_m0150_1 | Hmod a m0150 1 |
hmod_18_gg0130a4 | Hmod 18 gg0130a4 |
hmod_12_m1870 | Hmod 12 m1870 |
hmod_18_gg0170k3 | Hmod 18 gg0170k3 |
hmod_17_m2410 | Hmod 17 m2410 |
hmod_18_gg0130c3 | Hmod 18 gg0130c3 |
hmod_4_m1000_4 | Hmod 4 m1000 4 |
hmod_a_m0040_suffix | Hmod a m0040 suffix |
hmod_4_m1023_diage | Hmod 4 m1023 diage |
hmod_18_gg0110a | Hmod 18 gg0110a |
hmod_a_create_eenum | Hmod a create eenum |
hmod_4_m1023_sevc | Hmod 4 m1023 sevc |
hmod_18_gg0170m4 | Hmod 18 gg0170m4 |
hmod_a_m0069 | Hmod a m0069 |
hmod_13_m2030 | Hmod 13 m2030 |
hmod_12_m1850 | Hmod 12 m1850 |
hmod_18_gg0130h2 | Hmod 18 gg0130h2 |
hmod_4_m1056 | Hmod 4 m1056 |
hmod_a_m0110 | Hmod a m0110 |
hmod_18_gg0100b | Hmod 18 gg0100b |
hmod_13_m2003 | Hmod 13 m2003 |
hmod_18_gg0170ss1 | Hmod 18 gg0170ss1 |
hmod_18_gg0170j3 | Hmod 18 gg0170j3 |
hmod_pps_eopmt | Hmod pps eopmt |
hmod_a_m0150_9 | Hmod a m0150 9 |
hmod_18_gg0170rr3 | Hmod 18 gg0170rr3 |
hmod_18_gg0170m1 | Hmod 18 gg0170m1 |
hmod_7_m1311_c2 | Hmod 7 m1311 c2 |
hmod_pps_cert_dt | Hmod pps cert dt |
hmod_18_gg0170a2 | Hmod 18 gg0170a2 |
hmod_a_m0150_6 | Hmod a m0150 6 |
hmod_a_m0064 | Hmod a m0064 |
hmod_a_m0102_dt | Hmod a m0102 dt |
hmod_7_m1311_a1 | Hmod 7 m1311 a1 |
hmod_pps_ptvis | Hmod pps ptvis |
hmod_18_gg0170i3 | Hmod 18 gg0170i3 |
hmod_4_m1030_1 | Hmod 4 m1030 1 |
hmod_18_gg0130g3 | Hmod 18 gg0130g3 |
hmod_12_m1860 | Hmod 12 m1860 |
hmod_4_m1033_5 | Hmod 4 m1033 5 |
hmod_4_m1000_7 | Hmod 4 m1000 7 |
hmod_18_gg0170e2 | Hmod 18 gg0170e2 |
hmod_pps_validity | Hmod pps validity |
hmod_a_m0063_na | Hmod a m0063 na |
hmod_17_m2401b | Hmod 17 m2401b |
hmod_a_m0150_12 | Hmod a m0150 12 |
hmod_pps_eocosts | Hmod pps eocosts |
hmod_18_gg0170j4 | Hmod 18 gg0170j4 |
hmod_date | Hmod date |
hmod_14_m2102f | Hmod 14 m2102f |
hmod_a_m0140_3 | Hmod a m0140 3 |
hmod_18_gg0170p3 | Hmod 18 gg0170p3 |
hmod_rev_date | Hmod rev date |
hmod_18_gg0170o2 | Hmod 18 gg0170o2 |
hmod_4_m1033_4 | Hmod 4 m1033 4 |
hmod_4_m1030_3 | Hmod 4 m1030 3 |
hmod_18_gg0170g3 | Hmod 18 gg0170g3 |
hmod_11_m1740_5 | Hmod 11 m1740 5 |
hmod_7_m1311_d1 | Hmod 7 m1311 d1 |
hmod_11_m1710 | Hmod 11 m1710 |
hmod_a_m0018_uk | Hmod a m0018 uk |
hmod_a_create_eecomp | Hmod a create eecomp |
hmod_10_m1630 | Hmod 10 m1630 |
hmod_18_gg0170a1 | Hmod 18 gg0170a1 |
hmod_18_gg0170rr1 | Hmod 18 gg0170rr1 |
hmod_18_gg0100c | Hmod 18 gg0100c |
hmod_4_m1028_1 | Hmod 4 m1028 1 |
hmod_a_m0040_first | Hmod a m0040 first |
hmod_18_gg0130a3 | Hmod 18 gg0130a3 |
hmod_a_m0060 | Hmod a m0060 |
hmod_12_m1820 | Hmod 12 m1820 |
hmod_4_m1000_3 | Hmod 4 m1000 3 |
hmod_rev_init | Hmod rev init |
hmod_18_gg0170c4 | Hmod 18 gg0170c4 |
hmod_14_m2102d | Hmod 14 m2102d |
hmod_17_m0906 | Hmod 17 m0906 |
hmod_4_m1000_2 | Hmod 4 m1000 2 |
hmod_7_m1311_e1 | Hmod 7 m1311 e1 |
hmod_4_m1028_none | Hmod 4 m1028 none |
hmod_7_m1342 | Hmod 7 m1342 |
hmod_18_gg0130h3 | Hmod 18 gg0130h3 |
hmod_11_m1730b | Hmod 11 m1730b |
hmod_7_m1324 | Hmod 7 m1324 |
hmod_4_m1023_sevd | Hmod 4 m1023 sevd |
hmod_a_m0150_11 | Hmod a m0150 11 |
hmod_18_gg0130c2 | Hmod 18 gg0130c2 |
hmod_14_m2102c | Hmod 14 m2102c |
hmod_7_m1332 | Hmod 7 m1332 |
hmod_a_m0065_na | Hmod a m0065 na |
hmod_18_gg0170g2 | Hmod 18 gg0170g2 |
hmod_4_m1041 | Hmod 4 m1041 |
hmod_4_m1033_6 | Hmod 4 m1033 6 |
hmod_18_gg0170j2 | Hmod 18 gg0170j2 |
hmod_a_m0090 | Hmod a m0090 |
hmod_18_gg0170n4 | Hmod 18 gg0170n4 |
hmod_4_m1060_height | Hmod 4 m1060 height |
hmod_18_gg0110z | Hmod 18 gg0110z |
hmod_patnum | Hmod patnum |
hmod_a_m0014 | Hmod a m0014 |
hmod_18_gg0170i2 | Hmod 18 gg0170i2 |
hmod_18_gg0170s3 | Hmod 18 gg0170s3 |
hmod_18_gg0170b4 | Hmod 18 gg0170b4 |
hmod_18_gg0170q4 | Hmod 18 gg0170q4 |
hmod_18_gg0170l3 | Hmod 18 gg0170l3 |
hmod_4_m1033_1 | Hmod 4 m1033 1 |
hmod_a_m0010 | Hmod a m0010 |
hmod_16_m2310_10 | Hmod 16 m2310 10 |
hmod_a_m0065 | Hmod a m0065 |
hmod_20_j1900b | Hmod 20 j1900b |
hmod_18_gg0170d2 | Hmod 18 gg0170d2 |
hmod_version | Hmod version |
hmod_17_m2401c | Hmod 17 m2401c |
hmod_pps_calc_type | Hmod pps calc type |
hmod_18_gg0170a3 | Hmod 18 gg0170a3 |
hmod_a_m0150_5 | Hmod a m0150 5 |
hmod_16_m2310_20 | Hmod 16 m2310 20 |
hmod_18_gg0170r4 | Hmod 18 gg0170r4 |
hmod_18_gg0170o1 | Hmod 18 gg0170o1 |
hmod_11_m1700 | Hmod 11 m1700 |
hmod_11_m1730 | Hmod 11 m1730 |
hmod_18_gg0130g2 | Hmod 18 gg0130g2 |
hmod_17_m2420 | Hmod 17 m2420 |
hmod_11_m1740_1 | Hmod 11 m1740 1 |
hmod_4_m1023_icdb | Hmod 4 m1023 icdb |
hmod_18_gg0170d1 | Hmod 18 gg0170d1 |
hmod_18_gg0130b3 | Hmod 18 gg0130b3 |
hmod_18_gg0170k1 | Hmod 18 gg0170k1 |
hmod_4_m1000_other | Hmod 4 m1000 other |
hmod_a_m0064_uk | Hmod a m0064 uk |
hmod_18_gg0130f2 | Hmod 18 gg0130f2 |
hmod_18_gg130e1 | Hmod 18 gg130e1 |
hmod_18_gg0130f1 | Hmod 18 gg0130f1 |
hmod_18_gg0170q3 | Hmod 18 gg0170q3 |
hmod_a_m0016 | Hmod a m0016 |
hmod_7_m1306 | Hmod 7 m1306 |
hmod_pps_cert_da2 | Hmod pps cert da2 |
hmod_4_m1023_icdf | Hmod 4 m1023 icdf |
hmod_18_gg0170f2 | Hmod 18 gg0170f2 |
hmod_4_m1060_weight | Hmod 4 m1060 weight |
hmod_7_m1311_f2 | Hmod 7 m1311 f2 |
hmod_18_gg0130c1 | Hmod 18 gg0130c1 |
hmod_17_m2401f | Hmod 17 m2401f |
hmod_18_gg0130h1 | Hmod 18 gg0130h1 |
hmod_7_m1311_b2 | Hmod 7 m1311 b2 |
hmod_a_m0150_8 | Hmod a m0150 8 |
hmod_a_m0050 | Hmod a m0050 |
hmod_pps_fin_ready | Hmod pps fin ready |
hmod_18_gg0170q1 | Hmod 18 gg0170q1 |
hmod_18_gg0170k2 | Hmod 18 gg0170k2 |
hmod_18_gg0100d | Hmod 18 gg0100d |
hmod_a_m0140_4 | Hmod a m0140 4 |
hmod_a_m0104 | Hmod a m0104 |
hmod_18_gg0110b | Hmod 18 gg0110b |
hmod_a_m0150_10 | Hmod a m0150 10 |
hmod_4_m1023_diagb | Hmod 4 m1023 diagb |
hmod_18_gg0170f1 | Hmod 18 gg0170f1 |
hmod_15_m2200b | Hmod 15 m2200b |
hmod_18_gg0170c2 | Hmod 18 gg0170c2 |
hmod_90 | Hmod 90 |
hmod_8_m1400 | Hmod 8 m1400 |
hmod_18_gg0170n3 | Hmod 18 gg0170n3 |
hmod_a_m0100 | Hmod a m0100 |
hmod_pps_hhavis | Hmod pps hhavis |
hmod_18_gg0170a4 | Hmod 18 gg0170a4 |
hmod_oci_hmodate | Hmod oci hmodate |
hmod_7_m1311_c1 | Hmod 7 m1311 c1 |
hmod_4_m1005 | Hmod 4 m1005 |
hmod_13_m2010 | Hmod 13 m2010 |
hmod_pps_reim | Hmod pps reim |
hmod_seq | Hmod seq |
hmod_10_m1600 | Hmod 10 m1600 |
hmod_4_m1051 | Hmod 4 m1051 |
hmod_18_gg0170f4 | Hmod 18 gg0170f4 |
hmod_17_m2401d | Hmod 17 m2401d |
hmod_13_m2005 | Hmod 13 m2005 |
hmod_4_m1033_2 | Hmod 4 m1033 2 |
hmod_code | Hmod code |
hmod_pps_hipps | Hmod pps hipps |
hmod_18_gg0170b3 | Hmod 18 gg0170b3 |
hmod_pps_cbsa | Hmod pps cbsa |
hmod_4_m1023_diagc | Hmod 4 m1023 diagc |
hmod_18_gg0170c3 | Hmod 18 gg0170c3 |
hmod_18_gg0170l2 | Hmod 18 gg0170l2 |
hmod_4_m1023_seve | Hmod 4 m1023 seve |
hmod_a_m0032_na | Hmod a m0032 na |
hmod_18_gg0130b2 | Hmod 18 gg0130b2 |
hmod_a_m0066 | Hmod a m0066 |
hmod_11_m1740_2 | Hmod 11 m1740 2 |
hmod_18_gg0170m2 | Hmod 18 gg0170m2 |
hmod_a_m0150_3 | Hmod a m0150 3 |
hmod_a_m0020 | Hmod a m0020 |
hmod_18_gg0130a1 | Hmod 18 gg0130a1 |
hmod_7_m1334 | Hmod 7 m1334 |
hmod_12_m1810 | Hmod 12 m1810 |
hmod_18_gg130e2 | Hmod 18 gg130e2 |
hmod_4_m1023_diagf | Hmod 4 m1023 diagf |
hmod_4_m1023_icde | Hmod 4 m1023 icde |
hmod_18_gg0170l1 | Hmod 18 gg0170l1 |
hmod_11_m1745 | Hmod 11 m1745 |
hmod_13_m2016 | Hmod 13 m2016 |
hmod_pps_rap_ready | Hmod pps rap ready |
hmod_18_gg0170p2 | Hmod 18 gg0170p2 |
hmod_20_j1800 | Hmod 20 j1800 |
hmod_18_gg0170b1 | Hmod 18 gg0170b1 |
hmod_a_m0080 | Hmod a m0080 |
hmod_4_m1000_6 | Hmod 4 m1000 6 |
hmod_11_m1740_6 | Hmod 11 m1740 6 |
hmod_7_m1311_b1 | Hmod 7 m1311 b1 |
hmod_18_gg0170d3 | Hmod 18 gg0170d3 |
hmod_4_m1021_icda | Hmod 4 m1021 icda |
hmod_6_m1200 | Hmod 6 m1200 |
hmod_12_m1830 | Hmod 12 m1830 |
hmod_18_gg0170g1 | Hmod 18 gg0170g1 |
hmod_a_m0032 | Hmod a m0032 |
hmod_16_m2310_1 | Hmod 16 m2310 1 |
hmod_7_m1311_f1 | Hmod 7 m1311 f1 |
hmod_18_gg0170f3 | Hmod 18 gg0170f3 |
hmod_17_m2401a | Hmod 17 m2401a |
hmod_11_m1730a | Hmod 11 m1730a |
hmod_18_gg0170r3 | Hmod 18 gg0170r3 |
hmod_4_m1033_7 | Hmod 4 m1033 7 |
hmod_16_m2301 | Hmod 16 m2301 |
hmod_4_m1033_10 | Hmod 4 m1033 10 |
hmod_18_gg0170p1 | Hmod 18 gg0170p1 |
hmod_12_m1845 | Hmod 12 m1845 |
hmod_18_gg0170c1 | Hmod 18 gg0170c1 |
hmod_18_gg0130g1 | Hmod 18 gg0130g1 |
hmod_lock_xmit | Hmod lock xmit |
hmod_18_gg0170ss3 | Hmod 18 gg0170ss3 |
hmod_pps_mswvis | Hmod pps mswvis |
hmod_4_m1028_2 | Hmod 4 m1028 2 |
hmod_18_gg0170e4 | Hmod 18 gg0170e4 |
hmod_13_m2001 | Hmod 13 m2001 |
hmod_pps_otvis | Hmod pps otvis |
hmod_18_gg0170n1 | Hmod 18 gg0170n1 |
hmod_a_m0140_5 | Hmod a m0140 5 |
hmod_a_m0150_4 | Hmod a m0150 4 |
hmod_4_m1021_seva | Hmod 4 m1021 seva |
hmod_oci_hmocode | Hmod oci hmocode |
hmod_18_gg0170s2 | Hmod 18 gg0170s2 |
hmod_18_gg0110e | Hmod 18 gg0110e |
hmod_6_m1242 | Hmod 6 m1242 |
hmod_7_m1307 | Hmod 7 m1307 |
hmod_18_gg0170d4 | Hmod 18 gg0170d4 |
hmod_18_gg0170n2 | Hmod 18 gg0170n2 |
hmod_7_m1322 | Hmod 7 m1322 |
hmod_pps_matchkey | Hmod pps matchkey |
hmod_a_m0140_1 | Hmod a m0140 1 |
hmod_18_gg0170i1 | Hmod 18 gg0170i1 |
hmod_7_m1330 | Hmod 7 m1330 |
hmod_4_m1046 | Hmod 4 m1046 |
hmod_18_gg0110c | Hmod 18 gg0110c |
hmod_arid | Hmod arid |
hmod_18_gg0130b4 | Hmod 18 gg0130b4 |
hmod_a_create_eepr | Hmod a create eepr |
hmod_12_m1910 | Hmod 12 m1910 |
Description: Home Health Care Team
Name | Description |
hmcaretm_end_date | Hmcaretm end date |
hmcaretm_role_code | Hmcaretm role code |
hmcaretm_phone | Hmcaretm phone |
hmcaretm_cert_date | Hmcaretm cert date |
hmcaretm_fax | Hmcaretm fax |
hmcaretm_num | Hmcaretm num |
hmcaretm_last_name | Hmcaretm last name |
hmcaretm_case_conf | Hmcaretm case conf |
hmcaretm_first_name | Hmcaretm first name |
hmcaretm_arid | Hmcaretm arid |
hmcaretm_seq | Hmcaretm seq |
hmcaretm_eenum | Hmcaretm eenum |
hmcaretm_eepr | Hmcaretm eepr |
hmcaretm_eecomp | Hmcaretm eecomp |
hmcaretm_eff_date | Hmcaretm eff date |
Description: Cert Home Health Diagnosis
Name | Description |
hmc4_diagphy | Cert Diagnosis Physicians |
hmc4_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmc4_diagdt | Cert Diagnosis Dates |
hmc4_vonum | Cert Diagnosis Verbal Order Numbers |
hmc4_diagcd | Cert Diagnosis Codes |
hmc4_date | Cert Date |
hmc4_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmc4_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmc4_diagdesc | Cert Diagnosis Descriptions |
Description: Cert Home Health Goals
Name | Description |
hmc6_goals | Cert Type6 Goals Additional |
hmc6_date | Cert Date |
hmc6_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmc6_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmc6_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Cert Home Health Information
Name | Description |
hmc2_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmc2_unuenv | Cert Med Update Unusual Home |
hmc2_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmc2_suppoc_yn | Cert Med Update Supplementary Poc Yn |
hmc2_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmc2_funlim | Cert Med Update Functional Limitations |
hmc2_supplylist2 | Cert Miscinfo Supplylist2 |
hmc2_date | Cert Date |
hmc2_supplylist1 | Cert Miscinfo Supplylist1 |
hmc2_suppoc | Cert Med Update Supplementary Poc |
Description: Cert Home Health
Name | Description |
hmc0_date | Cert Date |
hmc0_print485dt | Cert 485 Date |
hmc0_lastadmdt | Cert Date Last Ip Stay |
hmc0_mental_ot | Cert Mental Status Other |
hmc0_type | Cert Type 0 |
hmc0_prognosis | Cert Prognosis |
hmc0_reviewdt | Cert Review Date |
hmc0_funclim | Cert Functional Limitations |
hmc0_print486dt | Cert Date 486 Print |
hmc0_nutreq | Cert Nutritional Requirements |
hmc0_mental | Cert Mental Status |
hmc0_reviewinit | Cert Review Initials |
hmc0_care1861j1 | Cert Care 1861 Skilled Nurse Fac |
hmc0_lastdisdt | Cert Date Last Ip Discharge |
hmc0_physeendt | Cert Physician Last Seen Date |
hmc0_actperm_ot | Cert Activities Permitted Other |
hmc0_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmc0_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmc0_cert_days | Cert Days |
hmc0_safety | Cert Safety Measures |
hmc0_mcarecov | Cert Medicare Covered Yn |
hmc0_phycontdt | Cert Date Last Contacted Phy |
hmc0_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmc0_actperm | Cert Activities Permitted |
hmc0_crm | Cert Recert Modification |
hmc0_facility | Cert Type Facility |
hmc0_funclim_ot | Cert Functional Limitations Other |
hmc0_goals | Cert Type0 Goals |
Description: Cert Home Health Medical Update Patient Information
Name | Description |
hmc3_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmc3_date | Cert Date |
hmc3_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmc3_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmc3_nothome | Cert Visit Patient Not Home |
hmc3_leavehome | Cert Reasons Patient Leaves Home |
Description: Cert Home Health Medications
Name | Description |
hmcm_item | Cert Med Item |
hmcm_class | Cert Med Class |
hmcm_stopdt | Cert Med Stop Date |
hmcm_oldnewchg | Cert Med New Changed Discontinued |
hmcm_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmcm_administered | Hmcm administered |
hmcm_comment | Cert Med Comment |
hmcm_vonum | Cert Med Verbal Order Number |
hmcm_startdt | Cert Med Start Date |
hmcm_afd | Cert Med Afd |
hmcm_afd2 | Cert Med Afd2 |
hmcm_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmcm_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmcm_date | Cert Date |
hmcm_prn_indicator | Cert Med As Needed Indicator |
hmcm_desc | Cert Med Item Description |
hmcm_phynum | Cert Med Physician Number |
hmcm_phyname | Cert Med Physician Name |
Description: Cert Home Health Orders
Name | Description |
hmco_oldnewchg | Cert Orders New-Changed Discontinued |
hmco_duration | Cert Orders A/F/D Duration |
hmco_definition1 | Cert Orders Definition1 |
hmco_discipline | Cert Orders Discipline |
hmco_afd_schvisits | Cert Orders A/F/D Scheduled Visits |
hmco_afd_totvisits | Cert Orders A/F/D Total Visits |
hmco_def1last15 | Cert Orders Definition1 15bytes |
hmco_prn_reason2 | Cert Orders As Needed Reason2 |
hmco_acuity_level | Cert Orders Acuity Level |
hmco_item | Cert Orders Item Number |
hmco_stopdt | Cert Orders Stop Date |
hmco_range | Cert Orders Range |
hmco_date | Cert Date |
hmco_code | Cert Orders Item Code |
hmco_completed | Cert Orders Completed |
hmco_vonum | Cert Orders Verbal Order Number |
hmco_afd_text | Cert Orders A/F/D |
hmco_afd_bdate | Cert Orders A/F/D Begdate |
hmco_definition2 | Cert Orders Definition2 |
hmco_phyname | Cert Orders Physician Name |
hmco_desc | Cert Orders Item Description |
hmco_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmco_amt | Cert Orders A/F/D Amount |
hmco_prn_reason1 | Cert Orders As Needed Reason1 |
hmco_startdt | Cert Orders Start Date |
hmco_prn | Cert Orders As Needed |
hmco_phynum | Cert Orders Physician Number |
hmco_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmco_freq | Cert Orders A/F/D Frequency |
hmco_last_done | Cert Orders Last Done |
hmco_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmco_scheduled | Cert Orders Scheduled |
Description: Cert Home Health Physician Signatures
Name | Description |
hmc1_supplylist1 | Cert Type1 Supply List1 |
hmc1_prt485phy | Cert 485 Physician |
hmc1_prt485sgndt | Cert 485 Sign Date |
hmc1_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmc1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmc1_date | Cert Date |
hmc1_supplylist2 | Cert Type1 Supply List2 |
hmc1_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmc1_prt485prtdt | Cert 485 Print Date |
hmc1_supplylist3 | Cert Type1 Supply List3 |
Description: Cert Home Health Procedures
Name | Description |
hmc5_procphy | Cert Procedure Physicians |
hmc5_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmc5_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmc5_procdesc | Cert Procedure Descriptions |
hmc5_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmc5_proccd | Cert Procedure Codes |
hmc5_vonum | Cert Procedure Verbal Order Numbers |
hmc5_procdt | Cert Procedure Dates |
hmc5_date | Cert Date |
Description: Cert Home Health Verbal Order Information
Name | Description |
hmcv_readback_name | Cert Verbal Order Read Back Name |
hmcv_med_updt | Cert Verbal Order Medication Update |
hmcv_signdt | Cert Verbal Order Signed Date |
hmcv_wpfile | Cert Verbal Order Wpfile |
hmcv_startdt | Cert Verbal Order Start Date |
hmcv_stopdt | Cert Verbal Order Stop Date |
hmcv_dnpseq | Cert Verbal Order Pointer Dnp Sequence |
hmcv_date | Cert Date |
hmcv_transaction | Cert Verbal Order Pointer Transaction |
hmcv_updt | Hmcv updt |
hmcv_sup_updt | Cert Verbal Order Supplies Update |
hmcv_signinit | Cert Verbal Order Signed Initials |
hmcv_reviewdt | Cert Verbal Order Review Date |
hmcv_pnum | Cert Patient Number |
hmcv_hmckey | Cert Verbal Order Pointer Key |
hmcv_diag_updt | Cert Verbal Order Diagnosis Update |
hmcv_starttime | Cert Verbal Order Start Time |
hmcv_seq | Cert Sequence |
hmcv_reviewinit | Cert Verbal Order Review Initials |
hmcv_num | Cert Verbal Order Number |
hmcv_supplylist1 | Cert Verbal Order Supply List1 |
hmcv_phynum | Cert Verbal Order Physician Number |
hmcv_receivedby | Cert Verbal Order Received By |
hmcv_trantype | Cert Verbal Order Pointer Transaction Type |
hmcv_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hmcv_ord_updt | Cert Verbal Order Order Update |
hmcv_proc_updt | Cert Verbal Order Procedure Update |
hmcv_readback | Cert Verbal Order Read Back Yn |
hmcv_supplylist2 | Cert Verbal Order Supply List2 |
Description: Home Health Contacts Table
Name | Description |
hhct_state | Hhct state |
hhct_email | Hhct email |
hhct_sec_phone | Hhct sec phone |
hhct_city | Hhct city |
hhct_secphone_type | Hhct secphone type |
hhct_on_file | Hhct on file |
hhct_last_name | Hhct last name |
hhct_end_date | Hhct end date |
hhct_first_name | Hhct first name |
hhct_prov_ter | Hhct prov ter |
hhct_address3 | Hhct address3 |
hhct_postalcd | Hhct postalcd |
hhct_pnum | Hhct pnum |
hhct_relation | Hhct relation |
hhct_address1 | Hhct address1 |
hhct_eff_date | Hhct eff date |
hhct_zip | Hhct zip |
hhct_arid | Hhct arid |
hhct_prim_phone | Hhct prim phone |
hhct_address2 | Hhct address2 |
hhct_seq | Hhct seq |
hhct_primphone_type | Hhct primphone type |
hhct_country_cd | Hhct country cd |
hhct_comments | Hhct comments |
Description: Home Health Demographics
Name | Description |
hm1_refersourcena | Refer source name |
hm1_allergy2 | Allergy2 |
hm1_nonsched_date | Nonscheduled Date |
hm1_evalcomment2 | Evaluation comment2 |
hm1_df_emp10 | Discipline employee10 |
hm1_servcontact1 | Service contact |
hm1_dmesupname | Medical supplier name |
hm1_servtime1 | Service time |
hm1_evaladmit | Evaluation admit switch |
hm1_servinit1 | Service initials |
hm1_df_serv6 | Discipline code 6 |
hm1_servtime | Service time |
hm1_safety2 | Saftey Measures 2 |
hm1_servneed1 | Service needed code2 |
hm1_allergy1 | Allergy1 |
hm1_df_serv3 | Discipline code 3 |
hm1_addltime_df3 | Additional Visit Time 3 |
hm1_empname | Employee name |
hm1_caregiverph | Caregiver phone |
hm1_pnum | Patient Account Number |
hm1_refersourceph | Refer source phone |
hm1_rescaredt | Restart of care date |
hm1_df_emp4 | Discipline employee4 |
hm1_nonsched_code | Nonscheduled Code |
hm1_dmesuporddt | Medical support date |
hm1_arrive | Arrive time |
hm1_nutreq1 | Nutrition required1 |
hm1_direction1 | Direction 1 |
hm1_evaldate | Evaluation date |
hm1_evalagency | Evaluation agency |
hm1_cmplaint | Complaint |
hm1_noa_cancel_date | Hm1 noa cancel date |
hm1_ivthersupname | Iv therapy supplier name |
hm1_df_serv8 | Discipline code 8 |
hm1_addltime_df6 | Additional Visit Time 6 |
hm1_nutreq2 | Nutrition required2 |
hm1_refcreate_eecomp | Hm1 refcreate eecomp |
hm1_dmesuplist | Medical supply list |
hm1_referdate | Refer date |
hm1_odmbegin | Odometer begin |
hm1_lstayroom | Stay room |
hm1_dmeotsupname1 | Other supplier 1 |
hm1_caregivername | Caregiver name |
hm1_depart | Depart time |
hm1_arid | Hm1 arid |
hm1_noa_sent_date | Hm1 noa sent date |
hm1_nonsched_period | Nonscheduled Period |
hm1_direction4 | Directions to patients home |
hm1_refnotifydt | Refer notify date |
hm1_aculevel | Acute level |
hm1_dmesuplist2 | Medical supply list |
hm1_dissumreqdt | Discharge summary request date |
hm1_reason | Assessment reason |
hm1_emglevel | Emergency level code |
hm1_cmplaint2 | Complaint2 |
hm1_evaltime | Evaluation time |
hm1_addltime_df4 | Additional Visit Time 4 |
hm1_direction2 | Direction 2 |
hm1_servneed | Service needed code1 |
hm1_df_serv5 | Discipline code 5 |
hm1_lphysvisitnam | Doctor visit name |
hm1_visitdt | Visit date |
hm1_service4 | Service4 |
hm1_refcreate_date | Hm1 refcreate date |
hm1_df_emp7 | Discipline employee7 |
hm1_df_serv2 | Discipline code 2 |
hm1_refcreate_eepr | Hm1 refcreate eepr |
hm1_stcaredt | Start care date |
hm1_refersourcecd | Refer source code |
hm1_df_serv7 | Discipline code 7 |
hm1_servinit | Service initials |
hm1_direction3 | Direction 3 |
hm1_df_emp6 | Discipline employee6 |
hm1_addltime_df1 | Additional Visit Time 1 |
hm1_dissumreqinit | Discharge summary request initials |
hm1_evalcomment1 | Evaluation comment1 |
hm1_df_emp8 | Discipline employee8 |
hm1_lstayadmdt | Stay admit date |
hm1_seq | Sequence |
hm1_service1 | Service1 |
hm1_location | Location |
hm1_df_serv1 | Discipline code 1 |
hm1_addltime_df7 | Additional Visit Time 7 |
hm1_addltime_df5 | Additional Visit Time 5 |
hm1_evalnacode | Evaluation na code |
hm1_df_emp1 | Discipline employee1 |
hm1_lstayhosp | Stay hospital |
hm1_dmesupphone | Medical supplier phone |
hm1_df_emp3 | Discipline employee3 |
hm1_refcreate_time | Hm1 refcreate time |
hm1_servdate | Service date |
hm1_odmend | Odometer end |
hm1_service5 | Service5 |
hm1_evalnurse | Evaluation nurse |
hm1_dnr_eff_date | Hm1 dnr eff date |
hm1_lphysvisitdt | Doctor visit date |
hm1_service2 | Service2 |
hm1_df_serv9 | Discipline code 9 |
hm1_df_serv10 | Discipline code 10 |
hm1_df_emp5 | Discipline employee5 |
hm1_verbnum | Verbal orders count |
hm1_addltime_df8 | Additional Visit Time 8 |
hm1_df_serv4 | Discipline code 4 |
hm1_refcreate_eenum | Hm1 refcreate eenum |
hm1_branch | Branch |
hm1_addltime_df2 | Additional Visit Time 2 |
hm1_servdate1 | Service date |
hm1_refertime | Hm1 refertime |
hm1_addltime_df9 | Additional Visit Time 9 |
hm1_emgcomment | Emergency comment |
hm1_addltime_df10 | Additional Visit Time 10 |
hm1_lstaydisdt | Stay discharge date |
hm1_df_emp9 | Discipline employee9 |
hm1_servcontact | Service contact |
hm1_df_emp2 | Discipline employee2 |
hm1_service6 | Service6 |
hm1_safety1 | Safety Measures 1 |
hm1_service3 | Service3 |
hm1_empnum | Employee number |
Description: Home Health Discharge Plan
Name | Description |
hmdisplan_text | Hmdisplan text |
hmdisplan_arid | Hmdisplan arid |
hmdisplan_cert_date | Hmdisplan cert date |
hmdisplan_num | Hmdisplan num |
Description: Home Health Patient Certification
Name | Description |
hmpcert_vonum | Hmpcert vonum |
hmpcert_create_date | Hmpcert create date |
hmpcert_hmcctrl_seq | Hmpcert hmcctrl seq |
hmpcert_create_time | Hmpcert create time |
hmpcert_create_eecomp | Hmpcert create eecomp |
hmpcert_create_eepr | Hmpcert create eepr |
hmpcert_stop_date | Hmpcert stop date |
hmpcert_num | Hmpcert num |
hmpcert_arid | Hmpcert arid |
hmpcert_action | Hmpcert action |
hmpcert_comments | Hmpcert comments |
hmpcert_create_eenum | Hmpcert create eenum |
hmpcert_date | Hmpcert date |
hmpcert_start_date | Hmpcert start date |
Description: Home Health Patient Measurable Goals
Name | Description |
hmgoals_seq | Hmgoals seq |
hmgoals_create_eepr | Hmgoals create eepr |
hmgoals_create_eecomp | Hmgoals create eecomp |
hmgoals_start_date | Hmgoals start date |
hmgoals_comments | Hmgoals comments |
hmgoals_arid | Hmgoals arid |
hmgoals_goal_code | Hmgoals goal code |
hmgoals_cert_date | Hmgoals cert date |
hmgoals_create_date | Hmgoals create date |
hmgoals_vonum | Hmgoals vonum |
hmgoals_create_time | Hmgoals create time |
hmgoals_text | Hmgoals text |
hmgoals_num | Hmgoals num |
hmgoals_target_date | Hmgoals target date |
hmgoals_create_eenum | Hmgoals create eenum |
hmgoals_action | Hmgoals action |
hmgoals_comp_date | Hmgoals comp date |
Description: Home Health Verbal Orders
Name | Description |
hmvord_sign_init | Hmvord sign init |
hmvord_start_dt | Hmvord start dt |
hmvord_diagproc_updt | Hmvord diagproc updt |
hmvord_create_eepr | Hmvord create eepr |
hmvord_text | Hmvord text |
hmvord_arid | Hmvord arid |
hmvord_readbk_name | Hmvord readbk name |
hmvord_received_by | Hmvord received by |
hmvord_create_eenum | Hmvord create eenum |
hmvord_pnum | Hmvord pnum |
hmvord_start_tm | Hmvord start tm |
hmvord_phy_num | Hmvord phy num |
hmvord_sign_dt | Hmvord sign dt |
hmvord_cert_date | Hmvord cert date |
hmvord_med_updt | Hmvord med updt |
hmvord_create_eecomp | Hmvord create eecomp |
hmvord_mgoal_updt | Hmvord mgoal updt |
hmvord_create_tm | Hmvord create tm |
hmvord_create_dt | Hmvord create dt |
hmvord_seq | Hmvord seq |
hmvord_read_back | Hmvord read back |
hmvord_review_init | Hmvord review init |
hmvord_review_dt | Hmvord review dt |
hmvord_vonum | Hmvord vonum |
hmvord_ord_updt | Hmvord ord updt |
hmvord_sup_updt | Hmvord sup updt |
Description: Home Health Verbal Order Transactions
Name | Description |
hmvotrans_arid | Hmvotrans arid |
hmvotrans_type | Hmvotrans type |
hmvotrans_vonum | Hmvotrans vonum |
hmvotrans_pointer_key | Hmvotrans pointer key |
hmvotrans_hmvord_pnum | Hmvotrans hmvord pnum |
hmvotrans_seq | Hmvotrans seq |
hmvotrans_hmvord_seq | Hmvotrans hmvord seq |
hmvotrans_hmvord_cert_date | Hmvotrans hmvord cert date |
Description: Clinic Hospital Cross Reference
Name | Description |
holink_clinvisitnum | Clinic Patient Visit Number |
holink_patordkey | Patord File Key |
holink_clinarid | Clinics Arid |
holink_status | Order Status |
holink_serialkey | Serial Key Value |
holink_hospprofilenum | Hospital Patient Profile Number |
holink_hospvisitnum | Hospital Patient Visit Number |
holink_patternkey | Recurrence Event Pattern Key |
holink_maactionseq | Maaction File Sequence |
holink_hospspid | Hospital Shared Profile Id |
holink_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
holink_clinprofilenum | Clinic Patient Profile Number |
holink_timestamp | Recurrence Event Timestamp |
holink_clinicspid | Clinic Shared Profile Id |
Description: Ifxpmtin Error Log
Name | Description |
ifxpmtlog1_confirmation_number | Confirmation Number |
ifxpmtlog1_error_message | Error Message |
ifxpmtlog1_transaction_amt | Transaction Amount |
ifxpmtlog1_transaction_date | Transaction Date |
ifxpmtlog1_time | Time |
ifxpmtlog1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ifxpmtlog1_vend | Vendor |
ifxpmtlog1_date | Date |
ifxpmtlog1_receipt_code | Receipt Code |
ifxpmtlog1_pname | Patient Name |
ifxpmtlog1_pnum | Patient Number |
Description: Scanned Images Audit Log
Name | Description |
imgaud_seq | Image Audit 1 Sequence |
imgaud_fidx_key | Facility Id |
imgaud_accttoname | Image Audit 1 Account To Name |
imgaud_revision | Image Audit 1 Revision |
imgaud_type | Image Audit 1 Type |
imgaud_logname | Image Audit Logname |
imgaud_descfrom | Image Audit 1 Description From |
imgaud_title | Image Audit 1 Title |
imgaud_dttm | Image Audit 1 Date Time |
imgaud_descto | Image Audit 1 Description To |
imgaud_num | Image Audit 1 Number |
imgaud_acct | Image Audit 1 Account |
imgaud_acctfromname | Image Audit 1 Account From Name |
imgaud_empname | Image Audit 1 Employee Name |
imgaud_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
imgaud_acctto | Image Audit 1 Account To |
imgaud_acctfrom | Image Audit 1 Account From |
imgaud_action | Image Audit 1 Action |
imgaud_reason | Image Audit 1 Reason |
imgaud_emp | Image Audit 1 Employee |
Description: Immunization.
Name | Description |
immune1_lot | Immunization Lot |
immune1_series_complete | Immunization Vaccine Series Complete |
immune1_entry_tm | Entry Time |
immune1_pat | Person Profile Number |
immune1_vis_barcode4 | Immunization Vis Barcode4 |
immune1_vaccinegroup | Vaccine Group |
immune1_vac_info_stmnt_rvwd_dt | Vaccine Information Statement Reviewed Date |
immune1_ad_addrss2 | Immunization Location Address 2 |
immune1_phy_num | Administering Physician Number |
immune1_ncit_route_code | Immunization Ncit Route Code |
immune1_publicspld | Immunization Vfc Publicly Supplied |
immune1_sched_desc | Immunization Schedule Desc |
immune1_vfcstatus | Immunization Vfc Status Code |
immune1_ad_city | Immunization Location City |
immune1_reason_code | Immunization Reason Code |
immune1_ucum_cd | Immunization Ucum Code |
immune1_ad_county | Immunization Location County |
immune1_nip | Nip Code |
immune1_code | Immunization Code |
immune1_vis_barcode5 | Immunization Vis Barcode5 |
immune1_vis_barcode2 | Immunization Vis Barcode2 |
immune1_last_updated | Immunization Last Updated Timestamp |
immune1_ipanum | Visit Number |
immune1_give_time | Time Given |
immune1_clinrec_import | Immunization Clinical Recon Import |
immune1_admnstr_name | Immunization Administering Provider |
immune1_maact1seq | Immunization Maaction Sequence |
immune1_series_status | Immunization Series Status |
immune1_source | Immunization Source |
immune1_dc_phy_sw | Discontinue Physician Employee Type |
immune1_not_used_1 | Not Used |
immune1_dc_dt | Immunization Discontinue Date |
immune1_event_id | Immunization Event Id |
immune1_evdnccode | Evidence Of Immunity Code |
immune1_cv_dt | Conversion Date |
immune1_dose_number | Immunization Dose Number |
immune1_spid | Shared Profile Id |
immune1_dose_subpotent | Immunization Dose Subpotent |
immune1_ipaseq | Pharmacy Order Sequence |
immune1_omit_reason | Omit Reason |
immune1_dc_phy_low | Discontinue If Physician |
immune1_dc_comp | Discontinue Employee Company Code |
immune1_seq | Key Sequence Number |
immune1_vaccine_funding_src | Immunization Vaccine Funding Source |
immune1_vac_info_stmnt_vrsn_dt | Vaccine Information Statement Version Date |
immune1_not_admin_snomed | Immunization Reason Not Administered Snomed |
immune1_ad_zip | Immunization Location Zip |
immune1_sched_type | Immunization Schedule Type |
immune1_cmpnt_vis_date | Vaccine Component Vis Date Reviewed |
immune1_cmpnt_vac_grp | Vaccine Component Group |
immune1_cpt | Immunization Cpt |
immune1_pr | Employee Payroll Type |
immune1_entry_dt | Entry Date |
immune1_dc_pr | Discontinue Employee Payroll Type |
immune1_cmpnt_vis_vrsn_date | Vaccine Component Vis Version Date |
immune1_primary_doses | Immunization Primary Series Doses |
immune1_sitecode | Immunization Site Code |
immune1_dose_validity | Immunization Dose Validity |
immune1_emp | Administering Employee Id Number |
immune1_ad_state | Immunization Location State |
immune1_vaccine_grp_cvx | Immunization Vaccine Group |
immune1_comp | Employee Company Code |
immune1_site | Immunization Site |
immune1_vac_info_stmnt_rvwd | Vaccine Information Statement Reviewed |
immune1_series_position | Immunization Primary Series Position |
immune1_ref_reason | Immunization Refusal Reason |
immune1_cv_tm | Conversion Time |
immune1_dc_phy_num | Discontinue Physician Number |
immune1_vis_barcode | Immunization Vis Barcode1 |
immune1_vis_barcode3 | Immunization Vis Barcode3 |
immune1_manufacturer | Immunization Manufacturer |
immune1_admnstrd_amnt | Immunization Administered Amount |
immune1_route | Immunization Route |
immune1_active_sw | Is Immunization Active Or Not |
immune1_admnstrd_unit | Immunization Administered Units |
immune1_refusal | Immunization Refusal |
immune1_arid | Immunization Arid |
immune1_ad_addrss1 | Immunization Location Address 1 |
immune1_dc_emp | Discontinue Employee Id Number |
immune1_phy_sw | Administering Physician Employee Type |
immune1_dose_status | Immunization Dose Status |
immune1_cv_code | Conversion Code |
immune1_date | Immunization Date |
immune1_entry_init | Entry Employee Initials |
immune1_vac_cmpnt_info_stmnt_rvwd | Vaccine Component Information Statement Reviewed |
immune1_routecode | Immunization Route Code |
immune1_lotexpdt | Immunization Expiration Date |
immune1_dc_tm | Immunization Discontinue Time |
immune1_phy_low | Administering If Physician |
Description: Immunization Error Table
Name | Description |
immerr1_profile_num | Immerr1 profile num |
immerr1_seq | Immerr1 seq |
immerr1_date_timestamp | Immerr1 date timestamp |
immerr1_profid | Immerr1 profid |
immerr1_error_desc | Immerr1 error desc |
immerr1_arid | Immerr1 arid |
immerr1_error_code | Immerr1 error code |
immerr1_visit_num | Immerr1 visit num |
immerr1_imm_cvx | Immerr1 imm cvx |
Description: Immunization Forecast
Name | Description |
immfcst1_sched_type | Immfcst1 sched type |
immfcst1_dose_validity | Immfcst1 dose validity |
immfcst1_late_dose_date | Immfcst1 late dose date |
immfcst1_profid | Immfcst1 profid |
immfcst1_seq | Immfcst1 seq |
immfcst1_primary_doses | Immfcst1 primary doses |
immfcst1_timestamp | Immfcst1 timestamp |
immfcst1_recommend_dose_date | Immfcst1 recommend dose date |
immfcst1_series_status | Immfcst1 series status |
immfcst1_primary_series_position | Immfcst1 primary series position |
immfcst1_early_dose_date | Immfcst1 early dose date |
immfcst1_vaccine_grp_cvx | Immfcst1 vaccine grp cvx |
immfcst1_overdue_dose_date | Immfcst1 overdue dose date |
immfcst1_reason_code | Immfcst1 reason code |
immfcst1_profilenum | Immfcst1 profilenum |
immfcst1_sched_desc | Immfcst1 sched desc |
Description: Implantable device history
Name | Description |
idh_procedure | Procedure |
idh_status | Status |
idh_tissue_code | Tissue Code |
idh_type | Type |
idh_expiration_mmyy_format | Expiration Mmyy Format |
idh_lastupdated_timestamp | Last Updated Timestamp |
idh_lot_number | Lot Number |
idh_manufacture_timestamp | Manufacture Timestamp |
idh_latex_rubber_label | Latex Rubber Label |
idh_di | Device Identification |
idh_quantity | Quantity |
idh_serialkey | Serial Key |
idh_expiration_timestamp | Expiration Timestamp |
idh_arid | Idh arid |
idh_description | Description |
idh_body_structure | Body Structure |
idh_serial_number | Serial Number |
idh_spid | Spid |
idh_snomed_code | Idh snomed code |
idh_procedure_timestamp | Procedure Timestamp |
idh_entry_timestamp | Entry Timestamp |
idh_udi | Unique Device Identification |
idh_brand_name | Brand Name |
idh_mri_safety_info | Mri Safety Info |
idh_implant_explant | Implant Explant |
idh_pproc_id | Patient Procedure Id |
idh_profilenum | Profile Number |
idh_manufacturer | Manufacturer |
idh_version_model | Version Model |
Description: Imported Icd10 Diagnosis Code Table
Name | Description |
impicd10dx_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
impicd10dx_code | Imported Icd10 Diagnosis Code |
impicd10dx_poa | Imported Icd10 Diagnosis Code Present On Admission |
impicd10dx_visit_num | Visit Number |
impicd10dx_desc | Impicd10dx desc |
impicd10dx_seq | Sequence |
Description: Imported Icd10 Procedure Code Table
Name | Description |
impicd10px_date | Imported Icd10 Procedure Code Date |
impicd10px_visit_num | Visit Number |
impicd10px_seq | Sequence |
impicd10px_code | Imported Icd10 Procedure Code |
impicd10px_phy | Imported Icd10 Procedure Code Physician |
impicd10px_desc | Imported Icd10 Procedure Code Description |
impicd10px_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Inbound ccda log
Name | Description |
ibclog_dt | Ibclog dt |
ibclog_ccda_fatal_reason | Ibclog ccda fatal reason |
ibclog_arid | Ibclog arid |
ibclog_ccda_prob_fail | Ibclog ccda prob fail |
ibclog_ccda_patname | Ibclog ccda patname |
ibclog_ccda_patid | Ibclog ccda patid |
ibclog_ccda_fatal | Ibclog ccda fatal |
ibclog_profnum | Ibclog profnum |
ibclog_ccda_med_pass | Ibclog ccda med pass |
ibclog_ccda_med_fail | Ibclog ccda med fail |
ibclog_ccda_docid | Ibclog ccda docid |
ibclog_ccda_immu_pass | Ibclog ccda immu pass |
ibclog_ccda_docloinc | Ibclog ccda docloinc |
ibclog_ccda_doctitle | Ibclog ccda doctitle |
ibclog_ccda_prob_pass | Ibclog ccda prob pass |
ibclog_ccda_immu_fail | Ibclog ccda immu fail |
ibclog_id | Ibclog id |
ibclog_ccda_alg_fail | Ibclog ccda alg fail |
ibclog_spid | Ibclog spid |
ibclog_ccda_docdate | Ibclog ccda docdate |
ibclog_ccda_custodian | Ibclog ccda custodian |
ibclog_ccda_alg_pass | Ibclog ccda alg pass |
Description: Insurance Claim Information 1
Name | Description |
is1_crossdate | Crossover Date |
is1_aapc_ded | Apc Detail Screen |
is1_aapc_copay | Apc Detail Screen |
is1_totchg | Total Charges |
is1_excchgs | Shows Non-Billable Charges |
This Setup Is In The Summary Code Table Page 1 Field Non-Billable F/C | |
is1_eapc_copay | Apc Detail Screen |
is1_print | Check Box In Detail Charges |
is1_opdate | Outpatient Date |
is1_serv | Service Code |
is1_pd_amt2 | Receipt Information Screen |
is1_contract_old | Contract Number |
is1_pd_dt3 | Receipt Information Screen |
is1_expay | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_printcross | Detail Charges Screen - Print Crossover Check Box (Ins Co Table Page 6 Auto Crossover Set To Y Along With Form Code) |
is1_nondays | Noncovered Days |
is1_diem | Ins Company Perdiem Amount |
is1_otset | Other Coverage Set |
is1_pdtype3 | Paid Type Third Payment |
is1_opchg | Outpatient Charges |
is1_new_op_medicare | Pulls When Claim Is Moved To Billed. |
04 - Ub | |
05 - 1500 | |
is1_reim_amt | Claim Status Screen |
is1_orig_bl_d_amt | Original Billed Amount |
is1_excrep | Policy Information Screen |
is1_opdesc | Outpatient Description |
is1_set | Order Of Insurance In Claim Status Screen |
is1_apc_sw | Insurance Company Table Page 4 Apc Reimburse Field |
is1_opcd | Outpatient Summary Code |
is1_ck_dt | Date Moved To Ready To Bill |
is1_disc | Discharge Date |
is1_semi_rate | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_bl_n_rep | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_bl_ded | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_pd_amt3 | Receipt Information Screen |
is1_drg_icd10 | Icd 10 Computed Drg |
is1_elecbill | Detail Charges - Elec Bill ? Check Box |
is1_birth | Patient Birthdate |
is1_covrmrate | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_drg | Insurance Drg |
is1_typrm | Room Types |
is1_from | Service From Date |
is1_covdays | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_chg | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_covcalctype | Not Used |
is1_contract | Contract Number |
is1_typebill | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_orig_drg | Original Drg |
is1_dayfull | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_covgoverride | Override Option Is In The Coverages Screen On The Claim |
is1_psrocode | Detail Benefits |
is1_lifeused | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_app_sent | Policy Information Screen |
is1_eapc_outlr | Estimated Apc Outlier Amount |
is1_bl_chg | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_covgcsnum | Coverage Cs Number |
is1_eapc_reim | Apc Detail Screen |
is1_pd_dt1 | Receipt Information Screen |
is1_cd | Summary Codes |
is1_totnon | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_covrate | Detail Benefits Screen - Coverage % Field |
is1_filetype | Insurance Company Table Page 6 |
is1_stay | Stay Type |
is1_med_ness | Blood Medical Necessity |
is1_exccov | Policy Information Screen |
is1_pd_dt2 | Receipt Information Screen |
is1_mr_okayed | Medical Records > Grouper > Ins Button |
is1_copay | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_ins_full | Insurance Company Code |
is1_qty | Quantity |
is1_arid | Facility Number |
is1_pd_amt1 | Receipt Information Screen |
is1_eapc_ded | Apc Detail Screen |
is1_dayco | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_covglogname | Coverage Logname |
is1_ppscode | Detail Benefits |
is1_genviaautocl | Generated Via Auto Close |
is1_pdtype2 | Paid Type Second Payment |
is1_aapc_outlr | Actual Apc Outlier Amount |
is1_to | Service To Date |
is1_origin | Origin Code |
is1_endcare | Detail Beneifts |
is1_num | Account Number |
is1_bill_dt | Billed Date |
is1_direct | Policy Information Screen |
is1_bl_d_amt | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_app_rec | Policy Information Screen |
is1_bl_furn | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_netcalc | Policy Information Screen |
is1_covverified | Not Used |
is1_isacomp_addr_id | Is1 isacomp addr id |
is1_prim | Policy Information |
is1_aapc_reim | Apc Detail Screen |
is1_orig_a_ded | Original Deductible Amount |
is1_pd_status | Payment Status Code |
is1_p_name | Patient Name |
is1_isapat_addr_id | Is1 isapat addr id |
is1_otins | Other Coverage Insurance Code |
is1_autobill | Autobill |
is1_releaseinfo | Policy Information Screen |
is1_coins | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_mr_ok_init | Medical Records > Grouper > Ins Button |
is1_contr2 | Contract Number Last 4 Characters |
is1_gen_dt | Claim Generated Date |
is1_daylife | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_eapc_contr | Apc Detail Screen |
is1_typary | Claim Status Screen - 2nd Character In Claim Generated Field |
D - Outpatient Charges Exist And Max Charge Lines Are Less Than 25 | |
Y - Outpatient Charges Exist And Max Charge Lines Are Greater Than 24 | |
X - Inpatient Charges Exist And Max Charge Lines Are Greater Than 24 | |
Blank - Inpatient Charges Exist And Max Charge Line Are Less Than 25 | |
is1_orig_expay | Original Expected Pay |
is1_otprim | Other Coverage Primary |
is1_admit | Admit Date |
is1_coveragesetby | Not Used |
is1_colim | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_totlines | Active Charge Lines Total In The Detail Charges Screen |
is1_formver | Form Version |
is1_a_ded | Part-A Deduct Field On The Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_bl_rep | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_opphy | Outpatient Physician |
is1_netreim | Net Reimbursement |
is1_pdtype1 | Paid Type First Payment |
is1_orig_coamt | Original Copay Amount |
is1_co_used | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_elecdate | Electronic Billed Date |
is1_mndays | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_orig_covdays | Original Covered Days |
is1_bl_rate | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_coamt | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_effdt | Detail Benefits Screen |
is1_isasub_addr_id | Is1 isasub addr id |
is1_bl_non | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_non | Detail Charges Screen |
is1_maxlines | Insurance Company Table Page 4 |
is1_aapc_contr | Apc Detail Screen |
Description: Insurance Claim Information 2
Name | Description |
is2_opphy | Outpatient Physician |
is2_opchg_qty | Outpatient Charge Quantity |
is2_num | Account Number |
is2_opnon | Is2 opnon |
is2_srcx0length | Elec Billing Work File Length |
is2_ins | Financial class |
is2_set | Set Number |
is2_arid | Is2 arid |
is2_opdesc | Outpatient Description |
is2_srcx0rec_type | Elec Billing Work File Record Type |
is2_opchg | Outpatient Charges |
is2_srcx0data_new | New Electronic Billing Information |
is2_opcd | Outpatient Summary Code |
is2_srcx0pos | Elec Billing Work File Position |
is2_srcx0rec_seq | Elec Billing Work File Sequence |
is2_opdate | Outpatient Date |
is2_opmods | Outpatient Modifiers |
is2_popupsw | Claim Edits Popup Sw |
Description: Insurance Claim Information 3
Name | Description |
is3_plancd | Policy Information |
is3_misc6 | Detail Benefits |
is3_coins2 | Receipt Information |
is3_a_ded1 | Receipt Information |
is3_msa3 | Home Health Msa Code 3 |
is3_hhdt2 | Stay Information |
is3_expay | Contract Mgmt > Claims List > Expected Allow Amount |
is3_coins1 | Receipt Information |
is3_edt2_da | Claim Status Screen |
is3_misc5 | Detail Benefits |
is3_hhmkey | Precert #/Type |
is3_rejectcds | Receipt Information |
is3_appeal_ltr | Acct > Contract Mgmt > Claim Maintenance |
is3_orig_expay | Detail Charges |
is3_pay_emp_init | Contract Billing Auto Acknowledge Pay |
is3_remit_dt1 | Receipt Information |
is3_contrgl3 | Receipt Information |
is3_noncov2 | Receipt Information |
is3_contrgl2 | Receipt Information |
is3_adjamt | Detail Charges Screen > Cob Pmt > Claim Level Cob |
is3_arid | Is3 arid |
is3_contract1 | Receipt Information |
is3_ins | Financial Class |
is3_mc_status | Contract Billing Status |
is3_newinsrec | New Insurance Receipt |
is3_msa1 | Home Health Msa Code 1 |
is3_appeal_sw | Acct > Contract Management > Claim Maintenance |
is3_cobdate | Detail Charges Screen > Cob Pmt |
is3_reim_amt2 | Receipt Information |
is3_contrgl1 | Receipt Information |
is3_reim_amt3 | Receipt Information |
is3_tot_chg | Detail Charges |
is3_orig_tot_chg | Detail Charges |
is3_hhipps3 | Stay Information |
is3_a_ded3 | Receipt Information |
is3_contract3 | Receipt Information |
is3_edt2_mo | Claim Status Screen |
is3_approved3 | Receipt Information |
is3_orig_contract | Original Contractual Amount |
is3_hhipps1 | Stay Information |
is3_adjquan | Detail Charges > Claim Level Cob |
is3_hhipps2 | Stay Information |
is3_misc4 | Detail Benefits |
is3_ack_emp_init | Expected Pay Acknowledge |
is3_num | Account Number |
is3_den_chgs | Detail Charges |
is3_remit_dt3 | Receipt Information |
is3_approved1 | Receipt Information |
is3_sub_empcd | Policy Information |
is3_coamt2 | Receipt Information |
is3_reasoncd | Detail Charges > Claim Level Cob |
is3_clinic | Policy Information |
is3_coamt1 | Receipt Information |
is3_set | Set Number |
is3_pat_empcd | Census > Patient > Employer Information |
is3_a_ded2 | Receipt Information |
is3_hhdt1 | Stay Information |
is3_remit_dt2 | Receipt Information |
is3_approved | Receipt Information |
is3_contract | Receipt Information |
is3_mc_chg | Managed Care Charge |
is3_edt2_yr | Claim Status Screen |
is3_netwkcd | Policy Information |
is3_no_plan | Has No Plan Code |
is3_payerid | Policy Information |
is3_cal_dt | Contract Mgmt > Claims List |
is3_delaycd | Detail Benefits > Delay Reason |
is3_noncov1 | Receipt Information |
is3_mc_meth | Managed Care Method |
is3_ltchend | Detail Benefits |
is3_reim_amt1 | Receipt Information |
is3_cobupdtsw | Detail Charges > Cob Pmt |
A = Auto | |
M = Manual | |
is3_coamt3 | Receipt Information |
is3_contrgl | Receipt Information |
is3_has_pps | Stay Information |
is3_noncov3 | Receipt Information |
is3_gen_type | Claim Generation Method |
A = Auto | |
M = Manual | |
C = Ccbcp | |
H = Home Health | |
is3_orig_billdt | Claim Status Screen > 2nd Billed Date |
is3_grpcdsw | Cob Group Code Switch |
is3_contract2 | Receipt Information |
is3_approved2 | Receipt Information |
is3_noncov | Receipt Information |
is3_emp_init | Contract Management Auto Calc Employee Initials |
is3_msa2 | Home Health Msa Code 2 |
is3_coins3 | Receipt Information |
is3_orig_elecdt | Detail Charges |
is3_hhdt3 | Stay Information |
is3_gbhcno | Policy Information |
Description: Insurance Coverage Claim Info 1
Name | Description |
ic1_elecdate | Ic1 elecdate |
ic1_covrate | Ic1 covrate |
ic1_bl_chg | Ic1 bl chg |
ic1_pd_amt2 | Ic1 pd amt2 |
ic1_filetype | Ic1 filetype |
ic1_app_sent | Ic1 app sent |
ic1_bl_n_rep | Ic1 bl n rep |
ic1_opphy | Ic1 opphy |
ic1_eapc_contr | Ic1 eapc contr |
ic1_chg | Ic1 chg |
ic1_pd_amt1 | Ic1 pd amt1 |
ic1_lifeused | Ic1 lifeused |
ic1_opchg | Ic1 opchg |
ic1_netreim | Ic1 netreim |
ic1_bl_non | Ic1 bl non |
ic1_eapc_copay | Ic1 eapc copay |
ic1_totlines | Ic1 totlines |
ic1_coamt | Ic1 coamt |
ic1_covgoverride | Ic1 covgoverride |
ic1_opcd | Ic1 opcd |
ic1_app_rec | Ic1 app rec |
ic1_orig_covdays | Ic1 orig covdays |
ic1_eapc_outlr | Ic1 eapc outlr |
ic1_non | Ic1 non |
ic1_orig_a_ded | Ic1 orig a ded |
ic1_aapc_contr | Ic1 aapc contr |
ic1_bl_ded | Ic1 bl ded |
ic1_printcross | Ic1 printcross |
ic1_typary | Ic1 typary |
ic1_isapat_addr_id | Ic1 isapat addr id |
ic1_orig_drg | Ic1 orig drg |
ic1_nondays | Ic1 nondays |
ic1_bl_furn | Ic1 bl furn |
ic1_eapc_ded | Ic1 eapc ded |
ic1_releaseinfo | Ic1 releaseinfo |
ic1_isasub_addr_id | Ic1 isasub addr id |
ic1_pd_dt2 | Ic1 pd dt2 |
ic1_set | Ic1 set |
ic1_from | Ic1 from |
ic1_covglogname | Ic1 covglogname |
ic1_coins | Ic1 coins |
ic1_otins | Ic1 otins |
ic1_semi_rate | Ic1 semi rate |
ic1_contract | Ic1 contract |
ic1_daylife | Ic1 daylife |
ic1_co_used | Ic1 co used |
ic1_otset | Ic1 otset |
ic1_aapc_ded | Ic1 aapc ded |
ic1_admit | Ic1 admit |
ic1_qty | Ic1 qty |
ic1_genviaautocl | Ic1 genviaautocl |
ic1_endcare | Ic1 endcare |
ic1_netcalc | Ic1 netcalc |
ic1_new_op_medicare | Ic1 new op medicare |
ic1_effdt | Ic1 effdt |
ic1_pdtype1 | Ic1 pdtype1 |
ic1_typrm | Ic1 typrm |
ic1_gen_dt | Ic1 gen dt |
ic1_contract_old | Ic1 contract old |
ic1_isacomp_addr_id | Ic1 isacomp addr id |
ic1_colim | Ic1 colim |
ic1_mndays | Ic1 mndays |
ic1_aapc_copay | Ic1 aapc copay |
ic1_prim | Ic1 prim |
ic1_contr2 | Ic1 contr2 |
ic1_dayco | Ic1 dayco |
ic1_totnon | Ic1 totnon |
ic1_disc | Ic1 disc |
ic1_pd_amt3 | Ic1 pd amt3 |
ic1_eapc_reim | Ic1 eapc reim |
ic1_formver | Ic1 formver |
ic1_covrmrate | Ic1 covrmrate |
ic1_arid | Ic1 arid |
ic1_cd | Ic1 cd |
ic1_bl_rate | Ic1 bl rate |
ic1_to | Ic1 to |
ic1_orig_bl_d_amt | Ic1 orig bl d amt |
ic1_ins_full | Ic1 ins full |
ic1_stay | Ic1 stay |
ic1_med_ness | Ic1 med ness |
ic1_drg | Ic1 drg |
ic1_mr_okayed | Ic1 mr okayed |
ic1_pd_status | Ic1 pd status |
ic1_aapc_outlr | Ic1 aapc outlr |
ic1_reim_amt | Ic1 reim amt |
ic1_dayfull | Ic1 dayfull |
ic1_num | Ic1 num |
ic1_diem | Ic1 diem |
ic1_direct | Ic1 direct |
ic1_print | Ic1 print |
ic1_otprim | Ic1 otprim |
ic1_bill_dt | Ic1 bill dt |
ic1_pdtype3 | Ic1 pdtype3 |
ic1_apc_sw | Ic1 apc sw |
ic1_serv | Ic1 serv |
ic1_ppscode | Ic1 ppscode |
ic1_totchg | Ic1 totchg |
ic1_orig_coamt | Ic1 orig coamt |
ic1_birth | Ic1 birth |
ic1_covdays | Ic1 covdays |
ic1_psrocode | Ic1 psrocode |
ic1_covgcsnum | Ic1 covgcsnum |
ic1_mr_ok_init | Ic1 mr ok init |
ic1_typebill | Ic1 typebill |
ic1_opdesc | Ic1 opdesc |
ic1_opdate | Ic1 opdate |
ic1_orig_expay | Ic1 orig expay |
ic1_profid | Ic1 profid |
ic1_expay | Ic1 expay |
ic1_autobill | Ic1 autobill |
ic1_pd_dt1 | Ic1 pd dt1 |
ic1_aapc_reim | Ic1 aapc reim |
ic1_drg_icd10 | Ic1 drg icd10 |
ic1_origin | Ic1 origin |
ic1_p_name | Ic1 p name |
ic1_crossdate | Ic1 crossdate |
ic1_exccov | Ic1 exccov |
ic1_ck_dt | Ic1 ck dt |
ic1_elecbill | Ic1 elecbill |
ic1_pdtype2 | Ic1 pdtype2 |
ic1_maxlines | Ic1 maxlines |
ic1_pd_dt3 | Ic1 pd dt3 |
ic1_excrep | Ic1 excrep |
ic1_bl_d_amt | Ic1 bl d amt |
ic1_copay | Ic1 copay |
ic1_excchgs | Ic1 excchgs |
ic1_bl_rep | Ic1 bl rep |
ic1_a_ded | Ic1 a ded |
Description: Insurance Coverage Claim Info 2
Name | Description |
ic2_ins | Ic2 ins |
ic2_set | Ic2 set |
ic2_arid | Ic2 arid |
ic2_profid | Ic2 profid |
ic2_num | Ic2 num |
Description: Insurance Coverage Claim Info 3
Name | Description |
ic3_plancd | Ic3 plancd |
ic3_clinic | Ic3 clinic |
ic3_payerid | Ic3 payerid |
ic3_num | Ic3 num |
ic3_misc5 | Ic3 misc5 |
ic3_ltchend | Ic3 ltchend |
ic3_pat_empcd | Ic3 pat empcd |
ic3_set | Ic3 set |
ic3_misc4 | Ic3 misc4 |
ic3_arid | Ic3 arid |
ic3_misc6 | Ic3 misc6 |
ic3_gbhcno | Ic3 gbhcno |
ic3_profid | Ic3 profid |
ic3_sub_empcd | Ic3 sub empcd |
ic3_newinsrec | Ic3 newinsrec |
ic3_ins | Ic3 ins |
ic3_delaycd | Ic3 delaycd |
ic3_netwkcd | Ic3 netwkcd |
Description: Insurance Coverage Claim Info A
Name | Description |
ica_c_faddr3 | Ica c faddr3 |
ica_firstname | Ica firstname |
ica_p_midname | Ica p midname |
ica_c_faddr4 | Ica c faddr4 |
ica_s_empa | Ica s empa |
ica_phy2 | Ica phy2 |
ica_profid | Ica profid |
ica_s_fcity | Ica s fcity |
ica_mar | Ica mar |
ica_race | Ica race |
ica_c_addr2 | Ica c addr2 |
ica_p_firstname | Ica p firstname |
ica_eob_ind | Ica eob ind |
ica_set | Ica set |
ica_c_addr1 | Ica c addr1 |
ica_s_city | Ica s city |
ica_midname | Ica midname |
ica_cert_type | Ica cert type |
ica_c_phone | Ica c phone |
ica_num | Ica num |
ica_group | Ica group |
ica_p_empa | Ica p empa |
ica_cert | Ica cert |
ica_c_city | Ica c city |
ica_surgeon | Ica surgeon |
ica_a_code | Ica a code |
ica_sub_old | Ica sub old |
ica_ss | Ica ss |
ica_esc | Ica esc |
ica_p_cnty | Ica p cnty |
ica_c_name | Ica c name |
ica_precert_ph | Ica precert ph |
ica_sex | Ica sex |
ica_p_city | Ica p city |
ica_s_fstate | Ica s fstate |
ica_birth | Ica birth |
ica_lastname | Ica lastname |
ica_c_zip | Ica c zip |
ica_p_addr1 | Ica p addr1 |
ica_s_addr1 | Ica s addr1 |
ica_s_fcntry | Ica s fcntry |
ica_pat_r_sub | Ica pat r sub |
ica_p_state | Ica p state |
ica_s_fcntrycd | Ica s fcntrycd |
ica_p_name | Ica p name |
ica_phy | Ica phy |
ica_p_emp | Ica p emp |
ica_c_faddr5 | Ica c faddr5 |
ica_d_time | Ica d time |
ica_s_sex | Ica s sex |
ica_p_zip | Ica p zip |
ica_s_zip | Ica s zip |
ica_s_state | Ica s state |
ica_comm | Ica comm |
ica_mrnum | Ica mrnum |
ica_arid | Ica arid |
ica_p_cnty_o | Ica p cnty o |
ica_s_fpostcd | Ica s fpostcd |
ica_person | Ica person |
ica_ins | Ica ins |
ica_p_addr2 | Ica p addr2 |
ica_eid | Ica eid |
ica_s_addr2 | Ica s addr2 |
ica_s_emp | Ica s emp |
ica_a_time | Ica a time |
ica_c_state | Ica c state |
ica_p_lastname | Ica p lastname |
ica_sub | Ica sub |
Description: Insurance Coverage Claim Info B
Name | Description |
icb_cond_cd | Icb cond cd |
icb_prior_disc2 | Icb prior disc2 |
icb_diag5c | Icb diag5c |
icb_oth_clm_qual | Icb oth clm qual |
icb_prior_adm | Icb prior adm |
icb_spancd3 | Icb spancd3 |
icb_surg3dt | Icb surg3dt |
icb_ins | Icb ins |
icb_msp | Icb msp |
icb_diag4c | Icb diag4c |
icb_diag2c | Icb diag2c |
icb_ccc | Icb ccc |
icb_acc_time | Icb acc time |
icb_valamtb | Icb valamtb |
icb_sub_dob | Icb sub dob |
icb_spancd4 | Icb spancd4 |
icb_val_ind | Icb val ind |
icb_priorcd | Icb priorcd |
icb_discamt | Icb discamt |
icb_admdiag | Icb admdiag |
icb_outdays | Icb outdays |
icb_refphy | Icb refphy |
icb_num | Icb num |
icb_oth_clm_id | Icb oth clm id |
icb_set | Icb set |
icb_diag3c | Icb diag3c |
icb_diag1d | Icb diag1d |
icb_surg1d | Icb surg1d |
icb_covratio | Icb covratio |
icb_occ_cd | Icb occ cd |
icb_prioramt | Icb prioramt |
icb_occ_dt | Icb occ dt |
icb_surg5c | Icb surg5c |
icb_prior_disc4 | Icb prior disc4 |
icb_drgreim | Icb drgreim |
icb_acc_place_old | Icb acc place old |
icb_value_amt | Icb value amt |
icb_relate_mil | Icb relate mil |
icb_hhoutlier | Icb hhoutlier |
icb_spancd2 | Icb spancd2 |
icb_other_qual | Icb other qual |
icb_acc_date | Icb acc date |
icb_surg1dt | Icb surg1dt |
icb_nb_date | Icb nb date |
icb_death | Icb death |
icb_spancd | Icb spancd |
icb_misc2 | Icb misc2 |
icb_acc_place | Icb acc place |
icb_surg4dt | Icb surg4dt |
icb_misc3 | Icb misc3 |
icb_psroto | Icb psroto |
icb_surg4c | Icb surg4c |
icb_d_status | Icb d status |
icb_prior_adm2 | Icb prior adm2 |
icb_icn | Icb icn |
icb_valcdb | Icb valcdb |
icb_medigapno | Icb medigapno |
icb_surg2c | Icb surg2c |
icb_psrofrom | Icb psrofrom |
icb_arid | Icb arid |
icb_diag2d | Icb diag2d |
icb_prior_disc | Icb prior disc |
icb_diag3d | Icb diag3d |
icb_ben1 | Icb ben1 |
icb_val2_cd | Icb val2 cd |
icb_hhppsclass | Icb hhppsclass |
icb_surg5dt | Icb surg5dt |
icb_relate_auto | Icb relate auto |
icb_surg3c | Icb surg3c |
icb_cond_cd2 | Icb cond cd2 |
icb_prior_adm4 | Icb prior adm4 |
icb_outreim | Icb outreim |
icb_refgvn | Icb refgvn |
icb_mamedicare | Icb mamedicare |
icb_val2_amt | Icb val2 amt |
icb_recver | Icb recver |
icb_acc_qual | Icb acc qual |
icb_prior_disc3 | Icb prior disc3 |
icb_value_cd | Icb value cd |
icb_other_date | Icb other date |
icb_profid | Icb profid |
icb_prior_place | Icb prior place |
icb_diag1c | Icb diag1c |
icb_surg1c | Icb surg1c |
icb_prior_adm3 | Icb prior adm3 |
icb_nb_live | Icb nb live |
icb_relate_emp | Icb relate emp |
icb_specprog | Icb specprog |
icb_surg2dt | Icb surg2dt |
Description: Insurance Claim Detail
Name | Description |
insdet1_arid | Insdet1 arid |
insdet1_est_apc | Apc Detail |
insdet1_est_apc_reim | Apc Detail |
insdet1_act_apc | Apc Detail |
insdet1_diagptr | Diagnosis Pointer |
insdet1_newcobcd | Detail Charges |
insdet1_cobpay | Coordination Of Benefits Payment |
insdet1_litem_copay | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_litem_ded | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_litem_reim | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_opmod | Modifiers |
insdet1_act_apc_ded | Apc Detail |
insdet1_date | Detail Charges |
insdet1_typechg | Detail Charges - Ip (1) Or Op (2) |
insdet1_chgno | Detail Charges Or Account Detail |
insdet1_litem_contr | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_litem_proc | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_act_apc_copay | Apc Detail |
insdet1_act_apc_reim | Apc Detail |
insdet1_scd | Summary Code |
insdet1_cobcd | Coordination Of Benefits Code |
insdet1_typrm | Detail Charges |
insdet1_opsum | Summary Code Table > Summarize Op Insurance Field |
insdet1_seq | Record Sequence |
insdet1_opdesc | Detail Charges |
insdet1_est_apc_copay | Apc Detail |
insdet1_chgdept | Account Detail |
insdet1_chg | Detail Charges |
insdet1_mc_chg | Account > Contract Mgmt > Expected Allow Amount |
insdet1_act_apc_rc | Apc Detail |
insdet1_cpt | Cpt |
insdet1_mod | Detail Charges |
insdet1_set | Set Number |
insdet1_non | Detail Charges |
insdet1_mc_meth | Account > Contract Mgmt > Method |
insdet1_clinic_cd | Policy Information |
insdet1_sumcd | Detail Charges |
insdet1_todate | Ltch To Date |
insdet1_est_apc_st | Apc Detail |
insdet1_litemhcpc | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_pointer | Claim Status Screen > Dia |
insdet1_qty | Detail Charges |
insdet1_rcode | Physician Charge Revenue Code |
insdet1_phy | Physician |
insdet1_num | Account Number |
insdet1_grpcdsw | Group Code |
insdet1_ins | Insurance Code |
insdet1_act_apc_st | Actual Apc Status |
insdet1_litem_noncv | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_rcode_old | Old Revenue Code |
insdet1_est_apc_ded | Apc Detail |
insdet1_ndc | Item Master > Pharmacy Information > Ndc |
insdet1_litem_coins | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_litem_appr | Line Item Receipt Detail |
insdet1_ubphy | Ub Charging Physician |
insdet1_newcobamt | Detail Charges |
Description: Insurance Rac Claims
Name | Description |
israc_duedt | Israc duedt |
israc_arid | Israc arid |
israc_ins | Israc ins |
israc_stage | Israc stage |
israc_reason | Israc reason |
israc_arnum | Israc arnum |
israc_riskamt | Israc riskamt |
israc_seq | Israc seq |
israc_set | Israc set |
israc_date | Israc date |
israc_reason_desc | Israc reason desc |
israc_entry | Israc entry |
israc_logname | Israc logname |
Description: Insurance Rac Notes
Name | Description |
isracn_arnum | Isracn arnum |
isracn_set | Isracn set |
isracn_ins | Isracn ins |
isracn_seq | Isracn seq |
isracn_note | Isracn note |
isracn_arid | Isracn arid |
Description: Notes For Is Tickler Accounts
Name | Description |
tic3_seq | Tic3 seq |
tic3_patnum | Tic3 patnum |
tic3_notes | Tic3 notes |
tic3_set | Tic3 set |
tic3_arid | Tic3 arid |
tic3_ins | Tic3 ins |
Description: Claims By Collector And Review Date
Name | Description |
tic2_reviewdt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic2_arid | Tic2 arid |
tic2_col_id | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic2_set | Tic2 set |
tic2_ins | Tic2 ins |
tic2_patnum | Tic2 patnum |
Description: Claims By Patient And Insurance
Name | Description |
tic1_patnum | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic1_reviewcds | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic1_ins | Tic1 ins |
tic1_findt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic1_notes | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic1_letdt | Tic1 letdt |
tic1_prior_col | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic1_changedt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic1_col_id | Tic1 col id |
tic1_reviewdt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic1_letcd | Tic1 letcd |
tic1_desc_rvw | Tic1 desc rvw |
tic1_arid | Tic1 arid |
tic1_stamp_dt | Tic1 stamp dt |
tic1_response_cds | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
tic1_set | Tic1 set |
tic1_begdt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
Description: Insurance Claim Information A
Name | Description |
isa_c_city | Policy Information |
isa_a_time | Stay Information |
isa_sub_old | Policy Information |
isa_d_time | Stay Information |
isa_p_name | Stay Information |
isa_p_lastname | Patient Last Name |
isa_sex | Stay Information |
isa_a_code | Stay Information |
isa_p_cnty_o | Patient County |
isa_arid | Facility Number |
isa_p_firstname | Patient First Name |
isa_s_state | Policy Information |
isa_c_zip | Policy Information |
isa_precert_ph | Policy Information |
isa_lastname | Policy Information |
isa_firstname | Policy Information |
isa_eob_ind | Eob Indicator |
isa_p_addr1 | Stay Information |
isa_comm | Claim Status Screen > Comment Field |
isa_p_state | Stay Information |
isa_c_faddr4 | Policy Information |
isa_mar | Stay Information |
isa_person | Policy Information |
isa_s_zip | Policy Information |
isa_s_fcntrycd | Policy Information |
isa_surgeon | Stay Information |
isa_p_midname | Patient Middle Name |
isa_s_fcity | Policy Information |
isa_p_cnty | Stay Information |
isa_cert | Policy Information |
isa_ins | Financial Class |
isa_s_fpostcd | Policy Information |
isa_birth | Stay Information |
isa_s_emp | Policy Information |
isa_s_addr2 | Policy Information |
isa_s_empa | Policy Information |
isa_c_faddr5 | Policy Information |
isa_ss | Stay Information |
isa_sub | Policy Information |
isa_esc | Policy Information |
isa_c_faddr3 | Policy Information |
isa_eid | Policy Information |
isa_s_fstate | Policy Information |
isa_c_name | Policy Information |
isa_group | Policy Information |
isa_p_empa | Stay Information |
isa_num | Account Number |
isa_s_fcntry | Policy Information |
isa_phy | Admitting Physician |
isa_c_addr2 | Policy Information |
isa_set | Set Number |
isa_c_state | Policy Information |
isa_s_addr1 | Policy Information |
isa_s_sex | Policy Information |
isa_phy2 | Census > Stay > Secondary Physician |
isa_cert_type | Policy Information |
isa_c_phone | Policy Information |
isa_race | Stay Information |
isa_p_emp | Stay Information |
isa_p_zip | Stay Information |
isa_s_city | Policy Information |
isa_p_city | Stay Information |
isa_mrnum | Stay Information |
isa_c_addr1 | Policy Information |
isa_pat_r_sub | Policy Information |
isa_midname | Policy Information |
isa_p_addr2 | Stay Information |
Description: Insurance Claim Information B
Name | Description |
isb_prior_adm2 | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_prior_place | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_num | Account Number |
isb_prior_disc4 | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_psroto | Detail Benefits |
isb_covratio | Coverage Ratio |
isb_acc_place_old | Accident place |
isb_set | Set number |
isb_valamtb | Coding Screen |
isb_refgvn | Detail Benefits |
isb_prior_adm | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_oth_clm_id | Detail Benefits |
isb_prior_adm4 | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_spancd2 | Coding Screen |
isb_arid | Facility Number |
isb_spancd3 | Coding Screen |
isb_drgreim | Drg Reimbursement |
isb_sub_dob | Policy Information |
isb_outdays | Outlier Days |
isb_cond_cd | Stay Information |
isb_val2_cd | Coding Screen |
isb_death | Expired Date |
isb_priorcd | Detail Benefits > Prior Payment Code |
isb_surg3c | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_diag3c | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_val2_amt | Coding Screen |
isb_diag4c | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_ben1 | Policy Information |
isb_diag1d | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_relate_mil | Stay Information |
isb_specprog | Detail Benefits |
isb_diag2c | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_relate_auto | Stay Information |
isb_hhoutlier | Stay Information |
isb_spancd | Coding Screen |
isb_surg1dt | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_occ_dt | Coding Screen |
isb_other_date | Stay Information |
isb_valcdb | Coding Screen |
isb_acc_place | Stay Information |
isb_recver | Received Verification |
isb_surg2c | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_outreim | Coding Screen |
isb_msp | Detail Benefits |
isb_val_ind | Value Indicator |
isb_ins | Financial class |
isb_surg4dt | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_val3_cd | Coding Screen |
isb_nb_date | Newborn Date |
isb_diag2d | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_discamt | Discount Amount |
isb_surg3dt | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_acc_date | Stay Information |
isb_prioramt | Detail Benefits > Prior Payment Field |
isb_diag3d | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_surg5c | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_other_qual | Stay Information |
isb_diag1c | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_diag5c | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_misc2 | Stay Information |
isb_acc_time | Stay Information |
isb_medigapno | Policy Information |
isb_relate_emp | Policy Information |
isb_nb_live | Live Newborn |
isb_prior_disc2 | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_refphy | Referring Data |
isb_acc_qual | Stay Information |
isb_surg5dt | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_psrofrom | Detail Benefits |
isb_oth_clm_qual | Detail Benefits |
isb_value_amt | Coding Screen |
isb_ccc | Detail Benefits |
isb_d_status | Stay Information |
isb_prior_disc3 | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_mamedicare | Isb mamedicare |
isb_surg4c | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_cond_cd2 | Coding Screen |
isb_surg1d | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_icn | Internal Control Number (Icn) |
isb_surg2dt | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_hhppsclass | Stay Information |
isb_prior_adm3 | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_occ_cd | Coding Screen |
isb_misc3 | Policy Information |
isb_prior_disc | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
isb_spancd4 | Coding Screen |
isb_value_cd | Coding Screen |
isb_surg1c | Medical Records > Grouper > Proc |
isb_val3_amt | Coding Screen |
isb_admdiag | Medical Records > Grouper |
isb_prior_dt | Stay Information > Prior Stay |
Description: Interface Charge Hash Table
Name | Description |
ifxchghash_trans_item | Ifxchghash trans item |
ifxchghash_trans_type | Ifxchghash trans type |
ifxchghash_trans_date | Ifxchghash trans date |
ifxchghash_arid | Ifxchghash arid |
ifxchghash_vendor_acctnum | Ifxchghash vendor acctnum |
ifxchghash_message_id | Ifxchghash message id |
ifxchghash_acctnum | Ifxchghash acctnum |
ifxchghash_trans_price | Ifxchghash trans price |
Description: Interface Payment Hash Table
Name | Description |
ifxpmthash_message_id | Ifxpmthash message id |
ifxpmthash_eipt_type | Ifxpmthash eipt type |
ifxpmthash_vendor_acctnum | Ifxpmthash vendor acctnum |
ifxpmthash_pmt_date | Ifxpmthash pmt date |
ifxpmthash_cpsi_acctnum | Ifxpmthash cpsi acctnum |
ifxpmthash_arid | Ifxpmthash arid |
ifxpmthash_amount | Ifxpmthash amount |
Description: Intervention Record
Name | Description |
adr1_drug | Drug Item Number |
adr1_phy | Physician Id |
adr1_intcomment | Intervention Comment |
adr1_saving | Intervention Cost Savings |
adr1_intdesc | Intervention Description |
adr1_accepted | Adr1 accepted |
adr1_inttype | Intervention Type |
adr1_date | Entry Date |
adr1_init | Reporter Initials |
adr1_intstatus | Visit Numbers |
adr1_out_w_int | Outcome Due To Intervention |
adr1_arid | Adr1 arid |
adr1_out_wo_int | Outcome Without Intervention |
adr1_status | Status |
adr1_pat | Visit Number |
adr1_time | Entry Time |
adr1_tm | Amount Time In Intervention |
Description: Scanned Images Inventory
Name | Description |
invimg_fidx_key | Image 4 Fidx-Key |
invimg_opt | Image 4 Optical-Disk |
invimg_title | Image 4 Title |
invimg_memo | Image 4 Memo |
invimg_dt | Image 4 Stored Date |
invimg_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
invimg_acct | Image 4 Po Number |
invimg_num | Image 4 Seq Number |
Description: Ip diagnosis desc
Name | Description |
ipdd_seq | Record sequence number |
ipdd_diag_desc | Diagnosis description |
ipdd_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipdd_num | Visit number |
Description: Ip grouper
Name | Description |
ipg_grouper_date | Grouper Date |
ipg_init_remb | Initial Drg Reimbursement |
ipg_init_drg | Initial Drg |
ipg_mrcomp_init | Medical Record Compute Initials |
ipg_mrcomp_date | Medical Record Compute Date |
ipg_comp_glos | Compute Geometric Length Of Stay |
ipg_ltch_full_drg | Long Term Care Hospital Full Drg |
ipg_compicd10_drg | Computed Icd10 Drg |
ipg_ltch_pay_type | Long Term Care Hospital Payment Type |
ipg_num | Visit Number |
ipg_type_phy | Physician Type Grouper |
ipg_compicd10_glos | Computed Icd10 Geometric Length Of Stay |
ipg_ltch_cov_expdt | Long Term Care Hospital Coverage Exp Date |
ipg_init_relwt | Initial Drg Relative Weight |
ipg_ltchicd10_ipps | Long Term Care Hospital Icd10 Inpatient Prosepective Payment System |
ipg_cc | Complication Comorbisity |
ipg_mcc | Major Complication Comorbisity |
ipg_ltchicd10_high_cost | Long Term Care Hospital Icd10 High Cost |
ipg_ltch_per_diem | Long Term Care Hospital Per Diem |
ipg_ltch_cc_reim | Long Term Care Hospital Reimbursement |
ipg_compicd10_remb | Computed Icd10 Reimbursement |
ipg_calc_method | Calculation Method Code |
ipg_phy | Physician Grouper |
ipg_comp_drg | Compute Drg |
ipg_pznt_atadm | Present At Admission Code |
ipg_icd10_severity_mortal | Icd10 Severity Mortality Code |
ipg_ltchicd10_cc_reim | Long Term Care Hospital Icd10 Reimbursement |
ipg_compicd10_relwt | Computed Icd10 Relative Weight |
ipg_ltch_high_cost | Long Term Care Hospital High Cost |
ipg_compicd10_fc | Computed Icd10 Financial Class |
ipg_ltch_ipps_1sd | Ltch Inpatient Prosepective Payment Sys |
ipg_severity_mortal | Severity Mortality Code |
ipg_hac | Hospital Acquired Condition |
ipg_comp_fc | Compute Financial Class |
ipg_comp_relwt | Compute Relative Weight |
ipg_ipps_ltch | Ltch Inpatient Prosepective Payment Sys |
ipg_ltchicd10_full_drg | Long Term Care Hospital Icd10 Full Drg |
ipg_ltchicd10_per_diem | Long Term Care Hospital Icd10 Per Diem |
ipg_comp_remb | Compute Reimbursement |
ipg_seq | Record Sequence Number |
ipg_init_fc | Initial Drg Financial Class |
ipg_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipg_diag | Diagnosis |
ipg_init_glos | Initial Drg Geometric Length Of Stay |
Description: Ip mr procedure codes
Name | Description |
ipmr_proctime | Procedure time |
ipmr_seq | Record sequence number |
ipmr_proc_phy1 | Procedure physician 1 |
ipmr_proc_dt | Procedure date |
ipmr_procupdtar | Procedure update ar code |
ipmr_proc_phy2 | Procedure physician 2 |
ipmr_cpt4mod2 | Cpt modifier 2 |
ipmr_num | Visit number |
ipmr_proc | Procedure |
ipmr_cpt4mod1 | Cpt modifier 1 |
ipmr_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipmr_cpt4 | Cpt |
ipmr_rev_cntr | Revenue center |
ipmr_prockey | Procedure key |
Description: Ip pharmacy
Name | Description |
ipa_compound | Compound Code |
ipa_phy | Physician Name Abbreviation |
ipa_not_used_1 | Not Used |
ipa_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipa_v_ivc_nextqty | Verify Change Next Quantity Code |
ipa_last_price | Quantity Price |
ipa_ipbdesc | Description 1 |
ipa_hardcopy | Hard Copy Print Field |
ipa_phar | Pharmacist |
ipa_v_ivc_flow | Verify Change Flow Rate Code |
ipa_start_time | Start Time |
ipa_v_nic_rsday | Verify Non Iv Charge Rsday Code |
ipa_opioidtreattype | Opioid Treatment Type |
ipa_refills_0_sw | Narcotics No Refills Code |
ipa_v_nic_unit | Verify Non Iv Charge Unit Code |
ipa_verbal_dc | Verbal Discontinue Code |
ipa_ipbchorders_serialkey | Ipbchorders Serial Key |
ipa_last_date | Last Quantity Date |
ipa_v_time | Verify Time |
ipa_servdt | Service Date |
ipa_rx_origin | Prescription Origin Code |
ipa_xfertoacct | Transfer To Account |
ipa_ipbdesc2 | Description 2 |
ipa_v_ivc_stopdt | Verify Change Stop Date Code |
ipa_freq_qty | Frequency |
ipa_from_diab_rec | Diabetic Record Code |
ipa_ipbintflowrate | Flow Rate |
ipa_enter_time | Time Order Entered |
ipa_ipbad_seq | Bad Sequence Number |
ipa_rxdate | Prescription Date |
ipa_ipbproc_chgnum | Procedure Item Number |
ipa_clo2ackdt | Chartlink Order Acknowledge Date |
ipa_ipbnext_qty | Next Quantity |
ipa_clo2seq | Chartlink Order Sequence Number |
ipa_route | Route |
ipa_manufacturer | Manufactuurer |
ipa_dawcode | Daw Code |
ipa_v_nic_stopdt | Verify Non Iv Charge Stop Date Code |
ipa_type | Type Code |
ipa_tba_x_ip | Physician Medicaid Ip Number |
ipa_alt_ord_flag | Alternating Order Code |
ipa_start_init | Start Initials |
ipa_v_nic_brand | Verify Non Iv Charge Brand Code |
ipa_clo2acktm | Chartlink Acknowledge Time |
ipa_ok_init | Ok'D Initials |
ipa_treatment | Treatment Code |
ipa_ipbqty | Quantity |
ipa_chorders_serialkey | Ipachorders Serial Key |
ipa_v_ivc_setchg | Verify Change Set Charge Code |
ipa_clo1seq | Chartlink Order Sequence Number |
ipa_ipbday_chgqty | Ingredients Charge Quantity |
ipa_ipbflow_dt | Flow Date |
ipa_refills | Number Of Refills |
ipa_ipbset_qty | Set Quantity |
ipa_priority | Priority Code |
ipa_ref_used | Refill Used |
ipa_ipbfreq | Frequency |
ipa_readback_dc | Vo Read Back Discontinue Code |
ipa_psd_action_code | Patient Specific Dosing Action Code |
ipa_v_nic_startdt | Verify Non Iv Charge Charge Start Date Code |
ipa_v_nic_instr | Verify Non Iv Charge Instruction Code |
ipa_totqty | Total Quantity |
ipa_freq_snomed | Snomed |
ipa_exdt | Expiration Date |
ipa_ipb1stdosedt | Start Dose Date |
ipa_last_time | Last Quantity Time |
ipa_ndc | Ndc Number |
ipa_ipbivitemnum | Item Number |
ipa_pat_own_med | Patient Own Med Code |
ipa_psd_printed_flag | Patient Specific Dosing Printed Code |
ipa_stop_init | Stop Initials |
ipa_bg_or_cc_freq | Blood Glucose Or Carb Count Frequency |
ipa_rx | Prescription Number |
ipa_v_nic_qty | Verify Non Iv Charge Quantity |
ipa_ipbday_qty | Ingredients Quantity |
ipa_last_init | Charge Qty Initials |
ipa_rx_used | Prescription Used Amount |
ipa_ipbvol_remain | Volume Remaining |
ipa_alt_practitioner | Alternate Practitioner |
ipa_v_date | Verify Date |
ipa_adjud_xmit_mode | On Line Adjudication Transmit Mode Code |
ipa_v_dept | Verify Department |
ipa_phynum | Physician Number |
ipa_chorders_arid | Ipachorders Arid |
ipa_linkord_seq | Linked Order Sequence Number |
ipa_order | Order Number |
ipa_link_next | Linked Order Next |
ipa_v_ivc_protocol | Verify Change Protocol Code |
ipa_link_first | Linked Order 1 |
ipa_ipbset_chgnum | Set Item Number |
ipa_last_qty | Last Time Quantity |
ipa_seq | Record Sequence Number |
ipa_dept | Department |
ipa_enter_init | Person Entering Initials |
ipa_chg | Item Number |
ipa_ipbchorders_arid | Ipbchorders Arid |
ipa_enter_tmp | Ns Tmp Tech Order Status |
ipa_ipbnext_set | Next Set |
ipa_ipbkvo_sw | Kvo |
ipa_ipbsfreq | Frequency Code |
ipa_ppcode | Patient Pay Code |
ipa_clo1ackdt | Chartlink Order Acknowledge Date |
ipa_npi | Npi Number |
ipa_lot | Lot Number |
ipa_v_ivc_solution | Verify Change Solution Code |
ipa_v_nic_rsqty | Verify Non Iv Charge Rsday Code |
ipa_num | Visit Number |
ipa_first_qty | First Time Charge Quantity |
ipa_set_chgnum | Set Charge Number |
ipa_re_qty | Refill Quantity |
ipa_enter_date | Date Entered |
ipa_dayssupply | Days Supply |
ipa_desc | Description |
ipa_ipbvolume | Volume |
ipa_re_daysx | Refill Days |
ipa_proc_chgnum | Procedure Charge Number |
ipa_unit | Units |
ipa_ok_date | Date Temp Order Ok'D |
ipa_deffee | Default Fee |
ipa_ipbday_chgnum | Ingredients Charge Number |
ipa_ipbvol_chktm | Volume Check Time |
ipa_clo1acktm | Chartlink Order Acknowledge Time |
ipa_instruct | Instruction Line 1 |
ipa_v_ivc_desc | Verify Change Description Code |
ipa_verified_date | Verified Date |
ipa_v_ivc_startdt | Verify Change Start Date Code |
ipa_pharm_mod | Modified By Pharmacist Code |
ipa_ipbshell_item | Shell Item |
ipa_phydps | Physician Dps Number |
ipa_nsordered_ordc | Nursing Station Ordered Or Discontinued |
ipa_ipbinfuse_min | Infuse Time Minutes |
ipa_ipbchgqty | Charge Quantity |
ipa_re_labels | Refill Labels |
ipa_v_nic_freq | Verify Non Iv Charge Frequency Code |
ipa_lotexpdt | Lot Expiration |
ipa_stop_code | Stop Code |
ipa_verified_time | Verified Time |
ipa_ipbvol_chkdt | Volume Check Date |
ipa_comment1 | Comments Line One |
ipa_reterm_fill_sw | Narcotics Refill Term |
ipa_pay_method | Pay Method Code |
ipa_ipbday_unit | Ingredients Unit |
ipa_ipbdecflowrate | Decimal Flow Rate |
ipa_diab_type | Diabetic Record Order Type Code |
ipa_tripserial | Triplicate Serial |
ipa_stop_date | Stop Date |
ipa_ipb1stdosetm | Start Dose Time |
ipa_ipbalt_volume | Alt Volume |
ipa_v_ivc_rsissue | Verify Iv Changed Resupply Issue Code |
ipa_ipbchgnum | Item Number |
ipa_verified_init | Verified Initials |
ipa_ipbunit | Unit |
ipa_instruct2 | Instruction Line 2 |
ipa_dea | Dea Number |
ipa_ok_time | Ok'D Time |
ipa_generic | Generic Number |
ipa_stop_time | Stop Time |
ipa_v_ivc_freq | Verify Change Frequency Code |
ipa_usendc | Use Ndc Code |
ipa_v_ivc_procchg | Verify Change Procedure Charge Code |
ipa_ipbpump_dosage | Pump Dosage |
ipa_times | Dose Times |
ipa_ipbtextrate | Text Rate |
ipa_punit | Units |
ipa_v_nic_neworder | Verify Non Iv Charge New Order Code |
ipa_substitute | Substitute Code |
ipa_firsttm | First Dose Time |
ipa_ipbinfuse_hrs | Infuse Time Hours |
ipa_serialnumber | Serial Number |
ipa_readback | Vo Read Back Code |
ipa_v_ivc_rsqty | Verify Iv Changed Resupply Quantity Code |
ipa_start_date | Start Date |
ipa_v_nic_rslab | Verify Non Iv Charge Rslab Code |
ipa_firstdt | First Dose Date |
ipa_duration | Max Number Of Doses |
ipa_v_ivc_neworder | Verify Change New Order Code |
ipa_rxqty | Prescription Quantity |
ipa_v_nic_protocol | Verify Non Iv Charge Protocol Code |
ipa_ipbtime | Dose Times |
ipa_ipbflow_tm | Flow Time |
ipa_comment2 | Comments Line 2 |
ipa_verbal | Verbal Code |
Description: Ip Pharmacy Recurrence
Name | Description |
ir1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ir1_seq | Order Sequence |
ir1_patternkey | Recurrence Pattern Key |
ir1_visit | Visit Number |
Description: Ip referral
Name | Description |
ipr_calltm | Call Referral Call Time |
ipr_statreason | Call Referral Status Admit Reason Code |
ipr_phyname | Call Referral Physician Name |
ipr_age | Call Referral Patient Age |
ipr_num | Visit Number |
ipr_callerzip | Call Referral Caller Zip Code |
ipr_patassess | Patient Assessment Code |
ipr_calleradd2 | Call Referral Caller Address 2 |
ipr_callerrelat | Call Referral Caller Relation |
ipr_callercnty | Call Referral Caller Country |
ipr_callerst | Call Referral Caller State |
ipr_comptm | Call Referral Completed Time |
ipr_calleradd1 | Call Referral Caller Address 1 |
ipr_calldt | Call Referral Call Date |
ipr_schedby | Call Referral Scheduled By |
ipr_refersource | Call Referral Source Code |
ipr_callerphone | Call Referral Caller Phone Number |
ipr_contactdt | Call Status Contact Date |
ipr_refersub_category | Call Referral Sub Category |
ipr_callercity | Call Referral Caller City |
ipr_origination | Call Referral Origination Code |
ipr_assessdisp | Call Referral Assessment Disposition |
ipr_location | Call Referral Location Code |
ipr_schedtm | Call Referral Scheduled Time |
ipr_durationhr | Call Referral Duration Hours |
ipr_calltype | Call Referral Call Type Code |
ipr_compby | Call Referral Completed By |
ipr_carelevel | Call Referral Level Of Care Code |
ipr_compdt | Call Referral Completed Date |
ipr_callername | Caller Name |
ipr_notes | Call Referral Notes |
ipr_currentstat | Call Referral Current Status |
ipr_progcode | Call Referral Program Code |
ipr_legalstat | Call Referral Legal Status Code |
ipr_scheddt | Call Referral Scheduled Date |
ipr_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipr_durationmn | Call Referral Duration Minutes |
ipr_seq | 4 Key Sequence Number |
ipr_calltakenby | Call Referral Call Taken By |
Description: Ip visit 0
Name | Description |
ipv0_ip4calleraddr_id | Ipv0 ip4calleraddr id |
ipv0_ip1sp_addr_id | Ipv0 ip1sp addr id |
ipv0_notify_suffix | Notify Name Suffix |
ipv0_p_emp_phone_comment | Patient Employer Phone Comment |
ipv0_privacy_dt | Privacy Notice Date |
ipv0_triagelevel | Triage Level |
ipv0_erdispositn | Er Log Disposition Code |
ipv0_pname_prof_suffix | Patient Name Professional Suffix |
ipv0_p_alt_address2 | Patient Alternate Address2 |
ipv0_ertriagelev | Er Log Triage Level Code |
ipv0_ercomplaint | Er Log Chief Complaint |
ipv0_nurse | Nurse |
ipv0_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipv0_p_cell_phone_ext | Patient Cell Phone Extension |
ipv0_hieidentifier | Hie Identifier |
ipv0_pname_prefix | Patient Name Prefix |
ipv0_p_email_comment | Patient Email Comment |
ipv0_notify_emp_phone_ext | Notify Employer Phone Extension |
ipv0_p_phone_ext | Patient Phone Extension |
ipv0_notify_prof_suffix | Notify Name Professional Suffix |
ipv0_sub_sex | Patient Gender |
ipv0_notify_emp_phone_comment | Notify Employer Phone Comment |
ipv0_tobacco_user | Tobacco User |
ipv0_notify_email_comment | Notify Email Comment |
ipv0_p_altname_qualifier | Ipv0 p altname qualifier |
ipv0_privacy | Privacy Notice Code |
ipv0_ip2sp_emp_addr_id | Ipv0 ip2sp emp addr id |
ipv0_foodallergy | Food Allergies |
ipv0_p_alt_name_prof_suffix | Patient Alternate Name Professional Suffix |
ipv0_erdistm | Er Log Discharge Time |
ipv0_ip1empaddr_id | Ipv0 ip1empaddr id |
ipv0_fn_flag | Ipv0 fn flag |
ipv0_priority | Priortiy |
ipv0_notify_cell_ext | Notify Cell Phone Extension |
ipv0_fooddislike | Food Dislikes |
ipv0_erdoc | Er Log Physician Number |
ipv0_p_alt_address1 | Patient Alternate Address1 |
ipv0_p_alt_lastname | Patient Altenate Last Name |
ipv0_notify_cell_comment | Notify Cell Phone Comment |
ipv0_erarrivaldt | Moved To Er log |
ipv0_modearrival | Mode Of Arrival Code |
ipv0_restraints | Use Restraints Code |
ipv0_p_alt_name_prefix | Patient Alternate Name Prefix |
ipv0_p_phone_comment | Patient Phone Comment |
ipv0_p_alt_firstname | Patient Alternate First Name |
ipv0_citizenship | Citizenship |
ipv0_erdiscd | Er Log Discharge Code |
ipv0_no_ccds_found | Ipv0 no ccds found |
ipv0_erdisdt | Er Log Discharge Date |
ipv0_dva_flag | Ipv0 dva flag |
ipv0_p_alt_midname | Patient Alternate Middle Name |
ipv0_erservices | Er Log Services |
ipv0_p_cell_phone_comment | Patient Cell Phone Comment |
ipv0_tempdietordnum | Temporary Diet Order Number |
ipv0_eradmtm | Er Log Admit Time |
ipv0_callreferral | Call Referral Code |
ipv0_suicide_precautions | Ipv0 suicide precautions |
ipv0_p_alt_addr_id | Ipv0 p alt addr id |
ipv0_ed_followup_care | Followup Care |
ipv0_ermodearriv | Er Log Mode Of Arrival Code |
ipv0_notify_county | Notify County |
ipv0_rcmp_flag | Ipv0 rcmp flag |
ipv0_trackingstatusid | Tracking Status Id |
ipv0_dms_id | Ipv0 dms id |
ipv0_smoking_enddt | Smoking End Date |
ipv0_p_alt_name_suffix | Patient Alternate Name Suffix |
ipv0_dnr | Do Not Resuscitate Code |
ipv0_ip1no_addr_id | Ipv0 ip1no addr id |
ipv0_notify_phone_ext | Notify Phone Extension |
ipv0_ip2p_emp_addr_id | Ipv0 ip2p emp addr id |
ipv0_erlog | Er Log Code |
ipv0_erarrivaltime | Moved To Er log |
ipv0_p_alt_zip | Patient Alternate Zip |
ipv0_ip1p_addr_id | Ipv0 ip1p addr id |
ipv0_out_of_province_flag | Ipv0 out of province flag |
ipv0_majorrvmucode | Ipv0 majorrvmucode |
ipv0_seq | Key Sequence Number |
ipv0_out_of_country_flag | Ipv0 out of country flag |
ipv0_notify_prefix | Notify Name Prefix |
ipv0_pname_suffix | Patient Name Suffix |
ipv0_er_admit_decisiontime | Admit Decision Time |
ipv0_p_arpmar_stat_uuid | Ipv0 p arpmar stat uuid |
ipv0_tempdiet | Temporary Diet |
ipv0_eradmdt | Er Log Admit Date |
ipv0_sub_birthdt | Patient Birthdate |
ipv0_num | Visit Number |
ipv0_eradmcd | Er Log Admit Code |
ipv0_er_admit_decisiondt | Admit Decision Date |
ipv0_iswellchildvisit | Well Child Visit |
ipv0_erlog_dis_cond | Er Log Discharge Condition Code |
ipv0_p_emp_phone_ext | Patient Employer Phone Extension |
ipv0_notify_email | Notify Email Address |
ipv0_notify_phone_comment | Notify Phone Comment |
ipv0_famphy | Family Physician Number |
ipv0_smoking_startdt | Smoking Start Date |
ipv0_provider_encounter | Provider Encounter |
Description: Ip visit 1
Name | Description |
ipv1_origadmcd | Original Admit Code |
ipv1_termltc | Change Terminally Ill Ltc Code |
ipv1_empstate | Employer State |
ipv1_qiurdate | Quality Improve Utilization Review Date |
ipv1_acc_time | Accident Time |
ipv1_sp_addr2 | Spouse Address 2 |
ipv1_adm_eetype | Admitting Employee Payroll Type |
ipv1_isolation | Isolation |
ipv1_commentdt | Comment Date |
ipv1_mrinit | Medical Records Grouper Finish Initials |
ipv1_acc_cd | Accommodation Code |
ipv1_combineacct | Combine Account |
ipv1_cahstate | Critical Access State |
ipv1_roomtype | Room Type Code |
ipv1_no_cell | Emergency Notify Cell Phone Number |
ipv1_no_addr | Emergency Notify Address |
ipv1_ns | Nursing Station |
ipv1_num | Visit Number |
ipv1_ad_date_obs | Admit Date Observation |
ipv1_decline_pat_summary | Declined Patient Summary |
ipv1_military | Patient In Military Code |
ipv1_restrict_payer_disclosure | Restrict Payer Disclosure |
ipv1_midname | Patient Middle Name |
ipv1_smoke | Patient Is Smoker Code |
ipv1_guar_email | Guarantor Email |
ipv1_dpbc | Digital Postal Bar Code |
ipv1_pharm_name | Pharmacist Name |
ipv1_ex_date | Preadmit Expect Date |
ipv1_sp_city | Spouse City |
ipv1_dnr | Do Not Resuscitate Code |
ipv1_dis_init | Discharging Employee Initials |
ipv1_inf_cntl | Infection Control |
ipv1_notify | Emergency Notify Name |
ipv1_spouse | Patient Spouse Name |
ipv1_chartcompleted | Chart Completed For Discharge |
ipv1_patresp_rt | Patient Responsibility Payment |
ipv1_chtvol2 | Chart Volume 2 |
ipv1_participate | Agency Participating Code |
ipv1_pvtness | Private Room Necessity |
ipv1_origdiscond | Original Discharge Condition |
ipv1_dis_date_obs | Discharge Date Observation |
ipv1_origadmcond | Original Admit Condition Code |
ipv1_empaddr2 | Employer Address 2 |
ipv1_adv_dir_date | Advance Directives Date |
ipv1_othtreatdt | Other Treatment Date |
ipv1_acc_cd_obs | Account Code Observation |
ipv1_hieshared_dt | Healthcare Info Exchange Shared Date |
ipv1_pre_orginit | Pre Admission Original Initials |
ipv1_adm_eenumb | Admitting Employee Number |
ipv1_dis_time | Patient Discharge Time |
ipv1_csltphy4 | Consulting Physician 4 |
ipv1_age_days | Age Days |
ipv1_room | Patient Room Number |
ipv1_father | Patient Father Name |
ipv1_p_cell | Patient Cell Phone Number |
ipv1_csltphy5 | Consulting Physician 5 |
ipv1_acc_event | Accident Event |
ipv1_ubl | Ubl Logname |
ipv1_ch_comp_dt | Ipv1 ch comp dt |
ipv1_nomeds_dt | No Medications Date |
ipv1_p_addr2 | Patient Address Street 2 |
ipv1_ethnic | Patient Ethnicity |
ipv1_rsodium | Sodium Resriction |
ipv1_acc_place | Accident Place Code |
ipv1_treatqual | Treatment Qualifier |
ipv1_discd | Discharge Code |
ipv1_age_months | Age Months |
ipv1_admitdec_tm | Admit Decision Time |
ipv1_aforms | How Many Copies Requested For Admit Forms |
ipv1_p_zip | Patient Address Zip Code |
ipv1_phy | Physician Number |
ipv1_prevdat1 | Previous Visit Date 1 |
ipv1_mr_date_rev | Medical Record Grouper Revision Date |
ipv1_mom_b_pl | Patient Mother Birthplace |
ipv1_ad_date | Patient Admit Date |
ipv1_origadminit | Original Admit Initials |
ipv1_origadmdt | Original Admit Date |
ipv1_spid | Ipv1 spid |
ipv1_csltphy2 | Consulting Physician 2 |
ipv1_p_phone | Patient Phone Number |
ipv1_last_datechanged | Last Date Changed |
ipv1_nation | Patient Country |
ipv1_no_addr2 | Emergency Notify Address 2 |
ipv1_en_date | Preadmit Enter Date |
ipv1_no_rel | Emergency Notify Relationship |
ipv1_req_room | Patient Requires Room Code |
ipv1_sp_zip | Spouse Zip |
ipv1_p_addr1 | Patient Address Street 1 |
ipv1_sp_state | Spouse State |
ipv1_language_code | Language Code |
ipv1_expired_dt | Patient Expiration Date |
ipv1_indwel | Indigent Code |
ipv1_adv_dir_reason | Advance Directives Reason |
ipv1_b_place | Patient Birthplace |
ipv1_care | Care Level |
ipv1_occup | Patient Occupation |
ipv1_prevnum1 | Previous Visit Number 1 |
ipv1_discond | Discharge Condition Code |
ipv1_adv_dir_time | Advance Directives Time |
ipv1_mrinit_rev | Medical Record Grouper Revision Initials |
ipv1_csltphy3 | Consulting Physician 3 |
ipv1_prev_mrnum | Previous Medical Record Number |
ipv1_chtvol1 | Chart Volume 1 |
ipv1_clinic_code | Clinic Code |
ipv1_causeofdeath | Cause Of Death |
ipv1_p_cntry | Country Code |
ipv1_patresp_locl | Patient Responsibility Level Of Care |
ipv1_patresp_cd | Patient Responsibility Code |
ipv1_ad_time | Patient Admit Time |
ipv1_dad_b_pl | Patient Father Birthplace |
ipv1_seq | Value Counts The Order Of The Sequence Of Account Number Creation. |
Example...Watz01 = 1. Watz02 = 2. | |
This Happens As You Have The Next Sequence Of Watz On 1 Particular Profile. | |
ipv1_religion | Patient Religion Code |
ipv1_no_city | Emergency Notify City |
ipv1_ad_init | Admitting Employee Initials |
ipv1_acc_place_old | Accident Place |
ipv1_origorigin | Original Origin Code |
ipv1_pharm_phone | Pharmacist Phone Number |
ipv1_p_addr_date | Ipv1 p addr date |
ipv1_origdistm | Original Discharge Time |
ipv1_firstname | Patient First Name |
ipv1_nomeds_tm | No Medications Time |
ipv1_moms_num | Patient Mother Visit Number |
ipv1_submitdt | Submit Date |
ipv1_mom | Patient Mother Name |
ipv1_sp_b_pl | Patient Spouse Birthplace |
ipv1_empphone | Patient Employer Phone |
ipv1_p_addr_date_mmyy_format | Ipv1 p addr date mmyy format |
ipv1_guar_profilenum | Guarantor Profile Number |
ipv1_adm_eecomp | Admitting Employee Company |
ipv1_othtreatqual | Other Treatment Qualifier |
ipv1_species | Patient Species |
ipv1_church | Patient Church Name Code |
ipv1_origdisinit | Original Discharge Intials |
ipv1_ad_time_obs | Admit Time Observation |
ipv1_origin | Admission Origin Code |
ipv1_prevnum2 | Previous Visit Number 2 |
ipv1_guar_cell | Guarantor Cell Phone Number |
ipv1_admcd | Admit Code |
ipv1_empcity | Employer City |
ipv1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipv1_abssn | 10 Digit Social Security Number |
ipv1_admcond | Admit Condition Code |
ipv1_condition | Patient Condition Code |
ipv1_fallrisk | Risk For Falls Code |
ipv1_dis_date | Patient Discharge Date |
ipv1_postalcd | Postal Code |
ipv1_smoke_dttm | Ipv1 smoke dttm |
ipv1_phy2 | Secondary Physician |
ipv1_lastname | Patient Last Name |
ipv1_pre_ad | Patient Pre Admit Code |
ipv1_hosp_dir | Hospital Directory |
ipv1_adv_dir_init | Advance Directives Initials |
ipv1_admitdec_dt | Admit Decision Date |
ipv1_nomeds_login | No Medications Login |
ipv1_dis_time_obs | Discharge Time Observation |
ipv1_empzip | Employer Zip |
ipv1_c_profilenum | Profile Number |
ipv1_empaddr | Patient Employer Address |
ipv1_age_years | Age Years |
ipv1_language | Patient Language |
ipv1_noactivemeds | No Active Medications |
ipv1_name | Patient Name |
ipv1_no_phone | Emergency Notify Phone Number |
ipv1_diabetic | Diabetic |
ipv1_p_cnty | Patient County |
ipv1_no_state | Emergency Notify State |
ipv1_pre_init | Pre Admitting Employee Initials |
ipv1_p_city | Patient Address City |
ipv1_acc_state | Accident State |
ipv1_sp_addr | Patient Spouse Address |
ipv1_origadmtm | Original Admit Time |
ipv1_p_state | Patient Address State |
ipv1_p_email | Patient Email |
ipv1_emp | Patient Employer |
ipv1_medhistconsent | Medical History Consent |
ipv1_origdiscd | Original Discharge Code |
ipv1_prevdat2 | Previous Visit Date 2 |
ipv1_maiden | Patient Maiden Name |
ipv1_last_timechanged | Last Time Changed |
ipv1_ch_comp_ubl | Ipv1 ch comp ubl |
ipv1_c_ssn_10dig | 10 Digit Social Security Number |
ipv1_no_zip | Emergency Notify Zip |
ipv1_origdisdt | Original Discharge Date |
ipv1_csltphy1 | Consulting Physician 1 |
ipv1_acc_date | Accident Date |
ipv1_hieshared | Healthcare Information Exchange Shared |
ipv1_patresp_dt | Patient Responsibility Start Date |
ipv1_rfluid | Fluid Restriction |
Description: Ip visit 2
Name | Description |
ipv2_p_emp_state | Patient Employer State |
ipv2_srcr_date | Serum Creatinine Level Date |
ipv2_gweight | Weight Grams |
ipv2_p_emp_addr | Patient Employer Address 1 |
ipv2_oz_a | Weight Ounces A |
ipv2_sp_emp_state | Spouse Employer State |
ipv2_misc1 | Miscellaneous 1 |
ipv2_seq | Record Sequence Number |
ipv2_admit_diag | Admit Diagnosis |
ipv2_orig_acct | Original Account Code |
ipv2_apiexclusion | Ipv2 apiexclusion |
ipv2_rxcontract | Prescription Contract |
ipv2_rxdx | Pharmacy Diagnosis Codes |
ipv2_d2_diag | Diagnosis Description |
ipv2_newalgcd | New Allergies Code |
ipv2_p_emp | Patient Employer |
ipv2_com1 | Comment 1 |
ipv2_bmi_percentile | Ipv2 bmi percentile |
ipv2_proc3dt | Procedure Date |
ipv2_proc1cd | Procedure Code |
ipv2_d2_diagcd | Diagnosis Code |
ipv2_oz | Weight Ounces |
ipv2_mr_date | Medical Record Date |
ipv2_srcr | Serum Creatinine Level |
ipv2_pregnant | Pregnant Code |
ipv2_ad_diag_sub | Admit Diagnosis Sub Code |
ipv2_p_emp_addr2 | Patient Employer Address 2 |
ipv2_d3_diagcd | Diagnosis Code |
ipv2_ad_diagcd | Admitting diagnosis code |
ipv2_rxrelation | Rx Relation Code |
ipv2_cmg | Case Mix Group Code |
ipv2_wgtlength_percentile | Ipv2 wgtlength percentile |
ipv2_diet_2 | Patient Diet Description |
ipv2_breastfeed | Breast Feeding Code |
ipv2_d1_diagcd | Diagnosis Code |
ipv2_rxgroup | Prescription Group |
ipv2_remote_acct | Remote Account Numbers |
ipv2_proc2cd | Procedure Code |
ipv2_proc3cd | Procedure Code |
ipv2_mndiag | Medical Necessity Diagnosis |
ipv2_admit_wgt | Admit Weight |
ipv2_d1_diag | Diagnosis Description |
ipv2_proc1dt | Procedure Date |
ipv2_p_emp_city | Patient Employer City |
ipv2_d4_diagcd | Diagnosis Code |
ipv2_manual_apiexcl | Ipv2 manual apiexcl |
ipv2_abn | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code |
ipv2_qiicdate | Quality Improve Infection Control Date |
ipv2_dietordnum | Diet Order Number |
ipv2_d4_diag | Diagnosis Description |
ipv2_contraller | Contrast Allergies |
ipv2_proc2dt | Procedure Date |
ipv2_chiefcomplnt | Chief Complaint |
ipv2_cmgdt | Case Mix Group Date |
ipv2_reas2 | Reason For Visit 2 |
ipv2_d3_diag | Diagnosis Description |
ipv2_p_emp_zip | Patient Employer Zip |
ipv2_hgt_sw | Change Height Code |
ipv2_bmi | Bmi |
ipv2_no_ph_wk | Emergency Notify Work Phone |
ipv2_sp_emp_addr | Spouse Employer Address |
ipv2_ppcode_o | Default Patient Paycode |
ipv2_gweight_a | Weight Grams A |
ipv2_reas1 | Reason For Visit 1 |
ipv2_rxins | Prescription Insurance Code |
ipv2_sp_emp_zip | Spouse Employer Zip |
ipv2_abnreason | Advanced Beneficiary Notice Reason |
ipv2_p_emp_phone | Patient Employer Phone |
ipv2_sp_emp_city | Spouse Employer City |
ipv2_sp_emp_addr2 | Spouse Employer Address 2 |
ipv2_reas3 | Reason For Visit 3 |
ipv2_num | Visit Number |
ipv2_rxsnomed | Pharmacy Diagnosis Snomed Codes |
ipv2_height | Height |
ipv2_ad_diag | Admitting Diagnosis Description |
ipv2_diet | Diet |
ipv2_algcd | Allergy Code |
ipv2_sp_emp | Spouse Employer |
ipv2_rxperson | Rx Person Code |
ipv2_crcl | Creatinine Clearance Amount |
ipv2_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipv2_remote_site | Remote Site |
ipv2_weight | Weight |
ipv2_rxprcd | Prescription Pricing Code |
ipv2_growthchart | Growth Chart Was Viewed Code |
Description: Ip visit 3
Name | Description |
ipv3_num | Visit Number |
ipv3_d8_diagcd | Diagnosis Code 3 |
ipv3_seq | 3 Key Sequence Number |
ipv3_d7_diagcd | Diagnosis Code 2 |
ipv3_algreact | Allergy Reactions |
ipv3_present | Present On Admission Code |
ipv3_d10_diag | Diagnosis Description 5 |
ipv3_addl_procdt | Additional Procedures Date |
ipv3_d9_diagcd | Diagnosis Code 4 |
ipv3_d7_diag | Diagnosis Description 2 |
ipv3_d9_diag | Diagnosis Description 4 |
ipv3_d6_diagcd | Diagnosis Code 1 |
ipv3_addl_diag | Additional Diagnoses |
ipv3_addl_proc | Additional Procedures |
ipv3_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ipv3_d10_diagcd | Diagnosis Code 5 |
ipv3_d6_diag | Diagnosis Description 1 |
ipv3_d8_diag | Diagnosis Description 3 |
Description: Anesthesia File
Name | Description |
isanesth1_time | Basic Value Time |
isanesth1_date | Charge Date |
isanesth1_bvprocedure | Basic Value Procedure |
isanesth1_physician | Isanesth1 physician |
isanesth1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
isanesth1_age | Basic Value Age |
isanesth1_item | Item Number |
isanesth1_emergency | Basic Value Emergency |
isanesth1_element | Isanesth1 element |
isanesth1_posted | Anesthesia Posted |
isanesth1_begtime | Anesthesia Begin Time |
isanesth1_seq | Isanesth1 seq |
isanesth1_bvtotal | Basic Value Total |
isanesth1_arxseq | Isanesth1 arxseq |
isanesth1_physical | Basic Value Physical |
isanesth1_patnum | Patient Number |
isanesth1_duration | Duration |
isanesth1_endtime | Anesthesia End Time |
Description: Is anesthesia temp
Name | Description |
isanestht1_arxseq | Isanestht1 arxseq |
isanestht1_physician | Isanestht1 physician |
isanestht1_physical | Isanestht1 physical |
isanestht1_item | Isanestht1 item |
isanestht1_duration | Isanestht1 duration |
isanestht1_bvprocedure | Isanestht1 bvprocedure |
isanestht1_posted | Isanestht1 posted |
isanestht1_age | Isanestht1 age |
isanestht1_begtime | Isanestht1 begtime |
isanestht1_seq | Isanestht1 seq |
isanestht1_patnum | Isanestht1 patnum |
isanestht1_time | Isanestht1 time |
isanestht1_art1ary_sub | Isanestht1 art1ary sub |
isanestht1_element | Isanestht1 element |
isanestht1_endtime | Isanestht1 endtime |
isanestht1_art1kdate | Isanestht1 art1kdate |
isanestht1_date | Isanestht1 date |
isanestht1_art1ktime | Isanestht1 art1ktime |
isanestht1_art1kterm | Isanestht1 art1kterm |
isanestht1_arid | Isanestht1 arid |
isanestht1_emergency | Isanestht1 emergency |
isanestht1_bvtotal | Isanestht1 bvtotal |
Description: Is anesthesia temp2
Name | Description |
isanestht2_posted | Isanestht2 posted |
isanestht2_age | Isanestht2 age |
isanestht2_patnum | Isanestht2 patnum |
isanestht2_physical | Isanestht2 physical |
isanestht2_bvtotal | Isanestht2 bvtotal |
isanestht2_endtime | Isanestht2 endtime |
isanestht2_emergency | Isanestht2 emergency |
isanestht2_time | Isanestht2 time |
isanestht2_element | Isanestht2 element |
isanestht2_bvprocedure | Isanestht2 bvprocedure |
isanestht2_date | Isanestht2 date |
isanestht2_art2knum | Isanestht2 art2knum |
isanestht2_seq | Isanestht2 seq |
isanestht2_arxseq | Isanestht2 arxseq |
isanestht2_art2kseq | Isanestht2 art2kseq |
isanestht2_arid | Isanestht2 arid |
isanestht2_art2ary_sub | Isanestht2 art2ary sub |
isanestht2_duration | Isanestht2 duration |
isanestht2_physician | Isanestht2 physician |
isanestht2_item | Isanestht2 item |
isanestht2_begtime | Isanestht2 begtime |
isanestht2_art2kterm | Isanestht2 art2kterm |
Description: Isolation
Name | Description |
iso_created_ts | Iso created ts |
iso_type | Iso type |
iso_arid | Iso arid |
iso_removed_ts | Iso removed ts |
iso_uuid | Iso uuid |
iso_visit_id | Iso visit id |
Description: Iv Flow Rate History
Name | Description |
ivfh_intflowrate | Flow Rate History Numeric Integer Flowrate |
ivfh_init | Flowrate History Initials |
ivfh_sys_time | Flowrate History System Time |
ivfh_seq | Flowrate History Sequence |
ivfh_rev_time | Flowrate History Review Time |
ivfh_sys_date | Flowrate History System Date |
ivfh_time | Flowrate History Time |
ivfh_inf_hrs | Flowrate History Infuse Hours |
ivfh_date | Flowrate History Date |
ivfh_flowtype | Flowrate History Type |
ivfh_rev_date | Flowrate History Review Date |
ivfh_num | Flowrate History Patient Number |
ivfh_type | Flowrate History Type |
ivfh_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ivfh_textrate | Text Rate |
ivfh_inf_min | Flowrate History Infuse Minutes |
ivfh_decflowrate | Flowrate History Numeric Decimal Flowrate |
Description: Lockfile Listing
Name | Description |
lx_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
lx_id | Sql Sequence Number |
lx_date | Lock Date |
lx_unlock | Lock Status |
lx_historic | Historic Account Flag |
lx_time | Lock Time |
lx_acctnum | Visit Number |
lx_nurse | Lock Nurse |
Description: Lockfile Listing
Name | Description |
lock1_seq | Lock1 seq |
lock1_unlock | Lock1 unlock |
lock1_nurse | Lock1 nurse |
lock1_time | Lock1 time |
lock1_date | Lock1 date |
lock1_historic | Lock1 historic |
lock1_arid | Lock1 arid |
lock1_acctnum | Lock1 acctnum |
Description: Maaction
Name | Description |
maact1_injcpt | Injection Cpt |
maact1_injvfcstatus | Maact1 injvfcstatus |
maact1_labscantitle | Lab Scan Image Title |
maact1_labrestype | Lab Result Type |
maact1_empprtype | Employee Payroll Type |
maact1_injlotnum_old | Drug Lot Number Old |
maact1_lastchangetm | Last Changed Time |
maact1_labresordpat | Lab Result Order Patient |
maact1_injlotexpdt | Injection Text |
maact1_refreason | Injection Refusal Reason |
maact1_flag | Account New Or Normal Flag |
maact1_injcomm | Injection Comments |
maact1_injinstr | Injection Instructions |
maact1_labcallpat | Lab Call Patient Switch |
maact1_patname | Patient Name |
maact1_injrefusal | Injection Refusal Switch |
maact1_forwardtime | Forwarded Time |
maact1_injacknowl | Injection Acknowledged Switch |
maact1_entertime | Entry Time |
maact1_injloc | Injection Location |
maact1_labcritical | Lab Critical Switch |
maact1_opt_imgdrive | Lab Optical Storage Drive |
maact1_callmsg | Phone Message |
maact1_labnormal | Lab Normal Switch |
maact1_previnstr | Previous Instructions |
maact1_labinstr | Lab Instruction |
maact1_injqty | Injection Qty |
maact1_injunit | Injection Unit |
maact1_oequestxt | Lab Questions |
maact1_labcpt | Lab Cpt |
maact1_labresordnum | Lab Result Order Number |
maact1_enterdate | Entry Date |
maact1_labrefcity | Lab Referal City |
maact1_callphone | Phone Request |
maact1_labresordarid | Lab Result Order Arid |
maact1_labdiagnosis | Lab Diagnosis |
maact1_labrefstate | Lab Refer State |
maact1_injlotnum | Injection Lot Number |
maact1_injroute | Injection Route |
maact1_lababnormal | Lab Abnormal Switch |
maact1_patnum | Visit Number |
maact1_item_num | Lab Item Num |
maact1_prevseq | Previous Sequence |
maact1_prevtest | Previous Test |
maact1_seq | Key Sequence |
maact1_labrefadd1 | Lab Referal Address1 |
maact1_status | Patient Status |
maact1_phynum | Physician Number |
maact1_forwardinit | Forwarded By Initials |
maact1_injmanuf | Drug Manufacturer |
maact1_lastchangeinit | Last Changed Initials |
maact1_injpublicspld | Maact1 injpublicspld |
maact1_arxnum | Visit Number |
maact1_lastchangedt | Last Changed Date |
maact1_forwardphynum | Forward To Physician Number |
maact1_refillrequest | Refill Request Switch |
maact1_labrefadd2 | Lab Referal Address2 |
maact1_forwarddate | Forwarded Date |
maact1_item | Item Number |
maact1_empcomp | Employee Company |
maact1_labscanseq | Lab Scan Number |
maact1_type | Type Of Service |
maact1_injimmun | Immunization Switch |
maact1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
maact1_not_used_1 | Not Used |
maact1_macct1enteredby | Employee Number |
maact1_labrefzip | Lab Refer Zip |
maact1_prevduedt | Previous Due Date |
maact1_labreffer | Lab Refer |
maact1_labtest | Lab Test Performed |
maact1_injname | Injection Name |
maact1_labrefphone | Lab Refer Phone |
maact1_prevduetm | Previous Due Time |
Description: Maaction Clinical Monitoring
Name | Description |
maacm_seq | Record Sequence |
maacm_patnum | Profile Number |
maacm_overrides | Clinical Monitoring Overrides |
maacm_cmdata | Clinical Monitoring Data |
maacm_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Maaction Log
Name | Description |
maalog_newstatus | Newstatus |
maalog_probtype | Problem Type |
maalog_phynum | Physician Number |
maalog_algcd | Allergy Codes |
maalog_forwardphynum | Forward Physician Number |
maalog_probaddressdt | Problem Addressed Date |
maalog_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
maalog_date | Date |
maalog_probenterdt | Problem Entered Date |
maalog_patnum | Profile Number |
maalog_seq | Record Sequence |
maalog_action | Action Sequence |
maalog_init | Initials |
maalog_type | Type |
maalog_probresolvedt | Problem Resolved Date |
maalog_time | Time |
Description: Mammo Record
Name | Description |
xm1_ad2us_biopsy | Xm1 ad2us biopsy |
xm1_ord_phy_name2 | Xm1 ord phy name2 |
xm1_complete | Xm1 complete |
xm1_stop_recall_by | Xm1 stop recall by |
xm1_palpable_cancer | Xm1 palpable cancer |
xm1_mass_margins | Xm1 mass margins |
xm1_on_hormones | Xm1 on hormones |
xm1_bsurg_outc | Xm1 bsurg outc |
xm1_family_history | Xm1 family history |
xm1_ad1mri | Xm1 ad1mri |
xm1_birth | Xm1 birth |
xm1_ad2old_films | Xm1 ad2old films |
xm1_recall_by | Xm1 recall by |
xm1_palpable_findings | Xm1 palpable findings |
xm1_bsurg_yn | Xm1 bsurg yn |
xm1_mass_density | Xm1 mass density |
xm1_ordnum | Xm1 ordnum |
xm1_assessment_class | Xm1 assessment class |
xm1_ord_phy_name | Xm1 ord phy name |
xm1_ad1spot_comp | Xm1 ad1spot comp |
xm1_patname | Xm1 patname |
xm1_bsurg_loca | Xm1 bsurg loca |
xm1_ad1comment | Xm1 ad1comment |
xm1_notify_dt | Xm1 notify dt |
xm1_read_date | Xm1 read date |
xm1_menopause | Xm1 menopause |
xm1_mrnum | Xm1 mrnum |
xm1_mass_clk_loca | Xm1 mass clk loca |
xm1_chgnum | Xm1 chgnum |
xm1_cancer_later_dt | Xm1 cancer later dt |
xm1_ad2spot_comp | Xm1 ad2spot comp |
xm1_cancer_later | Xm1 cancer later |
xm1_mass_size | Xm1 mass size |
xm1_phone | Xm1 phone |
xm1_done_by_tname | Xm1 done by tname |
xm1_findings_comment | Xm1 findings comment |
xm1_patnum | Xm1 patnum |
xm1_ad2magni_mammo | Xm1 ad2magni mammo |
xm1_ad1old_films | Xm1 ad1old films |
xm1_mass_shape | Xm1 mass shape |
xm1_findings_cd | Xm1 findings cd |
xm1_ad2comment | Xm1 ad2comment |
xm1_notify_cd | Xm1 notify cd |
xm1_ad1cyst | Xm1 ad1cyst |
xm1_ad2biopsy_dt | Xm1 ad2biopsy dt |
xm1_ad2magni_mammo_dt | Xm1 ad2magni mammo dt |
xm1_bsurg_cd | Xm1 bsurg cd |
xm1_recall_cd | Xm1 recall cd |
xm1_done_by_tech | Xm1 done by tech |
xm1_ad1magni_mammo | Xm1 ad1magni mammo |
xm1_ad1us_biopsy | Xm1 ad1us biopsy |
xm1_stage_cd | Xm1 stage cd |
xm1_clinical_symptoms | Xm1 clinical symptoms |
xm1_mod_date | Xm1 mod date |
xm1_menage | Xm1 menage |
xm1_ad1biopsy | Xm1 ad1biopsy |
xm1_complete_sws | Xm1 complete sws |
xm1_ord_phy | Xm1 ord phy |
xm1_recall_dt | Xm1 recall dt |
xm1_sex | Xm1 sex |
xm1_ad2cyst_dt | Xm1 ad2cyst dt |
xm1_type_mammo | Xm1 type mammo |
xm1_ad2add_views | Xm1 ad2add views |
xm1_mass_calcified | Xm1 mass calcified |
xm1_invasive | Xm1 invasive |
xm1_recall_comment | Xm1 recall comment |
xm1_assessment_cd | Xm1 assessment cd |
xm1_finalassess_cd | Xm1 finalassess cd |
xm1_exam_comment | Xm1 exam comment |
xm1_ad2biopsy | Xm1 ad2biopsy |
xm1_mod_init | Xm1 mod init |
xm1_type_mammo_new | Xm1 type mammo new |
xm1_ad2mri | Xm1 ad2mri |
xm1_ad2mri_dt | Xm1 ad2mri dt |
xm1_ad2aspir_us | Xm1 ad2aspir us |
xm1_ad2old_films_dt | Xm1 ad2old films dt |
xm1_ad2aspir_us_dt | Xm1 ad2aspir us dt |
xm1_mass_region | Xm1 mass region |
xm1_ad2add_views_dt | Xm1 ad2add views dt |
xm1_fbage2 | Xm1 fbage2 |
xm1_ad1add_views | Xm1 ad1add views |
xm1_exam_dt | Xm1 exam dt |
xm1_ad2cyst | Xm1 ad2cyst |
xm1_converted | Xm1 converted |
xm1_ad1aspir_us | Xm1 ad1aspir us |
xm1_ad2us_biopsy_dt | Xm1 ad2us biopsy dt |
xm1_bsurg_dt | Xm1 bsurg dt |
xm1_type | Xm1 type |
xm1_ad2ultrasound | Xm1 ad2ultrasound |
xm1_testdesc | Xm1 testdesc |
xm1_notify_by | Xm1 notify by |
xm1_stop_recall | Xm1 stop recall |
xm1_finalassess_class | Xm1 finalassess class |
xm1_read_by_rad | Xm1 read by rad |
xm1_hysterectomy | Xm1 hysterectomy |
xm1_xrn | Xm1 xrn |
xm1_mass_loca | Xm1 mass loca |
xm1_findings_class | Xm1 findings class |
xm1_ad1ultrasound | Xm1 ad1ultrasound |
xm1_ad2ultrasound_dt | Xm1 ad2ultrasound dt |
xm1_biopsy_type_cd | Xm1 biopsy type cd |
xm1_menstruating | Xm1 menstruating |
xm1_keynum | Xm1 keynum |
xm1_patssn | Xm1 patssn |
xm1_breast_comp_cd | Xm1 breast comp cd |
xm1_size_cd | Xm1 size cd |
xm1_arid | Xm1 arid |
xm1_pp_comments | Xm1 pp comments |
xm1_true_false | Xm1 true false |
xm1_ad2spot_comp_dt | Xm1 ad2spot comp dt |
Description: Mds 3 Assessments
Name | Description |
mdsa2_s6303c | Mdsa2 s6303c |
mdsa2_j2700 | Mdsa2 j2700 |
mdsa2_gg0170s5 | Mdsa2 gg0170s5 |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_locked_empcomp | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt locked empcomp |
mdsa2_j2799 | Mdsa2 j2799 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_18 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 18 |
mdsa2_o0425c1 | Mdsa2 o0425c1 |
mdsa2_submission_id | Mdsa2 submission id |
mdsa2_gg0170rr5 | Mdsa2 gg0170rr5 |
mdsa2_i5100 | Mdsa2 i5100 |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_locked_time | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt locked time |
mdsa2_m1040b | Mdsa2 m1040b |
mdsa2_s6100e | Mdsa2 s6100e |
mdsa2_s6303d | Mdsa2 s6303d |
mdsa2_m0100c | Mdsa2 m0100c |
mdsa2_s5010i1 | Mdsa2 s5010i1 |
mdsa2_f0800d | Mdsa2 f0800d |
mdsa2_s1200b | Mdsa2 s1200b |
mdsa2_itm_sbst_cd | Mdsa2 itm sbst cd |
mdsa2_gg0170ss5 | Mdsa2 gg0170ss5 |
mdsa2_o0400a4 | Mdsa2 o0400a4 |
mdsa2_l0200e | Mdsa2 l0200e |
mdsa2_a0500a | Mdsa2 a0500a |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400i_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400i sig |
mdsa2_i0900 | Mdsa2 i0900 |
mdsa2_b0200 | Mdsa2 b0200 |
mdsa2_s5010c1 | Mdsa2 s5010c1 |
mdsa2_s6023c | Mdsa2 s6023c |
mdsa2_h0200c | Mdsa2 h0200c |
mdsa2_cbsa_urban_rural_code | Mdsa2 cbsa urban rural code |
mdsa2_s0183 | Mdsa2 s0183 |
mdsa2_d0200c1 | D0200c1 |
mdsa2_i0200 | Mdsa2 i0200 |
mdsa2_s0511 | Mdsa2 s0511 |
mdsa2_gg0170r1 | Mdsa2 gg0170r1 |
mdsa2_v0200a09a | Mdsa2 v0200a09a |
mdsa2_v0200a10b | Mdsa2 v0200a10b |
mdsa2_asmt_date | Mdsa2 asmt date |
mdsa2_s0170c | Mdsa2 s0170c |
mdsa2_gg0170c5 | Mdsa2 gg0170c5 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_06 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 06 |
mdsa2_v0200a08b | Mdsa2 v0200a08b |
mdsa2_gg0170d5 | Mdsa2 gg0170d5 |
mdsa2_gg0170k5 | Mdsa2 gg0170k5 |
mdsa2_k0520c1 | Mdsa2 k0520c1 |
mdsa2_j0100b | Mdsa2 j0100b |
mdsa2_j2520 | Mdsa2 j2520 |
mdsa2_s1210e | Mdsa2 s1210e |
mdsa2_a1010e | Mdsa2 a1010e |
mdsa2_s0520 | Mdsa2 s0520 |
mdsa2_j1550d | Mdsa2 j1550d |
mdsa2_k0510a1 | K0510a1 |
mdsa2_s3305a | Mdsa2 s3305a |
mdsa2_q0110z | Mdsa2 q0110z |
mdsa2_gg0130a3 | Mdsa2 gg0130a3 |
mdsa2_s1100j | Mdsa2 s1100j |
mdsa2_s0200a | Mdsa2 s0200a |
mdsa2_s4510d | Mdsa2 s4510d |
mdsa2_o0110h1b | Mdsa2 o0110h1b |
mdsa2_s9085b | Mdsa2 s9085b |
mdsa2_v0200a19a | Mdsa2 v0200a19a |
mdsa2_gg0170j1 | Mdsa2 gg0170j1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_date | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl date |
mdsa2_s1200c | Mdsa2 s1200c |
mdsa2_f0400b | Mdsa2 f0400b |
mdsa2_o0250b | Mdsa2 o0250b |
mdsa2_s5010g2 | Mdsa2 s5010g2 |
mdsa2_a0310g | Mdsa2 a0310g |
mdsa2_o0100f1 | O0100f1 |
mdsa2_o0110g1a | Mdsa2 o0110g1a |
mdsa2_d0150i1 | Mdsa2 d0150i1 |
mdsa2_s8521a | Mdsa2 s8521a |
mdsa2_i8000a | Mdsa2 i8000a |
mdsa2_s1001 | Mdsa2 s1001 |
mdsa2_s8010g3 | Mdsa2 s8010g3 |
mdsa2_v0200a07a | Mdsa2 v0200a07a |
mdsa2_s8520a | Mdsa2 s8520a |
mdsa2_s7500b | Mdsa2 s7500b |
mdsa2_p0100e | Mdsa2 p0100e |
mdsa2_f0500h | Mdsa2 f0500h |
mdsa2_c0900a | Mdsa2 c0900a |
mdsa2_j2499 | Mdsa2 j2499 |
mdsa2_o0400b4 | Mdsa2 o0400b4 |
mdsa2_a2122a | Mdsa2 a2122a |
mdsa2_m0300c1 | Mdsa2 m0300c1 |
mdsa2_gg0170q1 | Mdsa2 gg0170q1 |
mdsa2_s9080c | Mdsa2 s9080c |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_13 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 13 |
mdsa2_gg0170f3 | Mdsa2 gg0170f3 |
mdsa2_m0100b | Mdsa2 m0100b |
mdsa2_m0300g1 | Mdsa2 m0300g1 |
mdsa2_j2100 | Mdsa2 j2100 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400i_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400i sections |
mdsa2_o0300b | Mdsa2 o0300b |
mdsa2_i8000g | Mdsa2 i8000g |
mdsa2_a1005d | Mdsa2 a1005d |
mdsa2_s9040b | Mdsa2 s9040b |
mdsa2_medicare_rug4_hier_grp | Mdsa2 medicare rug4 hier grp |
mdsa2_s0161d | Mdsa2 s0161d |
mdsa2_k0100b | Mdsa2 k0100b |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400a_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400a sections |
mdsa2_i0300 | Mdsa2 i0300 |
mdsa2_s2000 | Mdsa2 s2000 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_05 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 05 |
mdsa2_j2330 | Mdsa2 j2330 |
mdsa2_a2124d | Mdsa2 a2124d |
mdsa2_gg0170ff1 | Mdsa2 gg0170ff1 |
mdsa2_o0425b1 | Mdsa2 o0425b1 |
mdsa2_gg0100a | Mdsa2 gg0100a |
mdsa2_i3100 | Mdsa2 i3100 |
mdsa2_s0600d | Mdsa2 s0600d |
mdsa2_j0530 | Mdsa2 j0530 |
mdsa2_o0400a3a | Mdsa2 o0400a3a |
mdsa2_i1650 | Mdsa2 i1650 |
mdsa2_v0200a17b | Mdsa2 v0200a17b |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400l_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400l sections |
mdsa2_gg0170b2 | Mdsa2 gg0170b2 |
mdsa2_s6100f1 | Mdsa2 s6100f1 |
mdsa2_s9100a | Mdsa2 s9100a |
mdsa2_o0110f1b | Mdsa2 o0110f1b |
mdsa2_s5010e1 | Mdsa2 s5010e1 |
mdsa2_s0161b | Mdsa2 s0161b |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400d_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400d sections |
mdsa2_o0100e1 | O0100e1 |
mdsa2_s6304h | Mdsa2 s6304h |
mdsa2_s6020z | Mdsa2 s6020z |
mdsa2_i8000j | Mdsa2 i8000j |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_13 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 13 |
mdsa2_d0150f2 | Mdsa2 d0150f2 |
mdsa2_o0500h | Mdsa2 o0500h |
mdsa2_s8010a2 | Mdsa2 s8010a2 |
mdsa2_a1550b | Mdsa2 a1550b |
mdsa2_s3100b | Mdsa2 s3100b |
mdsa2_s3310y | Mdsa2 s3310y |
mdsa2_s1002 | Mdsa2 s1002 |
mdsa2_s2060e | Mdsa2 s2060e |
mdsa2_j2920 | Mdsa2 j2920 |
mdsa2_o0110d1b | Mdsa2 o0110d1b |
mdsa2_d0500b2 | Mdsa2 d0500b2 |
mdsa2_k0710b2 | Mdsa2 k0710b2 |
mdsa2_a2200 | Mdsa2 a2200 |
mdsa2_f0600 | Mdsa2 f0600 |
mdsa2_o0110a1a | Mdsa2 o0110a1a |
mdsa2_k0520b4 | Mdsa2 k0520b4 |
mdsa2_p0200a | Mdsa2 p0200a |
mdsa2_i1200 | Mdsa2 i1200 |
mdsa2_gg0130b5 | Mdsa2 gg0130b5 |
mdsa2_o0500e | Mdsa2 o0500e |
mdsa2_k0520z3 | Mdsa2 k0520z3 |
mdsa2_asmt_sys_cd | Mdsa2 asmt sys cd |
mdsa2_o0110a3a | Mdsa2 o0110a3a |
mdsa2_s5010e2 | Mdsa2 s5010e2 |
mdsa2_s9002a | Mdsa2 s9002a |
mdsa2_o0700 | O0700 |
mdsa2_gg0170n2 | Mdsa2 gg0170n2 |
mdsa2_i5600 | Mdsa2 i5600 |
mdsa2_state_extract_file_id | Mdsa2 state extract file id |
mdsa2_s8030a2 | Mdsa2 s8030a2 |
mdsa2_e0300 | Mdsa2 e0300 |
mdsa2_original_assessment_id | Mdsa2 original assessment id |
mdsa2_j2310 | Mdsa2 j2310 |
mdsa2_o0110c1b | Mdsa2 o0110c1b |
mdsa2_o0500a | Mdsa2 o0500a |
mdsa2_x1100e | Mdsa2 x1100e |
mdsa2_s0161a | Mdsa2 s0161a |
mdsa2_z0500b | Mdsa2 z0500b |
mdsa2_asmt_seq | Mdsa2 asmt seq |
mdsa2_i0020b | Mdsa2 i0020b |
mdsa2_n2005 | Mdsa2 n2005 |
mdsa2_ssnri_trnsltn_hicn_txt | Mdsa2 ssnri trnsltn hicn txt |
mdsa2_o0400a6 | Mdsa2 o0400a6 |
mdsa2_i5950 | Mdsa2 i5950 |
mdsa2_s8000e3 | Mdsa2 s8000e3 |
mdsa2_j1900c | Mdsa2 j1900c |
mdsa2_a1250y | Mdsa2 a1250y |
mdsa2_s0165c | Mdsa2 s0165c |
mdsa2_o0110h3a | Mdsa2 o0110h3a |
mdsa2_o0110h4c | Mdsa2 o0110h4c |
mdsa2_o0110c1a | Mdsa2 o0110c1a |
mdsa2_s5010d2 | Mdsa2 s5010d2 |
mdsa2_s1100b | Mdsa2 s1100b |
mdsa2_i7900 | Mdsa2 i7900 |
mdsa2_a1900 | Mdsa2 a1900 |
mdsa2_s6053a | Mdsa2 s6053a |
mdsa2_i6500 | Mdsa2 i6500 |
mdsa2_k0510b2 | K0510b2 |
mdsa2_s8020b1 | Mdsa2 s8020b1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400k_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400k sig |
mdsa2_s8000c1 | Mdsa2 s8000c1 |
mdsa2_a0310g1 | Mdsa2 a0310g1 |
mdsa2_s0170e | Mdsa2 s0170e |
mdsa2_s8000a1 | Mdsa2 s8000a1 |
mdsa2_gg0170rr3 | Mdsa2 gg0170rr3 |
mdsa2_gg0130f5 | Mdsa2 gg0130f5 |
mdsa2_q0550a | Mdsa2 q0550a |
mdsa2_v0100a | Mdsa2 v0100a |
mdsa2_s1100z | Mdsa2 s1100z |
mdsa2_n0415z1 | Mdsa2 n0415z1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_x1100c_title | Mdsa2 cpsi x1100c title |
mdsa2_gg0170d1 | Mdsa2 gg0170d1 |
mdsa2_s8020a1 | Mdsa2 s8020a1 |
mdsa2_j1800 | Mdsa2 j1800 |
mdsa2_q0110a | Mdsa2 q0110a |
mdsa2_c1310c | Mdsa2 c1310c |
mdsa2_i3900 | Mdsa2 i3900 |
mdsa2_m0300f1 | Mdsa2 m0300f1 |
mdsa2_a2123 | Mdsa2 a2123 |
mdsa2_gg0170k2 | Mdsa2 gg0170k2 |
mdsa2_j1550a | Mdsa2 j1550a |
mdsa2_gg0170q3 | Mdsa2 gg0170q3 |
mdsa2_gg0120b | Mdsa2 gg0120b |
mdsa2_s9085c | Mdsa2 s9085c |
mdsa2_s2060b | Mdsa2 s2060b |
mdsa2_submitting_user_id | Mdsa2 submitting user id |
mdsa2_i5900 | Mdsa2 i5900 |
mdsa2_d0200g1 | D0200g1 |
mdsa2_medicare_rug3_hier_grp | Mdsa2 medicare rug3 hier grp |
mdsa2_s1210b | Mdsa2 s1210b |
mdsa2_s0600b | Mdsa2 s0600b |
mdsa2_s8040b1 | Mdsa2 s8040b1 |
mdsa2_f0800r | Mdsa2 f0800r |
mdsa2_f0800k | Mdsa2 f0800k |
mdsa2_s0172f | Mdsa2 s0172f |
mdsa2_z0100a | Mdsa2 z0100a |
mdsa2_gg0130c3 | Mdsa2 gg0130c3 |
mdsa2_g0110h2 | G0110h2 |
mdsa2_c0700 | Mdsa2 c0700 |
mdsa2_d0200f1 | D0200f1 |
mdsa2_birthdate_submit_code | Mdsa2 birthdate submit code |
mdsa2_s1100f1 | Mdsa2 s1100f1 |
mdsa2_o0450a | Mdsa2 o0450a |
mdsa2_e0500b | Mdsa2 e0500b |
mdsa2_s9002f | Mdsa2 s9002f |
mdsa2_o0400d1 | Mdsa2 o0400d1 |
mdsa2_i0600 | Mdsa2 i0600 |
mdsa2_s6022a | Mdsa2 s6022a |
mdsa2_s8040d2 | Mdsa2 s8040d2 |
mdsa2_n0415f1 | Mdsa2 n0415f1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_15 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 15 |
mdsa2_gg0110b | Mdsa2 gg0110b |
mdsa2_f0800f | Mdsa2 f0800f |
mdsa2_s6200 | Mdsa2 s6200 |
mdsa2_a2400b | Mdsa2 a2400b |
mdsa2_a2122d | Mdsa2 a2122d |
mdsa2_s5010h2 | Mdsa2 s5010h2 |
mdsa2_x0600f | Mdsa2 x0600f |
mdsa2_i3400 | Mdsa2 i3400 |
mdsa2_s4000a | Mdsa2 s4000a |
mdsa2_l0200g | Mdsa2 l0200g |
mdsa2_a1200 | Mdsa2 a1200 |
mdsa2_a1550d | Mdsa2 a1550d |
mdsa2_s6023a | Mdsa2 s6023a |
mdsa2_o0110a3c | Mdsa2 o0110a3c |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_flag | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl flag |
mdsa2_v0200a14a | Mdsa2 v0200a14a |
mdsa2_s1210z | Mdsa2 s1210z |
mdsa2_v0200a14b | Mdsa2 v0200a14b |
mdsa2_s8040d3 | Mdsa2 s8040d3 |
mdsa2_j0520 | Mdsa2 j0520 |
mdsa2_asmt_type | Mdsa2 asmt type |
mdsa2_gg0130a5 | Mdsa2 gg0130a5 |
mdsa2_s7500d | Mdsa2 s7500d |
mdsa2_a0100a | Mdsa2 a0100a |
mdsa2_d0150d2 | Mdsa2 d0150d2 |
mdsa2_p0100d | Mdsa2 p0100d |
mdsa2_a1010i | Mdsa2 a1010i |
mdsa2_x0500 | Mdsa2 x0500 |
mdsa2_a1110b | Mdsa2 a1110b |
mdsa2_a1010l | Mdsa2 a1010l |
mdsa2_o0110o1a | Mdsa2 o0110o1a |
mdsa2_gg0170p2 | Mdsa2 gg0170p2 |
mdsa2_state_pdpm_obra_cd | Mdsa2 state pdpm obra cd |
mdsa2_v0200a03b | Mdsa2 v0200a03b |
mdsa2_gg0130h1 | Mdsa2 gg0130h1 |
mdsa2_s8030b3 | Mdsa2 s8030b3 |
mdsa2_s9060 | Mdsa2 s9060 |
mdsa2_j0700 | Mdsa2 j0700 |
mdsa2_o0110o4c | Mdsa2 o0110o4c |
mdsa2_s0170a | Mdsa2 s0170a |
mdsa2_s3310c | Mdsa2 s3310c |
mdsa2_n0415a1 | Mdsa2 n0415a1 |
mdsa2_h0300 | Mdsa2 h0300 |
mdsa2_s8010d3 | Mdsa2 s8010d3 |
mdsa2_s6024b | Mdsa2 s6024b |
mdsa2_e0600c | Mdsa2 e0600c |
mdsa2_d0150a2 | Mdsa2 d0150a2 |
mdsa2_a1005b | Mdsa2 a1005b |
mdsa2_a0050 | Mdsa2 a0050 |
mdsa2_arid | Mdsa2 arid |
mdsa2_s8010i2 | Mdsa2 s8010i2 |
mdsa2_e0600a | Mdsa2 e0600a |
mdsa2_c0200 | Mdsa2 c0200 |
mdsa2_q0620 | Mdsa2 q0620 |
mdsa2_i2400 | Mdsa2 i2400 |
mdsa2_s2015 | Mdsa2 s2015 |
mdsa2_s9140 | Mdsa2 s9140 |
mdsa2_o0400b2 | Mdsa2 o0400b2 |
mdsa2_s6304e | Mdsa2 s6304e |
mdsa2_i8000c | Mdsa2 i8000c |
mdsa2_medicare_rug3_idx_max_cmi_val | Mdsa2 medicare rug3 idx max cmi val |
mdsa2_s4010c | Mdsa2 s4010c |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400c_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400c section date |
mdsa2_gg0170ff3 | Mdsa2 gg0170ff3 |
mdsa2_q0310b | Mdsa2 q0310b |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400j_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400j title |
mdsa2_d0500i2 | Mdsa2 d0500i2 |
mdsa2_k0520z1 | Mdsa2 k0520z1 |
mdsa2_d0200i1 | D0200i1 |
mdsa2_v0200a05b | Mdsa2 v0200a05b |
mdsa2_s1100h | Mdsa2 s1100h |
mdsa2_gg0170c3 | Mdsa2 gg0170c3 |
mdsa2_d0150h1 | Mdsa2 d0150h1 |
mdsa2_n0415e2 | Mdsa2 n0415e2 |
mdsa2_j0600b | Mdsa2 j0600b |
mdsa2_o0110j1b | Mdsa2 o0110j1b |
mdsa2_j1100z | Mdsa2 j1100z |
mdsa2_o0110z1c | Mdsa2 o0110z1c |
mdsa2_j0200 | Mdsa2 j0200 |
mdsa2_s4500 | Mdsa2 s4500 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400b_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400b sig |
mdsa2_s6051b | Mdsa2 s6051b |
mdsa2_d0200h2 | D0200h2 |
mdsa2_i8000h | Mdsa2 i8000h |
mdsa2_cpsi_x1100d_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi x1100d sig |
mdsa2_d0200e2 | D0200e2 |
mdsa2_o0100a1 | O0100a1 |
mdsa2_s0130 | Mdsa2 s0130 |
mdsa2_n0415c2 | Mdsa2 n0415c2 |
mdsa2_s8010e3 | Mdsa2 s8010e3 |
mdsa2_f0400h | Mdsa2 f0400h |
mdsa2_a2124c | Mdsa2 a2124c |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400e_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400e sections |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0300a | Mdsa2 cpsi z0300a |
mdsa2_o0425b3 | Mdsa2 o0425b3 |
mdsa2_j0800c | Mdsa2 j0800c |
mdsa2_i5250 | Mdsa2 i5250 |
mdsa2_gg0170l2 | Mdsa2 gg0170l2 |
mdsa2_a1805 | Mdsa2 a1805 |
mdsa2_s1150 | Mdsa2 s1150 |
mdsa2_j1300 | Mdsa2 j1300 |
mdsa2_s5010b2 | Mdsa2 s5010b2 |
mdsa2_j2410 | Mdsa2 j2410 |
mdsa2_v0100c | Mdsa2 v0100c |
mdsa2_s8040a2 | Mdsa2 s8040a2 |
mdsa2_k0520b3 | Mdsa2 k0520b3 |
mdsa2_m0100z | Mdsa2 m0100z |
mdsa2_s8000c3 | Mdsa2 s8000c3 |
mdsa2_n0415h2 | Mdsa2 n0415h2 |
mdsa2_s0165e | Mdsa2 s0165e |
mdsa2_n0415c1 | Mdsa2 n0415c1 |
mdsa2_s9002c | Mdsa2 s9002c |
mdsa2_recalculated_z0200b | Mdsa2 recalculated z0200b |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_18 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 18 |
mdsa2_e0100a | Mdsa2 e0100a |
mdsa2_o0110a2a | Mdsa2 o0110a2a |
mdsa2_o0425a4 | Mdsa2 o0425a4 |
mdsa2_i4800 | Mdsa2 i4800 |
mdsa2_o0110h1c | Mdsa2 o0110h1c |
mdsa2_cpsi_ins_cov_days | Mdsa2 cpsi ins cov days |
mdsa2_s0171b | Mdsa2 s0171b |
mdsa2_n0450e | Mdsa2 n0450e |
mdsa2_a0200 | Mdsa2 a0200 |
mdsa2_o0400a1 | Mdsa2 o0400a1 |
mdsa2_i1400 | Mdsa2 i1400 |
mdsa2_d0500d1 | Mdsa2 d0500d1 |
mdsa2_s6304f | Mdsa2 s6304f |
mdsa2_o0100d2 | O0100d2 |
mdsa2_s8030z | Mdsa2 s8030z |
mdsa2_i2900 | Mdsa2 i2900 |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_adate | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl adate |
mdsa2_e0200b | Mdsa2 e0200b |
mdsa2_a0310a | Mdsa2 a0310a |
mdsa2_i2000 | Mdsa2 i2000 |
mdsa2_s0509 | Mdsa2 s0509 |
mdsa2_o0100c2 | O0100c2 |
mdsa2_j5000 | Mdsa2 j5000 |
mdsa2_s8020a3 | Mdsa2 s8020a3 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_10 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 10 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400l_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400l title |
mdsa2_f0500f | Mdsa2 f0500f |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400h_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400h sig |
mdsa2_s3100f | Mdsa2 s3100f |
mdsa2_cmi_set_for_recalc_z0200a | Mdsa2 cmi set for recalc z0200a |
mdsa2_s4510b | Mdsa2 s4510b |
mdsa2_m1200f | Mdsa2 m1200f |
mdsa2_o0110a1c | Mdsa2 o0110a1c |
mdsa2_s6100c | Mdsa2 s6100c |
mdsa2_s8510a | Mdsa2 s8510a |
mdsa2_s5010a2 | Mdsa2 s5010a2 |
mdsa2_s8050c | Mdsa2 s8050c |
mdsa2_s9040d | Mdsa2 s9040d |
mdsa2_q0110e | Mdsa2 q0110e |
mdsa2_c1310a | Mdsa2 c1310a |
mdsa2_s7500f | Mdsa2 s7500f |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_atype | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact atype |
mdsa2_d0200b2 | D0200b2 |
mdsa2_s6024a | Mdsa2 s6024a |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400j_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400j sections |
mdsa2_x0900d | Mdsa2 x0900d |
mdsa2_s3315c | Mdsa2 s3315c |
mdsa2_gg0170e2 | Mdsa2 gg0170e2 |
mdsa2_d0200f2 | D0200f2 |
mdsa2_s0120 | Mdsa2 s0120 |
mdsa2_i1700 | Mdsa2 i1700 |
mdsa2_s7500a | Mdsa2 s7500a |
mdsa2_o0110o1c | Mdsa2 o0110o1c |
mdsa2_gg0170l3 | Mdsa2 gg0170l3 |
mdsa2_f0800i | Mdsa2 f0800i |
mdsa2_o0400f1 | Mdsa2 o0400f1 |
mdsa2_f0800n | Mdsa2 f0800n |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_03 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 03 |
mdsa2_s8010e2 | Mdsa2 s8010e2 |
mdsa2_cmi_value_for_recalc_z0250a | Mdsa2 cmi value for recalc z0250a |
mdsa2_s0125 | Mdsa2 s0125 |
mdsa2_s9040c1 | Mdsa2 s9040c1 |
mdsa2_o0425b2 | Mdsa2 o0425b2 |
mdsa2_v0200a18b | Mdsa2 v0200a18b |
mdsa2_gg0130b2 | Mdsa2 gg0130b2 |
mdsa2_s4010d | Mdsa2 s4010d |
mdsa2_a1010b | Mdsa2 a1010b |
mdsa2_n0415g2 | Mdsa2 n0415g2 |
mdsa2_s8010h2 | Mdsa2 s8010h2 |
mdsa2_o0110z1a | Mdsa2 o0110z1a |
mdsa2_v0200a04b | Mdsa2 v0200a04b |
mdsa2_d0500g2 | Mdsa2 d0500g2 |
mdsa2_e0800 | Mdsa2 e0800 |
mdsa2_f0400g | Mdsa2 f0400g |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400l_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400l section date |
mdsa2_f0800p | Mdsa2 f0800p |
mdsa2_o0110j2c | Mdsa2 o0110j2c |
mdsa2_s0500 | Mdsa2 s0500 |
mdsa2_j1550z | Mdsa2 j1550z |
mdsa2_z0250b | Mdsa2 z0250b |
mdsa2_s8010b3 | Mdsa2 s8010b3 |
mdsa2_gg0170d3 | Mdsa2 gg0170d3 |
mdsa2_s8010f3 | Mdsa2 s8010f3 |
mdsa2_o0100j2 | O0100j2 |
mdsa2_o0600 | O0600 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_01 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 01 |
mdsa2_o0110o4a | Mdsa2 o0110o4a |
mdsa2_o0110d3a | Mdsa2 o0110d3a |
mdsa2_x0900z_reason | Mdsa2 x0900z reason |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_17 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 17 |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_locked_emptype | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt locked emptype |
mdsa2_o0110b1b | Mdsa2 o0110b1b |
mdsa2_gg0100d | Mdsa2 gg0100d |
mdsa2_j1700a | Mdsa2 j1700a |
mdsa2_cpsi_sub_blt_logname | Mdsa2 cpsi sub blt logname |
mdsa2_o0110m1b | Mdsa2 o0110m1b |
mdsa2_s6304a | Mdsa2 s6304a |
mdsa2_x0700c | Mdsa2 x0700c |
mdsa2_s6060b | Mdsa2 s6060b |
mdsa2_gg0130c1 | Mdsa2 gg0130c1 |
mdsa2_a0500b | Mdsa2 a0500b |
mdsa2_x1050z | Mdsa2 x1050z |
mdsa2_i4900 | Mdsa2 i4900 |
mdsa2_k0520a3 | Mdsa2 k0520a3 |
mdsa2_d0500j2 | Mdsa2 d0500j2 |
mdsa2_mds_fac_id | Mdsa2 mds fac id |
mdsa2_j2420 | Mdsa2 j2420 |
mdsa2_o0500c | Mdsa2 o0500c |
mdsa2_i0400 | Mdsa2 i0400 |
mdsa2_o0400a2 | Mdsa2 o0400a2 |
mdsa2_s6100b | Mdsa2 s6100b |
mdsa2_j2910 | Mdsa2 j2910 |
mdsa2_x0400 | Mdsa2 x0400 |
mdsa2_s3200b | Mdsa2 s3200b |
mdsa2_n0415h1 | Mdsa2 n0415h1 |
mdsa2_k0520d1 | Mdsa2 k0520d1 |
mdsa2_s6304b | Mdsa2 s6304b |
mdsa2_assessment_id | Mdsa2 assessment id |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400i_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400i section date |
mdsa2_s7500h | Mdsa2 s7500h |
mdsa2_s4510c | Mdsa2 s4510c |
mdsa2_v0100b | Mdsa2 v0100b |
mdsa2_n0415d1 | Mdsa2 n0415d1 |
mdsa2_a1010x | Mdsa2 a1010x |
mdsa2_f0800a | Mdsa2 f0800a |
mdsa2_cpsi_sub_blt_date | Mdsa2 cpsi sub blt date |
mdsa2_s0172a | Mdsa2 s0172a |
mdsa2_n0450c | Mdsa2 n0450c |
mdsa2_g0110b1 | G0110b1 |
mdsa2_gg0170ff5 | Mdsa2 gg0170ff5 |
mdsa2_a1010d | Mdsa2 a1010d |
mdsa2_b1200 | Mdsa2 b1200 |
mdsa2_s7001 | Mdsa2 s7001 |
mdsa2_s8010i1 | Mdsa2 s8010i1 |
mdsa2_i5800 | Mdsa2 i5800 |
mdsa2_s2060a | Mdsa2 s2060a |
mdsa2_z0200b | Mdsa2 z0200b |
mdsa2_o0110g1c | Mdsa2 o0110g1c |
mdsa2_s9100c | Mdsa2 s9100c |
mdsa2_s3100z | Mdsa2 s3100z |
mdsa2_s8521c | Mdsa2 s8521c |
mdsa2_s8040z | Mdsa2 s8040z |
mdsa2_gg0110a | Mdsa2 gg0110a |
mdsa2_s8000a2 | Mdsa2 s8000a2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_09 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 09 |
mdsa2_i5200 | Mdsa2 i5200 |
mdsa2_k0520c4 | Mdsa2 k0520c4 |
mdsa2_prodn_test_cd | Mdsa2 prodn test cd |
mdsa2_s6022c | Mdsa2 s6022c |
mdsa2_i5000 | Mdsa2 i5000 |
mdsa2_a1010g | Mdsa2 a1010g |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_locked_flag | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt locked flag |
mdsa2_s3315z | Mdsa2 s3315z |
mdsa2_m1200d | Mdsa2 m1200d |
mdsa2_s7000 | Mdsa2 s7000 |
mdsa2_v0200a20a | Mdsa2 v0200a20a |
mdsa2_n0415j1 | Mdsa2 n0415j1 |
mdsa2_m1040d | Mdsa2 m1040d |
mdsa2_o0425c2 | Mdsa2 o0425c2 |
mdsa2_o0400c3a | Mdsa2 o0400c3a |
mdsa2_gg0170f5 | Mdsa2 gg0170f5 |
mdsa2_d0150c1 | Mdsa2 d0150c1 |
mdsa2_x0600b | Mdsa2 x0600b |
mdsa2_p0200d | Mdsa2 p0200d |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400a_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400a sig |
mdsa2_j2899 | Mdsa2 j2899 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400l_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400l sig |
mdsa2_l0200b | Mdsa2 l0200b |
mdsa2_d0150b2 | Mdsa2 d0150b2 |
mdsa2_s6301 | Mdsa2 s6301 |
mdsa2_h0100b | Mdsa2 h0100b |
mdsa2_o0110i1a | Mdsa2 o0110i1a |
mdsa2_s3100d | Mdsa2 s3100d |
mdsa2_i3800 | Mdsa2 i3800 |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_apatnum | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl apatnum |
mdsa2_gg0130a1 | Mdsa2 gg0130a1 |
mdsa2_o0425c4 | Mdsa2 o0425c4 |
mdsa2_m1200a | Mdsa2 m1200a |
mdsa2_s8099 | Mdsa2 s8099 |
mdsa2_d0500f2 | Mdsa2 d0500f2 |
mdsa2_i5700 | Mdsa2 i5700 |
mdsa2_f0400d | Mdsa2 f0400d |
mdsa2_o0110c4c | Mdsa2 o0110c4c |
mdsa2_a0700 | Mdsa2 a0700 |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_facid | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact facid |
mdsa2_a1300c | Mdsa2 a1300c |
mdsa2_o0110o3a | Mdsa2 o0110o3a |
mdsa2_j0800a | Mdsa2 j0800a |
mdsa2_s1100c | Mdsa2 s1100c |
mdsa2_s6500 | Mdsa2 s6500 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400g_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400g sections |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400j_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400j sig |
mdsa2_p0100g | Mdsa2 p0100g |
mdsa2_v0200a13a | Mdsa2 v0200a13a |
mdsa2_e0600b | Mdsa2 e0600b |
mdsa2_k0300 | Mdsa2 k0300 |
mdsa2_s6010 | Mdsa2 s6010 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400g_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400g title |
mdsa2_s0514 | Mdsa2 s0514 |
mdsa2_j1550b | Mdsa2 j1550b |
mdsa2_o0110a2c | Mdsa2 o0110a2c |
mdsa2_o0110c2a | Mdsa2 o0110c2a |
mdsa2_o0110g2c | Mdsa2 o0110g2c |
mdsa2_o0110g3a | Mdsa2 o0110g3a |
mdsa2_v0100e | Mdsa2 v0100e |
mdsa2_j2900 | Mdsa2 j2900 |
mdsa2_s6211 | Mdsa2 s6211 |
mdsa2_j0100c | Mdsa2 j0100c |
mdsa2_o0110c3c | Mdsa2 o0110c3c |
mdsa2_gg0130e1 | Mdsa2 gg0130e1 |
mdsa2_gg0130g2 | Mdsa2 gg0130g2 |
mdsa2_c0500 | Mdsa2 c0500 |
mdsa2_j2940 | Mdsa2 j2940 |
mdsa2_j1100b | Mdsa2 j1100b |
mdsa2_c0300c | Mdsa2 c0300c |
mdsa2_a2121 | Mdsa2 a2121 |
mdsa2_o0110d2c | Mdsa2 o0110d2c |
mdsa2_s0153 | Mdsa2 s0153 |
mdsa2_o0400c5 | Mdsa2 o0400c5 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_20 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 20 |
mdsa2_o0425b4 | Mdsa2 o0425b4 |
mdsa2_i0500 | Mdsa2 i0500 |
mdsa2_l0200c | Mdsa2 l0200c |
mdsa2_gg0170o2 | Mdsa2 gg0170o2 |
mdsa2_k0710a2 | Mdsa2 k0710a2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_ins_begin_date | Mdsa2 cpsi ins begin date |
mdsa2_s0111 | Mdsa2 s0111 |
mdsa2_a1550a | Mdsa2 a1550a |
mdsa2_d0150d1 | Mdsa2 d0150d1 |
mdsa2_s8000b3 | Mdsa2 s8000b3 |
mdsa2_s8020b3 | Mdsa2 s8020b3 |
mdsa2_d0500a2 | Mdsa2 d0500a2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_16 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 16 |
mdsa2_v0200a16a | Mdsa2 v0200a16a |
mdsa2_s4510a | Mdsa2 s4510a |
mdsa2_s6232 | Mdsa2 s6232 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_03 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 03 |
mdsa2_s0165b | Mdsa2 s0165b |
mdsa2_d0500e1 | Mdsa2 d0500e1 |
mdsa2_o0110d1c | Mdsa2 o0110d1c |
mdsa2_s6305b | Mdsa2 s6305b |
mdsa2_a0310e | Mdsa2 a0310e |
mdsa2_m0300d1 | Mdsa2 m0300d1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400c_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400c sig |
mdsa2_o0110j2a | Mdsa2 o0110j2a |
mdsa2_d0100 | Mdsa2 d0100 |
mdsa2_c0600 | Mdsa2 c0600 |
mdsa2_o0400e2 | Mdsa2 o0400e2 |
mdsa2_s0141 | Mdsa2 s0141 |
mdsa2_s8010b1 | Mdsa2 s8010b1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400d_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400d sig |
mdsa2_s6051d | Mdsa2 s6051d |
mdsa2_d0200a2 | D0200a2 |
mdsa2_s1004 | Mdsa2 s1004 |
mdsa2_s0114 | Mdsa2 s0114 |
mdsa2_f0500c | Mdsa2 f0500c |
mdsa2_j2300 | Mdsa2 j2300 |
mdsa2_v0200a11b | Mdsa2 v0200a11b |
mdsa2_o0100e2 | O0100e2 |
mdsa2_s3310b | Mdsa2 s3310b |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400f_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400f section date |
mdsa2_k0520d3 | Mdsa2 k0520d3 |
mdsa2_d0200d2 | D0200d2 |
mdsa2_b1300 | Mdsa2 b1300 |
mdsa2_n0415i2 | Mdsa2 n0415i2 |
mdsa2_c0900z | Mdsa2 c0900z |
mdsa2_d0150e2 | Mdsa2 d0150e2 |
mdsa2_s0170z | Mdsa2 s0170z |
mdsa2_gg0170r2 | Mdsa2 gg0170r2 |
mdsa2_gg0100b | Mdsa2 gg0100b |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_11 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 11 |
mdsa2_o0500i | Mdsa2 o0500i |
mdsa2_e0100z | Mdsa2 e0100z |
mdsa2_a1510c | Mdsa2 a1510c |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400g_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400g sig |
mdsa2_f0800l | Mdsa2 f0800l |
mdsa2_s8040c2 | Mdsa2 s8040c2 |
mdsa2_o0400b3a | Mdsa2 o0400b3a |
mdsa2_cpsi_x0900z_rsn | Mdsa2 cpsi x0900z rsn |
mdsa2_g0110i1 | G0110i1 |
mdsa2_s8010c2 | Mdsa2 s8010c2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400d_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400d section date |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400i_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400i title |
mdsa2_s5010f2 | Mdsa2 s5010f2 |
mdsa2_a1005x | Mdsa2 a1005x |
mdsa2_i2100 | Mdsa2 i2100 |
mdsa2_o0100m2 | O0100m2 |
mdsa2_i0800 | Mdsa2 i0800 |
mdsa2_s0102 | Mdsa2 s0102 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_11 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 11 |
mdsa2_o0425a3 | Mdsa2 o0425a3 |
mdsa2_sftwr_vndr_email_adr | Mdsa2 sftwr vndr email adr |
mdsa2_n0300 | Mdsa2 n0300 |
mdsa2_m1200z | Mdsa2 m1200z |
mdsa2_h0200a | Mdsa2 h0200a |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_15 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 15 |
mdsa2_o0430 | Mdsa2 o0430 |
mdsa2_recalculated_z0200a | Mdsa2 recalculated z0200a |
mdsa2_s6303b | Mdsa2 s6303b |
mdsa2_s9040f | Mdsa2 s9040f |
mdsa2_s3305d | Mdsa2 s3305d |
mdsa2_gg0115b | Mdsa2 gg0115b |
mdsa2_c0900c | Mdsa2 c0900c |
mdsa2_s8020z | Mdsa2 s8020z |
mdsa2_gg0170f1 | Mdsa2 gg0170f1 |
mdsa2_n0415b1 | Mdsa2 n0415b1 |
mdsa2_s1210i | Mdsa2 s1210i |
mdsa2_s6202 | Mdsa2 s6202 |
mdsa2_f0300 | Mdsa2 f0300 |
mdsa2_m1040f | Mdsa2 m1040f |
mdsa2_g0110a1 | G0110a1 |
mdsa2_s2011 | Mdsa2 s2011 |
mdsa2_gg0130b3 | Mdsa2 gg0130b3 |
mdsa2_s6234 | Mdsa2 s6234 |
mdsa2_a1010z | Mdsa2 a1010z |
mdsa2_recalculated_z0250b | Mdsa2 recalculated z0250b |
mdsa2_o0110e1a | Mdsa2 o0110e1a |
mdsa2_a0600a | Mdsa2 a0600a |
mdsa2_s0170g | Mdsa2 s0170g |
mdsa2_q0500c | Mdsa2 q0500c |
mdsa2_v0200a01b | Mdsa2 v0200a01b |
mdsa2_s8000b1 | Mdsa2 s8000b1 |
mdsa2_s6020b | Mdsa2 s6020b |
mdsa2_m1040z | Mdsa2 m1040z |
mdsa2_gg0130h2 | Mdsa2 gg0130h2 |
mdsa2_s8050a3 | Mdsa2 s8050a3 |
mdsa2_s1200e | Mdsa2 s1200e |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400a_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400a section date |
mdsa2_gg0170i2 | Mdsa2 gg0170i2 |
mdsa2_n0350b | Mdsa2 n0350b |
mdsa2_p0200b | Mdsa2 p0200b |
mdsa2_a1250a | Mdsa2 a1250a |
mdsa2_s8000d2 | Mdsa2 s8000d2 |
mdsa2_s5010b1 | Mdsa2 s5010b1 |
mdsa2_s0174 | Mdsa2 s0174 |
mdsa2_m1040a | Mdsa2 m1040a |
mdsa2_gg0130f2 | Mdsa2 gg0130f2 |
mdsa2_s8010g2 | Mdsa2 s8010g2 |
mdsa2_k0520c3 | Mdsa2 k0520c3 |
mdsa2_i8000d | Mdsa2 i8000d |
mdsa2_v0200a19b | Mdsa2 v0200a19b |
mdsa2_gg0130e3 | Mdsa2 gg0130e3 |
mdsa2_s3315a | Mdsa2 s3315a |
mdsa2_s0172h | Mdsa2 s0172h |
mdsa2_i0700 | Mdsa2 i0700 |
mdsa2_s4510f | Mdsa2 s4510f |
mdsa2_o0400b5 | Mdsa2 o0400b5 |
mdsa2_d0500h1 | Mdsa2 d0500h1 |
mdsa2_s0512 | Mdsa2 s0512 |
mdsa2_s0122 | Mdsa2 s0122 |
mdsa2_gg0170a2 | Mdsa2 gg0170a2 |
mdsa2_gg0130h5 | Mdsa2 gg0130h5 |
mdsa2_d0700 | Mdsa2 d0700 |
mdsa2_s8010f | Mdsa2 s8010f |
mdsa2_f0500a | Mdsa2 f0500a |
mdsa2_a0300a | A0300a |
mdsa2_o0110i1c | Mdsa2 o0110i1c |
mdsa2_d0150h2 | Mdsa2 d0150h2 |
mdsa2_gg0170g2 | Mdsa2 gg0170g2 |
mdsa2_s8000e1 | Mdsa2 s8000e1 |
mdsa2_a0310f | Mdsa2 a0310f |
mdsa2_i2500 | Mdsa2 i2500 |
mdsa2_i4200 | Mdsa2 i4200 |
mdsa2_o0110g2a | Mdsa2 o0110g2a |
mdsa2_o0110g3c | Mdsa2 o0110g3c |
mdsa2_x0900a | Mdsa2 x0900a |
mdsa2_s9080a | Mdsa2 s9080a |
mdsa2_gg0110c | Mdsa2 gg0110c |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_date | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact date |
mdsa2_target_date | Mdsa2 target date |
mdsa2_v0200a15b | Mdsa2 v0200a15b |
mdsa2_s8500 | Mdsa2 s8500 |
mdsa2_j2699 | Mdsa2 j2699 |
mdsa2_h0100d | Mdsa2 h0100d |
mdsa2_c0400b | Mdsa2 c0400b |
mdsa2_d0500c1 | Mdsa2 d0500c1 |
mdsa2_c0300a | Mdsa2 c0300a |
mdsa2_s9040c | Mdsa2 s9040c |
mdsa2_s0165z | Mdsa2 s0165z |
mdsa2_gg0170m2 | Mdsa2 gg0170m2 |
mdsa2_s9002i | Mdsa2 s9002i |
mdsa2_f0800c | Mdsa2 f0800c |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400b_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400b section date |
mdsa2_o0110c4a | Mdsa2 o0110c4a |
mdsa2_d0150i2 | Mdsa2 d0150i2 |
mdsa2_s8010f1 | Mdsa2 s8010f1 |
mdsa2_j2710 | Mdsa2 j2710 |
mdsa2_p0100f | Mdsa2 p0100f |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400e_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400e title |
mdsa2_x0570a | X0570a |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_04 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 04 |
mdsa2_o0425a1 | Mdsa2 o0425a1 |
mdsa2_m0300e2 | Mdsa2 m0300e2 |
mdsa2_gg0170i5 | Mdsa2 gg0170i5 |
mdsa2_gg0170a1 | Mdsa2 gg0170a1 |
mdsa2_s8000e2 | Mdsa2 s8000e2 |
mdsa2_d0160 | Mdsa2 d0160 |
mdsa2_o0500g | Mdsa2 o0500g |
mdsa2_s9100b | Mdsa2 s9100b |
mdsa2_d0150f1 | Mdsa2 d0150f1 |
mdsa2_medicare_rug3_idx_max_grp | Mdsa2 medicare rug3 idx max grp |
mdsa2_c1000 | Mdsa2 c1000 |
mdsa2_s0161c | Mdsa2 s0161c |
mdsa2_v0200a05a | Mdsa2 v0200a05a |
mdsa2_s8000z | Mdsa2 s8000z |
mdsa2_s9040a | Mdsa2 s9040a |
mdsa2_s8010d2 | Mdsa2 s8010d2 |
mdsa2_a1010m | Mdsa2 a1010m |
mdsa2_s0161z | Mdsa2 s0161z |
mdsa2_o0100i1 | O0100i1 |
mdsa2_a2124e | Mdsa2 a2124e |
mdsa2_j0100a | Mdsa2 j0100a |
mdsa2_n0350a | Mdsa2 n0350a |
mdsa2_s6060c | Mdsa2 s6060c |
mdsa2_o0100b2 | O0100b2 |
mdsa2_o0110h3c | Mdsa2 o0110h3c |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_14 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 14 |
mdsa2_j0800z | Mdsa2 j0800z |
mdsa2_a2124b | Mdsa2 a2124b |
mdsa2_sftwr_prod_name | Mdsa2 sftwr prod name |
mdsa2_d0500b1 | Mdsa2 d0500b1 |
mdsa2_s3315b | Mdsa2 s3315b |
mdsa2_s2060d | Mdsa2 s2060d |
mdsa2_s3100h | Mdsa2 s3100h |
mdsa2_o0110h2a | Mdsa2 o0110h2a |
mdsa2_o0110f1c | Mdsa2 o0110f1c |
mdsa2_s9001 | Mdsa2 s9001 |
mdsa2_k0100d | Mdsa2 k0100d |
mdsa2_v0200a08a | Mdsa2 v0200a08a |
mdsa2_cpsi_sub_blt_facid | Mdsa2 cpsi sub blt facid |
mdsa2_gg0130c5 | Mdsa2 gg0130c5 |
mdsa2_s8040a1 | Mdsa2 s8040a1 |
mdsa2_s3100c | Mdsa2 s3100c |
mdsa2_s6051c | Mdsa2 s6051c |
mdsa2_a2000 | Mdsa2 a2000 |
mdsa2_x1050z_reason | Mdsa2 x1050z reason |
mdsa2_v0200c2 | Mdsa2 v0200c2 |
mdsa2_o0110d2a | Mdsa2 o0110d2a |
mdsa2_o0110c2c | Mdsa2 o0110c2c |
mdsa2_s1100a | Mdsa2 s1100a |
mdsa2_s9002b | Mdsa2 s9002b |
mdsa2_gg0170e1 | Mdsa2 gg0170e1 |
mdsa2_o0100c1 | O0100c1 |
mdsa2_gg0130i1 | Mdsa2 gg0130i1 |
mdsa2_s1100f2 | Mdsa2 s1100f2 |
mdsa2_s6304g | Mdsa2 s6304g |
mdsa2_s8520c | Mdsa2 s8520c |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_20 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 20 |
mdsa2_s6230 | Mdsa2 s6230 |
mdsa2_s0160 | Mdsa2 s0160 |
mdsa2_s6022b | Mdsa2 s6022b |
mdsa2_s4000b | Mdsa2 s4000b |
mdsa2_b1000 | Mdsa2 b1000 |
mdsa2_i2200 | Mdsa2 i2200 |
mdsa2_s4000c | Mdsa2 s4000c |
mdsa2_m0210 | Mdsa2 m0210 |
mdsa2_n0450a | Mdsa2 n0450a |
mdsa2_j2620 | Mdsa2 j2620 |
mdsa2_c1310d | Mdsa2 c1310d |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_07 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 07 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_04 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 04 |
mdsa2_s8020b2 | Mdsa2 s8020b2 |
mdsa2_s8030a3 | Mdsa2 s8030a3 |
mdsa2_v0200a02a | Mdsa2 v0200a02a |
mdsa2_o0110h10c | Mdsa2 o0110h10c |
mdsa2_v0200b2 | Mdsa2 v0200b2 |
mdsa2_s6005 | Mdsa2 s6005 |
mdsa2_s0171a | Mdsa2 s0171a |
mdsa2_f0800j | Mdsa2 f0800j |
mdsa2_m1040c | Mdsa2 m1040c |
mdsa2_m1200h | Mdsa2 m1200h |
mdsa2_v0200a12a | Mdsa2 v0200a12a |
mdsa2_s0600z | Mdsa2 s0600z |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_apatnum | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact apatnum |
mdsa2_j0300 | Mdsa2 j0300 |
mdsa2_medicare_rug4_hier_version | Mdsa2 medicare rug4 hier version |
mdsa2_e0200a | Mdsa2 e0200a |
mdsa2_s1200h | Mdsa2 s1200h |
mdsa2_recalculated_z0200c | Mdsa2 recalculated z0200c |
mdsa2_gg0170p1 | Mdsa2 gg0170p1 |
mdsa2_s9040h | Mdsa2 s9040h |
mdsa2_v0200a06a | Mdsa2 v0200a06a |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400h_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400h sections |
mdsa2_h0200b | Mdsa2 h0200b |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_atype | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl atype |
mdsa2_resident_age | Mdsa2 resident age |
mdsa2_o0110o2a | Mdsa2 o0110o2a |
mdsa2_i3200 | Mdsa2 i3200 |
mdsa2_s6100z | Mdsa2 s6100z |
mdsa2_s8010c3 | Mdsa2 s8010c3 |
mdsa2_gg0110e | Mdsa2 gg0110e |
mdsa2_d0200d1 | D0200d1 |
mdsa2_v0200a03a | Mdsa2 v0200a03a |
mdsa2_s1210f | Mdsa2 s1210f |
mdsa2_s0521 | Mdsa2 s0521 |
mdsa2_k0510b1 | K0510b1 |
mdsa2_s0172e | Mdsa2 s0172e |
mdsa2_f0800e | Mdsa2 f0800e |
mdsa2_v0100d | Mdsa2 v0100d |
mdsa2_a2122b | Mdsa2 a2122b |
mdsa2_s9080d | Mdsa2 s9080d |
mdsa2_s0170d | Mdsa2 s0170d |
mdsa2_s5010f1 | Mdsa2 s5010f1 |
mdsa2_s0510 | Mdsa2 s0510 |
mdsa2_gg0170o3 | Mdsa2 gg0170o3 |
mdsa2_patnum | Mdsa2 patnum |
mdsa2_s2060c | Mdsa2 s2060c |
mdsa2_e0500a | Mdsa2 e0500a |
mdsa2_medicare_rug3_idx_max_version | Mdsa2 medicare rug3 idx max version |
mdsa2_o0400b3 | Mdsa2 o0400b3 |
mdsa2_o0400e1 | Mdsa2 o0400e1 |
mdsa2_s6236 | Mdsa2 s6236 |
mdsa2_o0250c | Mdsa2 o0250c |
mdsa2_d0200a1 | D0200a1 |
mdsa2_s8050a1 | Mdsa2 s8050a1 |
mdsa2_submission_complete_date | Mdsa2 submission complete date |
mdsa2_f0400c | Mdsa2 f0400c |
mdsa2_a1300d | Mdsa2 a1300d |
mdsa2_a1010k | Mdsa2 a1010k |
mdsa2_s8510b | Mdsa2 s8510b |
mdsa2_gg0120d | Mdsa2 gg0120d |
mdsa2_o0100f2 | O0100f2 |
mdsa2_s6212 | Mdsa2 s6212 |
mdsa2_n0415f2 | Mdsa2 n0415f2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0500a | Mdsa2 cpsi z0500a |
mdsa2_a1005e | Mdsa2 a1005e |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_07 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 07 |
mdsa2_s2060z | Mdsa2 s2060z |
mdsa2_s3305c | Mdsa2 s3305c |
mdsa2_o0400c6 | Mdsa2 o0400c6 |
mdsa2_gg0170n1 | Mdsa2 gg0170n1 |
mdsa2_gg0170e5 | Mdsa2 gg0170e5 |
mdsa2_h0100z | Mdsa2 h0100z |
mdsa2_v0200a10a | Mdsa2 v0200a10a |
mdsa2_m0100a | Mdsa2 m0100a |
mdsa2_f0500g | Mdsa2 f0500g |
mdsa2_i8000f | Mdsa2 i8000f |
mdsa2_s7500c | Mdsa2 s7500c |
mdsa2_ssnri_trnsltn_mbi_txt | Mdsa2 ssnri trnsltn mbi txt |
mdsa2_a2122e | Mdsa2 a2122e |
mdsa2_a0310h | Mdsa2 a0310h |
mdsa2_n0415i1 | Mdsa2 n0415i1 |
mdsa2_s8030b1 | Mdsa2 s8030b1 |
mdsa2_s9002d | Mdsa2 s9002d |
mdsa2_o0400c1 | Mdsa2 o0400c1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400d_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400d title |
mdsa2_o0110h1a | Mdsa2 o0110h1a |
mdsa2_s0150 | Mdsa2 s0150 |
mdsa2_p0100c | Mdsa2 p0100c |
mdsa2_s6024c | Mdsa2 s6024c |
mdsa2_d0150c2 | Mdsa2 d0150c2 |
mdsa2_a1010f | Mdsa2 a1010f |
mdsa2_s6020c | Mdsa2 s6020c |
mdsa2_gg0170j2 | Mdsa2 gg0170j2 |
mdsa2_i6000 | Mdsa2 i6000 |
mdsa2_o0400d2 | Mdsa2 o0400d2 |
mdsa2_s3305b | Mdsa2 s3305b |
mdsa2_c0900b | Mdsa2 c0900b |
mdsa2_s8010a1 | Mdsa2 s8010a1 |
mdsa2_s6220 | Mdsa2 s6220 |
mdsa2_d0150g1 | Mdsa2 d0150g1 |
mdsa2_i4300 | Mdsa2 i4300 |
mdsa2_s4010b | Mdsa2 s4010b |
mdsa2_s9085a | Mdsa2 s9085a |
mdsa2_o0110d1a | Mdsa2 o0110d1a |
mdsa2_a1250c | Mdsa2 a1250c |
mdsa2_o0425c5 | Mdsa2 o0425c5 |
mdsa2_gg0130e5 | Mdsa2 gg0130e5 |
mdsa2_s8040b2 | Mdsa2 s8040b2 |
mdsa2_s2016 | Mdsa2 s2016 |
mdsa2_s8020c2 | Mdsa2 s8020c2 |
mdsa2_s1200a | Mdsa2 s1200a |
mdsa2_n0415e1 | Mdsa2 n0415e1 |
mdsa2_s9085d | Mdsa2 s9085d |
mdsa2_k0200a | Mdsa2 k0200a |
mdsa2_gg0170k3 | Mdsa2 gg0170k3 |
mdsa2_d0500i1 | Mdsa2 d0500i1 |
mdsa2_s9120 | Mdsa2 s9120 |
mdsa2_j2610 | Mdsa2 j2610 |
mdsa2_s4510e | Mdsa2 s4510e |
mdsa2_d0200h1 | D0200h1 |
mdsa2_o0110h10a | Mdsa2 o0110h10a |
mdsa2_v0200a17a | Mdsa2 v0200a17a |
mdsa2_s6100f2 | Mdsa2 s6100f2 |
mdsa2_z0200c | Mdsa2 z0200c |
mdsa2_s5010d1 | Mdsa2 s5010d1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400f_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400f title |
mdsa2_a0100b | Mdsa2 a0100b |
mdsa2_j1900b | Mdsa2 j1900b |
mdsa2_d0300 | Mdsa2 d0300 |
mdsa2_o0110o3c | Mdsa2 o0110o3c |
mdsa2_s0123 | Mdsa2 s0123 |
mdsa2_gg0170f2 | Mdsa2 gg0170f2 |
mdsa2_i2300 | Mdsa2 i2300 |
mdsa2_q0110b | Mdsa2 q0110b |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_empnum | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl empnum |
mdsa2_s1100g | Mdsa2 s1100g |
mdsa2_s6304d | Mdsa2 s6304d |
mdsa2_gg0170l1 | Mdsa2 gg0170l1 |
mdsa2_s8040b3 | Mdsa2 s8040b3 |
mdsa2_s8000c2 | Mdsa2 s8000c2 |
mdsa2_j0800b | Mdsa2 j0800b |
mdsa2_k0510a2 | K0510a2 |
mdsa2_s6020y | Mdsa2 s6020y |
mdsa2_k0520z2 | Mdsa2 k0520z2 |
mdsa2_gg0170c2 | Mdsa2 gg0170c2 |
mdsa2_s8040c3 | Mdsa2 s8040c3 |
mdsa2_b0100 | Mdsa2 b0100 |
mdsa2_d0200e1 | D0200e1 |
mdsa2_cmi_set_for_recalc_z0250a | Mdsa2 cmi set for recalc z0250a |
mdsa2_k0710b3 | Mdsa2 k0710b3 |
mdsa2_s8512b | Mdsa2 s8512b |
mdsa2_o0100a2 | O0100a2 |
mdsa2_a2300 | Mdsa2 a2300 |
mdsa2_m1040g | Mdsa2 m1040g |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_12 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 12 |
mdsa2_gg0170b5 | Mdsa2 gg0170b5 |
mdsa2_gg0170c1 | Mdsa2 gg0170c1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400h_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400h title |
mdsa2_o0110a1b | Mdsa2 o0110a1b |
mdsa2_p0200f | Mdsa2 p0200f |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400f_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400f sections |
mdsa2_o0110c3a | Mdsa2 o0110c3a |
mdsa2_x1100b | Mdsa2 x1100b |
mdsa2_v0200a09b | Mdsa2 v0200a09b |
mdsa2_s8010i3 | Mdsa2 s8010i3 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400e_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400e sig |
mdsa2_v0200a20b | Mdsa2 v0200a20b |
mdsa2_s5010h1 | Mdsa2 s5010h1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_02 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 02 |
mdsa2_b0800 | Mdsa2 b0800 |
mdsa2_h0600 | Mdsa2 h0600 |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_flag | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact flag |
mdsa2_gg0170g3 | Mdsa2 gg0170g3 |
mdsa2_k0520b2 | Mdsa2 k0520b2 |
mdsa2_medicare_rug3_hier_version | Mdsa2 medicare rug3 hier version |
mdsa2_o0110k1b | Mdsa2 o0110k1b |
mdsa2_k0520z4 | Mdsa2 k0520z4 |
mdsa2_s0180 | Mdsa2 s0180 |
mdsa2_f0800h | Mdsa2 f0800h |
mdsa2_s3100g | Mdsa2 s3100g |
mdsa2_s8030c | Mdsa2 s8030c |
mdsa2_s6100d | Mdsa2 s6100d |
mdsa2_gg0130a2 | Mdsa2 gg0130a2 |
mdsa2_m1040e | Mdsa2 m1040e |
mdsa2_o0100z2 | O0100z2 |
mdsa2_a1550e | Mdsa2 a1550e |
mdsa2_v0100f | Mdsa2 v0100f |
mdsa2_cpsi_x1050z_rsn | Mdsa2 cpsi x1050z rsn |
mdsa2_j2000 | Mdsa2 j2000 |
mdsa2_j0410 | Mdsa2 j0410 |
mdsa2_o0400b1 | Mdsa2 o0400b1 |
mdsa2_k0100c | Mdsa2 k0100c |
mdsa2_f0700 | Mdsa2 f0700 |
mdsa2_s6051a | Mdsa2 s6051a |
mdsa2_s8020a2 | Mdsa2 s8020a2 |
mdsa2_a1250x | Mdsa2 a1250x |
mdsa2_s3305y | Mdsa2 s3305y |
mdsa2_x0700a | Mdsa2 x0700a |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400b_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400b title |
mdsa2_s5000 | Mdsa2 s5000 |
mdsa2_cpsi_v0200c1 | Mdsa2 cpsi v0200c1 |
mdsa2_a2105 | Mdsa2 a2105 |
mdsa2_s9000 | Mdsa2 s9000 |
mdsa2_q0110c | Mdsa2 q0110c |
mdsa2_d0200i2 | D0200i2 |
mdsa2_facility_provider_internal_id | Mdsa2 facility provider internal id |
mdsa2_gg0120c | Mdsa2 gg0120c |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_aseq | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl aseq |
mdsa2_m1200e | Mdsa2 m1200e |
mdsa2_d0500d2 | Mdsa2 d0500d2 |
mdsa2_a1510b | Mdsa2 a1510b |
mdsa2_a1110a | Mdsa2 a1110a |
mdsa2_v0200a12b | Mdsa2 v0200a12b |
mdsa2_o0110e1b | Mdsa2 o0110e1b |
mdsa2_a1010a | Mdsa2 a1010a |
mdsa2_s6000 | Mdsa2 s6000 |
mdsa2_z0100b | Mdsa2 z0100b |
mdsa2_s9040e | Mdsa2 s9040e |
mdsa2_m0300f2 | Mdsa2 m0300f2 |
mdsa2_c1310b | Mdsa2 c1310b |
mdsa2_s0600c | Mdsa2 s0600c |
mdsa2_s3100a | Mdsa2 s3100a |
mdsa2_f0800g | Mdsa2 f0800g |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_locked_empnum | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt locked empnum |
mdsa2_gg0170k1 | Mdsa2 gg0170k1 |
mdsa2_itm_set_vrsn_cd | Mdsa2 itm set vrsn cd |
mdsa2_s1210c | Mdsa2 s1210c |
mdsa2_s6302 | Mdsa2 s6302 |
mdsa2_e0500c | Mdsa2 e0500c |
mdsa2_s3310d | Mdsa2 s3310d |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_05 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 05 |
mdsa2_j1700c | Mdsa2 j1700c |
mdsa2_q0610a | Mdsa2 q0610a |
mdsa2_d0200g2 | D0200g2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400f_sig | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400f sig |
mdsa2_p0100a | Mdsa2 p0100a |
mdsa2_s5010i2 | Mdsa2 s5010i2 |
mdsa2_s5010c2 | Mdsa2 s5010c2 |
mdsa2_v0200a04a | Mdsa2 v0200a04a |
mdsa2_i3300 | Mdsa2 i3300 |
mdsa2_cmi_value_for_z0200a | Mdsa2 cmi value for z0200a |
mdsa2_s3310z | Mdsa2 s3310z |
mdsa2_s0172c | Mdsa2 s0172c |
mdsa2_s8040d1 | Mdsa2 s8040d1 |
mdsa2_o0400a5 | Mdsa2 o0400a5 |
mdsa2_m0300b2 | Mdsa2 m0300b2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_14 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 14 |
mdsa2_hicn_mbi_ind | Mdsa2 hicn mbi ind |
mdsa2_g0110h1 | G0110h1 |
mdsa2_m1040h | Mdsa2 m1040h |
mdsa2_o0100h1 | O0100h1 |
mdsa2_s1210d | Mdsa2 s1210d |
mdsa2_v0200a16b | Mdsa2 v0200a16b |
mdsa2_x0800 | Mdsa2 x0800 |
mdsa2_d0200c2 | D0200c2 |
mdsa2_q0310a | Mdsa2 q0310a |
mdsa2_gg0170d2 | Mdsa2 gg0170d2 |
mdsa2_s0170b | Mdsa2 s0170b |
mdsa2_a1550c | Mdsa2 a1550c |
mdsa2_f0800s | Mdsa2 f0800s |
mdsa2_s0501 | Mdsa2 s0501 |
mdsa2_e1100 | Mdsa2 e1100 |
mdsa2_gg0170p3 | Mdsa2 gg0170p3 |
mdsa2_s6050 | Mdsa2 s6050 |
mdsa2_gg0170m3 | Mdsa2 gg0170m3 |
mdsa2_a1010j | Mdsa2 a1010j |
mdsa2_k0520a1 | Mdsa2 k0520a1 |
mdsa2_a2122c | Mdsa2 a2122c |
mdsa2_e1000a | Mdsa2 e1000a |
mdsa2_s6023b | Mdsa2 s6023b |
mdsa2_s1100e | Mdsa2 s1100e |
mdsa2_z0250a | Mdsa2 z0250a |
mdsa2_o0400c3 | Mdsa2 o0400c3 |
mdsa2_q0400a | Mdsa2 q0400a |
mdsa2_s0115 | Mdsa2 s0115 |
mdsa2_a0800 | Mdsa2 a0800 |
mdsa2_o0300a | Mdsa2 o0300a |
mdsa2_i1300 | Mdsa2 i1300 |
mdsa2_a0600b | Mdsa2 a0600b |
mdsa2_s2010 | Mdsa2 s2010 |
mdsa2_o0110d3c | Mdsa2 o0110d3c |
mdsa2_gg0130i3 | Mdsa2 gg0130i3 |
mdsa2_a0100c | Mdsa2 a0100c |
mdsa2_o0110b1a | Mdsa2 o0110b1a |
mdsa2_x0900z | Mdsa2 x0900z |
mdsa2_a1005c | Mdsa2 a1005c |
mdsa2_s1000 | Mdsa2 s1000 |
mdsa2_s9080e | Mdsa2 s9080e |
mdsa2_i5500 | Mdsa2 i5500 |
mdsa2_gg0170s2 | Mdsa2 gg0170s2 |
mdsa2_s6201 | Mdsa2 s6201 |
mdsa2_o0420 | Mdsa2 o0420 |
mdsa2_d0150a1 | Mdsa2 d0150a1 |
mdsa2_a2400a | Mdsa2 a2400a |
mdsa2_v0200a07b | Mdsa2 v0200a07b |
mdsa2_m1030 | Mdsa2 m1030 |
mdsa2_s7500e | Mdsa2 s7500e |
mdsa2_i8000b | Mdsa2 i8000b |
mdsa2_o0500f | Mdsa2 o0500f |
mdsa2_s0600e | Mdsa2 s0600e |
mdsa2_i0100 | Mdsa2 i0100 |
mdsa2_a0500d | Mdsa2 a0500d |
mdsa2_s1200d | Mdsa2 s1200d |
mdsa2_i5350 | Mdsa2 i5350 |
mdsa2_o0110j3c | Mdsa2 o0110j3c |
mdsa2_o0110e1c | Mdsa2 o0110e1c |
mdsa2_j2510 | Mdsa2 j2510 |
mdsa2_m0150 | Mdsa2 m0150 |
mdsa2_p0100b | Mdsa2 p0100b |
mdsa2_p0200e | Mdsa2 p0200e |
mdsa2_v0200a06b | Mdsa2 v0200a06b |
mdsa2_s8020c3 | Mdsa2 s8020c3 |
mdsa2_i8000i | Mdsa2 i8000i |
mdsa2_gg0170ss1 | Mdsa2 gg0170ss1 |
mdsa2_gg0130i5 | Mdsa2 gg0130i5 |
mdsa2_o0500d | Mdsa2 o0500d |
mdsa2_o0110a10c | Mdsa2 o0110a10c |
mdsa2_s2001 | Mdsa2 s2001 |
mdsa2_o0110g1b | Mdsa2 o0110g1b |
mdsa2_cpsi_ins_end_date | Mdsa2 cpsi ins end date |
mdsa2_s7002 | Mdsa2 s7002 |
mdsa2_f0400f | Mdsa2 f0400f |
mdsa2_gg0170a5 | Mdsa2 gg0170a5 |
mdsa2_i4000 | Mdsa2 i4000 |
mdsa2_q0500b | Mdsa2 q0500b |
mdsa2_o0110i1b | Mdsa2 o0110i1b |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_17 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 17 |
mdsa2_a1510a | Mdsa2 a1510a |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400h_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400h section date |
mdsa2_s1200i | Mdsa2 s1200i |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_emptype | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl emptype |
mdsa2_gg0170e3 | Mdsa2 gg0170e3 |
mdsa2_state_cd | Mdsa2 state cd |
mdsa2_medicare_rug3_idx_max_cmi_set | Mdsa2 medicare rug3 idx max cmi set |
mdsa2_s8050a2 | Mdsa2 s8050a2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400k_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400k title |
mdsa2_s8010z | Mdsa2 s8010z |
mdsa2_s3315y | Mdsa2 s3315y |
mdsa2_q0550c | Mdsa2 q0550c |
mdsa2_k0100a | Mdsa2 k0100a |
mdsa2_d0150b1 | Mdsa2 d0150b1 |
mdsa2_n0415j2 | Mdsa2 n0415j2 |
mdsa2_s0173 | Mdsa2 s0173 |
mdsa2_s8521b | Mdsa2 s8521b |
mdsa2_g0110b2 | G0110b2 |
mdsa2_v0200a11a | Mdsa2 v0200a11a |
mdsa2_s6053b | Mdsa2 s6053b |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400c_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400c sections |
mdsa2_o0110j1a | Mdsa2 o0110j1a |
mdsa2_b0700 | Mdsa2 b0700 |
mdsa2_gg0130h3 | Mdsa2 gg0130h3 |
mdsa2_s8000d1 | Mdsa2 s8000d1 |
mdsa2_a0900 | A0900 |
mdsa2_gg0170rr1 | Mdsa2 gg0170rr1 |
mdsa2_e0200c | Mdsa2 e0200c |
mdsa2_gg0110z | Mdsa2 gg0110z |
mdsa2_s6300 | Mdsa2 s6300 |
mdsa2_o0100d1 | O0100d1 |
mdsa2_s9002e | Mdsa2 s9002e |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400e_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400e section date |
mdsa2_a0410 | Mdsa2 a0410 |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_logname | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact logname |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400c_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400c title |
mdsa2_gg0170i3 | Mdsa2 gg0170i3 |
mdsa2_o0500j | Mdsa2 o0500j |
mdsa2_b0600 | Mdsa2 b0600 |
mdsa2_x0150 | Mdsa2 x0150 |
mdsa2_gg0170g1 | Mdsa2 gg0170g1 |
mdsa2_resident_internal_id | Mdsa2 resident internal id |
mdsa2_a1550z | Mdsa2 a1550z |
mdsa2_o0110o2c | Mdsa2 o0110o2c |
mdsa2_gg0170q5 | Mdsa2 gg0170q5 |
mdsa2_gg0130g5 | Mdsa2 gg0130g5 |
mdsa2_i4500 | Mdsa2 i4500 |
mdsa2_m1200c | Mdsa2 m1200c |
mdsa2_s6210 | Mdsa2 s6210 |
mdsa2_cpsi_v0200b1 | Mdsa2 cpsi v0200b1 |
mdsa2_l0200d | Mdsa2 l0200d |
mdsa2_h0100a | Mdsa2 h0100a |
mdsa2_n0450d | Mdsa2 n0450d |
mdsa2_j1400 | Mdsa2 j1400 |
mdsa2_s8055 | Mdsa2 s8055 |
mdsa2_j0600a | Mdsa2 j0600a |
mdsa2_s1210a | Mdsa2 s1210a |
mdsa2_l0200a | Mdsa2 l0200a |
mdsa2_s1100f | Mdsa2 s1100f |
mdsa2_s1210h | Mdsa2 s1210h |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400j_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400j section date |
mdsa2_gg0110d | Mdsa2 gg0110d |
mdsa2_j1100c | Mdsa2 j1100c |
mdsa2_k0200b | Mdsa2 k0200b |
mdsa2_c0300b | Mdsa2 c0300b |
mdsa2_j1550c | Mdsa2 j1550c |
mdsa2_gg0130e2 | Mdsa2 gg0130e2 |
mdsa2_s8010g | Mdsa2 s8010g |
mdsa2_s0172d | Mdsa2 s0172d |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_08 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 08 |
mdsa2_f0500e | Mdsa2 f0500e |
mdsa2_q0110d | Mdsa2 q0110d |
mdsa2_gg0130b1 | Mdsa2 gg0130b1 |
mdsa2_a0310b | Mdsa2 a0310b |
mdsa2_s6304c | Mdsa2 s6304c |
mdsa2_a1600 | Mdsa2 a1600 |
mdsa2_s8010h3 | Mdsa2 s8010h3 |
mdsa2_s4010e | Mdsa2 s4010e |
mdsa2_o0110o1b | Mdsa2 o0110o1b |
mdsa2_gg0130g3 | Mdsa2 gg0130g3 |
mdsa2_s0113 | Mdsa2 s0113 |
mdsa2_a1700 | Mdsa2 a1700 |
mdsa2_s8050b | Mdsa2 s8050b |
mdsa2_s0600a | Mdsa2 s0600a |
mdsa2_s6305a | Mdsa2 s6305a |
mdsa2_a1300b | Mdsa2 a1300b |
mdsa2_s3310a | Mdsa2 s3310a |
mdsa2_i6300 | Mdsa2 i6300 |
mdsa2_gg0170s1 | Mdsa2 gg0170s1 |
mdsa2_gg0115a | Mdsa2 gg0115a |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_19 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 19 |
mdsa2_j2810 | Mdsa2 j2810 |
mdsa2_d0500e2 | Mdsa2 d0500e2 |
mdsa2_o0400c2 | Mdsa2 o0400c2 |
mdsa2_f0400a | Mdsa2 f0400a |
mdsa2_c_ccn_num | Mdsa2 c ccn num |
mdsa2_e0100b | Mdsa2 e0100b |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400k_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400k section date |
mdsa2_j1700b | Mdsa2 j1700b |
mdsa2_s8010e1 | Mdsa2 s8010e1 |
mdsa2_x0300 | Mdsa2 x0300 |
mdsa2_s8512a | Mdsa2 s8512a |
mdsa2_j0510 | Mdsa2 j0510 |
mdsa2_j2320 | Mdsa2 j2320 |
mdsa2_s3200a | Mdsa2 s3200a |
mdsa2_o0100h2 | O0100h2 |
mdsa2_fac_doc_id | Mdsa2 fac doc id |
mdsa2_s7500g | Mdsa2 s7500g |
mdsa2_gg0120z | Mdsa2 gg0120z |
mdsa2_s8050d | Mdsa2 s8050d |
mdsa2_f0500d | Mdsa2 f0500d |
mdsa2_s2050 | Mdsa2 s2050 |
mdsa2_s9040g | Mdsa2 s9040g |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_12 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 12 |
mdsa2_f0800q | Mdsa2 f0800q |
mdsa2_s6303a | Mdsa2 s6303a |
mdsa2_m1200i | Mdsa2 m1200i |
mdsa2_a1300a | Mdsa2 a1300a |
mdsa2_k0520a2 | Mdsa2 k0520a2 |
mdsa2_m0300b1 | Mdsa2 m0300b1 |
mdsa2_o0425a2 | Mdsa2 o0425a2 |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_adate | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact adate |
mdsa2_s9020 | Mdsa2 s9020 |
mdsa2_d0500h2 | Mdsa2 d0500h2 |
mdsa2_s0515 | Mdsa2 s0515 |
mdsa2_x1100a | Mdsa2 x1100a |
mdsa2_i4400 | Mdsa2 i4400 |
mdsa2_v0200a02b | Mdsa2 v0200a02b |
mdsa2_x1050a | Mdsa2 x1050a |
mdsa2_s0101 | Mdsa2 s0101 |
mdsa2_o0110b1c | Mdsa2 o0110b1c |
mdsa2_gg0170j5 | Mdsa2 gg0170j5 |
mdsa2_a2124a | Mdsa2 a2124a |
mdsa2_j2600 | Mdsa2 j2600 |
mdsa2_n0415a2 | Mdsa2 n0415a2 |
mdsa2_gg0170b1 | Mdsa2 gg0170b1 |
mdsa2_k0510z1 | K0510z1 |
mdsa2_s6052 | Mdsa2 s6052 |
mdsa2_a1500 | Mdsa2 a1500 |
mdsa2_f0800o | Mdsa2 f0800o |
mdsa2_gg0170r5 | Mdsa2 gg0170r5 |
mdsa2_a1005a | Mdsa2 a1005a |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400b_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400b sections |
mdsa2_d0150g2 | Mdsa2 d0150g2 |
mdsa2_o0425b5 | Mdsa2 o0425b5 |
mdsa2_s8000a3 | Mdsa2 s8000a3 |
mdsa2_x0700b | Mdsa2 x0700b |
mdsa2_o0425a5 | Mdsa2 o0425a5 |
mdsa2_recalculated_z0100a | Mdsa2 recalculated z0100a |
mdsa2_a2400c | Mdsa2 a2400c |
mdsa2_m0300a | Mdsa2 m0300a |
mdsa2_g0110a2 | G0110a2 |
mdsa2_a1250b | Mdsa2 a1250b |
mdsa2_s6020a | Mdsa2 s6020a |
mdsa2_a1010y | Mdsa2 a1010y |
mdsa2_submission_date | Mdsa2 submission date |
mdsa2_o0110f1a | Mdsa2 o0110f1a |
mdsa2_s9003 | Mdsa2 s9003 |
mdsa2_s1200f | Mdsa2 s1200f |
mdsa2_d0500j1 | Mdsa2 d0500j1 |
mdsa2_j2800 | Mdsa2 j2800 |
mdsa2_s1210g | Mdsa2 s1210g |
mdsa2_x0200c | Mdsa2 x0200c |
mdsa2_sftwr_vndr_name | Mdsa2 sftwr vndr name |
mdsa2_o0110j1c | Mdsa2 o0110j1c |
mdsa2_h0400 | Mdsa2 h0400 |
mdsa2_f0800b | Mdsa2 f0800b |
mdsa2_s8010a3 | Mdsa2 s8010a3 |
mdsa2_c0900d | Mdsa2 c0900d |
mdsa2_s6205 | Mdsa2 s6205 |
mdsa2_o0400b6 | Mdsa2 o0400b6 |
mdsa2_c0400c | Mdsa2 c0400c |
mdsa2_gg0170j3 | Mdsa2 gg0170j3 |
mdsa2_a1010h | Mdsa2 a1010h |
mdsa2_i8000e | Mdsa2 i8000e |
mdsa2_gg0170n3 | Mdsa2 gg0170n3 |
mdsa2_a1010c | Mdsa2 a1010c |
mdsa2_s8000d3 | Mdsa2 s8000d3 |
mdsa2_j2599 | Mdsa2 j2599 |
mdsa2_l0200z | Mdsa2 l0200z |
mdsa2_o0110a10a | Mdsa2 o0110a10a |
mdsa2_x0600a | Mdsa2 x0600a |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_time | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl time |
mdsa2_m1200g | Mdsa2 m1200g |
mdsa2_mod_outside_spec_date | Mdsa2 mod outside spec date |
mdsa2_v0200a13b | Mdsa2 v0200a13b |
mdsa2_p0100h | Mdsa2 p0100h |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_time | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact time |
mdsa2_h0500 | Mdsa2 h0500 |
mdsa2_p0200c | Mdsa2 p0200c |
mdsa2_s4000d | Mdsa2 s4000d |
mdsa2_s8030b2 | Mdsa2 s8030b2 |
mdsa2_a0500c | Mdsa2 a0500c |
mdsa2_d0500c2 | Mdsa2 d0500c2 |
mdsa2_o0110z1b | Mdsa2 o0110z1b |
mdsa2_s8010g1 | Mdsa2 s8010g1 |
mdsa2_gg0170a3 | Mdsa2 gg0170a3 |
mdsa2_n0450b | Mdsa2 n0450b |
mdsa2_gg0130f3 | Mdsa2 gg0130f3 |
mdsa2_s0165a | Mdsa2 s0165a |
mdsa2_m1200b | Mdsa2 m1200b |
mdsa2_j0850 | Mdsa2 j0850 |
mdsa2_s8020c1 | Mdsa2 s8020c1 |
mdsa2_l0200f | Mdsa2 l0200f |
mdsa2_j2400 | Mdsa2 j2400 |
mdsa2_f0500b | Mdsa2 f0500b |
mdsa2_j2500 | Mdsa2 j2500 |
mdsa2_h0100c | Mdsa2 h0100c |
mdsa2_o0400a3 | Mdsa2 o0400a3 |
mdsa2_s6060a | Mdsa2 s6060a |
mdsa2_c0400a | Mdsa2 c0400a |
mdsa2_s0175 | Mdsa2 s0175 |
mdsa2_s6304i | Mdsa2 s6304i |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400g_section_date | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400g section date |
mdsa2_a1010n | Mdsa2 a1010n |
mdsa2_s1003 | Mdsa2 s1003 |
mdsa2_e0900 | Mdsa2 e0900 |
mdsa2_s8030a1 | Mdsa2 s8030a1 |
mdsa2_x0200a | Mdsa2 x0200a |
mdsa2_gg0170i1 | Mdsa2 gg0170i1 |
mdsa2_gg0130g1 | Mdsa2 gg0130g1 |
mdsa2_j1100a | Mdsa2 j1100a |
mdsa2_s0172g | Mdsa2 s0172g |
mdsa2_x0900b | Mdsa2 x0900b |
mdsa2_s8040a3 | Mdsa2 s8040a3 |
mdsa2_cpsi_sub_blt_time | Mdsa2 cpsi sub blt time |
mdsa2_gg0170ss3 | Mdsa2 gg0170ss3 |
mdsa2_s0172b | Mdsa2 s0172b |
mdsa2_o0100z1 | O0100z1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_locked_date | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt locked date |
mdsa2_d0500f1 | Mdsa2 d0500f1 |
mdsa2_s9002h | Mdsa2 s9002h |
mdsa2_s4010a | Mdsa2 s4010a |
mdsa2_k0520b1 | Mdsa2 k0520b1 |
mdsa2_j0800d | Mdsa2 j0800d |
mdsa2_cpsi_asmt_jl_empcomp | Mdsa2 cpsi asmt jl empcomp |
mdsa2_f0400e | Mdsa2 f0400e |
mdsa2_a0300b | A0300b |
mdsa2_s0170h | Mdsa2 s0170h |
mdsa2_v0200a15a | Mdsa2 v0200a15a |
mdsa2_s9040d1 | Mdsa2 s9040d1 |
mdsa2_s0185 | Mdsa2 s0185 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_08 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 08 |
mdsa2_n2003 | Mdsa2 n2003 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0300b | Mdsa2 cpsi z0300b |
mdsa2_o0100j1 | O0100j1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400k_sections | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400k sections |
mdsa2_s9002g | Mdsa2 s9002g |
mdsa2_o0110c1c | Mdsa2 o0110c1c |
mdsa2_gg0170m1 | Mdsa2 gg0170m1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_01 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 01 |
mdsa2_o0110h4a | Mdsa2 o0110h4a |
mdsa2_q0490 | Mdsa2 q0490 |
mdsa2_f0800z | Mdsa2 f0800z |
mdsa2_s0513 | Mdsa2 s0513 |
mdsa2_s6020d | Mdsa2 s6020d |
mdsa2_recalculated_z0250a | Mdsa2 recalculated z0250a |
mdsa2_v0200a01a | Mdsa2 v0200a01a |
mdsa2_gg0120a | Mdsa2 gg0120a |
mdsa2_s5010g1 | Mdsa2 s5010g1 |
mdsa2_s8010b2 | Mdsa2 s8010b2 |
mdsa2_i1550 | Mdsa2 i1550 |
mdsa2_s3300 | Mdsa2 s3300 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_19 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 19 |
mdsa2_cpsi_sub_blt_flag | Mdsa2 cpsi sub blt flag |
mdsa2_spec_vrsn_cd | Mdsa2 spec vrsn cd |
mdsa2_i0020 | Mdsa2 i0020 |
mdsa2_s0165d | Mdsa2 s0165d |
mdsa2_c0100 | Mdsa2 c0100 |
mdsa2_s0170f | Mdsa2 s0170f |
mdsa2_m0300g2 | Mdsa2 m0300g2 |
mdsa2_d0200b1 | D0200b1 |
mdsa2_m0300d2 | Mdsa2 m0300d2 |
mdsa2_s3315d | Mdsa2 s3315d |
mdsa2_k0710a3 | Mdsa2 k0710a3 |
mdsa2_s5010a1 | Mdsa2 s5010a1 |
mdsa2_gg0170o1 | Mdsa2 gg0170o1 |
mdsa2_z0200a | Mdsa2 z0200a |
mdsa2_e1000b | Mdsa2 e1000b |
mdsa2_k0520d4 | Mdsa2 k0520d4 |
mdsa2_v0200a18a | Mdsa2 v0200a18a |
mdsa2_s0140 | Mdsa2 s0140 |
mdsa2_d0500a1 | Mdsa2 d0500a1 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_02 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 02 |
mdsa2_j1900a | Mdsa2 j1900a |
mdsa2_o0425c3 | Mdsa2 o0425c3 |
mdsa2_s6100f3 | Mdsa2 s6100f3 |
mdsa2_x0570b | X0570b |
mdsa2_j2930 | Mdsa2 j2930 |
mdsa2_o0400f2 | Mdsa2 o0400f2 |
mdsa2_i6100 | Mdsa2 i6100 |
mdsa2_i3700 | Mdsa2 i3700 |
mdsa2_k0510z2 | K0510z2 |
mdsa2_s1100d | Mdsa2 s1100d |
mdsa2_x0900c | Mdsa2 x0900c |
mdsa2_m0300e1 | Mdsa2 m0300e1 |
mdsa2_s5005 | Mdsa2 s5005 |
mdsa2_o0100i2 | O0100i2 |
mdsa2_recalculated_z0100b | Mdsa2 recalculated z0100b |
mdsa2_s8520b | Mdsa2 s8520b |
mdsa2_s8000b2 | Mdsa2 s8000b2 |
mdsa2_gg0130f1 | Mdsa2 gg0130f1 |
mdsa2_s9080b | Mdsa2 s9080b |
mdsa2_x0600h | Mdsa2 x0600h |
mdsa2_o0500b | Mdsa2 o0500b |
mdsa2_sftwr_vndr_id | Mdsa2 sftwr vndr id |
mdsa2_i5300 | Mdsa2 i5300 |
mdsa2_s8010d1 | Mdsa2 s8010d1 |
mdsa2_s2040 | Mdsa2 s2040 |
mdsa2_resident_match_criteria | Mdsa2 resident match criteria |
mdsa2_n0415g1 | Mdsa2 n0415g1 |
mdsa2_s3100e | Mdsa2 s3100e |
mdsa2_sftwr_prod_vrsn_cd | Mdsa2 sftwr prod vrsn cd |
mdsa2_gg0170s3 | Mdsa2 gg0170s3 |
mdsa2_s8015 | Mdsa2 s8015 |
mdsa2_k0310 | Mdsa2 k0310 |
mdsa2_n2001 | Mdsa2 n2001 |
mdsa2_s1200g | Mdsa2 s1200g |
mdsa2_s3305e | Mdsa2 s3305e |
mdsa2_cpsi_z0400a_title | Mdsa2 cpsi z0400a title |
mdsa2_o0100b1 | O0100b1 |
mdsa2_gg0100c | Mdsa2 gg0100c |
mdsa2_o0110j3a | Mdsa2 o0110j3a |
mdsa2_gg0170r3 | Mdsa2 gg0170r3 |
mdsa2_cpsi_mod_inact_aseq | Mdsa2 cpsi mod inact aseq |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_06 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 06 |
mdsa2_i5400 | Mdsa2 i5400 |
mdsa2_o0110h2c | Mdsa2 o0110h2c |
mdsa2_f0800m | Mdsa2 f0800m |
mdsa2_c0800 | Mdsa2 c0800 |
mdsa2_d0600 | Mdsa2 d0600 |
mdsa2_a1005y | Mdsa2 a1005y |
mdsa2_i6200 | Mdsa2 i6200 |
mdsa2_s0505 | Mdsa2 s0505 |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_date_10 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa date 10 |
mdsa2_i1500 | Mdsa2 i1500 |
mdsa2_d0500g1 | Mdsa2 d0500g1 |
mdsa2_s1100i | Mdsa2 s1100i |
mdsa2_b0300 | Mdsa2 b0300 |
mdsa2_gg0170b3 | Mdsa2 gg0170b3 |
mdsa2_s8010h1 | Mdsa2 s8010h1 |
mdsa2_s8010c1 | Mdsa2 s8010c1 |
mdsa2_d0150e1 | Mdsa2 d0150e1 |
mdsa2_n0415b2 | Mdsa2 n0415b2 |
mdsa2_k0100z | Mdsa2 k0100z |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_09 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 09 |
mdsa2_f0800t | Mdsa2 f0800t |
mdsa2_cpsi_caa_location_16 | Mdsa2 cpsi caa location 16 |
mdsa2_s6100a | Mdsa2 s6100a |
mdsa2_o0250a | Mdsa2 o0250a |
mdsa2_s8010f2 | Mdsa2 s8010f2 |
mdsa2_o0400c4 | Mdsa2 o0400c4 |
mdsa2_s8040c1 | Mdsa2 s8040c1 |
mdsa2_m0300c2 | Mdsa2 m0300c2 |
mdsa2_gg0130c2 | Mdsa2 gg0130c2 |
mdsa2_g0110i2 | G0110i2 |
mdsa2_s0200b | Mdsa2 s0200b |
mdsa2_k0520a4 | Mdsa2 k0520a4 |
mdsa2_i1100 | Mdsa2 i1100 |
mdsa2_n0415d2 | Mdsa2 n0415d2 |
mdsa2_j2530 | Mdsa2 j2530 |
Description: Mds 3 Assessments
Name | Description |
mdsa_m1200e | M1200e |
mdsa_m1040e | M1040e |
mdsa_cpsi_sub_blt_flag | Submission Built Flag |
mdsa_v0200a08b | V0200a08b |
mdsa_a0050 | A0050 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_14 | Cpsi care area assessment date 14 |
mdsa_f0500b | F0500b |
mdsa_m0300g2 | M0300g2 |
mdsa_s0120 | S0120 |
mdsa_v0200a12b | V0200a12b |
mdsa_x0700c | X0700c |
mdsa_f0500h | F0500h |
mdsa_i5300 | I5300 |
mdsa_d0200b1 | D0200b1 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_15 | Cpsi care area assessment location 15 |
mdsa_o0425b4 | Mdsa o0425b4 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400b_sig | Cpsi z0400b signature |
mdsa_o0500f | O0500f |
mdsa_c0300a | C0300a |
mdsa_a2400c | A2400c |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400j_title | Cpsi z0400j title |
mdsa_s8030b1 | S8030b1 |
mdsa_s0113 | Mdsa s0113 |
mdsa_gg0170c1 | Mdsa gg0170c1 |
mdsa_d0500d2 | D0500d2 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_15 | Cpsi care area assessment date 15 |
mdsa_gg0130g2 | Mdsa gg0130g2 |
mdsa_gg0130f2 | Mdsa gg0130f2 |
mdsa_s0170f | S0170f adv dir do not intubate |
mdsa_i8000g | I8000g |
mdsa_patnum | Patient number |
mdsa_gg0170p2 | Mdsa gg0170p2 |
mdsa_m1200f | M1200f |
mdsa_s6100a | S6100a |
mdsa_d0500a2 | D0500a2 |
mdsa_s8040z | S8040z |
mdsa_s3100a | S3100a |
mdsa_s1200z | S1200z |
mdsa_gg0110z | Mdsa gg0110z |
mdsa_s0170a | S0170a adv dir guardian |
mdsa_a0800 | A0800 |
mdsa_s3310c | Mdsa s3310c |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_04 | Cpsi care area assessment location 04 |
mdsa_cmi_value_for_recalc_z0100a | Cmi value for recalc z0100a |
mdsa_v0200a18b | V0200a18b |
mdsa_gg0170g3 | Mdsa gg0170g3 |
mdsa_g0110b1 | G0110b1 |
mdsa_s0170e | S0170e adv dir do not hospitalize |
mdsa_c0900d | C0900d |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_emptype | Cpsi assessment just liked employee type |
mdsa_s6100f3 | S6100f3 |
mdsa_s9140 | Mdsa s9140 |
mdsa_v0200a17a | V0200a17a |
mdsa_o0100k2 | O0100k2 |
mdsa_f0800s | F0800s |
mdsa_s8010f2 | S8010f2 |
mdsa_f0400h | F0400h |
mdsa_g0110a1 | G0110a1 |
mdsa_a1000c | A1000c |
mdsa_birthdate_submit_code | Birthdate submit code |
mdsa_a0100b | A0100b |
mdsa_o0300a | O0300a |
mdsa_state_pdpm_obra_cd | Mdsa state pdpm obra cd |
mdsa_e0200a | E0200a |
mdsa_cpsi_sub_blt_logname | Submission Built Logname |
mdsa_o0400b2 | O0400b2 |
mdsa_d0200e2 | D0200e2 |
mdsa_v0200c2 | V0200c2 |
mdsa_m0900c | M0900c |
mdsa_x0900d | X0900d |
mdsa_j2800 | Mdsa j2800 |
mdsa_o0500h | O0500h |
mdsa_gg0170rr1 | Mdsa gg0170rr1 |
mdsa_j2600 | Mdsa j2600 |
mdsa_gg0130e2 | Mdsa gg0130e2 |
mdsa_n0450a | Mdsa n0450a |
mdsa_gg0170k3 | Mdsa gg0170k3 |
mdsa_d0200c2 | D0200c2 |
mdsa_cmi_set_for_recalc_z0200a | Cmi set for recalc z0200a |
mdsa_spec_vrsn_cd | Spec vrsn cd |
mdsa_s0150 | S0150 |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_adate | Modification Inactivation Date |
mdsa_h0200a | H0200a |
mdsa_k0500a | K0500a |
mdsa_o0100z2 | O0100z2 |
mdsa_a2100 | A2100 |
mdsa_gg0130b5 | Mdsa gg0130b5 |
mdsa_gg0170m3 | Mdsa gg0170m3 |
mdsa_a1100a | A1100a |
mdsa_h0200c | H0200c |
mdsa_p0100c | P0100c |
mdsa_o0600 | O0600 |
mdsa_s5010d2 | S5010d2 |
mdsa_o0100f2 | O0100f2 |
mdsa_s2060c | Mdsa s2060c |
mdsa_gg0170b1 | Mdsa gg0170b1 |
mdsa_p0200d | Mdsa p0200d |
mdsa_s3100c | S3100c |
mdsa_d0500b1 | D0500b1 |
mdsa_s9040f | S9040f |
mdsa_a1510c | A1510c |
mdsa_medicare_rug3_idx_max_cmi_set | Medicare rug3 idx max cmi set |
mdsa_cpsi_z0300b | Cpsi z0300b |
mdsa_s0172h | S0172h goal disc not occur reason |
mdsa_a0310d | A0310d |
mdsa_medicare_rug3_idx_max_version | Medicare rug3 idx max version |
mdsa_v0200a03a | V0200a03a |
mdsa_m0300b1 | M0300b1 |
mdsa_v0100b | V0100b |
mdsa_m0610c | M0610c |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_02 | Cpsi care area assessment date 02 |
mdsa_d0200g1 | D0200g1 |
mdsa_n2001 | Mdsa n2001 |
mdsa_k0700b | K0700b |
mdsa_j2330 | Mdsa j2330 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0500a | Cpsi z0500a |
mdsa_z0500b | Z0500b |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400b_section_date | Cpsi z0400b section date |
mdsa_s4000c | S4000c |
mdsa_d0500h2 | D0500h2 |
mdsa_v0100a | V0100a |
mdsa_s8010h2 | S8010h2 |
mdsa_gg0170b3 | Mdsa gg0170b3 |
mdsa_s4510e | S4510e |
mdsa_prodn_test_cd | Prodn test cd |
mdsa_s8040c2 | S8040c2 |
mdsa_o0400f1 | O0400f1 |
mdsa_o0100e2 | O0100e2 |
mdsa_f0800l | F0800l |
mdsa_l0200g | L0200g |
mdsa_j1550c | J1550c |
mdsa_j1700c | J1700c |
mdsa_a0310g | A0310g |
mdsa_p0200b | Mdsa p0200b |
mdsa_x0600c | X0600c |
mdsa_k0100z | K0100z |
mdsa_a0500d | A0500d |
mdsa_s6211 | S6211 |
mdsa_recalculated_z0200c | Mdsa recalculated z0200c |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400a_section_date | Cpsi z0400a section date |
mdsa_x0600b | X0600b |
mdsa_g0400b | G0400b |
mdsa_s8521c | S8521c |
mdsa_x0100 | X0100 |
mdsa_c1300d | C1300d |
mdsa_asmt_seq | Assessment sequence number |
mdsa_k0710b1 | Mdsa k0710b1 |
mdsa_s6020a | Mdsa s6020a |
mdsa_s1100a | S1100a |
mdsa_k0310 | K0310 |
mdsa_n0400g | N0400g |
mdsa_o0430 | Mdsa o0430 |
mdsa_asmt_type | Assessment type |
mdsa_s0165z | Mdsa s0165z |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400l_sections | Cpsi z0400l sections |
mdsa_s3100h | S3100h |
mdsa_v0200a02a | V0200a02a |
mdsa_j2530 | Mdsa j2530 |
mdsa_i1550 | I1550 |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_locked_empnum | Cpsi assessment locked employee number |
mdsa_s0501 | S0501 |
mdsa_h0100c | H0100c |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_time | Cpsi assessment just liked time |
mdsa_g0600b | G0600b |
mdsa_s8000a1 | S8000a1 |
mdsa_mod_outside_spec_date | Mdsa mod outside spec date |
mdsa_gg0100d | Mdsa gg0100d |
mdsa_a1300d | A1300d |
mdsa_i3700 | I3700 |
mdsa_f0800a | F0800a |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_time | Modification Inactivation Time |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400d_sections | Cpsi z0400d sections |
mdsa_mds_fac_id | Mds fac id |
mdsa_s8000a2 | S8000a2 |
mdsa_s8030z | S8030z |
mdsa_a1500 | A1500 |
mdsa_o0700 | O0700 |
mdsa_gg0170c3 | Mdsa gg0170c3 |
mdsa_s6024c | Mdsa s6024c |
mdsa_s0111 | S0111 |
mdsa_gg0170q1 | Mdsa gg0170q1 |
mdsa_medicare_rug3_idx_max_cmi_val | Medicare rug3 idx max cmi val |
mdsa_gg0170m1 | Mdsa gg0170m1 |
mdsa_s0165d | Mdsa s0165d |
mdsa_c0300c | C0300c |
mdsa_v0200a10a | V0200a10a |
mdsa_s0172b | S0172b goal disc hospital |
mdsa_v0200a12a | V0200a12a |
mdsa_s2016 | S2016 |
mdsa_k0200a | K0200a |
mdsa_p0100h | P0100h |
mdsa_m0800a | M0800a |
mdsa_o0500d | O0500d |
mdsa_s2060z | Mdsa s2060z |
mdsa_h0300 | H0300 |
mdsa_s8050c | S8050c |
mdsa_m1200c | M1200c |
mdsa_e0100b | E0100b |
mdsa_o0400c2 | O0400c2 |
mdsa_m1040h | M1040h |
mdsa_a1700 | A1700 |
mdsa_j2900 | Mdsa j2900 |
mdsa_z0100c | Z0100c |
mdsa_j2710 | Mdsa j2710 |
mdsa_p0100e | P0100e |
mdsa_x0900a | X0900a |
mdsa_j0600b | J0600b |
mdsa_s2010 | S2010 |
mdsa_m1040g | M1040g |
mdsa_m0300d2 | M0300d2 |
mdsa_facility_provider_internal_id | Facility provider internal id |
mdsa_gg0170f1 | Mdsa gg0170f1 |
mdsa_a1000e | A1000e |
mdsa_o0400b3a | Mdsa o0400b3a |
mdsa_a0900 | A0900 |
mdsa_j2700 | Mdsa j2700 |
mdsa_s0170c | S0170c adv dir living will |
mdsa_s0514 | Mdsa s0514 |
mdsa_s8020a2 | S8020a2 |
mdsa_o0250b | O0250b |
mdsa_g0600d | G0600d |
mdsa_s0161b | Mdsa s0161b |
mdsa_recalculated_z0100b | Recalculated z0100b |
mdsa_j1400 | J1400 |
mdsa_z0150b | Z0150b |
mdsa_j0800b | J0800b |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400h_title | Cpsi z0400h title |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_aseq | Cpsi assessment just liked asequence |
mdsa_x0570a | Mdsa x0570a |
mdsa_s0161c | Mdsa s0161c |
mdsa_f0400f | F0400f |
mdsa_gg0170k5 | Mdsa gg0170k5 |
mdsa_s8010c2 | S8010c2 |
mdsa_gg0110b | Mdsa gg0110b |
mdsa_s0153 | Mdsa s0153 |
mdsa_s1210e | Mdsa s1210e |
mdsa_s3305d | Mdsa s3305d |
mdsa_s1100e | S1100e |
mdsa_gg0130b3 | Mdsa gg0130b3 |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_atype | Cpsi assessment just liked atype |
mdsa_c1300b | C1300b |
mdsa_s8020c2 | S8020c2 |
mdsa_gg0170s1 | Mdsa gg0170s1 |
mdsa_gg0170n1 | Mdsa gg0170n1 |
mdsa_e1000a | E1000a |
mdsa_k0500c | K0500c |
mdsa_n0350a | N0350a |
mdsa_gg0170j2 | Mdsa gg0170j2 |
mdsa_cpsi_sub_blt_time | Submission Built Time |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400h_section_date | Cpsi z0400h section date |
mdsa_g0110j2 | G0110j2 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400f_section_date | Cpsi z0400f section date |
mdsa_z0250a | Z0250a |
mdsa_o0100b2 | O0100b2 |
mdsa_s2050 | S2050 |
mdsa_x0200a | X0200a |
mdsa_s6051c | S6051c |
mdsa_s8000b3 | S8000b3 |
mdsa_s5010f2 | S5010f2 |
mdsa_j2699 | Mdsa j2699 |
mdsa_o0100j2 | O0100j2 |
mdsa_k0100b | K0100b |
mdsa_i6500 | I6500 |
mdsa_s9002g | S9002g |
mdsa_gg0170a3 | Mdsa gg0170a3 |
mdsa_s1200b | S1200b |
mdsa_i8000b | I8000b |
mdsa_s3305a | Mdsa s3305a |
mdsa_k0710a2 | Mdsa k0710a2 |
mdsa_c0700 | C0700 |
mdsa_s8000c3 | S8000c3 |
mdsa_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsa_e0500c | E0500c |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_date | Cpsi assessment just liked date |
mdsa_m0300g1 | M0300g1 |
mdsa_s4000a | S4000a |
mdsa_i1200 | I1200 |
mdsa_o0425c1 | Mdsa o0425c1 |
mdsa_f0800j | F0800j |
mdsa_s4510b | S4510b |
mdsa_s3310a | Mdsa s3310a |
mdsa_submitting_user_id | Submitting user id |
mdsa_i5700 | I5700 |
mdsa_gg0130b2 | Mdsa gg0130b2 |
mdsa_s2060e | Mdsa s2060e |
mdsa_q0600 | Q0600 |
mdsa_s8040d2 | S8040d2 |
mdsa_c0900b | C0900b |
mdsa_s9002d | S9002d |
mdsa_f0800q | F0800q |
mdsa_m0100z | M0100z |
mdsa_s0520 | S0520 |
mdsa_e0800 | E0800 |
mdsa_k0510d2 | K0510d2 |
mdsa_q0490 | Q0490 |
mdsa_j0100c | J0100c |
mdsa_s6200 | S6200 |
mdsa_x0700b | X0700b |
mdsa_j1300 | J1300 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_09 | Cpsi care area assessment date 09 |
mdsa_gg0130a2 | Mdsa gg0130a2 |
mdsa_s0172a | S0172a goal disc documentation received |
mdsa_gg0130h2 | Mdsa gg0130h2 |
mdsa_i0100 | I0100 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400l_title | Cpsi z0400l title |
mdsa_gg0170h3 | Mdsa gg0170h3 |
mdsa_o0400b3 | O0400b3 |
mdsa_a1550a | A1550a |
mdsa_n0450b | Mdsa n0450b |
mdsa_c0800 | C0800 |
mdsa_m0610a | M0610a |
mdsa_m0150 | M0150 |
mdsa_q0500a | Q0500a |
mdsa_j2910 | Mdsa j2910 |
mdsa_s6005 | S6005 |
mdsa_o0425c3 | Mdsa o0425c3 |
mdsa_v0200a15b | V0200a15b |
mdsa_s0600c | Mdsa s0600c |
mdsa_s0185 | Mdsa s0185 |
mdsa_i8000i | I8000i |
mdsa_s0115 | S0115 |
mdsa_a0700 | A0700 |
mdsa_gg0110d | Mdsa gg0110d |
mdsa_z0100a | Z0100a |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400a_title | Cpsi z0400a title |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_07 | Cpsi care area assessment location 07 |
mdsa_q0550a | Q0550a |
mdsa_x1050z | X1050z |
mdsa_s2000 | S2000 |
mdsa_s9040d1 | Mdsa s9040d1 |
mdsa_i8000a | I8000a |
mdsa_x0900z_reason | X0900z Other Reason |
mdsa_s5010d1 | S5010d1 |
mdsa_m0800c | M0800c |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400d_sig | Cpsi z0400d signature |
mdsa_v0200a06b | V0200a06b |
mdsa_a2200 | A2200 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400b_sections | Cpsi z0400b sections |
mdsa_s0505 | Mdsa s0505 |
mdsa_j0300 | J0300 |
mdsa_s3305c | Mdsa s3305c |
mdsa_q0500b | Q0500b |
mdsa_n0450d | Mdsa n0450d |
mdsa_f0800f | F0800f |
mdsa_i4800 | I4800 |
mdsa_s8000e3 | S8000e3 |
mdsa_j0200 | J0200 |
mdsa_i3800 | I3800 |
mdsa_s0175 | Mdsa s0175 |
mdsa_k0510b2 | K0510b2 |
mdsa_o0100l2 | O0100l2 |
mdsa_itm_set_vrsn_cd | Itm set vrsn cd |
mdsa_gg0170q3 | Mdsa gg0170q3 |
mdsa_s8000b2 | S8000b2 |
mdsa_e0500b | E0500b |
mdsa_s6100d | S6100d |
mdsa_g0110b2 | G0110b2 |
mdsa_s8050a3 | S8050a3 |
mdsa_s5005 | S5005 |
mdsa_s8510a | S8510a |
mdsa_d0200h2 | D0200h2 |
mdsa_s3310b | Mdsa s3310b |
mdsa_s8030a2 | S8030a2 |
mdsa_f0600 | F0600 |
mdsa_a0500a | A0500a |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400j_sections | Cpsi z0400j sections |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_18 | Cpsi care area assessment date 18 |
mdsa_p0100b | P0100b |
mdsa_submission_id | Submission id |
mdsa_d0500e1 | D0500e1 |
mdsa_i1300 | I1300 |
mdsa_s8000d3 | S8000d3 |
mdsa_j0850 | J0850 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_20 | Cpsi care area assessment date 20 |
mdsa_n0410c | N0410c |
mdsa_s6023a | Mdsa s6023a |
mdsa_s9085b | Mdsa s9085b |
mdsa_i5600 | I5600 |
mdsa_g0300b | G0300b |
mdsa_v0200a07b | V0200a07b |
mdsa_d0500f1 | D0500f1 |
mdsa_i2000 | I2000 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400k_section_date | Cpsi z0400k section date |
mdsa_d0200f2 | D0200f2 |
mdsa_d0500b2 | D0500b2 |
mdsa_gg0170o2 | Mdsa gg0170o2 |
mdsa_s8500 | S8500 |
mdsa_s4510c | S4510c |
mdsa_s1100c | S1100c |
mdsa_k0710b3 | Mdsa k0710b3 |
mdsa_x0700a | X0700a |
mdsa_gg0130c2 | Mdsa gg0130c2 |
mdsa_s1200g | S1200g |
mdsa_n2005 | Mdsa n2005 |
mdsa_n0410e | N0410e |
mdsa_gg0130b1 | Mdsa gg0130b1 |
mdsa_o0400c4 | O0400c4 |
mdsa_i2400 | I2400 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_06 | Cpsi care area assessment date 06 |
mdsa_gg0170d2 | Mdsa gg0170d2 |
mdsa_s9040h | S9040h ca polst advanced directive |
mdsa_j2899 | Mdsa j2899 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_03 | Cpsi care area assessment location 03 |
mdsa_j1550z | J1550z |
mdsa_v0200a04b | V0200a04b |
mdsa_s8010e3 | S8010e3 |
mdsa_h0500 | H0500 |
mdsa_l0200d | L0200d |
mdsa_gg0170ss3 | Mdsa gg0170ss3 |
mdsa_s6051b | S6051b |
mdsa_s1200h | S1200h |
mdsa_s2015 | S2015 |
mdsa_o0100g2 | O0100g2 |
mdsa_a0300b | Mdsa a0300b |
mdsa_s1100j | Mdsa s1100j |
mdsa_m1040z | M1040z |
mdsa_s0172d | S0172d goal disc home no health srvcs |
mdsa_f0400d | F0400d |
mdsa_f0500f | F0500f |
mdsa_d0200a2 | D0200a2 |
mdsa_z0200b | Z0200b |
mdsa_s6020z | Mdsa s6020z |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400j_sig | Cpsi z0400j signature |
mdsa_s0600b | Mdsa s0600b |
mdsa_s3100b | S3100b |
mdsa_s0123 | S0123 |
mdsa_state_extract_file_id | State extract file id |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400i_title | Cpsi z0400i title |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400e_sections | Cpsi z0400e sections |
mdsa_s5010h2 | S5010h2 |
mdsa_j0600a | J0600a |
mdsa_s6053b | Mdsa s6053b |
mdsa_o0100z1 | O0100z1 |
mdsa_p0200f | Mdsa p0200f |
mdsa_medicare_rug3_idx_max_grp | Medicare rug3 idx max grp |
mdsa_gg0130c3 | Mdsa gg0130c3 |
mdsa_s1210i | Mdsa s1210i |
mdsa_s8010i2 | S8010i2 |
mdsa_i4000 | I4000 |
mdsa_v0200a16b | V0200a16b |
mdsa_k0510b1 | K0510b1 |
mdsa_s0500 | S0500 |
mdsa_m0300a | M0300a |
mdsa_sftwr_vndr_name | Sftwr vndr name |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400h_sig | Cpsi z0400h signature |
mdsa_s9040d | S9040d |
mdsa_f0800h | F0800h |
mdsa_s4010b | S4010b |
mdsa_cpsi_ins_begin_date | Cpsi insurance begin date |
mdsa_x1050z_reason | X1050z Other Reason |
mdsa_s0161a | Mdsa s0161a |
mdsa_x0600f | X0600f |
mdsa_m0100a | M0100a |
mdsa_i2100 | I2100 |
mdsa_gg0170a1 | Mdsa gg0170a1 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_19 | Cpsi care area assessment location 19 |
mdsa_s3315d | Mdsa s3315d |
mdsa_s1003 | Mdsa s1003 |
mdsa_s8010a3 | S8010a3 |
mdsa_p0100g | P0100g |
mdsa_s8040b2 | S8040b2 |
mdsa_s1210f | Mdsa s1210f |
mdsa_j1900a | J1900a |
mdsa_o0400a4 | O0400a4 |
mdsa_a1550b | A1550b |
mdsa_gg0170r2 | Mdsa gg0170r2 |
mdsa_m0300c1 | M0300c1 |
mdsa_k0500d | K0500d |
mdsa_cbsa_urban_rural_code | Cbsa urban rural code |
mdsa_l0200z | L0200z |
mdsa_c1310a | Mdsa c1310a |
mdsa_v0200a20b | V0200a20b |
mdsa_v0200a05b | V0200a05b |
mdsa_s8099 | S8099 |
mdsa_s8020b2 | S8020b2 |
mdsa_submission_complete_date | Submission complete date |
mdsa_o0500a | O0500a |
mdsa_d0500i1 | D0500i1 |
mdsa_s1001 | S1001 |
mdsa_a0310c | A0310c |
mdsa_s8010c1 | S8010c1 |
mdsa_cpsi_x1050z_rsn | X1050z |
mdsa_o0100i1 | O0100i1 |
mdsa_s8040a2 | S8040a2 |
mdsa_o0450b | O0450b |
mdsa_o0400b5 | O0400b5 |
mdsa_c0400b | C0400b |
mdsa_n0410g | N0410g |
mdsa_o0425a2 | Mdsa o0425a2 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_07 | Cpsi care area assessment date 07 |
mdsa_g0110g2 | G0110g2 |
mdsa_s5010g1 | S5010g1 |
mdsa_o0425a3 | Mdsa o0425a3 |
mdsa_s3100z | S3100z |
mdsa_o0100a1 | O0100a1 |
mdsa_s1200e | S1200e |
mdsa_i5000 | I5000 |
mdsa_i1100 | I1100 |
mdsa_i5250 | I5250 |
mdsa_gg0170k1 | Mdsa gg0170k1 |
mdsa_s0513 | Mdsa s0513 |
mdsa_d0500j2 | D0500j2 |
mdsa_s1210b | Mdsa s1210b |
mdsa_o0500j | O0500j |
mdsa_i3300 | I3300 |
mdsa_gg0170e1 | Mdsa gg0170e1 |
mdsa_s8000e1 | S8000e1 |
mdsa_s0102 | S0102 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_12 | Cpsi care area assessment date 12 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_16 | Cpsi care area assessment date 16 |
mdsa_s0172g | S0172g goal disc other |
mdsa_b0300 | B0300 |
mdsa_a1300a | A1300a |
mdsa_a1550d | A1550d |
mdsa_s8010b2 | S8010b2 |
mdsa_x0900b | X0900b |
mdsa_m0300e2 | M0300e2 |
mdsa_f0800d | F0800d |
mdsa_j2799 | Mdsa j2799 |
mdsa_o0400a6 | O0400a6 |
mdsa_d0500c1 | D0500c1 |
mdsa_s0171b | S0171b resident healthcare proxy invked |
mdsa_f0800o | F0800o |
mdsa_s8050a1 | S8050a1 |
mdsa_m1040b | M1040b |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_date | Modification Inactivation Date |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_10 | Cpsi care area assessment location 10 |
mdsa_e0200c | E0200c |
mdsa_s8010d2 | S8010d2 |
mdsa_g0110f1 | G0110f1 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_13 | Cpsi care area assessment location 13 |
mdsa_s4510a | S4510a |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_04 | Cpsi care area assessment date 04 |
mdsa_o0400a2 | O0400a2 |
mdsa_v0200a19b | V0200a19b |
mdsa_s3315a | Mdsa s3315a |
mdsa_i6000 | I6000 |
mdsa_i0400 | I0400 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_09 | Cpsi care area assessment location 09 |
mdsa_s8030b3 | S8030b3 |
mdsa_q0400a | Q0400a |
mdsa_s6205 | Mdsa s6205 |
mdsa_l0200b | L0200b |
mdsa_m0300f1 | M0300f1 |
mdsa_o0400e2 | O0400e2 |
mdsa_s0170d | S0170d adv dir do not resuscitate |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_locked_emptype | Cpsi assessment locked employee type |
mdsa_i1500 | I1500 |
mdsa_d0500h1 | D0500h1 |
mdsa_s0173 | S0173 |
mdsa_a2000 | A2000 |
mdsa_h0100a | H0100a |
mdsa_gg0170l1 | Mdsa gg0170l1 |
mdsa_o0100d1 | O0100d1 |
mdsa_s0122 | S0122 |
mdsa_resident_age | Resident age |
mdsa_s0165b | Mdsa s0165b |
mdsa_s3200a | S3200a |
mdsa_s1100h | S1100h |
mdsa_m0300b3 | M0300b3 |
mdsa_i0020b | Mdsa i0020b |
mdsa_l0200f | L0200f |
mdsa_medicare_rug4_hier_version | Medicare rug4 hier version |
mdsa_v0200a09b | V0200a09b |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_facid | Modification Inactivation Facility Id |
mdsa_s3310z | Mdsa s3310z |
mdsa_n2003 | Mdsa n2003 |
mdsa_j2499 | Mdsa j2499 |
mdsa_n0400b | N0400b |
mdsa_j2400 | Mdsa j2400 |
mdsa_s5010i2 | S5010i2 |
mdsa_d0500a1 | D0500a1 |
mdsa_s0130 | S0130 |
mdsa_s5010a1 | S5010a1 |
mdsa_gg0170j5 | Mdsa gg0170j5 |
mdsa_cpsi_v0200b1 | V0200b1 |
mdsa_resident_match_criteria | Resident match criteria |
mdsa_recalculated_z0200b | Recalculated z0200b |
mdsa_s6210 | S6210 |
mdsa_s0600z | Mdsa s0600z |
mdsa_s8030c | S8030c |
mdsa_s6100b | S6100b |
mdsa_i8000j | I8000j |
mdsa_o0400c6 | O0400c6 |
mdsa_s4000d | S4000d |
mdsa_i0600 | I0600 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400e_sig | Cpsi z0400e signature |
mdsa_c_ccn_num | Mdsa c ccn num |
mdsa_x0300 | X0300 |
mdsa_s8520a | S8520a |
mdsa_s8010e1 | S8010e1 |
mdsa_f0400b | F0400b |
mdsa_o0100c2 | O0100c2 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400i_sig | Cpsi z0400i signature |
mdsa_x0900z | X0900z |
mdsa_f0500c | F0500c |
mdsa_v0200a01b | V0200a01b |
mdsa_gg0130h3 | Mdsa gg0130h3 |
mdsa_s0170g | S0170g adv dir feeding restrictions |
mdsa_s9085d | Mdsa s9085d |
mdsa_s6023c | Mdsa s6023c |
mdsa_gg0170i5 | Mdsa gg0170i5 |
mdsa_s9080d | S9080d |
mdsa_m1030 | M1030 |
mdsa_i8000e | I8000e |
mdsa_s8521a | S8521a |
mdsa_j1100b | J1100b |
mdsa_o0100m2 | O0100m2 |
mdsa_gg0130a3 | Mdsa gg0130a3 |
mdsa_v0200a11b | V0200a11b |
mdsa_c1310c | Mdsa c1310c |
mdsa_b0700 | B0700 |
mdsa_assessment_id | Assessment id |
mdsa_q0100b | Q0100b |
mdsa_a1900 | A1900 |
mdsa_cpsi_v0200c1 | V0200c1 |
mdsa_i5950 | I5950 |
mdsa_k0510a2 | K0510a2 |
mdsa_a0500b | A0500b |
mdsa_s6020d | Mdsa s6020d |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_apatnum | Cpsi assessment just liked apatient num |
mdsa_v0100d | V0100d |
mdsa_o0100h2 | O0100h2 |
mdsa_d0300 | D0300 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_19 | Cpsi care area assessment date 19 |
mdsa_j1900c | J1900c |
mdsa_s9120 | S9120 |
mdsa_k0510z2 | K0510z2 |
mdsa_x1100a | X1100a |
mdsa_gg0170d3 | Mdsa gg0170d3 |
mdsa_g0110h1 | G0110h1 |
mdsa_g0120b | G0120b |
mdsa_asmt_date | Assessment date |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400h_sections | Cpsi z0400h sections |
mdsa_gg0100b | Mdsa gg0100b |
mdsa_cmi_set_for_recalc_z0150a | Cmi set for recalc z0150a |
mdsa_i5500 | I5500 |
mdsa_gg0130g1 | Mdsa gg0130g1 |
mdsa_s8010g3 | S8010g3 |
mdsa_s9002i | S9002i |
mdsa_s3305y | Mdsa s3305y |
mdsa_g0300e | G0300e |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_17 | Cpsi care area assessment location 17 |
mdsa_gg0170g2 | Mdsa gg0170g2 |
mdsa_j0500a | J0500a |
mdsa_c1600 | C1600 |
mdsa_s0600d | Mdsa s0600d |
mdsa_o0425a5 | Mdsa o0425a5 |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_locked_empcomp | Cpsi assessment locked employee company |
mdsa_x0600d | X0600d |
mdsa_s9002c | S9002c |
mdsa_s8512a | S8512a |
mdsa_s5010e2 | S5010e2 |
mdsa_i0020 | Mdsa i0020 |
mdsa_s4010d | S4010d |
mdsa_s3100d | S3100d |
mdsa_gg0170c5 | Mdsa gg0170c5 |
mdsa_s6022b | Mdsa s6022b |
mdsa_s0170z | S0170z adv dir none of the above |
mdsa_o0300b | O0300b |
mdsa_o0420 | Mdsa o0420 |
mdsa_s8030a3 | S8030a3 |
mdsa_m0900d | M0900d |
mdsa_j2510 | Mdsa j2510 |
mdsa_f0800m | F0800m |
mdsa_e0600a | E0600a |
mdsa_g0900b | G0900b |
mdsa_i7900 | I7900 |
mdsa_s1100z | S1100z |
mdsa_q0300a | Q0300a |
mdsa_j2410 | Mdsa j2410 |
mdsa_a0310e | A0310e |
mdsa_s0511 | S0511 |
mdsa_g0110d1 | G0110d1 |
mdsa_s2060b | Mdsa s2060b |
mdsa_o0400d1 | O0400d1 |
mdsa_j1700a | J1700a |
mdsa_b0200 | B0200 |
mdsa_g0110j1 | G0110j1 |
mdsa_m0900b | M0900b |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400l_section_date | Cpsi z0400l section date |
mdsa_e0600b | E0600b |
mdsa_s0161z | Mdsa s0161z |
mdsa_cmi_value_for_recalc_z0150a | Cmi value for recalc z0150a |
mdsa_j2810 | Mdsa j2810 |
mdsa_s4010e | S4010e |
mdsa_s3315y | Mdsa s3315y |
mdsa_s6000 | S6000 |
mdsa_i1650 | I1650 |
mdsa_gg0170e5 | Mdsa gg0170e5 |
mdsa_j2610 | Mdsa j2610 |
mdsa_gg0170b2 | Mdsa gg0170b2 |
mdsa_s9080b | S9080b |
mdsa_gg0130h1 | Mdsa gg0130h1 |
mdsa_k0710a3 | Mdsa k0710a3 |
mdsa_s6022c | Mdsa s6022c |
mdsa_v0200a03b | V0200a03b |
mdsa_a1510b | A1510b |
mdsa_gg0130c5 | Mdsa gg0130c5 |
mdsa_c0100 | C0100 |
mdsa_m0300c2 | M0300c2 |
mdsa_g0110i2 | G0110i2 |
mdsa_n0400z | N0400z |
mdsa_o0400f2 | O0400f2 |
mdsa_gg0170a2 | Mdsa gg0170a2 |
mdsa_gg0170n2 | Mdsa gg0170n2 |
mdsa_s9085a | Mdsa s9085a |
mdsa_f0800k | F0800k |
mdsa_j1550b | J1550b |
mdsa_j2930 | Mdsa j2930 |
mdsa_gg0170n3 | Mdsa gg0170n3 |
mdsa_s8520c | S8520c |
mdsa_m1200i | M1200i |
mdsa_s8521b | S8521b |
mdsa_a1100b | A1100b |
mdsa_s9002a | S9002a |
mdsa_i0800 | I0800 |
mdsa_i1400 | I1400 |
mdsa_s8010h1 | S8010h1 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400i_section_date | Cpsi z0400i section date |
mdsa_i5100 | I5100 |
mdsa_z0200a | Z0200a |
mdsa_gg0170f5 | Mdsa gg0170f5 |
mdsa_m0610b | M0610b |
mdsa_cpsi_x1100d_sig | X1100d |
mdsa_s0509 | Mdsa s0509 |
mdsa_i2500 | I2500 |
mdsa_s4510f | S4510f |
mdsa_s8000c2 | S8000c2 |
mdsa_s6050 | S6050 |
mdsa_s9060 | S9060 |
mdsa_d0500g1 | D0500g1 |
mdsa_s1100f | S1100f |
mdsa_g0600a | G0600a |
mdsa_recalculated_z0250a | Recalculated z0250a |
mdsa_cpsi_z0300a | Cpsi z0300a |
mdsa_e0100z | E0100z |
mdsa_s8000e2 | S8000e2 |
mdsa_s9001 | S9001 |
mdsa_i5800 | I5800 |
mdsa_d0600 | D0600 |
mdsa_p0200c | Mdsa p0200c |
mdsa_n0400a | N0400a |
mdsa_s8010c3 | S8010c3 |
mdsa_f0800b | F0800b |
mdsa_k0510c1 | K0510c1 |
mdsa_n0450c | Mdsa n0450c |
mdsa_s1200c | S1200c |
mdsa_gg0130f1 | Mdsa gg0130f1 |
mdsa_s4000b | S4000b |
mdsa_s9040a | S9040a |
mdsa_j0800d | J0800d |
mdsa_v0200a02b | V0200a02b |
mdsa_l0200a | L0200a |
mdsa_j0400 | J0400 |
mdsa_i2200 | I2200 |
mdsa_s3100e | S3100e |
mdsa_m1200z | M1200z |
mdsa_c1000 | C1000 |
mdsa_s6010 | S6010 |
mdsa_n0410h | Mdsa n0410h |
mdsa_a1300c | A1300c |
mdsa_s6201 | S6201 |
mdsa_s0510 | S0510 |
mdsa_k0510d1 | K0510d1 |
mdsa_o0425c2 | Mdsa o0425c2 |
mdsa_j1550a | J1550a |
mdsa_n0400f | N0400f |
mdsa_o0425c4 | Mdsa o0425c4 |
mdsa_j1900b | J1900b |
mdsa_s9002f | S9002f |
mdsa_s8000a3 | S8000a3 |
mdsa_m0800b | M0800b |
mdsa_k0710b2 | Mdsa k0710b2 |
mdsa_q0100c | Q0100c |
mdsa_s0114 | Mdsa s0114 |
mdsa_q0550b | Q0550b |
mdsa_g0400a | G0400a |
mdsa_h0100b | H0100b |
mdsa_s1200d | S1200d |
mdsa_s6232 | Mdsa s6232 |
mdsa_g0110c1 | G0110c1 |
mdsa_cpsi_ins_end_date | Cpsi insurance end date |
mdsa_i5350 | I5350 |
mdsa_c1300c | C1300c |
mdsa_a2400b | A2400b |
mdsa_gg0170ss1 | Mdsa gg0170ss1 |
mdsa_x1050a | X1050a |
mdsa_j2100 | Mdsa j2100 |
mdsa_m1040f | M1040f |
mdsa_v0200a08a | V0200a08a |
mdsa_d0200b2 | D0200b2 |
mdsa_i2300 | I2300 |
mdsa_s1150 | Mdsa s1150 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400k_sig | Cpsi z0400k signature |
mdsa_v0200a09a | V0200a09a |
mdsa_o0500g | O0500g |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_14 | Cpsi care area assessment location 14 |
mdsa_gg0170d5 | Mdsa gg0170d5 |
mdsa_a0300a | Mdsa a0300a |
mdsa_cpsi_x1100c_title | X1100c |
mdsa_s8040c3 | S8040c3 |
mdsa_s3100g | S3100g |
mdsa_cpsi_sub_blt_facid | Submission Built Facility Id |
mdsa_o0500e | O0500e |
mdsa_s6051d | S6051d |
mdsa_o0400b1 | O0400b1 |
mdsa_gg0170c2 | Mdsa gg0170c2 |
mdsa_c0300b | C0300b |
mdsa_k0200b | K0200b |
mdsa_i8000f | I8000f |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400b_title | Cpsi z0400b title |
mdsa_recalculated_z0150b | Recalculated z0150b |
mdsa_j2300 | Mdsa j2300 |
mdsa_m1200d | M1200d |
mdsa_x1100e | X1100e |
mdsa_a0200 | A0200 |
mdsa_sftwr_vndr_email_adr | Sftwr vndr email adr |
mdsa_o0400a5 | O0400a5 |
mdsa_f0500g | F0500g |
mdsa_d0500j1 | D0500j1 |
mdsa_s8010z | S8010z |
mdsa_f0800z | F0800z |
mdsa_gg0130a5 | Mdsa gg0130a5 |
mdsa_j0800c | J0800c |
mdsa_gg0130g3 | Mdsa gg0130g3 |
mdsa_k0100c | K0100c |
mdsa_recalculated_z0100c | Recalculated z0100c |
mdsa_s4500 | S4500 |
mdsa_f0400g | F0400g |
mdsa_b0600 | B0600 |
mdsa_a0100a | A0100a |
mdsa_i4500 | I4500 |
mdsa_h0400 | H0400 |
mdsa_fac_doc_id | Fac doc id |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400d_section_date | Cpsi z0400d section date |
mdsa_f0800t | F0800t |
mdsa_s1210z | Mdsa s1210z |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400g_section_date | Cpsi z0400g section date |
mdsa_cpsi_x0900z_rsn | X0900z |
mdsa_v0200a13a | V0200a13a |
mdsa_s9002h | S9002h |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400g_title | Cpsi z0400g title |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400j_section_date | Cpsi z0400j section date |
mdsa_s8030b2 | S8030b2 |
mdsa_h0200b | H0200b |
mdsa_s8010g | S8010g medicaid state source |
mdsa_medicare_rug3_hier_grp | Medicare rug3 hier grp |
mdsa_effective_date | Effective date |
mdsa_j1800 | J1800 |
mdsa_v0200a16a | V0200a16a |
mdsa_cmi_value_for_recalc_z0250a | Cmi value for recalc z0250a |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_locked_date | Cpsi assessment locked date |
mdsa_gg0170d1 | Mdsa gg0170d1 |
mdsa_gg0130e3 | Mdsa gg0130e3 |
mdsa_o0250c | O0250c |
mdsa_c0200 | C0200 |
mdsa_gg0170f2 | Mdsa gg0170f2 |
mdsa_p0200e | Mdsa p0200e |
mdsa_s9100c | S9100c |
mdsa_j2520 | Mdsa j2520 |
mdsa_o0100f1 | O0100f1 |
mdsa_j2000 | Mdsa j2000 |
mdsa_s0165a | Mdsa s0165a |
mdsa_medicare_rug4_hier_grp | Medicare rug4 hier grp |
mdsa_gg0170k2 | Mdsa gg0170k2 |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_adate | Cpsi assessment just liked adate |
mdsa_j0100a | J0100a |
mdsa_s5010a2 | S5010a2 |
mdsa_n0410a | N0410a |
mdsa_k0710a1 | Mdsa k0710a1 |
mdsa_x0570b | Mdsa x0570b |
mdsa_a1000b | A1000b |
mdsa_target_date | Target date |
mdsa_s1100f2 | S1100f2 |
mdsa_a1600 | A1600 |
mdsa_k0510z1 | K0510z1 |
mdsa_original_assessment_id | Original assessment id |
mdsa_s5010f1 | S5010f1 |
mdsa_o0100b1 | O0100b1 |
mdsa_s1200a | S1200a |
mdsa_m0210 | M0210 |
mdsa_o0100j1 | O0100j1 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_01 | Cpsi care area assessment date 01 |
mdsa_s4510d | S4510d |
mdsa_f0800i | F0800i |
mdsa_s8010h3 | S8010h3 |
mdsa_d0200g2 | D0200g2 |
mdsa_d0100 | D0100 |
mdsa_k0700a | K0700a |
mdsa_s2001 | S2001 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400c_sig | Cpsi z0400c signature |
mdsa_c0900z | C0900z |
mdsa_s9100a | S9100a |
mdsa_sftwr_prod_vrsn_cd | Sftwr prod vrsn cd |
mdsa_s3315c | Mdsa s3315c |
mdsa_a1550c | A1550c |
mdsa_s9002e | S9002e |
mdsa_s9085c | Mdsa s9085c |
mdsa_d0200d1 | D0200d1 |
mdsa_s4010a | S4010a |
mdsa_s8040c1 | S8040c1 |
mdsa_c0900a | C0900a |
mdsa_q0400b | Q0400b |
mdsa_s2060d | Mdsa s2060d |
mdsa_s9040c | S9040c |
mdsa_s6202 | Mdsa s6202 |
mdsa_f0800r | F0800r |
mdsa_i8000c | I8000c |
mdsa_m1200g | M1200g |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_20 | Cpsi care area assessment location 20 |
mdsa_s8040a1 | S8040a1 |
mdsa_x0600a | X0600a |
mdsa_s9003 | S9003 |
mdsa_recalculated_z0100a | Recalculated z0100a |
mdsa_x0400 | X0400 |
mdsa_d0650 | D0650 |
mdsa_d0500d1 | D0500d1 |
mdsa_s0125 | S0125 |
mdsa_s8010g1 | S8010g1 |
mdsa_d0200i1 | D0200i1 |
mdsa_v0200a05a | V0200a05a |
mdsa_a0310f | A0310f |
mdsa_s8020z | S8020z |
mdsa_o0100k1 | O0100k1 |
mdsa_s8050a2 | S8050a2 |
mdsa_s5010c2 | S5010c2 |
mdsa_j0100b | J0100b |
mdsa_o0450a | O0450a |
mdsa_s8040d1 | S8040d1 |
mdsa_gg0110e | Mdsa gg0110e |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_06 | Cpsi care area assessment location 06 |
mdsa_h0100d | H0100d |
mdsa_v0200b2 | V0200b2 |
mdsa_c1310d | Mdsa c1310d |
mdsa_s6220 | S6220 |
mdsa_o0400b4 | O0400b4 |
mdsa_s0165e | Mdsa s0165e |
mdsa_z0250b | Z0250b |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_08 | Cpsi care area assessment date 08 |
mdsa_s6052 | Mdsa s6052 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_13 | Cpsi care area assessment date 13 |
mdsa_a2400a | A2400a |
mdsa_b0100 | B0100 |
mdsa_p0200a | Mdsa p0200a |
mdsa_z0100b | Z0100b |
mdsa_c0500 | C0500 |
mdsa_s1100b | S1100b |
mdsa_d0200h1 | D0200h1 |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_empnum | Cpsi assessment just liked employee num |
mdsa_o0425a1 | Mdsa o0425a1 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400i_sections | Cpsi z0400i sections |
mdsa_i8000h | I8000h |
mdsa_gg0170m2 | Mdsa gg0170m2 |
mdsa_g0110g1 | G0110g1 |
mdsa_i5900 | I5900 |
mdsa_s8050b | S8050b |
mdsa_f0500a | F0500a |
mdsa_i5200 | I5200 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_05 | Cpsi care area assessment location 05 |
mdsa_i3200 | I3200 |
mdsa_i4900 | I4900 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400g_sections | Cpsi z0400g sections |
mdsa_cpsi_sub_blt_date | Submission Built Date |
mdsa_a0310a | A0310a |
mdsa_s6024b | Mdsa s6024b |
mdsa_m0300d1 | M0300d1 |
mdsa_s1000 | S1000 |
mdsa_o0500c | O0500c |
mdsa_gg0170s2 | Mdsa gg0170s2 |
mdsa_o0425b3 | Mdsa o0425b3 |
mdsa_c1300a | C1300a |
mdsa_j5000 | Mdsa j5000 |
mdsa_g0110c2 | G0110c2 |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_flag | Cpsi assessment just liked flag |
mdsa_m0100c | M0100c |
mdsa_a0600b | A0600b |
mdsa_p0100f | P0100f |
mdsa_s8000c1 | S8000c1 |
mdsa_s2011 | S2011 |
mdsa_j0800a | J0800a |
mdsa_gg0110a | Mdsa gg0110a |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_locked_flag | Cpsi assessment locked flag |
mdsa_a0100c | A0100c |
mdsa_s5010g2 | S5010g2 |
mdsa_s6020b | Mdsa s6020b |
mdsa_d0500f2 | D0500f2 |
mdsa_s8050d | S8050d |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400k_sections | Cpsi z0400k sections |
mdsa_d0200e1 | D0200e1 |
mdsa_d0200f1 | D0200f1 |
mdsa_q0300b | Q0300b |
mdsa_s3310d | Mdsa s3310d |
mdsa_s6100e | S6100e |
mdsa_s8010a1 | S8010a1 |
mdsa_k0510a1 | K0510a1 |
mdsa_p0100d | P0100d |
mdsa_gg0130c1 | Mdsa gg0130c1 |
mdsa_v0200a10b | V0200a10b |
mdsa_x0800 | X0800 |
mdsa_j2599 | Mdsa j2599 |
mdsa_s1210d | Mdsa s1210d |
mdsa_s0161d | Mdsa s0161d |
mdsa_s8010f3 | S8010f3 |
mdsa_s0515 | Mdsa s0515 |
mdsa_d0200c1 | D0200c1 |
mdsa_gg0170j3 | Mdsa gg0170j3 |
mdsa_gg0170i1 | Mdsa gg0170i1 |
mdsa_e0100a | E0100a |
mdsa_s9020 | S9020 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400l_sig | Cpsi z0400l signature |
mdsa_gg0130e1 | Mdsa gg0130e1 |
mdsa_i3400 | I3400 |
mdsa_f0700 | F0700 |
mdsa_g0120a | G0120a |
mdsa_s8020a3 | S8020a3 |
mdsa_s8020c1 | S8020c1 |
mdsa_m0300e1 | M0300e1 |
mdsa_o0100e1 | O0100e1 |
mdsa_o0400c1 | O0400c1 |
mdsa_f0400e | F0400e |
mdsa_s8000d1 | S8000d1 |
mdsa_j1550d | J1550d |
mdsa_i4300 | I4300 |
mdsa_o0425b2 | Mdsa o0425b2 |
mdsa_s3305e | Mdsa s3305e |
mdsa_a1000d | A1000d |
mdsa_j2500 | Mdsa j2500 |
mdsa_s6100f1 | S6100f1 |
mdsa_j0800z | J0800z |
mdsa_k0500b | K0500b |
mdsa_gg0170f3 | Mdsa gg0170f3 |
mdsa_a1800 | A1800 |
mdsa_o0250a | O0250a |
mdsa_gg0170e3 | Mdsa gg0170e3 |
mdsa_c0900c | C0900c |
mdsa_s9000 | S9000 |
mdsa_i2900 | I2900 |
mdsa_s1100d | S1100d |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_atype | Modification Inactivation Type |
mdsa_n0400d | N0400d |
mdsa_i0900 | I0900 |
mdsa_s0141 | S0141 |
mdsa_e0200b | E0200b |
mdsa_j1100a | J1100a |
mdsa_gg0170p3 | Mdsa gg0170p3 |
mdsa_v0200a01a | V0200a01a |
mdsa_gg0170r3 | Mdsa gg0170r3 |
mdsa_s0171a | S0171a resident healthcare proxy exists |
mdsa_v0200a17b | V0200a17b |
mdsa_s8010f1 | S8010f1 |
mdsa_gg0170j1 | Mdsa gg0170j1 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400g_sig | Cpsi z0400g signature |
mdsa_o0425c5 | Mdsa o0425c5 |
mdsa_f0800p | F0800p |
mdsa_d0200i2 | D0200i2 |
mdsa_c0400c | C0400c |
mdsa_v0200a13b | V0200a13b |
mdsa_o0425a4 | Mdsa o0425a4 |
mdsa_v0100e | V0100e |
mdsa_i0500 | I0500 |
mdsa_gg0170s3 | Mdsa gg0170s3 |
mdsa_s1004 | Mdsa s1004 |
mdsa_v0100f | V0100f |
mdsa_gg0130a1 | Mdsa gg0130a1 |
mdsa_g0110h2 | G0110h2 |
mdsa_gg0170r1 | Mdsa gg0170r1 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_16 | Cpsi care area assessment location 16 |
mdsa_i6300 | I6300 |
mdsa_s6022a | Mdsa s6022a |
mdsa_recalculated_z0250b | Recalculated z0250b |
mdsa_m0100b | M0100b |
mdsa_j0500b | J0500b |
mdsa_o0100h1 | O0100h1 |
mdsa_s8020b3 | S8020b3 |
mdsa_v0200a20a | V0200a20a |
mdsa_v0200a14b | V0200a14b |
mdsa_v0200a15a | V0200a15a |
mdsa_v0200a07a | V0200a07a |
mdsa_e1100 | E1100 |
mdsa_s0512 | S0512 |
mdsa_s5010e1 | S5010e1 |
mdsa_s1210g | Mdsa s1210g |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400k_title | Cpsi z0400k title |
mdsa_asmt_sys_cd | Asmt sys cd |
mdsa_gg0100a | Mdsa gg0100a |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_18 | Cpsi care area assessment location 18 |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_flag | Modification Inactivation Flag |
mdsa_a1550z | A1550z |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_apatnum | Modification Inactivation Patient Number |
mdsa_m1200a | M1200a |
mdsa_m1040a | M1040a |
mdsa_s2040 | S2040 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400e_section_date | Cpsi z0400e section date |
mdsa_s8040d3 | S8040d3 |
mdsa_j1100z | J1100z |
mdsa_o0400d2 | O0400d2 |
mdsa_x0500 | X0500 |
mdsa_o0100a2 | O0100a2 |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_locked_time | Cpsi assessment locked time |
mdsa_s1002 | Mdsa s1002 |
mdsa_s5010h1 | S5010h1 |
mdsa_s0521 | Mdsa s0521 |
mdsa_c0400a | C0400a |
mdsa_s5010b2 | S5010b2 |
mdsa_s0165c | Mdsa s0165c |
mdsa_cpsi_asmt_jl_empcomp | Cpsi assessment just liked employee comp |
mdsa_d0350 | D0350 |
mdsa_s9002b | S9002b |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_11 | Cpsi care area assessment date 11 |
mdsa_s4010c | S4010c |
mdsa_o0400a3 | O0400a3 |
mdsa_s8040b1 | S8040b1 |
mdsa_s0180 | S0180 |
mdsa_n0400e | N0400e |
mdsa_i0700 | I0700 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400c_section_date | Cpsi z0400c section date |
mdsa_itm_sbst_cd | Itm sbst cd |
mdsa_g0900a | G0900a |
mdsa_d0500g2 | D0500g2 |
mdsa_a0310h | Mdsa a0310h |
mdsa_s6024a | Mdsa s6024a |
mdsa_s5000 | S5000 |
mdsa_x0600h | X0600h |
mdsa_s0160 | S0160 specialty unit |
mdsa_cmi_set_for_recalc_z0100a | Cmi set for recalc z0100a |
mdsa_d0500c2 | D0500c2 |
mdsa_f0800g | F0800g |
mdsa_a1000a | A1000a |
mdsa_n0410b | N0410b |
mdsa_h0600 | H0600 |
mdsa_s6100f2 | S6100f2 |
mdsa_m1200b | M1200b |
mdsa_g0110a2 | G0110a2 |
mdsa_gg0170l2 | Mdsa gg0170l2 |
mdsa_a0310g1 | Mdsa a0310g1 |
mdsa_o0425b1 | Mdsa o0425b1 |
mdsa_a1550e | A1550e |
mdsa_x0150 | X0150 |
mdsa_s0170b | S0170b adv dir dpoc hc |
mdsa_k0100d | K0100d |
mdsa_s0600a | Mdsa s0600a |
mdsa_i4200 | I4200 |
mdsa_s8030a1 | S8030a1 |
mdsa_a1000f | A1000f |
mdsa_n0450e | Mdsa n0450e |
mdsa_f0400a | F0400a |
mdsa_p0100a | P0100a |
mdsa_s6100z | S6100z |
mdsa_s9080a | S9080a |
mdsa_s5010c1 | S5010c1 |
mdsa_l0200c | L0200c |
mdsa_o0400a1 | O0400a1 |
mdsa_v0200a04a | V0200a04a |
mdsa_cpsi_ins_cov_days | Cpsi insurance covered days |
mdsa_s6023b | Mdsa s6023b |
mdsa_s9040g | S9040g |
mdsa_o0100d2 | O0100d2 |
mdsa_f0400c | F0400c |
mdsa_n0300 | N0300 |
mdsa_gg0170i2 | Mdsa gg0170i2 |
mdsa_d0200d2 | D0200d2 |
mdsa_g0300a | G0300a |
mdsa_m0300f2 | M0300f2 |
mdsa_i1700 | I1700 |
mdsa_s0183 | S0183 discharged prior to adm asmt |
mdsa_s6236 | Mdsa s6236 |
mdsa_recalculated_z0200a | Recalculated z0200a |
mdsa_submission_date | Submission date |
mdsa_k0500z | K0500z |
mdsa_e0900 | E0900 |
mdsa_n0410d | N0410d |
mdsa_s1100i | S1100i |
mdsa_gg0170o1 | Mdsa gg0170o1 |
mdsa_f0300 | F0300 |
mdsa_cmi_value_for_z0200a | Cmi value for z0200a |
mdsa_i3900 | I3900 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_11 | Cpsi care area assessment location 11 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400f_sig | Cpsi z0400f signature |
mdsa_gg0170h1 | Mdsa gg0170h1 |
mdsa_s8010i3 | S8010i3 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400e_title | Cpsi z0400e title |
mdsa_f0800e | F0800e |
mdsa_x1100b | X1100b |
mdsa_s8020c3 | S8020c3 |
mdsa_o0400c3 | O0400c3 |
mdsa_s1210a | Mdsa s1210a |
mdsa_s9040e | S9040e |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_05 | Cpsi care area assessment date 05 |
mdsa_s1200i | S1200i |
mdsa_s8010d1 | S8010d1 |
mdsa_s6051a | S6051a |
mdsa_s9040b | S9040b |
mdsa_s6100c | S6100c |
mdsa_g0600c | G0600c |
mdsa_s0172c | S0172c goal disc previous nh |
mdsa_s0170h | S0170h adv dir other trtmt restrictions |
mdsa_x0900c | X0900c |
mdsa_e1000b | E1000b |
mdsa_gg0110c | Mdsa gg0110c |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_02 | Cpsi care area assessment location 02 |
mdsa_k0300 | K0300 |
mdsa_s8520b | S8520b |
mdsa_sftwr_vndr_id | Sftwr vndr id |
mdsa_s6053a | Mdsa s6053a |
mdsa_q0100a | Q0100a |
mdsa_s8015 | Mdsa s8015 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400f_sections | Cpsi z0400f sections |
mdsa_g0110d2 | G0110d2 |
mdsa_s8010i1 | S8010i1 |
mdsa_v0200a14a | V0200a14a |
mdsa_g0110e1 | G0110e1 |
mdsa_o0400c3a | Mdsa o0400c3a |
mdsa_gg0170p1 | Mdsa gg0170p1 |
mdsa_gg0170o3 | Mdsa gg0170o3 |
mdsa_gg0170i3 | Mdsa gg0170i3 |
mdsa_g0300d | G0300d |
mdsa_s8010b1 | S8010b1 |
mdsa_gg0100c | Mdsa gg0100c |
mdsa_v0200a18a | V0200a18a |
mdsa_g0600z | G0600z |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400f_title | Cpsi z0400f title |
mdsa_j1100c | J1100c |
mdsa_a0500c | A0500c |
mdsa_a2300 | A2300 |
mdsa_s3100f | S3100f |
mdsa_e0300 | E0300 |
mdsa_s8010g2 | S8010g2 |
mdsa_z0150a | Z0150a |
mdsa_d0500i2 | D0500i2 |
mdsa_s3200b | S3200b |
mdsa_s8512b | S8512b |
mdsa_g0110e2 | G0110e2 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400c_sections | Cpsi z0400c sections |
mdsa_h0100z | H0100z |
mdsa_v0200a19a | V0200a19a |
mdsa_c1310b | Mdsa c1310b |
mdsa_gg0170g1 | Mdsa gg0170g1 |
mdsa_s9040c1 | Mdsa s9040c1 |
mdsa_i4400 | I4400 |
mdsa_o0100m1 | O0100m1 |
mdsa_i5400 | I5400 |
mdsa_i6100 | I6100 |
mdsa_x0200c | X0200c |
mdsa_s8000b1 | S8000b1 |
mdsa_a0310b | A0310b |
mdsa_j2940 | Mdsa j2940 |
mdsa_j1700b | J1700b |
mdsa_s3315b | Mdsa s3315b |
mdsa_s0600e | Mdsa s0600e |
mdsa_j2920 | Mdsa j2920 |
mdsa_gg0170rr3 | Mdsa gg0170rr3 |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400d_title | Cpsi z0400d title |
mdsa_m0900a | M0900a |
mdsa_b0800 | B0800 |
mdsa_i0300 | I0300 |
mdsa_s3315z | Mdsa s3315z |
mdsa_o0100c1 | O0100c1 |
mdsa_o0425b5 | Mdsa o0425b5 |
mdsa_s1100f1 | S1100f1 |
mdsa_s8010a2 | S8010a2 |
mdsa_i0200 | I0200 |
mdsa_o0100i2 | O0100i2 |
mdsa_gg0170b5 | Mdsa gg0170b5 |
mdsa_sftwr_prod_name | Sftwr prod name |
mdsa_s8000z | S8000z |
mdsa_s8040b3 | S8040b3 |
mdsa_resident_internal_id | Resident internal id |
mdsa_s2060a | Mdsa s2060a |
mdsa_s8510b | S8510b |
mdsa_v0200a11a | V0200a11a |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400c_title | Cpsi z0400c title |
mdsa_medicare_rug3_hier_version | Medicare rug3 hier version |
mdsa_i3100 | I3100 |
mdsa_b1000 | B1000 |
mdsa_e0500a | E0500a |
mdsa_a1200 | A1200 |
mdsa_s8020b1 | S8020b1 |
mdsa_s9080c | S9080c |
mdsa_i6200 | I6200 |
mdsa_e0600c | E0600c |
mdsa_s1200f | S1200f |
mdsa_m1040d | M1040d |
mdsa_s9100b | S9100b |
mdsa_gg0130f3 | Mdsa gg0130f3 |
mdsa_a1300b | A1300b |
mdsa_s0172f | S0172f goal disc previous pcp office |
mdsa_o0500i | O0500i |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_10 | Cpsi care area assessment date 10 |
mdsa_gg0170l3 | Mdsa gg0170l3 |
mdsa_j2310 | Mdsa j2310 |
mdsa_j2420 | Mdsa j2420 |
mdsa_gg0170e2 | Mdsa gg0170e2 |
mdsa_a1510a | A1510a |
mdsa_s6020y | Mdsa s6020y |
mdsa_f0800n | F0800n |
mdsa_m0700 | M0700 |
mdsa_v0200a06a | V0200a06a |
mdsa_s7000 | Mdsa s7000 |
mdsa_g0110i1 | G0110i1 |
mdsa_o0500b | O0500b |
mdsa_a0600a | A0600a |
mdsa_s0140 | S0140 |
mdsa_s0174 | Mdsa s0174 |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_aseq | Modification Inactivation Seq |
mdsa_cmi_set_for_recalc_z0250a | Cmi set for recalc z0250a |
mdsa_o0400e1 | O0400e1 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_01 | Cpsi care area assessment location 01 |
mdsa_m1040c | M1040c |
mdsa_s1100g | S1100g |
mdsa_s8010f | S8010f medicaid per diem type |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400a_sections | Cpsi z0400a sections |
mdsa_o0400b6 | O0400b6 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_03 | Cpsi care area assessment date 03 |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_date_17 | Cpsi care area assessment date 17 |
mdsa_s0172e | S0172e goal disc home with health srvcs |
mdsa_s1210c | Mdsa s1210c |
mdsa_s8000d2 | S8000d2 |
mdsa_s6500 | Mdsa s6500 |
mdsa_s3305b | Mdsa s3305b |
mdsa_s0101 | S0101 |
mdsa_s8055 | S8055 primary payor |
mdsa_s8040a3 | S8040a3 |
mdsa_s9080e | S9080e |
mdsa_d0500e2 | D0500e2 |
mdsa_recalculated_z0150a | Recalculated z0150a |
mdsa_d0200a1 | D0200a1 |
mdsa_k0510c2 | K0510c2 |
mdsa_k0100a | K0100a |
mdsa_s5010i1 | S5010i1 |
mdsa_o0400a3a | Mdsa o0400a3a |
mdsa_m1200h | M1200h |
mdsa_cpsi_z0400a_sig | Cpsi z0400a signature |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_08 | Cpsi care area assessment location 08 |
mdsa_n0400c | N0400c |
mdsa_c0600 | C0600 |
mdsa_s6230 | Mdsa s6230 |
mdsa_s6234 | Mdsa s6234 |
mdsa_cpsi_mod_inact_logname | Modification Inactivation Logname |
mdsa_n0410f | N0410f |
mdsa_s3300 | Mdsa s3300 |
mdsa_s8010d3 | S8010d3 |
mdsa_m0300b2 | M0300b2 |
mdsa_g0300c | G0300c |
mdsa_s8010b3 | S8010b3 |
mdsa_s8020a1 | S8020a1 |
mdsa_s6212 | Mdsa s6212 |
mdsa_l0200e | L0200e |
mdsa_s5010b1 | S5010b1 |
mdsa_s8010e2 | S8010e2 |
mdsa_f0500d | F0500d |
mdsa_cpsi_caa_location_12 | Cpsi care area assessment location 12 |
mdsa_g0110f2 | G0110f2 |
mdsa_o0400c5 | O0400c5 |
mdsa_x0900e | X0900e |
mdsa_a0410 | A0410 |
mdsa_s6020c | Mdsa s6020c |
mdsa_i8000d | I8000d |
mdsa_j0700 | J0700 |
mdsa_z0200c | Mdsa z0200c |
mdsa_j2320 | Mdsa j2320 |
mdsa_s1210h | Mdsa s1210h |
mdsa_n0350b | N0350b |
mdsa_b1200 | B1200 |
mdsa_v0100c | V0100c |
mdsa_j2620 | Mdsa j2620 |
mdsa_state_cd | State cd |
mdsa_i0020a | Mdsa i0020a |
mdsa_f0500e | F0500e |
mdsa_s3310y | Mdsa s3310y |
mdsa_f0800c | F0800c |
mdsa_o0100g1 | O0100g1 |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 01
Name | Description |
mdsc01_08_05 | Caa Section 08 Item 05 |
mdsc01_05_08 | Caa Section 05 Item 08 |
mdsc01_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc01_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 |
mdsc01_09_01 | Caa Section 09 Item 01 |
mdsc01_08_suppdoc | Caa Section 08 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_05_07 | Caa Section 05 Item 07 |
mdsc01_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 |
mdsc01_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 |
mdsc01_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 |
mdsc01_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 |
mdsc01_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc01_08_01 | Caa Section 08 Item 01 |
mdsc01_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 |
mdsc01_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 |
mdsc01_04_07 | Caa Section 04 Item 07 |
mdsc01_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 |
mdsc01_09_suppdoc | Caa Section 09 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Sectioncare Plan Option |
mdsc01_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc01_08_06 | Caa Section 08 Item 06 |
mdsc01_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 |
mdsc01_09_03 | Caa Section 09 Item 03 |
mdsc01_08_04 | Caa Section 08 Item 04 |
mdsc01_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 |
mdsc01_04_06 | Caa Section 04 Item 06 |
mdsc01_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 |
mdsc01_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 |
mdsc01_09_02 | Caa Section 09 Item 02 |
mdsc01_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 |
mdsc01_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 |
mdsc01_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 |
mdsc01_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 |
mdsc01_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 |
mdsc01_10_suppdoc | Caa Section 10 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 |
mdsc01_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 |
mdsc01_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 |
mdsc01_10_02 | Caa Section 10 Item 02 |
mdsc01_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_08_07 | Caa Section 08 Item 07 |
mdsc01_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 |
mdsc01_06_06 | Caa Section 06 Item 06 |
mdsc01_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 |
mdsc01_04_08 | Caa Section 04 Item 08 |
mdsc01_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 |
mdsc01_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 |
mdsc01_09_04 | Caa Section 10 Item 04 |
mdsc01_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Resident Input |
mdsc01_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 |
mdsc01_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc01_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Review Indicators |
mdsc01_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 |
mdsc01_10_01 | Caa Section 10 Item 01 |
mdsc01_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 |
mdsc01_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 |
mdsc01_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 |
mdsc01_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 |
mdsc01_08_09 | Caa Section 08 Item 09 |
mdsc01_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Referral Warranted |
mdsc01_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 |
mdsc01_08_08 | Caa Section 08 Item 08 |
mdsc01_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 |
mdsc01_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 |
mdsc01_08_02 | Caa Section 08 Item 02 |
mdsc01_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 |
mdsc01_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc01_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 |
mdsc01_04_09 | Caa Section 04 Item 09 |
mdsc01_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 |
mdsc01_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc01_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc01_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Caa Info Transfer |
mdsc01_08_03 | Caa Section 08 Item 03 |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 02
Name | Description |
mdsc02_07_05 | Caa Section 07 Item 05 |
mdsc02_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 |
mdsc02_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 |
mdsc02_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc02_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 |
mdsc02_lp_review_indicators | Caa Review Indicators |
mdsc02_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Info Transfer |
mdsc02_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc02_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc02_08_07 | Caa Section 08 Item 07 |
mdsc02_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 |
mdsc02_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 |
mdsc02_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 |
mdsc02_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc02_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 |
mdsc02_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc02_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc02_05_13 | Caa Section 05 Item 13 |
mdsc02_07_04 | Caa Section 07 Item 04 |
mdsc02_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 |
mdsc02_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 |
mdsc02_07_03 | Caa Section 07 Item 03 |
mdsc02_05_09 | Caa Section 05 Item 09 |
mdsc02_08_01 | Caa Section 08 Item 01 |
mdsc02_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 |
mdsc02_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 |
mdsc02_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 |
mdsc02_05_14 | Caa Section 05 Item 14 |
mdsc02_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 |
mdsc02_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc02_05_11 | Caa Section 05 Item 11 |
mdsc02_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc02_05_08 | Caa Section 05 Item 08 |
mdsc02_08_04 | Caa Section 08 Item 04 |
mdsc02_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc02_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 |
mdsc02_08_suppdoc | Caa Section 08 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc02_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 |
mdsc02_05_10 | Caa Section 05 Item 10 |
mdsc02_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 |
mdsc02_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc02_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 |
mdsc02_08_02 | Caa Section 08 Item 02 |
mdsc02_08_05 | Caa Section 08 Item 05 |
mdsc02_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Care Plan Option |
mdsc02_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 |
mdsc02_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 |
mdsc02_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 |
mdsc02_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 |
mdsc02_05_12 | Caa Section 05 Item 12 |
mdsc02_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 |
mdsc02_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 |
mdsc02_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 |
mdsc02_08_06 | Caa Section 08 Item 06 |
mdsc02_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc02_08_03 | Caa Section 08 Item 03 |
mdsc02_05_07 | Caa Section 05 Item 07 |
mdsc02_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 |
mdsc02_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc02_lp_resident_input | Caa Resident Input |
mdsc02_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Referral Warranted |
mdsc02_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 |
mdsc02_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 |
mdsc02_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 03
Name | Description |
mdsc03_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 |
mdsc03_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 |
mdsc03_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc03_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 |
mdsc03_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 |
mdsc03_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 |
mdsc03_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 |
mdsc03_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 |
mdsc03_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Information Transfer |
mdsc03_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc03_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc03_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 |
mdsc03_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 |
mdsc03_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc03_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 |
mdsc03_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 |
mdsc03_02_08 | Caa Section 02 Item 08 |
mdsc03_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 |
mdsc03_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc03_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 |
mdsc03_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 |
mdsc03_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Referral Warranted |
mdsc03_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 |
mdsc03_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 |
mdsc03_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc03_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 |
mdsc03_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 |
mdsc03_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc03_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 |
mdsc03_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 |
mdsc03_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 |
mdsc03_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 |
mdsc03_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 |
mdsc03_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 |
mdsc03_lp_resident_input | Caa Resident Input |
mdsc03_01_10 | Caa Section 01 Item 10 |
mdsc03_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 |
mdsc03_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc03_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc03_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 |
mdsc03_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc03_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 |
mdsc03_01_11 | Caa Section 01 Item 11 |
mdsc03_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 |
mdsc03_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 |
mdsc03_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Care Plan Option |
mdsc03_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 |
mdsc03_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 |
mdsc03_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 |
mdsc03_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 |
mdsc03_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc03_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc03_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 |
mdsc03_lp_review_indicators | Caa Review Indicators |
mdsc03_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 04
Name | Description |
mdsc04_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 |
mdsc04_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc04_03_18 | Caa Section 03 Item 18 |
mdsc04_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 |
mdsc04_02_08 | Caa Section 02 Item 08 |
mdsc04_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 |
mdsc04_05_08 | Caa Section 05 Item 08 |
mdsc04_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 |
mdsc04_01_10 | Caa Section 01 Item 10 |
mdsc04_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 |
mdsc04_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 |
mdsc04_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc04_02_10 | Caa Section 02 Item 10 |
mdsc04_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 |
mdsc04_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Care Plan Option |
mdsc04_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 |
mdsc04_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc04_03_08 | Caa Section 03 Item 08 |
mdsc04_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 |
mdsc04_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 |
mdsc04_01_11 | Caa Section 01 Item 11 |
mdsc04_lp_review_indicators | Caa Review Indicators |
mdsc04_03_16 | Caa Section 03 Item 16 |
mdsc04_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 |
mdsc04_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Information Transfer |
mdsc04_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 |
mdsc04_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc04_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 |
mdsc04_03_09 | Caa Section 03 Item 09 |
mdsc04_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 |
mdsc04_03_12 | Caa Section 03 Item 12 |
mdsc04_lp_resident_input | Caa Resident Input |
mdsc04_03_17 | Caa Section 03 Item 17 |
mdsc04_03_14 | Caa Section 03 Item 14 |
mdsc04_02_09 | Caa Section 02 Item 09 |
mdsc04_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 |
mdsc04_03_10 | Caa Section 03 Item 10 |
mdsc04_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 |
mdsc04_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 |
mdsc04_05_07 | Caa Section 05 Item 07 |
mdsc04_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 |
mdsc04_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 |
mdsc04_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 |
mdsc04_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 |
mdsc04_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 |
mdsc04_03_13 | Caa Section 03 Item 13 |
mdsc04_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 |
mdsc04_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Referral Warranted |
mdsc04_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc04_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 |
mdsc04_03_19 | Caa Section 03 Item 19 |
mdsc04_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 |
mdsc04_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc04_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 |
mdsc04_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc04_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 |
mdsc04_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 |
mdsc04_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc04_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 |
mdsc04_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 |
mdsc04_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 |
mdsc04_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 |
mdsc04_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 |
mdsc04_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc04_03_15 | Caa Section 03 Item 15 |
mdsc04_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc04_01_12 | Caa Section 01 Item 12 |
mdsc04_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 |
mdsc04_03_11 | Caa Section 03 Item 11 |
mdsc04_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 05
Name | Description |
mdsc05_05_02 | Caa5 Section 05 Item 02 |
mdsc05_04_01 | Caa5 Section 04 Item 01 |
mdsc05_as_toileting | Caa5 Section As Toileting |
mdsc05_as_02 | Caa5 Section As Item 02 |
mdsc05_05_suppdoc | Caa5 Section 05 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc05_as_34_wc | Caa5 Section As Item 34 Wc |
mdsc05_as_31 | Caa5 Section As Item 31 |
mdsc05_as_03 | Caa5 Section As Item 03 |
mdsc05_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc05_05_07 | Caa5 Section 05 Item 07 |
mdsc05_as_locomotion | Caa5 Section As Locomotion |
mdsc05_as_26 | Caa5 Section As Item 26 |
mdsc05_01_07 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 07 |
mdsc05_01_05 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 05 |
mdsc05_as_32 | Caa5 Section As Item 32 |
mdsc05_lp_care_plan_option | Caa5 Care Plan Option |
mdsc05_as_29 | Caa5 Section As Item 29 |
mdsc05_as_06 | Caa5 Section As Item 06 |
mdsc05_01_11 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 11 |
mdsc05_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc05_03_suppdoc | Caa5 Section 03 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc05_01_suppdoc | Caa5 Section 01 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc05_01_04 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 04 |
mdsc05_as_37 | Caa5 Section As Item 37 |
mdsc05_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc05_02_03 | Caa5 Section 02 Item 03 |
mdsc05_as_07 | Caa5 Section As Item 07 |
mdsc05_05_05 | Caa5 Section 05 Item 05 |
mdsc05_04_02 | Caa5 Section 04 Item 02 |
mdsc05_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa5 Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc05_as_13 | Caa5 Section As Item 13 |
mdsc05_01_09 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 09 |
mdsc05_01_12 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 12 |
mdsc05_as_28_wc | Caa5 Section As Item 28 Wc |
mdsc05_as_36 | Caa5 Section As Item 36 |
mdsc05_lp_resident_input | Caa5 Resident Input |
mdsc05_as_22 | Caa5 Section As Item 22 |
mdsc05_04_suppdoc | Caa5 Section 04 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc05_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc05_01_08 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 08 |
mdsc05_as_04_wc | Caa5 Section As Item 04 Wc |
mdsc05_05_01 | Caa5 Section 05 Item 01 |
mdsc05_as_27 | Caa5 Section As Item 27 |
mdsc05_01_16 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 16 |
mdsc05_lp_referral_warranted | Caa5 Referral Warranted |
mdsc05_as_39 | Caa5 Section As Item 39 |
mdsc05_as_10 | Caa5 Section As Item 10 |
mdsc05_as_22_wc | Caa5 Section As Item 22 Wc |
mdsc05_as_15 | Caa5 Section As Item 15 |
mdsc05_as_10_wc | Caa5 Section As Item 10 Wc |
mdsc05_02_01 | Caa5 Section 02 Item 01 |
mdsc05_01_06 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 06 |
mdsc05_as_16 | Caa5 Section As Item 16 |
mdsc05_as_bathing | Caa5 Section As Bathing |
mdsc05_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa5 Information Transfer |
mdsc05_01_02 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 02 |
mdsc05_01_03 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 03 |
mdsc05_01_13 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 13 |
mdsc05_as_08 | Caa5 Section As Item 08 |
mdsc05_as_transfer | Caa5 Section As Transfer |
mdsc05_as_42 | Caa5 Section As Item 42 |
mdsc05_as_35 | Caa5 Section As Item 35 |
mdsc05_as_18 | Caa5 Section As Item 18 |
mdsc05_as_25 | Caa5 Section As Item 25 |
mdsc05_as_12 | Caa5 Section As Item 12 |
mdsc05_as_17 | Caa5 Section As Item 17 |
mdsc05_04_03 | Caa5 Section 04 Item 03 |
mdsc05_as_01 | Caa5 Section As Item 01 |
mdsc05_lp_review_indicators | Caa5 Review Indicators |
mdsc05_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc05_02_suppdoc | Caa5 Section 02 Supporting Documentation |
mdsc05_05_03 | Caa5 Section 05 Item 03 |
mdsc05_as_09 | Caa5 Section As Item 09 |
mdsc05_as_24 | Caa5 Section As Item 24 |
mdsc05_as_wc | Caa5 Section As Wheelchair |
mdsc05_05_06 | Caa5 Section 05 Item 06 |
mdsc05_as_14 | Caa5 Section As Item 14 |
mdsc05_as_30 | Caa5 Section As Item 30 |
mdsc05_02_04 | Caa5 Section 02 Item 04 |
mdsc05_as_23 | Caa5 Section As Item 23 |
mdsc05_02_05 | Caa5 Section 02 Item 05 |
mdsc05_as_05 | Caa5 Section As Item 05 |
mdsc05_as_20 | Caa5 Section As Item 20 |
mdsc05_as_11 | Caa5 Section As Item 11 |
mdsc05_as_21 | Caa5 Section As Item 21 |
mdsc05_02_02 | Caa5 Section 02 Item 02 |
mdsc05_as_28 | Caa5 Section As Item 28 |
mdsc05_as_dressing | Caa5 Section As Dressing |
mdsc05_as_16_wc | Caa5 Section As Item 16 Wc |
mdsc05_as_34 | Caa5 Section As Item 34 |
mdsc05_01_14 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 14 |
mdsc05_02_06 | Caa5 Section 02 Item 06 |
mdsc05_as_04 | Caa5 Section As Item 04 |
mdsc05_as_eating | Caa5 Section As Eating |
mdsc05_03_02 | Caa5 Section 03 Item 02 |
mdsc05_01_10 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 10 |
mdsc05_as_19 | Caa5 Section As Item 19 |
mdsc05_03_01 | Caa5 Section 03 Item 01 |
mdsc05_as_33 | Caa5 Section As Item 33 |
mdsc05_05_04 | Caa5 Section 05 Item 04 |
mdsc05_01_15 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 15 |
mdsc05_01_01 | Caa5 Section 01 Item 01 |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 06
Name | Description |
mdsc06_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc06_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc06_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc06_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc06_01_14 | Caa Section 01 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc06_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc06_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc06_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc06_01_10 | Caa Section 01 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc06_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc06_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc06_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc06_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc06_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc06_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc06_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Suppdoc |
mdsc06_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc06_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc06_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc06_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc06_04_06 | Caa Section 04 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc06_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc06_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc06_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc06_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc06_07_03 | Caa Section 07 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc06_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc06_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc06_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc06_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc06_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc06_07_04 | Caa Section 07 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc06_04_08 | Caa Section 04 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc06_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc06_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc06_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc06_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc06_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc06_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc06_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc06_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc06_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc06_01_12 | Caa Section 01 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc06_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc06_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc06_07_05 | Caa Section 07 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc06_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc06_01_11 | Caa Section 01 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc06_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc06_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc06_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc06_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc06_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc06_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc06_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc06_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc06_04_07 | Caa Section 04 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc06_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc06_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc06_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc06_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc06_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc06_01_13 | Caa Section 01 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc06_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc06_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc06_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 07
Name | Description |
mdsc07_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc07_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc07_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc07_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc07_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc07_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc07_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc07_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc07_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc07_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc07_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc07_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc07_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc07_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc07_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc07_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc07_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc07_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc07_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc07_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc07_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc07_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc07_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc07_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc07_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc07_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc07_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc07_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc07_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc07_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc07_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc07_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc07_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc07_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc07_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc07_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc07_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc07_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc07_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc07_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc07_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc07_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc07_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc07_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc07_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc07_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc07_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc07_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 08
Name | Description |
mdsc08_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc08_02_10 | Caa Section 02 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc08_02_11 | Caa Section 02 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc08_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc08_03_10 | Caa Section 03 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc08_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc08_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc08_02_18 | Caa Section 02 Item 18 Cb |
mdsc08_02_09 | Caa Section 02 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc08_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc08_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc08_03_14 | Caa Section 03 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc08_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc08_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc08_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc08_02_17 | Caa Section 02 Item 17 Cb |
mdsc08_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc08_02_16 | Caa Section 02 Item 16 Cb |
mdsc08_03_17 | Caa Section 03 Item 17 Cb |
mdsc08_03_08 | Caa Section 03 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc08_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc08_02_19 | Caa Section 02 Item 19 Cb |
mdsc08_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc08_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc08_03_20 | Caa Section 03 Item 20 Cb |
mdsc08_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc08_03_19 | Caa Section 03 Item 19 Cb |
mdsc08_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc08_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc08_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc08_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc08_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc08_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc08_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc08_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc08_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc08_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc08_03_18 | Caa Section 03 Item 18 Cb |
mdsc08_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc08_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc08_03_16 | Caa Section 03 Item 16 Cb |
mdsc08_03_11 | Caa Section 03 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc08_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc08_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc08_02_15 | Caa Section 02 Item 15 Cb |
mdsc08_03_15 | Caa Section 03 Item 15 Cb |
mdsc08_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc08_02_14 | Caa Section 02 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc08_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc08_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc08_03_21 | Caa Section 03 Item 21 Cb |
mdsc08_03_09 | Caa Section 03 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc08_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc08_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc08_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc08_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc08_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc08_02_08 | Caa Section 02 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc08_02_12 | Caa Section 02 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc08_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc08_03_13 | Caa Section 03 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc08_03_12 | Caa Section 03 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc08_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc08_02_13 | Caa Section 02 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc08_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 09
Name | Description |
mdsc09_04_13 | Caa Section 04 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc09_04_07 | Caa Section 04 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc09_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc09_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc09_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc09_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc09_05_11 | Caa Section 05 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc09_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc09_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Suppdoc |
mdsc09_05_09 | Caa Section 05 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc09_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc09_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc09_02_08 | Caa Section 02 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc09_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc09_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc09_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc09_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc09_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc09_04_14 | Caa Section 04 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc09_05_14 | Caa Section 05 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc09_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc09_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc09_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc09_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc09_04_10 | Caa Section 04 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc09_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc09_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc09_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc09_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc09_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc09_05_10 | Caa Section 05 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc09_05_08 | Caa Section 05 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc09_04_11 | Caa Section 04 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc09_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc09_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc09_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc09_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc09_03_08 | Caa Section 03 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc09_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc09_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc09_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc09_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc09_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc09_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc09_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc09_05_07 | Caa Section 05 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc09_05_12 | Caa Section 05 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc09_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc09_07_03 | Caa Section 07 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc09_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc09_04_06 | Caa Section 04 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc09_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc09_04_12 | Caa Section 04 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc09_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc09_04_09 | Caa Section 04 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc09_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc09_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc09_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc09_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc09_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc09_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc09_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc09_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc09_arid | Mdsc09 arid |
mdsc09_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc09_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc09_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc09_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc09_04_08 | Caa Section 04 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc09_05_13 | Caa Section 05 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc09_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc09_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 10
Name | Description |
mdsc10_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc10_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc10_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc10_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc10_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc10_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc10_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc10_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc10_01_11 | Caa Section 01 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc10_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc10_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc10_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc10_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc10_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc10_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc10_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc10_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc10_06_06 | Caa Section 06 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc10_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc10_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc10_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc10_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc10_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc10_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc10_03_08 | Caa Section 03 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc10_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc10_01_10 | Caa Section 01 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc10_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc10_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc10_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc10_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc10_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc10_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc10_06_07 | Caa Section 06 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc10_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc10_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc10_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc10_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc10_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc10_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc10_03_09 | Caa Section 03 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc10_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc10_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc10_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc10_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc10_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc10_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc10_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc10_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc10_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc10_06_08 | Caa Section 06 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc10_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc10_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc10_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc10_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc10_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc10_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc10_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 11
Name | Description |
mdsc11_08_03 | Caa Section 08 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc11_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc11_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc11_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc11_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc11_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc11_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc11_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc11_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc11_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc11_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc11_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc11_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc11_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc11_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc11_08_06 | Caa Section 08 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc11_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc11_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Suppdoc |
mdsc11_06_06 | Caa Section 06 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc11_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc11_07_04 | Caa Section 07 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc11_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc11_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc11_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc11_07_03 | Caa Section 07 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc11_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc11_08_08 | Caa Section 08 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc11_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc11_08_04 | Caa Section 08 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc11_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc11_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc11_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc11_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc11_03_09 | Caa Section 03 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc11_08_02 | Caa Section 08 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc11_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc11_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc11_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc11_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc11_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc11_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc11_08_07 | Caa Section 08 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc11_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc11_08_09 | Caa Section 08 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc11_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc11_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc11_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc11_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc11_03_08 | Caa Section 03 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc11_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc11_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc11_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc11_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc11_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc11_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc11_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc11_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc11_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc11_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc11_08_01 | Caa Section 08 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc11_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc11_08_05 | Caa Section 08 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc11_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc11_08_suppdoc | Caa Section 08 Suppdoc |
mdsc11_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc11_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc11_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc11_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 12
Name | Description |
mdsc12_06_08 | Caa Section 06 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc12_08_04 | Caa Section 08 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_06_14 | Caa Section 06 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc12_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc12_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_09_04 | Caa Section 09 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_06_06 | Caa Section 06 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc12_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc12_03_13 | Caa Section 03 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc12_03_10 | Caa Section 03 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc12_02_13 | Caa Section 02 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc12_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_06_09 | Caa Section 06 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc12_09_08 | Caa Section 09 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc12_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_02_10 | Caa Section 02 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc12_07_05 | Caa Section 07 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc12_06_11 | Caa Section 06 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc12_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc12_08_02 | Caa Section 08 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_02_08 | Caa Section 02 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc12_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc12_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_03_11 | Caa Section 03 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc12_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc12_06_07 | Caa Section 06 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc12_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc12_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc12_10_01 | Caa Section 10 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_03_15 | Caa Section 03 Item 15 Cb |
mdsc12_07_04 | Caa Section 07 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc12_10_06 | Caa Section 10 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc12_06_16 | Caa Section 06 Item 16 Cb |
mdsc12_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc12_05_08 | Caa Section 05 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc12_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_09_07 | Caa Section 09 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc12_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc12_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_06_13 | Caa Section 06 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc12_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc12_10_05 | Caa Section 10 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc12_03_12 | Caa Section 03 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc12_10_02 | Caa Section 10 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_07_06 | Caa Section 07 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc12_06_15 | Caa Section 06 Item 15 Cb |
mdsc12_09_09 | Caa Section 09 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc12_02_12 | Caa Section 02 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc12_10_03 | Caa Section 10 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_03_09 | Caa Section 03 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc12_10_suppdoc | Caa Section 10 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_10_04 | Caa Section 10 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_03_14 | Caa Section 03 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc12_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc12_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_03_16 | Caa Section 03 Item 16 Cb |
mdsc12_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_07_03 | Caa Section 07 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc12_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc12_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc12_08_01 | Caa Section 08 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_09_02 | Caa Section 09 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_09_01 | Caa Section 09 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_02_09 | Caa Section 02 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc12_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc12_02_11 | Caa Section 02 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc12_06_17 | Caa Section 06 Item 17 Cb |
mdsc12_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc12_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc12_09_05 | Caa Section 09 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc12_08_03 | Caa Section 08 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc12_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc12_07_07 | Caa Section 07 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc12_05_07 | Caa Section 05 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc12_06_12 | Caa Section 06 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc12_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc12_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_02_14 | Caa Section 02 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc12_09_suppdoc | Caa Section 09 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_08_suppdoc | Caa Section 08 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_09_03 | Caa Section 09 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc12_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc12_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc12_03_08 | Caa Section 03 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc12_09_06 | Caa Section 09 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc12_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_06_10 | Caa Section 06 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc12_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc12_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc12_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Care Area 13
Name | Description |
mdsc13_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc13_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc13_02_09 | Caa Section 02 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc13_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc13_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc13_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc13_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc13_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc13_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc13_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc13_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc13_05_08 | Caa Section 05 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc13_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc13_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc13_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc13_05_14 | Caa Section 05 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc13_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc13_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc13_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc13_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc13_05_12 | Caa Section 05 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc13_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc13_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc13_05_13 | Caa Section 05 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc13_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc13_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc13_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc13_02_08 | Caa Section 02 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc13_02_11 | Caa Section 02 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc13_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc13_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc13_05_11 | Caa Section 05 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc13_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc13_05_09 | Caa Section 05 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc13_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc13_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc13_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc13_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc13_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc13_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc13_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc13_02_10 | Caa Section 02 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc13_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc13_05_07 | Caa Section 05 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc13_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc13_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc13_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc13_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc13_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc13_05_10 | Caa Section 05 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc13_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc13_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Assessment Care Area Resource 14
Name | Description |
mdsc14_04_15 | Caa Section 04 Item 15 Cb |
mdsc14_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc14_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc14_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc14_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc14_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc14_04_16 | Caa Section 04 Item 16 Cb |
mdsc14_06_06 | Caa Section 06 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc14_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc14_04_06 | Caa Section 04 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc14_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc14_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc14_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc14_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc14_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc14_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc14_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc14_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc14_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc14_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc14_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc14_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc14_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc14_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc14_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc14_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc14_06_09 | Caa Section 06 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc14_01_10 | Caa Section 01 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc14_04_10 | Caa Section 04 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc14_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc14_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc14_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc14_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc14_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc14_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc14_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc14_04_08 | Caa Section 04 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc14_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc14_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc14_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc14_04_17 | Caa Section 04 Item 17 Cb |
mdsc14_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc14_04_07 | Caa Section 04 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc14_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc14_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc14_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc14_04_14 | Caa Section 04 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc14_06_07 | Caa Section 06 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc14_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc14_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc14_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc14_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc14_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc14_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc14_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc14_04_13 | Caa Section 04 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc14_04_11 | Caa Section 04 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc14_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc14_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc14_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc14_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc14_04_09 | Caa Section 04 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc14_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc14_06_08 | Caa Section 06 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc14_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc14_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc14_04_12 | Caa Section 04 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc14_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
Description: Mds3 Assessment Care Area Resource 15
Name | Description |
mdsc15_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc15_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc15_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc15_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc15_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc15_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc15_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc15_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc15_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc15_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc15_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc15_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc15_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc15_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc15_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc15_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc15_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc15_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc15_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc15_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc15_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc15_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc15_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc15_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc15_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc15_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc15_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc15_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc15_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc15_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc15_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc15_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc15_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc15_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Assessment Care Area Resource 16
Name | Description |
mdsc16_06_06 | Caa Section 06 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc16_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc16_07_07 | Caa Section 07 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc16_06_10 | Caa Section 06 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc16_05_08 | Caa Section 05 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc16_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc16_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc16_05_16 | Caa Section 05 Item 16 Cb |
mdsc16_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc16_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc16_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc16_06_11 | Caa Section 06 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc16_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc16_05_22 | Caa Section 05 Item 22 Cb |
mdsc16_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc16_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Suppdoc |
mdsc16_07_08 | Caa Section 07 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc16_05_15 | Caa Section 05 Item 15 Cb |
mdsc16_07_06 | Caa Section 07 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc16_06_09 | Caa Section 06 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc16_05_19 | Caa Section 05 Item 19 Cb |
mdsc16_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc16_07_03 | Caa Section 07 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc16_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc16_05_09 | Caa Section 05 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc16_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc16_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc16_05_17 | Caa Section 05 Item 17 Cb |
mdsc16_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc16_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc16_05_18 | Caa Section 05 Item 18 Cb |
mdsc16_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc16_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc16_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc16_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc16_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc16_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc16_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc16_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc16_07_04 | Caa Section 07 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc16_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc16_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc16_05_24 | Caa Section 05 Item 24 Cb |
mdsc16_05_20 | Caa Section 05 Item 20 Cb |
mdsc16_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc16_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc16_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc16_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc16_05_13 | Caa Section 05 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc16_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc16_05_23 | Caa Section 05 Item 23 Cb |
mdsc16_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc16_04_06 | Caa Section 04 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc16_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc16_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc16_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc16_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc16_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc16_07_05 | Caa Section 07 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc16_05_14 | Caa Section 05 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc16_05_21 | Caa Section 05 Item 21 Cb |
mdsc16_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc16_06_07 | Caa Section 06 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc16_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc16_05_25 | Caa Section 05 Item 25 Cb |
mdsc16_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc16_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc16_06_08 | Caa Section 06 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc16_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc16_05_12 | Caa Section 05 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc16_05_10 | Caa Section 05 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc16_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc16_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc16_05_07 | Caa Section 05 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc16_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc16_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc16_05_11 | Caa Section 05 Item 11 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Assessment Care Area Resource 17
Name | Description |
mdsc17_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_08_11 | Caa Section 08 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc17_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc17_09_03 | Caa Section 09 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc17_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc17_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_09_01 | Caa Section 09 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_06_08 | Caa Section 06 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc17_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc17_08_02 | Caa Section 08 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc17_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_04_07 | Caa Section 04 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc17_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc17_09_04 | Caa Section 09 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_04_06 | Caa Section 04 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc17_07_05 | Caa Section 07 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc17_08_14 | Caa Section 08 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc17_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc17_08_04 | Caa Section 08 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_08_suppdoc | Caa Section 08 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_10_01 | Caa Section 10 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_04_15 | Caa Section 04 Item 15 Cb |
mdsc17_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_06_05 | Caa Section 06 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc17_08_01 | Caa Section 08 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_08_09 | Caa Section 08 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc17_04_13 | Caa Section 04 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc17_04_16 | Caa Section 04 Item 16 Cb |
mdsc17_04_14 | Caa Section 04 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc17_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_08_10 | Caa Section 08 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc17_10_05 | Caa Section 10 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc17_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_06_07 | Caa Section 06 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc17_06_06 | Caa Section 06 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc17_08_05 | Caa Section 08 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc17_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_09_suppdoc | Caa Section 09 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_10_03 | Caa Section 10 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_04_10 | Caa Section 04 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc17_06_10 | Caa Section 06 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc17_04_12 | Caa Section 04 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc17_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc17_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_04_11 | Caa Section 04 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc17_10_04 | Caa Section 10 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_08_08 | Caa Section 08 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc17_04_08 | Caa Section 04 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc17_08_13 | Caa Section 08 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc17_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc17_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_04_17 | Caa Section 04 Item 17 Cb |
mdsc17_09_06 | Caa Section 09 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc17_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc17_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc17_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc17_06_09 | Caa Section 06 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc17_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_07_04 | Caa Section 07 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_08_07 | Caa Section 08 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc17_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_04_09 | Caa Section 04 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc17_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc17_08_12 | Caa Section 08 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc17_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc17_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc17_07_03 | Caa Section 07 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_09_02 | Caa Section 09 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_08_06 | Caa Section 08 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc17_10_suppdoc | Caa Section 10 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc17_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc17_09_05 | Caa Section 09 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc17_08_03 | Caa Section 08 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc17_10_02 | Caa Section 10 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc17_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Assessment Care Area Resource 18
Name | Description |
mdsc18_04_12 | Caa Section 04 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc18_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc18_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc18_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc18_04_11 | Caa Section 04 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc18_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc18_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc18_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc18_03_07 | Caa Section 03 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc18_01_11 | Caa Section 01 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc18_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc18_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc18_02_08 | Caa Section 02 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc18_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc18_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc18_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc18_04_05 | Caa Section 04 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc18_02_07 | Caa Section 02 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc18_05_07 | Caa Section 05 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc18_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc18_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc18_03_12 | Caa Section 03 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc18_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc18_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc18_03_10 | Caa Section 03 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc18_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc18_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc18_04_07 | Caa Section 04 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc18_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc18_02_12 | Caa Section 02 Item 12 Cb |
mdsc18_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc18_04_08 | Caa Section 04 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc18_04_06 | Caa Section 04 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc18_04_10 | Caa Section 04 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc18_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc18_03_04 | Caa Section 03 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc18_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc18_04_13 | Caa Section 04 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc18_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc18_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc18_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc18_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc18_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc18_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc18_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc18_04_09 | Caa Section 04 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc18_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc18_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc18_05_08 | Caa Section 05 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc18_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc18_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc18_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc18_02_11 | Caa Section 02 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc18_03_09 | Caa Section 03 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc18_03_06 | Caa Section 03 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc18_03_13 | Caa Section 03 Item 13 Cb |
mdsc18_05_06 | Caa Section 05 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc18_03_08 | Caa Section 03 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc18_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc18_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc18_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc18_01_10 | Caa Section 01 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc18_03_11 | Caa Section 03 Item 11 Cb |
mdsc18_03_14 | Caa Section 03 Item 14 Cb |
mdsc18_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc18_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc18_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc18_02_06 | Caa Section 02 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc18_02_09 | Caa Section 02 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc18_03_05 | Caa Section 03 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc18_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc18_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc18_02_10 | Caa Section 02 Item 10 Cb |
mdsc18_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
Description: Mds3 Assessment Care Area Resource 19
Name | Description |
mdsc19_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc19_04_03 | Caa Section 04 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc19_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc19_03_03 | Caa Section 03 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc19_06_suppdoc | Caa Section 06 Suppdoc |
mdsc19_07_07 | Caa Section 07 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc19_05_02 | Caa Section 05 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc19_05_04 | Caa Section 05 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc19_06_04 | Caa Section 06 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc19_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
mdsc19_03_01 | Caa Section 03 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc19_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc19_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc19_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc19_03_suppdoc | Caa Section 03 Suppdoc |
mdsc19_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc19_07_suppdoc | Caa Section 07 Suppdoc |
mdsc19_02_01 | Caa Section 02 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc19_05_suppdoc | Caa Section 05 Suppdoc |
mdsc19_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc19_02_03 | Caa Section 02 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc19_05_01 | Caa Section 05 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc19_02_02 | Caa Section 02 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc19_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc19_04_suppdoc | Caa Section 04 Suppdoc |
mdsc19_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc19_07_01 | Caa Section 07 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc19_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc19_02_04 | Caa Section 02 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc19_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc19_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc19_07_05 | Caa Section 07 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc19_05_03 | Caa Section 05 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc19_06_02 | Caa Section 06 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc19_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc19_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc19_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc19_04_04 | Caa Section 04 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc19_02_suppdoc | Caa Section 02 Suppdoc |
mdsc19_07_02 | Caa Section 07 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc19_07_03 | Caa Section 07 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc19_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc19_03_02 | Caa Section 03 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc19_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc19_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc19_07_06 | Caa Section 07 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc19_05_05 | Caa Section 05 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc19_06_01 | Caa Section 06 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc19_07_04 | Caa Section 07 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc19_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc19_04_02 | Caa Section 04 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc19_06_03 | Caa Section 06 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc19_02_05 | Caa Section 02 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc19_01_suppdoc | Caa Section 01 Suppdoc |
mdsc19_04_01 | Caa Section 04 Item 01 Cb |
Description: Mds3 Assessment Care Area Resource 20
Name | Description |
mdsc20_01_09 | Caa Section 01 Item 09 Cb |
mdsc20_01_06 | Caa Section 01 Item 06 Cb |
mdsc20_lp_review_indicators | Caa Section Lp Review Indicators |
mdsc20_01_03 | Caa Section 01 Item 03 Cb |
mdsc20_01_07 | Caa Section 01 Item 07 Cb |
mdsc20_lp_care_plan_reasons | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Reasons |
mdsc20_01_05 | Caa Section 01 Item 05 Cb |
mdsc20_01_08 | Caa Section 01 Item 08 Cb |
mdsc20_01_04 | Caa Section 01 Item 04 Cb |
mdsc20_patnum | Patient Number |
mdsc20_lp_caa_info_trans | Caa Section Lp Caa Info Trans |
mdsc20_lp_care_plan_option | Caa Section Lp Care Plan Option |
mdsc20_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mdsc20_asmt_date | Assessment Date |
mdsc20_asmt_seq | Assessment Sequence Number |
mdsc20_01_02 | Caa Section 01 Item 02 Cb |
mdsc20_lp_referral_warranted | Caa Section Lp Referral Warranted |
mdsc20_01_01 | Caa Section 01 Item 01 Cb |
mdsc20_asmt_type | Assessment Type |
mdsc20_lp_resident_input | Caa Section Lp Resident Input |
Description: Med verify scan
Name | Description |
mvscan_ndc | Medication Ndc |
mvscan_is_pca | Is Pca |
mvscan_itemnum | Item Number |
mvscan_admin_id | Administration Id |
mvscan_ubl | Logname |
mvscan_visit | Visit Number |
mvscan_credentials | Employee |
mvscan_date_time | Scan Timestamp |
mvscan_dept_num | Department Number |
mvscan_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mvscan_ipaseq | Ip Pharmacy Sequence |
Description: Med verify scan alert
Name | Description |
mvscana_admin_id | Administration Id |
mvscana_date_time | Scan Alert Timestamp |
mvscana_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mvscana_ipaseq | Ip Pharmacy Sequence |
mvscana_seqnum | Scan Alert Sequence |
mvscana_oride_reason | Override Reason |
mvscana_visit | Visit Number |
mvscana_type | Alert Type |
Description: Med Verify Warning Record
Name | Description |
mvwarn_date | Warning Date |
mvwarn_empname | Employee Name |
mvwarn_item | Warning Item Number |
mvwarn_warncd | Warning Code |
mvwarn_empnum | Employee Number |
mvwarn_patnum | Visit Number |
mvwarn_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mvwarn_ndc | Ndc Number |
mvwarn_time | Warning Time |
Description: Medical Order Transfer Keys
Name | Description |
mo1trans_patnum | Old Order Visit Number |
mo1trans_edate | Old Order Entry Date |
mo1trans_seq | Old Order Sequence |
mo1trans_patordkey | New Order Patord Key |
mo1trans_arid | Arid Id |
mo1trans_unverdept | Old Order Unverified Department |
mo1trans_etime | Old Order Entry Date |
Description: Medical Order File
Name | Description |
mo_chorders_serialkey | Mo chorders serialkey |
mo_dietconsumed | Medical Order Diet Consumed |
mo_orderdesc | Medical Order Description |
mo_clo5ackdt | Medical Order Chartlink Order 5 Date |
mo_skillmix | Medical Order Skill Mix |
mo_seqnum | Medical Order Sequence Number |
mo_fcstatus | Medical Order Flowchart Status |
mo_patcensus | Medical Order Patient Census Switch |
mo_verbal_dc | Mo verbal dc |
mo_sortseq | Medical Order Sort Sequence |
mo_enurse | Medical Order Entry Nurse |
mo_unverdept | Medical Order Unverified Department |
mo_clo5seq | Medical Order Chartlink Order 5 Sequence |
mo_acomment2 | Medical Order Action Comment 2 |
mo_interv_starttm | Medical Order Intervention Start Time |
mo_adate | Medical Order Action Date |
mo_intseq | Medical Order Intervention Sequence |
mo_dietsw | Medical Order Diet Switch |
mo_interv_startdt | Medical Order Inervention Start Date |
mo_seq | Medical Order Sequence |
mo_etime | Medical Order Entry Time |
mo_vtime | Medical Order Verification Time |
mo_chorders_arid | Mo chorders arid |
mo_interv_endtm | Medical Order Intervention End Time |
mo_clo6acktm | Mo clo6acktm |
mo_acode | Medical Order Action Code |
mo_readback_dc | Mo readback dc |
mo_vnurse | Medical Order Verifying Nurse |
mo_verbal | Medical Order Verbal Switch |
mo_diab_medo_sw | Medical Order Diabetic Order Switch |
mo_diet_field32 | Medical Order Diet Field 32 |
mo_pacuity | Medical Order Predictive Acuity |
mo_diab_seq | Medical Order Diabetic Sequence |
mo_flowchartnum | Medical Order Flowchart Number |
mo_acode_other | Medical Order Action Code Other |
mo_patordkey | Patient Orders Key |
mo_jetcode | Medical Order Jet Code |
mo_probnum | Medical Order Problem Number |
mo_rank | Medical Order Rank |
mo_prob_sw | Medical Order Problem Switch |
mo_clo6seq | Mo clo6seq |
mo_flowchartday | Medical Order Flowchart Day |
mo_clo5acktm | Medical Order Chartlink Order 5 Time |
mo_intedate | Medical Order Intervention Date |
mo_flowchartdt | Medical Order Flowchart Date |
mo_clo6ackdt | Mo clo6ackdt |
mo_origrank | Medical Order Original Rank |
mo_acuity | Medical Order Acuity |
mo_readback | Medical Order Read Back Switch |
mo_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mo_edate | Medical Order Entry Date |
mo_patnum | Medical Order Patient Number |
mo_interv_enddt | Medical Order Intervention End Date |
mo_acomment | Medical Order Action Comment |
mo_prob_action_seq | Medical Order Problem Action Sequence |
mo_flowcharttm | Medical Order Flowchart Time |
mo_boxnum | Medical Order Box Number |
mo_anurse | Medical Order Action Nurse |
mo_ordnum | Medical Order Order Number |
mo_intetime | Medical Order Intervention Time |
mo_vdate | Medical Order Verification Date |
mo_atime | Medical Order Action Time |
Description: Mr Document Record
Name | Description |
mrdoc1_hold_cd | Hold Code |
mrdoc1_desc | Transcription Description |
mrdoc1_sendphy | Transcription Physician Distribution List |
mrdoc1_date | Document Date |
mrdoc1_location | Transcription Location Distribution List |
mrdoc1_print | Print Switch |
mrdoc1_rtf_sw | Rtf Switch |
mrdoc1_amend_addend_seq | Amendment Addendum Sequence |
mrdoc1_cosigner | Cosigning Physician Number |
mrdoc1_cosigned_flg | Cosigned Flag |
mrdoc1_logdinit | Dictation Log Dictate Initials |
mrdoc1_lines | Document Line Count |
mrdoc1_logdtime | Dictation Log Dictate Time |
mrdoc1_logcdate | Document Creation Date |
mrdoc1_logctime | Document Creation Time |
mrdoc1_logtinit | Dictation Log Transcribe Initials |
mrdoc1_new | New Document Switch |
mrdoc1_phy | Dictating Physician Number |
mrdoc1_esign_edit | Electronic Signature Edit Switch |
mrdoc1_signinit | Electronic Signature Initials |
mrdoc1_esign | Electronic Signature Switch |
mrdoc1_logddate | Dictation Log Dictate Date |
mrdoc1_rtn_date | Return Date |
mrdoc1_logcinit | Document Creation Initials |
mrdoc1_fidx_key | File Index Key |
mrdoc1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mrdoc1_paragraphs | Document Paragraph Count |
mrdoc1_rtn_time | Return Time |
mrdoc1_rtn_cd | Return Code |
mrdoc1_charwspaces | Document Character With Spaces Count |
mrdoc1_pat | Visit Number |
mrdoc1_seq | Transcription Sequence Number |
mrdoc1_vndrid2 | If Vendor Id Number2 |
mrdoc1_doccode | Document Code |
mrdoc1_amend_addend_date | Amendment Addendum Date |
mrdoc1_logtdate | Dictation Log Transcribe Date |
mrdoc1_logttime | Dictation Log Transcribe Time |
mrdoc1_words | Document Word Count |
mrdoc1_amend_addend_init | Amendment Addendum Initials |
mrdoc1_vndrid | If Vendor Id Number |
mrdoc1_signdate | Electronic Signature Date |
mrdoc1_signtime | Electronic Signature Time |
mrdoc1_cat | Transcription Category Code |
mrdoc1_amend_addend_cd | Amendment Addendum Code |
mrdoc1_amend_addend_time | Amendment Addendum Time |
mrdoc1_characters | Document Character Count |
mrdoc1_req_edit | Requires Edit Switch |
Description: Medical Record Transcription Index
Name | Description |
mr_seq | Med Rec Record Sequence |
mr_characters2 | Med Rec Transcription Changes Char2 |
mr_num | Medical Record Number |
mr_charwspaces2 | Med Rec Transcription Changes Spaces2 |
mr_print | Med Rec Transcription Print |
mr_paragraphs | Med Rec Transcription Paragraphs |
mr_lines2 | Med Rec Transcription Changes Lines2 |
mr_charwspaces | Med Rec Transcription Changes Spaces |
mr_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mr_date | Med Rec Transcription Date |
mr_rtf_sw | Med Rec Transcription Rtf Switch |
mr_words2 | Med Rec Transcription Changes Words2 |
mr_paragraphs2 | Med Rec Transcription Paragraphs2 |
mr_new | Med Rec Transcription New |
mr_date2 | Med Rec Transcription Date2 |
mr_lines | Med Rec Transcription Changes Lines |
mr_desc | Med Rec Transcription Description |
mr_new2 | Med Rec Transcription New2 |
mr_characters | Med Rec Transcription Changes Char |
mr_words | Med Rec Transcription Changes Words |
mr_print2 | Med Rec Transcription Print2 |
mr_rtf_sw2 | Med Rec Transcription Rtf Switch2 |
Description: Medication Administration Assessment
Name | Description |
marass1_itemname | Marass1 itemname |
marass1_asstm | Marass1 asstm |
marass1_admsqlseq | Marass1 admsqlseq |
marass1_ubl | Marass1 ubl |
marass1_init | Marass1 init |
marass1_admtm | Marass1 admtm |
marass1_super_amend_ubl | Marass1 super amend ubl |
marass1_marassamend_tm | Marass1 marassamend tm |
marass1_admdt | Marass1 admdt |
marass1_arid | Marass1 arid |
marass1_type | Marass1 type |
marass1_assdt | Marass1 assdt |
marass1_num | Marass1 num |
marass1_route | Marass1 route |
marass1_seq | Marass1 seq |
marass1_ordnum | Marass1 ordnum |
marass1_ass | Marass1 ass |
marass1_super_amend | Marass1 super amend |
marass1_marassamend_dt | Marass1 marassamend dt |
marass1_nurse | Marass1 nurse |
Description: Med Tracker Record
Name | Description |
mit_gm_id | Micromedex General Medication Id |
mit_unit | Units |
mit_time | Given Time |
mit_af_id | Ultimedex Alternate Formulary Id |
mit_item | Item Number |
mit_override | Override Reason |
mit_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mit_init | Initials |
mit_order | Order Number |
mit_pat | Visit Number |
mit_seq | Key Sequence Number |
mit_date | Given Date |
mit_dose | Dose |
Description: Medication review
Name | Description |
med_type | Med type |
med_visit_id | Med visit id |
med_role | Med role |
med_order | Med order |
med_historical | Med historical |
med_logname | Med logname |
med_reason | Med reason |
med_reviewed_ts | Med reviewed ts |
med_removed_ts | Med removed ts |
med_comments | Med comments |
med_review_completed | Med review completed |
med_arid | Med arid |
Description: Micro Comment Record
Name | Description |
mbc_ordered_time | Order Time |
mbc_comment | Generic Comment |
mbc_cmmt_seq | Comment Sequence |
mbc_order_number | Order Number |
mbc_ordered_date | Order Date |
mbc_isolate_id | Isolate Id |
mbc_comment_loc | Comment Location |
mbc_account_number | Visit Number |
mbc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Micro Drug
Name | Description |
mbd_drug_name | Drug Name |
mbd_drug_ref_range | Drug Reference Range |
mbd_drug_loinc | Drug Loinc |
mbd_order_number | Order Number |
mbd_drug_sensitivity_urine | Mbd drug sensitivity urine |
mbd_drug_sensitivity | Drug Sensitivity |
mbd_kb_sensitivity | Kirby Bauer Sensitivity |
mbd_organism_id | Organism Id |
mbd_drug_cost | Drug Cost |
mbd_drug_snomed | Drug Snomed |
mbd_method_loinc | Mbd method loinc |
mbd_drug_mic | Drug Mic |
mbd_ordered_date | Order Date |
mbd_drug_ucum | Drug Loinc Code |
mbd_drug_seq | Drug Sequence |
mbd_drug_units | Drug Units |
mbd_ordered_time | Order Time |
mbd_account_number | Visit Number |
mbd_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mbd_drug_dosage | Drug Dosage |
Description: Microbiology Drug Susceptibilities
Name | Description |
mbd1_account_number | Visit Number |
mbd1_drug_seq | Drug Sequence Number |
mbd1_received_date | Received Date |
mbd1_drug_mic | Drug Mic |
mbd1_organism_name | Organism Name |
mbd1_drug_cost | Drug Dosage Cost |
mbd1_kb_sensitivity | Kirby Bauer Sensitivity |
mbd1_drug_ref_range | Drug Reference Range |
mbd1_organism_seq | Organism Sequence Number |
mbd1_drug_sensitivity | Drug Sensitivity |
mbd1_drug_id | Drug Id Code |
mbd1_drug_snomed | Drug Snomed Code |
mbd1_drug_units | Drug Units |
mbd1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mbd1_drug_dosage | Drug Dosage |
mbd1_drug_name | Drug Name |
mbd1_order_number | Order Number |
mbd1_drug_loinc | Drug Loinc Code |
Description: Microbiology Isolate Comments
Name | Description |
mbc1_organism_seq | Organism Sequence Number |
mbc1_account_number | Visit Number |
mbc1_cmmt_seq | Record Comment Sequence Number |
mbc1_received_date | Received Date |
mbc1_comment_loc | Isolate Comment Location |
mbc1_comment | Isolate Comment Text |
mbc1_order_number | Order Number |
mbc1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mbc1_organism_name | Organism Name |
Description: Microbiology Test Results
Name | Description |
mbr_text_addendum_yn | Text Addendum Yn |
mbr_result_flags | Result Flags |
mbr_result_source | Result Source |
mbr_account_number | Visit Number |
mbr_battery_name | Battery Name |
mbr_result_cat | Result Category |
mbr_numeric_rslt_decimal_places | Number Of Decimal Places |
mbr_unit_ucum | Ucum Code |
mbr_result_date_time | Result Date Time |
mbr_correction_test_code | Correction Test Code |
mbr_test_code_loinc | Test Loinc |
mbr_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mbr_text_result_value | Result Value |
mbr_ref_lab_site_code | Site Code |
mbr_isolate_id | Isolate Id |
mbr_audit_init | Audit Init |
mbr_bb_product_code | Blood Bank Product Code |
mbr_testdsplyname | Test Display Name |
mbr_resultlab_serialkey | Result Lab Serial Key |
mbr_obsv_methdesc | Observation Method Description |
mbr_obsv_methcode | Observation Method Code |
mbr_result_value_loinc | Result Value Loinc |
mbr_seq | Sequence Number |
mbr_reference_range | Reference Range |
mbr_audit_res_test | Audit Res Test |
mbr_result_snomed | Result Snomed |
mbr_reflab_test_name | Reflab Test Name |
mbr_refrng_effdt | Ref Range Effective Date |
mbr_audit_date | Audit Date |
mbr_organism_name | Organism Name |
mbr_performing_lab | Performing Lab |
mbr_result_type_switch | Result Type Switch |
mbr_audit_time | Audit Time |
mbr_result_status | Result Status |
mbr_audit_analyzer | Audit Analyzer |
mbr_correction_flag | Correction Flag |
mbr_order_number | Order Number |
mbr_audit_manual_res | Audit Manual Result |
mbr_ordered_time | Order Time |
mbr_dsplytest | Display Test |
mbr_result_units | Result Units |
mbr_reflab_accession | Reflab Accession Number |
mbr_battery_code | Battery Code |
mbr_numeric_result_value | Numeric Result Value |
mbr_battery_code_loinc | Battery Loinc |
mbr_description | Test Description |
mbr_result_test_code | Test Code |
mbr_ordered_date | Order Date |
Description: Microbiology Test Results
Name | Description |
mb1_obsv_methdesc | Methodology Description |
mb1_received_date | Order Received Date |
mb1_rslt_status | Order Result Status |
mb1_isolate_interp | Isolate Interp |
mb1_isolate_has_cmmts | Isolate Has Comments |
mb1_test_code | Micro Test Code |
mb1_specimen_desc | Specimen Description |
mb1_order_number | Order Number |
mb1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mb1_obsv_methcode | Methodology Code |
mb1_text_result | Micro Text Result |
mb1_special_request | Special Requests |
mb1_specimen_source | Specimen Source |
mb1_isolate_colony_cnt | Isolate Colony Count |
mb1_has_sensitivities | Isolate Has Sensitivities |
mb1_format_pgm | Micro Format Program |
mb1_organism_name | Organism Name |
mb1_seq | Result Record Sequence |
mb1_isolate_colony_cnt_loinc | Isolate Colony Cnt Loinc |
mb1_account_number | Visit Number |
mb1_micro_snomed | Snomed Code |
mb1_isolate_loinc | Isolate Loinc |
mb1_specimen_bodysite | Specimen Body Site |
mb1_specimen_gram_stain | Specimen Gram Stain |
mb1_testcode_loinc | Micro Test Code Loinc |
mb1_isolate_num | Isolate Number |
mb1_isolate_id | Isolate Id Code |
mb1_isoward | Ward Of Isolation |
Description: Mmed File Header Record Detail
Name | Description |
mh1_type | Mh1 type |
mh1_date | Administration Date |
mh1_language | Mh1 language |
mh1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mh1_historical | Historical Flag |
mh1_title | File Title |
mh1_time | Administration Time |
mh1_patnum | Patient Number |
mh1_nurse | Administering Nurse |
mh1_association | Association |
mh1_by_infobutton | Saved By Infobutton |
mh1_seq | File Sequence Number |
mh1_mmdoc | Micromedex File Document Number |
Description: Mpm Whiteboard
Name | Description |
mawb_arxnum | Visit Number |
mawb_time | Time |
mawb_dob | Date Of Birth |
mawb_date | Date |
mawb_phynum | Physician Number |
mawb_patname | Patient Name |
mawb_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mawb_reason | Reason |
mawb_patnum | Profile Number |
mawb_location | Location Description |
mawb_physician | Physician Name |
mawb_loccode | Location Code |
Description: Mr Deficiency By Patient
Name | Description |
mrd1_emp_sw | Deficiency Employee Switch |
mrd1_num | Deficiency Visit Number |
mrd1_iemp | Deficiency Employee |
mrd1_idate | Deficiency Date |
mrd1_fdate | Deficiency Complete Date |
mrd1_femp | Deficiency Complete Employee |
mrd1_codes | Deficiency Codes First 40 Attending Phy |
mrd1_form | Deficiency Form Number |
mrd1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mrd1_numbers | Deficiency Employee Number |
Description: Medical Record Electronic Signature Record
Name | Description |
mrsign1_trancat | Electronic Signature Transcription Category |
mrsign1_patnum | Electronic Signature Patient Visit Number |
mrsign1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mrsign1_seq | Electronic Signature Key Sequence |
mrsign1_rtn_time | Electronic Signature Return Time |
mrsign1_transeq | Electronic Signature Transcription Sequence |
mrsign1_req_edit | Electronic Signature Requires Edit Switch |
mrsign1_rtn_date | Electronic Signature Return Date |
mrsign1_fidxkey | Flfidx Key |
mrsign1_cosign_for | Electronic Signature Cosign For |
mrsign1_cosign_by | Electronic Signature Cosign By |
mrsign1_phynum | Electronic Signature Signing Physician |
mrsign1_publickey_seq | Electronic Signature Public Key Sequence |
mrsign1_publickey_ele | Electronic Signature Public Key Element |
mrsign1_esigtm | Electronic Signature Time |
mrsign1_oldnum | Mrsign1 oldnum |
mrsign1_his_flg | Electronic Signature History Flag |
mrsign1_rtn_comments | Electronic Signature Return Comments |
mrsign1_inprogress | Electronic Signature In Progress Switch |
mrsign1_trans_pr1num | Electronic Signature Transcriptionist Employee Number |
mrsign1_esig | Electronic Signature |
mrsign1_desc | Electronic Signature Transcription Description |
mrsign1_sig_req_dt | Electronic Signature Required Date |
mrsign1_rtn_cd | Electronic Signature Return Code |
mrsign1_trans_init | Electronic Signature Transcriptionist Intitials |
mrsign1_hold_cd | Electronic Signature Hold Code |
mrsign1_edit_comments | Electronic Signature Edit Comments |
mrsign1_esigdt | Electronic Signature Date |
mrsign1_fname | Electronic Signature Transcription Filename |
Description: Multi application documentation
Name | Description |
nsma1_taseq | Sequence |
nsma1_dt | Date |
nsma1_formseq | Form Sequence |
nsma1_seq | Sequence |
nsma1_tm | Time |
nsma1_chart_seq | Chart Sequence |
nsma1_formcd | Form Code |
nsma1_fcqcharttype | Chart Type |
nsma1_patnum | Patient Number |
nsma1_answcode | Answer Code |
nsma1_multi_disc_box | Multi Disc Box |
nsma1_ans | Answer |
nsma1_anstype | Answer Type |
nsma1_aq | 1aq |
nsma1_code | Code |
nsma1_fcqcode | Cq Code |
nsma1_sig | Signature |
nsma1_fcacode | Ca Code |
nsma1_fseq | Sequence |
nsma1_nurse | Nurse |
nsma1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Mdro
Name | Description |
mdro_arid | Arid |
mdro_type | Type |
mdro_spid | Spid |
mdro_uuid | Uuid |
mdro_removed_ts | Removed Timestamp |
mdro_profilenum | Profile Number |
mdro_created_ts | Created Timestamp |
Description: Ndc Change Log
Name | Description |
ndccl_rev_time | Ndc History Review Time |
ndccl_rxnum | Ndc History Rxnumber |
ndccl_type | Ndc History Type |
ndccl_date | Ndc History Date |
ndccl_seq | Ndc History Sequence |
ndccl_ndcnum | Ndc History Ndc Number |
ndccl_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ndccl_time | Ndc History Time |
ndccl_rev_date | Ndc History Review Date |
ndccl_num | Ndc History Patient Number |
Description: New Diagnosis Record
Name | Description |
ndr_num | Visit Number |
ndr_arid | Ndr arid |
ndr_dx | Icd9 Diagnosis Code |
Description: Mds3 Nursing Care Plan Usage
Name | Description |
nhcu_patnum | Mds 3.0 assessment patient |
nhcu_ltcnumber | Long term care number |
nhcu_mdsfld | Mds 3.0 assessment care area field |
nhcu_asmt_type | Mds 3.0 assessment type |
nhcu_asmt_date | Mds 3.0 assessment date |
nhcu_asmt_seq | Mds 3.0 assessment sequence |
nhcu_arid | Nhcu arid |
nhcu_checked | Care plan checked |
nhcu_seq | Sequence number |
Description: Notes pdfs that fail to copy to thrive
Name | Description |
npf_arid | Npf arid |
npf_sign_date | Npf sign date |
npf_pdf_id | Npf pdf id |
npf_note_id | Npf note id |
npf_visit_id | Npf visit id |
npf_message | Npf message |
Description: Pca Administration Record
Name | Description |
pcaadmin_late_chart | Late Chart Flag |
pcaadmin_delete_dt | Delete Date |
pcaadmin_type | Pca Type |
pcaadmin_probnum | Problem Number |
pcaadmin_acctnum | Visit Number |
pcaadmin_dc | Discontinue Switch |
pcaadmin_action_dt | Problem Action Date |
pcaadmin_historic | Historic Account Flag |
pcaadmin_effectsw | Effect Switch |
pcaadmin_qtywaste | Quantity Waste |
pcaadmin_date | Entry Date |
pcaadmin_mopatnum | Problem Medical Order Patient Number |
pcaadmin_action_cd | Problem Action Code |
pcaadmin_amendnew_tm | Amend New Time |
pcaadmin_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pcaadmin_qtyleft3 | Quantity Left 3 |
pcaadmin_qtywaste2 | Quantity Waste 2 |
pcaadmin_nurse | Entering Nurse |
pcaadmin_actual_tm | Actual Time |
pcaadmin_witness_ubl | Pcaadmin witness ubl |
pcaadmin_actionother | Problem Action Other |
pcaadmin_unit | Unit |
pcaadmin_super_amend | Pcaadmin super amend |
pcaadmin_action_seq | Problem Action Sequence |
pcaadmin_time | Entry Time |
pcaadmin_qtyleft | Quantity Left |
pcaadmin_amendold_dt | Amend Old Date |
pcaadmin_moedate | Problem Medical Order Entry Date |
pcaadmin_purgesw | Purge Switch |
pcaadmin_super_amend_ubl | Pcaadmin super amend ubl |
pcaadmin_fcflag | Problem Flowchart Flag |
pcaadmin_witness_nurse | Witness Nurse |
pcaadmin_moetime | Problem Medical Order Entry Time |
pcaadmin_qtyleft2 | Quantity Left 2 |
pcaadmin_actual_dt | Actual Date |
pcaadmin_ubl | Pcaadmin ubl |
pcaadmin_charted_seconds | Pcaadmin charted seconds |
pcaadmin_action_tm | Problem Action Time |
pcaadmin_fctypeqcode | Problem Flowchart Flag |
pcaadmin_fctypenum | Problem Flowchart Type Number |
pcaadmin_delete_tm | Delete Time |
pcaadmin_witness_init | Witness Initials |
pcaadmin_from_medver | Administration From Med Verify |
pcaadmin_sqlseq_parent | Parent Sql Sequence |
pcaadmin_qtywaste3 | Quantity Waste 3 |
pcaadmin_qtyused | Quantity Used |
pcaadmin_qtyused2 | Quantity Used 2 |
pcaadmin_id | Sql Sequence Number |
pcaadmin_amendnew_dt | Amend New Date |
pcaadmin_moseq | Problem Medical Order Sequence |
pcaadmin_amendold_tm | Amend Old Time |
pcaadmin_fctypeday | Problem Flowchart Flag |
pcaadmin_qtyused3 | Quantity Used 3 |
Description: Pca Assessment Record
Name | Description |
pcaassess_actual_tm | Actual Time |
pcaassess_action_tm | Problem Action Time |
pcaassess_action_seq | Problem Action Sequence |
pcaassess_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pcaassess_witness_nurse | Witness Nurse |
pcaassess_actionother | Problem Action Other |
pcaassess_ans | Assessment Answer |
pcaassess_historic | Historic Account Flag |
pcaassess_moedate | Problem Medical Order Entry Date |
pcaassess_date | Entry Date |
pcaassess_witness_init | Witness Initials |
pcaassess_probnum | Problem Number |
pcaassess_amendnew_tm | Amend New Time |
pcaassess_nurse | Entering Nurse |
pcaassess_super_amend_ubl | Pcaassess super amend ubl |
pcaassess_action_cd | Problem Action Code |
pcaassess_super_amend | Pcaassess super amend |
pcaassess_delete_dt | Delete Date |
pcaassess_time | Entry Time |
pcaassess_sqlseq_parent | Parent Sql Sequence |
pcaassess_amendnew_dt | Amend New Date |
pcaassess_id | Sql Sequence Number |
pcaassess_acctnum | Visit Number |
pcaassess_type | Pca Type |
pcaassess_moseq | Problem Medical Order Sequence |
pcaassess_fctypeday | Problem Flowchart Type Day |
pcaassess_fctypenum | Problem Flowchart Type Number |
pcaassess_moetime | Problem Medical Order Entry Time |
pcaassess_fcflag | Problem Flowchart Flag |
pcaassess_action_dt | Problem Action Date |
pcaassess_amendold_dt | Amend Old Date |
pcaassess_witness_ubl | Pcaassess witness ubl |
pcaassess_late_chart | Late Chart Flag |
pcaassess_amendold_tm | Amend Old Time |
pcaassess_ques | Assessment Questions |
pcaassess_fctypeqcode | Problem Flowchart Type Question Code |
pcaassess_delete_tm | Delete Time |
pcaassess_mopatnum | Problem Medical Order Patient Number |
pcaassess_ubl | Pcaassess ubl |
pcaassess_actual_dt | Actual Date |
Description: Pca Bolus Or Ineffective Record
Name | Description |
pcabolinef_amend_time | Amend Time |
pcabolinef_acctnum | Visit Number |
pcabolinef_type | Pca Type |
pcabolinef_text | Bolus Or Ineffective Text |
pcabolinef_sqlseq_parent | Parent Serial Sequence |
pcabolinef_historic | Historic Account Flag |
pcabolinef_amend_date | Amend Date |
pcabolinef_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pcabolinef_id | Sql Sequence Number |
Description: Pca Order Data Record
Name | Description |
pcamain_charged | Charged Flag |
pcamain_dept | Pcamain dept |
pcamain_delete_dt | Delete Date |
pcamain_moetime | Problem Medical Order Entry Time |
pcamain_delete_tm | Delete Time |
pcamain_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pcamain_witness_init | Witness Initials |
pcamain_item | Item Number |
pcamain_moedate | Problem Medical Order Entry Date |
pcamain_wkf1key_sub | Key Sub Value |
pcamain_fctypenum | Problem Flowchart Type Number |
pcamain_amendnew_dt | Amend New Date |
pcamain_wkf1order | Ipa Order Number |
pcamain_probnum | Problem Number |
pcamain_nurse | Entering Nurse |
pcamain_moseq | Problem Medical Order Sequence |
pcamain_time | Entry Time |
pcamain_amendold_tm | Amend Old Time |
pcamain_id | Sql Sequence Number |
pcamain_fctypeqcode | Problem Flowchart Type Question Code |
pcamain_actual_tm | Actual Time |
pcamain_fcflag | Problem Flowchart Flag |
pcamain_witness_ubl | Pcamain witness ubl |
pcamain_witness_nurse | Witness Nurse |
pcamain_late_chart | Late Chart Flag |
pcamain_action_seq | Problem Action Sequence |
pcamain_action_tm | Problem Action Time |
pcamain_date | Entry Date |
pcamain_super_amend_ubl | Pcamain super amend ubl |
pcamain_wkf1key_seq | Ipa Sequence Number |
pcamain_type | Pca Type |
pcamain_historic | Historic Account Flag |
pcamain_super_amend | Pcamain super amend |
pcamain_action_cd | Problem Action Code |
pcamain_actionother | Problem Action Other |
pcamain_actual_dt | Actual Date |
pcamain_amendold_dt | Amend Old Date |
pcamain_ubl | Pcamain ubl |
pcamain_fctypeday | Problem Flowchart Type Day |
pcamain_mopatnum | Problem Medical Order Patient Number |
pcamain_action_dt | Problem Action Date |
pcamain_amendnew_tm | Amend New Time |
pcamain_acctnum | Visit Number |
Description: Medical Order Record
Name | Description |
mordx1_prob_etime | Medical Order Problem Entry Time |
mordx1_comment2 | Medical Order Comment 2 |
mordx1_value2 | Order Description Line 2 |
mordx1_time | Medical Order Time |
mordx1_acuity | Medical Order Acuity |
mordx1_value | Medical Order Value |
mordx1_actual_dt | Medical Order Actual Date |
mordx1_historic | Medical Order Historic Account Flag |
mordx1_diet_field32 | Medical Order Diet Field 32 |
mordx1_jetcode | Medical Order Jetcode |
mordx1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mordx1_nurse | Medical Order Nurse |
mordx1_value3 | Order Description Line 3 |
mordx1_prob_edate | Medical Order Problem Entry Date |
mordx1_patnum | Medical Order Visit Number |
mordx1_amendold_tm | Medical Order Amend Old Time |
mordx1_date | Medical Order Date |
mordx1_delete_tm | Medical Order Delete Time |
mordx1_actual_tm | Medical Order Actual Time |
mordx1_id | Medical Order Sql Sequence |
mordx1_amendold_dt | Medical Order Amend Old Date |
mordx1_actionot | Medical Order Action Other |
mordx1_snomed | Mordx1 snomed |
mordx1_amendnew_tm | Medical Order Amend New Time |
mordx1_comment | Medical Order Comment |
mordx1_type | Medical Order Type |
mordx1_prob_seq | Medical Order Problem Sequence Number |
mordx1_skillmix | Medical Order Skill Mix |
mordx1_delete_dt | Medical Order Delete Date |
mordx1_late_chart | Medical Order |
mordx1_amendnew_dt | Medical Order Amend New Date |
mordx1_dietcons | Medical Order Diet Consumed |
Description: Medication Record
Name | Description |
mlx_charged | Charged Flag |
mlx_rip | Scheduled Iv Or Prn Flag |
mlx_super_amend_ubl | Administration Super Amend Ubl |
mlx_witness_init | Witness Initials |
mlx_prn_reason | Prn Reason |
mlx_delete_dt | Delete Date |
mlx_action_seq | Medical Order Action Sequence |
mlx_witness_nurse | Witness Nurse |
mlx_moedate | Medical Order Entry Date |
mlx_delete_tm | Delete Time |
mlx_dosageunit | Dosage Unit |
mlx_moseq | Medical Order Sequence |
mlx_dosageqty | Dosage Quantity |
mlx_scheduled_dt | Scheduled Date |
mlx_given_omit | Given Omit |
mlx_admindept | Administration Patient Location |
mlx_amendmed_rsn | Amend Medication Reason |
mlx_iv_flg | Iv Flag |
mlx_frommedver | From Medication Verification Flag |
mlx_action_tm | Medical Order Action Time |
mlx_freq | Frequency |
mlx_actual_dt | Actual Date |
mlx_ivmedqtys | Iv Medication Quantities |
mlx_moetime | Medical Order Entry Time |
mlx_dose_num | Dose Number |
mlx_existing | Existing Site |
mlx_amendold_tm | Amend Old Time |
mlx_old_prn_reason | Mlx old prn reason |
mlx_id | Sql Sequence Number |
mlx_late_chart | Late Chart Flag |
mlx_date | Date |
mlx_acctnum | Visit Number |
mlx_ivdesc2 | Iv Description |
mlx_prn_comment | Administration Prn Comment |
mlx_scheduled_tm | Scheduled Time |
mlx_omit_other | Omit Other |
mlx_amendnew_dt | Amend New Date |
mlx_miscname | Medication Description |
mlx_name_num | Medication Name Number |
mlx_mopatnum | Medical Order Patient Number |
mlx_amendnew_tm | Amend New Time |
mlx_actionother | Medical Order Action Other |
mlx_pain_rec | Pain Record Flag |
mlx_actual_tm | Actual Time |
mlx_ivrate | Iv Rate |
mlx_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
mlx_probnum | Medical Order Problem Number |
mlx_charted_seconds | Charted Seconds |
mlx_site_reason | Given Site Omit Reason |
mlx_omit_maxd_skip | Omit Maximum Dose Skip |
mlx_time | Entry Time |
mlx_super_amend | Administration Super Amend |
mlx_route_snomed | Administration Route Snomed |
mlx_item | Medication Number |
mlx_ivmedunits | Iv Medication Units |
mlx_ubl | Administration Ubl |
mlx_init | Nurse Initials |
mlx_amendold_dt | Amend Old Date |
mlx_nurse | Nurse |
mlx_ivmednums | Iv Medication Numbers |
mlx_action_dt | Medical Order Action Date |
mlx_action_cd | Medical Order Action Code |
mlx_historic | Historic Account Flag |
mlx_order | Order Number |
mlx_medveroride_rsn | Medication Verification Override Reason |
mlx_mvphotoride_type | Med Verify Photo Override Type |
Description: Medication administration stats
Name | Description |
mlxstats_acctnum | Mlxstats acctnum |
mlxstats_earliest_omit | Mlxstats earliest omit |
mlxstats_order | Mlxstats order |
mlxstats_admin_omit_count | Mlxstats admin omit count |
mlxstats_arid | Mlxstats arid |
mlxstats_max_dose_count | Mlxstats max dose count |
mlxstats_latest_admin | Mlxstats latest admin |
mlxstats_admin_count | Mlxstats admin count |
mlxstats_earliest_admin | Mlxstats earliest admin |
mlxstats_latest_omit | Mlxstats latest omit |
Description: Pca Protocol Record
Name | Description |
pcaprot_acctnum | Visit Number |
pcaprot_type | Pca Type |
pcaprot_sqlseq_parent | Parent Serial Sequence |
pcaprot_text | Protocol Text |
pcaprot_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pcaprot_id | Sql Sequence Number |
pcaprot_historic | Historic Account Flag |
Description: Pca Vitals Record
Name | Description |
pcavit_fctypenum | Flowchart Type Number |
pcavit_id | Sql Sequence Number |
pcavit_fctypeqcode | Flowchart Type Question Code |
pcavit_probnum | Problem Number |
pcavit_actual_tm | Actual Time |
pcavit_nurse | Entering Nurse |
pcavit_amendold_tm | Amend Old Time |
pcavit_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pcavit_fctypeday | Flowchart Type Day |
pcavit_acctnum | Visit Number |
pcavit_fcflag | Flowchart Flag |
pcavit_ubl | Pcavit ubl |
pcavit_super_amend_ubl | Pcavit super amend ubl |
pcavit_site | Vital Site |
pcavit_time | Entry Time |
pcavit_value2 | Vital Value 2 |
pcavit_historic | Historic Account Flag |
pcavit_moseq | Problem Medical Order Sequence |
pcavit_mopatnum | Problem Medical Order Patient Number |
pcavit_delete_tm | Delete Time |
pcavit_late_chart | Late Chart Flag |
pcavit_action_cd | Problem Action Code |
pcavit_moedate | Problem Medical Order Entry Date |
pcavit_sqlseq_parent | Parent Sql Sequence |
pcavit_actionother | Problem Action Other |
pcavit_amendnew_tm | Amend New Time |
pcavit_moetime | Problem Medical Order Entry Time |
pcavit_vital_type2 | Pcavit vital type2 |
pcavit_amendnew_dt | Amend New Date |
pcavit_value1 | Vital Value 1 |
pcavit_witness_nurse | Witness Nurse |
pcavit_o2method | Pcavit o2method |
pcavit_witness_ubl | Pcavit witness ubl |
pcavit_posture | Vital Posture |
pcavit_date | Entry Date |
pcavit_super_amend | Pcavit super amend |
pcavit_actual_dt | Actual Date |
pcavit_delete_dt | Delete Date |
pcavit_amendold_dt | Amend Old Date |
pcavit_vital_type | Vital Type |
pcavit_action_dt | Problem Action Date |
pcavit_action_tm | Problem Action Time |
pcavit_witness_init | Witness Initials |
pcavit_type | Pca Type |
pcavit_action_seq | Problem Action Sequence |
Description: Nursing Plan Goal
Name | Description |
pg1_enurse | Pg1 enurse |
pg1_etime | Pg1 etime |
pg1_acode_other | Pg1 acode other |
pg1_adate | Pg1 adate |
pg1_arid | Pg1 arid |
pg1_mopatnum | Pg1 mopatnum |
pg1_goaldesc | Pg1 goaldesc |
pg1_edate | Pg1 edate |
pg1_closed | Pg1 closed |
pg1_moedate | Pg1 moedate |
pg1_atime | Pg1 atime |
pg1_moetime | Pg1 moetime |
pg1_acode | Pg1 acode |
pg1_comment | Pg1 comment |
pg1_probdesc | Pg1 probdesc |
pg1_moseq | Pg1 moseq |
pg1_goal_action_seq | Pg1 goal action seq |
pg1_anurse | Pg1 anurse |
pg1_goal_seq | Pg1 goal seq |
Description: Oasis Assessment Record
Name | Description |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_19 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 19 |
hmo1_c1_ocg_m1510_5 | Hmo1 c1 ocg m1510 5 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_seve | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 seve |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_10 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 10 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_6 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 6 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0140_3 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0140 3 |
hmo1_c1_ocd_m1200 | Hmo1 c1 ocd m1200 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_diaga | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 diaga |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1750 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1750 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_cert_dt | Hmo1 c1 oc pps cert dt |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1030_3 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1030 3 |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2004 | Hmo1 c1 ock m2004 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_mswvis | Hmo1 c1 oc pps mswvis |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_5 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 5 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_reim | Hmo1 c1 oc pps reim |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_4 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 4 |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2010 | Hmo1 c1 ock m2010 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd3e | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd3e |
hmo1_c1_ocf_m1410_1 | Hmo1 c1 ocf m1410 1 |
hmo1_c1_ocg_m1510_2 | Hmo1 c1 ocg m1510 2 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_6 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 6 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_1 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 1 |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1700 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1700 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_13 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 13 |
hmo1_c1_och_m1600 | Hmo1 c1 och m1600 |
hmo1_c1_ocd_m1220 | Hmo1 c1 ocd m1220 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_2 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1880 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1880 |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1740_1 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1740 1 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1324 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1324 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag3c | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag3c |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2250g | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2250g |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2000 | Hmo1 c1 ock m2000 |
hmo1_c1_ocl_xmit | Hmo1 c1 ocl xmit |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_19 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 19 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_eocosts | Hmo1 c1 oc pps eocosts |
hmo1_c1_oco_m0906 | Hmo1 c1 oco m0906 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2400f | Hmo1 c1 oco m2400f |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_2 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_diagc | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 diagc |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd4d | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd4d |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0065_na | Hmo1 c1 oca m0065 na |
hmo1_c1_oci_hmopatnum | Hmo1 c1 oci hmopatnum |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_icdc | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 icdc |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2250a | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2250a |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_16 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 16 |
hmo1_c1_och_m1620 | Hmo1 c1 och m1620 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0140_4 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0140 4 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_hhrg | Hmo1 c1 oc pps hhrg |
hmo1_c1_oco_m0903 | Hmo1 c1 oco m0903 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_validity | Hmo1 c1 oc pps validity |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1309_b | Hmo1 c1 oce m1309 b |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd4a | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd4a |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_3 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 3 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0064_uk | Hmo1 c1 oca m0064 uk |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2040b | Hmo1 c1 ock m2040b |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_21 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 21 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_12 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 12 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_eototal | Hmo1 c1 oc pps eototal |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_hhavis | Hmo1 c1 oc pps hhavis |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_cbsa | Hmo1 c1 oc pps cbsa |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_eopmt | Hmo1 c1 oc pps eopmt |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_1 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 1 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1334 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1334 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_otvis | Hmo1 c1 oc pps otvis |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_icde | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 icde |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2250c | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2250c |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0016 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0016 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1340 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1340 |
hmo1_c1_ocg_m1510_6 | Hmo1 c1 ocg m1510 6 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1845 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1845 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_7 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 7 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1036_3 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1036 3 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0030 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0030 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0040_first | Hmo1 c1 oca m0040 first |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_5 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 5 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1308d3 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1308d3 |
hmo1_c1_ocd_m1240 | Hmo1 c1 ocd m1240 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1300 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1300 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0063_na | Hmo1 c1 oca m0063 na |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd3c | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd3c |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1740_2 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1740 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocg_m1510_1 | Hmo1 c1 ocg m1510 1 |
hmo1_c1_ocl_m2102b | Hmo1 c1 ocl m2102b |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_sevf | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 sevf |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_14 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 14 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_4 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 4 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0110 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0110 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_7 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 7 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_finish | Hmo1 c1 oc pps finish |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1740_7 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1740 7 |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1740_5 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1740 5 |
hmo1_c1_ocl_m2102f | Hmo1 c1 ocl m2102f |
hmo1_c1_ocl_m2110 | Hmo1 c1 ocl m2110 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_8 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 8 |
hmo1_c1_och_m1630 | Hmo1 c1 och m1630 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0020 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0020 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_calc_type | Hmo1 c1 oc pps calc type |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_4 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 4 |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2020 | Hmo1 c1 ock m2020 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1308a | Hmo1 c1 oce m1308a |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_13 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 13 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_7 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 7 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1021_seva | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1021 seva |
hmo1_c1_ocf_m1410_4 | Hmo1 c1 ocf m1410 4 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1036_5 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1036 5 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_diagf | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 diagf |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2030 | Hmo1 c1 ock m2030 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1030_2 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1030 2 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_9 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 9 |
hmo1_correct | Hmo1 correct |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_3 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 3 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_7 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 7 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1900b | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1900b |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_diagd | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 diagd |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0018_uk | Hmo1 c1 oca m0018 uk |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1322 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1322 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1330 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1330 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_diage | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 diage |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2420 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2420 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_9 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 9 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag3d | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag3d |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0066 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0066 |
hmo1_c1_occ_m1100 | Hmo1 c1 occ m1100 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1021_icda | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1021 icda |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_stvis | Hmo1 c1 oc pps stvis |
hmo1_c1_ocl_m2102c | Hmo1 c1 ocl m2102c |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1036_2 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1036 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_sevb | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 sevb |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_5 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 5 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_icdb | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 icdb |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0014 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0014 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd4e | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd4e |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0060 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0060 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_17 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 17 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_na | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 na |
hmo1_c1_ocf_m1410_3 | Hmo1 c1 ocf m1410 3 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_20 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 20 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag3e | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag3e |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1036_6 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1036 6 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0040_last | Hmo1 c1 oca m0040 last |
hmo1_date | Hmo1 date |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_12 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 12 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_diagb | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 diagb |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1308b | Hmo1 c1 oce m1308b |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_5 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 5 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0140_1 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0140 1 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1890 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1890 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_11 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 11 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1342 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1342 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_icdb | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 icdb |
hmo1_c1_och_m1610 | Hmo1 c1 och m1610 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_sevc | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 sevc |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2250b | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2250b |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2040a | Hmo1 c1 ock m2040a |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd3f | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd3f |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1820 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1820 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag4c | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag4c |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_icdd | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 icdd |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1740_6 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1740 6 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2400b | Hmo1 c1 oco m2400b |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0140_5 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0140 5 |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2200b | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2200b |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_8 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 8 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd4b | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd4b |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_11 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 11 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1308d2 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1308d2 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_snvis | Hmo1 c1 oc pps snvis |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1306 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1306 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_manifest | Hmo1 c1 oc pps manifest |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_diaga | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 diaga |
hmo1_c1_oci_inactivate | Hmo1 c1 oci inactivate |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_8 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 8 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_1 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 1 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_6 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 6 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_5 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 5 |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1720 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1720 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1800 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1800 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_diagf | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 diagf |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1740_4 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1740 4 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_12 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 12 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_diage | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 diage |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_lupa | Hmo1 c1 oc pps lupa |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_diagf | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 diagf |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_15 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 15 |
hmo1_c1_ocl_date | Hmo1 c1 ocl date |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1307 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1307 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1021_diaga | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1021 diaga |
hmo1_seq | Hmo1 seq |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd4f | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd4f |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2002 | Hmo1 c1 ock m2002 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_icde | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 icde |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_icdc | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 icdc |
hmo1_c1_och_m1615 | Hmo1 c1 och m1615 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1036_1 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1036 1 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_6 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 6 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_icde | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 icde |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_diagb | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 diagb |
hmo1_c1_ocr_date | Hmo1 c1 ocr date |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_6 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 6 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1056 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1056 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0069 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0069 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_8 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 8 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2400d | Hmo1 c1 oco m2400d |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0032 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0032 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1036_4 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1036 4 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0064 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0064 |
hmo1_c1_ocl_m2102a | Hmo1 c1 ocl m2102a |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_diage | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 diage |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0102_dt | Hmo1 c1 oca m0102 dt |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_ptvis | Hmo1 c1 oc pps ptvis |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_13 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 13 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_16 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 16 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1850 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1850 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0104 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0104 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1041 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1041 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_3 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 3 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2400e | Hmo1 c1 oco m2400e |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_icda | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 icda |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1900c | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1900c |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_icdf | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 icdf |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0100 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0100 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0040_suffix | Hmo1 c1 oca m0040 suffix |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_matchkey | Hmo1 c1 oc pps matchkey |
hmo1_c1_ocl_m2102g | Hmo1 c1 ocl m2102g |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1302 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1302 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2410 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2410 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1870 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1870 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_icda | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 icda |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1730b | Hmo1 c1 oci m1730b |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_6 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 6 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2400a | Hmo1 c1 oco m2400a |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_other | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 other |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_18 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 18 |
hmo1_code | Hmo1 code |
hmo1_c1_ocf_m1410_2 | Hmo1 c1 ocf m1410 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_2 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_1 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 1 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_1 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 1 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_3 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 3 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1308d1 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1308d1 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag4e | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag4e |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0050 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0050 |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2250f | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2250f |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag3f | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag3f |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0065 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0065 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1332 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1332 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag4d | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag4d |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_icdf | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 icdf |
hmo1_c1_ocf_m1400 | Hmo1 c1 ocf m1400 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag3a | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag3a |
hmo1_c1_ocg_m1500 | Hmo1 c1 ocg m1500 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1308c | Hmo1 c1 oce m1308c |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1309_c | Hmo1 c1 oce m1309 c |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd4c | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd4c |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_sevd | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 sevd |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_icdc | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 icdc |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_4 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 4 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_icdb | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 icdb |
hmo1_c1_ocl_m2102d | Hmo1 c1 ocl m2102d |
hmo1_c1_ocd_m1242 | Hmo1 c1 ocd m1242 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_icdd | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 icdd |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0140_2 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0140 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_8 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 8 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0102_na | Hmo1 c1 oca m0102 na |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd3a | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd3a |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0010 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0010 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1051 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1051 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0018 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0018 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_7 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 7 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_8 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 8 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_10 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 10 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_10 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 10 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_eothresh | Hmo1 c1 oc pps eothresh |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2200a | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2200a |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_hipps | Hmo1 c1 oc pps hipps |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1030_1 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1030 1 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1350 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1350 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_3 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 3 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_na | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 na |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_cert_da2 | Hmo1 c1 oc pps cert da2 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_cert_da | Hmo1 c1 oc pps cert da |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1745 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1745 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1900d | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1900d |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1840 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1840 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_other | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 other |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_1 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 1 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1320 | Hmo1 c1 oce m1320 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1005 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1005 |
hmo1_version | Hmo1 version |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_4 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 4 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2300 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2300 |
hmo1_c1_ocg_m1510_3 | Hmo1 c1 ocg m1510 3 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_rap_ready | Hmo1 c1 oc pps rap ready |
hmo1_arid | Hmo1 arid |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_9 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 9 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_11 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 11 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_diagc | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 diagc |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0140_6 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0140 6 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_18 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 18 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_20 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 20 |
hmo1_c1_ocg_m1510_4 | Hmo1 c1 ocg m1510 4 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0063 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0063 |
hmo1_c1_ock_m2015 | Hmo1 c1 ock m2015 |
hmo1_c1_ocd_m1210 | Hmo1 c1 ocd m1210 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_diagd | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 diagd |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1017_diagb | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1017 diagb |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_icdd | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 icdd |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0040_mid | Hmo1 c1 oca m0040 mid |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_5 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 5 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_10 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 10 |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2430_15 | Hmo1 c1 oco m2430 15 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag3b | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag3b |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_icdf | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 icdf |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1900a | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1900a |
hmo1_c1_oco_m2400c | Hmo1 c1 oco m2400c |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1046 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1046 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag4a | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag4a |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1309_d | Hmo1 c1 oce m1309 d |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd3b | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd3b |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_init | Hmo1 c1 oc pps init |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_icd3d | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 icd3d |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_7 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 7 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1030_4 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1030 4 |
hmo1_c1_oci_hmodate | Hmo1 c1 oci hmodate |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag4f | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag4f |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1011_diagd | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1011 diagd |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1910 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1910 |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2250e | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2250e |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1000_2 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1000 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_4 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 4 |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1730a | Hmo1 c1 oci m1730a |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_2 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 2 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1018_9 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1018 9 |
hmo1_c1_ocl_m2102e | Hmo1 c1 ocl m2102e |
hmo1_90 | Hmo1 90 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1025_diag4b | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1025 diag4b |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0080 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0080 |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1830 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1830 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1309_a | Hmo1 c1 oce m1309 a |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1860 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1860 |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_14 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 14 |
hmo1_c1_ocr_init | Hmo1 c1 ocr init |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1034 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1034 |
hmo1_c1_oci_hmocode | Hmo1 c1 oci hmocode |
hmo1_c1_ocd_m1230 | Hmo1 c1 ocd m1230 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0040 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0040 |
hmo1_c1_ocm_m2250d | Hmo1 c1 ocm m2250d |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1730 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1730 |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1740_3 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1740 3 |
hmo1_c1_oce_m1307_dt | Hmo1 c1 oce m1307 dt |
hmo1_c1_ocn_m2310_17 | Hmo1 c1 ocn m2310 17 |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1023_diagc | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1023 diagc |
hmo1_c1_oci_m1710 | Hmo1 c1 oci m1710 |
hmo1_patnum | Hmo1 patnum |
hmo1_c1_ocb_m1033_9 | Hmo1 c1 ocb m1033 9 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_3 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 3 |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0032_na | Hmo1 c1 oca m0032 na |
hmo1_c1_oca_m0150_2 | Hmo1 c1 oca m0150 2 |
hmo1_c1_oc_pps_fin_ready | Hmo1 c1 oc pps fin ready |
hmo1_c1_ocj_m1810 | Hmo1 c1 ocj m1810 |
Description: Observation
Name | Description |
obs_eff_period_end | Obs eff period end |
obs_code | Obs code |
obs_visit_id | Obs visit id |
obs_profile_arid | Obs profile arid |
obs_status | Obs status |
obs_profile_spid | Obs profile spid |
obs_recorder_logname | Obs recorder logname |
obs_value_cc | Obs value cc |
obs_eff_period_start | Obs eff period start |
obs_performer_facid | Obs performer facid |
obs_issued_ts | Obs issued ts |
obs_eff_period_start_prec | Obs eff period start prec |
obs_recorder_facid | Obs recorder facid |
obs_last_updated_ts | Obs last updated ts |
obs_version | Obs version |
obs_eff_period_end_prec | Obs eff period end prec |
obs_visit_arid | Obs visit arid |
obs_profile_num | Obs profile num |
obs_performer_logname | Obs performer logname |
obs_uuid | Obs uuid |
Description: Order Entry Associated Diagnoses
Name | Description |
oeassocdx_order_date | Order Date |
oeassocdx_visitnum | Visit Number |
oeassocdx_cpcode | Diagnosis Master Id |
oeassocdx_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
oeassocdx_type | Oeassocdx type |
oeassocdx_order | Order Number |
oeassocdx_assoc_date | Associated Diagnosis |
Description: Counter Record.
Name | Description |
oecntr_oe_order | Oecntr oe order |
oecntr_arid | Oecntr arid |
oecntr_oe_prefix | Oecntr oe prefix |
Description: Claims
Name | Description |
claim1_cl1_dur_con | Claim1 cl1 dur con |
claim1_cl1_claim_los_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim los 3c |
claim1_cl1_pat_dob | Claim1 cl1 pat dob |
claim1_cl1_msmt_dimension | Claim1 cl1 msmt dimension |
claim1_cl1_array_ptr | Claim1 cl1 array ptr |
claim1_cl1_arxseq | Claim1 cl1 arxseq |
claim1_cl1_payerid_qual | Claim1 cl1 payerid qual |
claim1_cl1_auth_type | Claim1 cl1 auth type |
claim1_cl1_person_cd | Claim1 cl1 person cd |
claim1_cl1_level_eff | Claim1 cl1 level eff |
claim1_cl1_do | Claim1 cl1 do |
claim1_cl1_pres_state | Claim1 cl1 pres state |
claim1_cl1_chgamt | Claim1 cl1 chgamt |
claim1_cl1_arxel_seq | Claim1 cl1 arxel seq |
claim1_cl1_payerid | Claim1 cl1 payerid |
claim1_arid | Claim1 arid |
claim1_cl1_prov_id | Claim1 cl1 prov id |
claim1_cl1_cms_part_d | Claim1 cl1 cms part d |
claim1_cl1_compound_ingr_mod_cd | Claim1 cl1 compound ingr mod cd |
claim1_cl1_payment_amt | Claim1 cl1 payment amt |
claim1_cl1_we | Claim1 cl1 we |
claim1_cl1_sales_tax_rate_3c | Claim1 cl1 sales tax rate 3c |
claim1_cl1_reject_cd | Claim1 cl1 reject cd |
claim1_cl1_writeoff | Claim1 cl1 writeoff |
claim1_cl1_claim_unit_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim unit 3c |
claim1_cl1_addl_benefits_stage_amt | Claim1 cl1 addl benefits stage amt |
claim1_cl1_benefits_stage_cnt | Claim1 cl1 benefits stage cnt |
claim1_cl1_rxnum | Claim1 cl1 rxnum |
claim1_cl1_pat_fc | Claim1 cl1 pat fc |
claim1_cl1_pat_residence | Claim1 cl1 pat residence |
claim1_cl1_price | Claim1 cl1 price |
claim1_cl1_medigap_id | Claim1 cl1 medigap id |
claim1_cl1_claim_denydt_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim denydt 3c |
claim1_cl1_dur_code_count | Claim1 cl1 dur code count |
claim1_cl1_insu_policy | Claim1 cl1 insu policy |
claim1_cl1_billorder | Claim1 cl1 billorder |
claim1_cl1_cd_hldr | Claim1 cl1 cd hldr |
claim1_cl1_pres_origin_cd | Claim1 cl1 pres origin cd |
claim1_cl1_ins_group | Claim1 cl1 ins group |
claim1_cl1_sales_tax_basis_3c | Claim1 cl1 sales tax basis 3c |
claim1_cl1_pat_assignment | Claim1 cl1 pat assignment |
claim1_cl1_oth_ppr_qual | Claim1 cl1 oth ppr qual |
claim1_cl1_prov_aa_ind | Claim1 cl1 prov aa ind |
claim1_cl1_pres_street_addr | Claim1 cl1 pres street addr |
claim1_cl1_msmt_unit | Claim1 cl1 msmt unit |
claim1_cl1_pres_firstname | Claim1 cl1 pres firstname |
claim1_cl1_denial_or_cd | Claim1 cl1 denial or cd |
claim1_cl1_addl_benefits_stage_qual | Claim1 cl1 addl benefits stage qual |
claim1_cl1_item_med_form | Claim1 cl1 item med form |
claim1_cl1_payer_cov_type | Claim1 cl1 payer cov type |
claim1_cl1_usl_cust_chg | Claim1 cl1 usl cust chg |
claim1_cl1_claim_met_dec_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim met dec 3c |
claim1_cl1_sales_tax_3c | Claim1 cl1 sales tax 3c |
claim1_cl1_pat_sex | Claim1 cl1 pat sex |
claim1_cl1_claim_cust_loc_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim cust loc 3c |
claim1_cl1_compound_ingr_bocd | Claim1 cl1 compound ingr bocd |
claim1_cl1_addl_oth_ppr_qual | Claim1 cl1 addl oth ppr qual |
claim1_cl1_addl_oth_ppr_amt | Claim1 cl1 addl oth ppr amt |
claim1_cl1_route_of_admin | Claim1 cl1 route of admin |
claim1_cl1_gross_amt_due | Claim1 cl1 gross amt due |
claim1_cl1_compound_ingr_mod_cnt | Claim1 cl1 compound ingr mod cnt |
claim1_cl1_ord_init | Claim1 cl1 ord init |
claim1_cl1_ins | Claim1 cl1 ins |
claim1_cl1_ins_contract | Claim1 cl1 ins contract |
claim1_cl1_claim_seq | Claim1 cl1 claim seq |
claim1_cl1_submit_date | Claim1 cl1 submit date |
claim1_cl1_claim_ot_cov_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim ot cov 3c |
claim1_cl1_claim_pat_paid_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim pat paid 3c |
claim1_cl1_pharm_serv_type | Claim1 cl1 pharm serv type |
claim1_cl1_medicaid_ind | Claim1 cl1 medicaid ind |
claim1_cl1_submit_time | Claim1 cl1 submit time |
claim1_cl1_num | Claim1 cl1 num |
claim1_cl1_credit_claim | Claim1 cl1 credit claim |
claim1_cl1_qty | Claim1 cl1 qty |
claim1_cl1_copay_amt | Claim1 cl1 copay amt |
claim1_cl1_claim_stat | Claim1 cl1 claim stat |
claim1_cl1_disp_fee_3c | Claim1 cl1 disp fee 3c |
claim1_cl1_subm_cc_cnt | Claim1 cl1 subm cc cnt |
claim1_cl1_benefits_stage_amt | Claim1 cl1 benefits stage amt |
claim1_cl1_oth_ppr_amt | Claim1 cl1 oth ppr amt |
claim1_cl1_seq | Claim1 cl1 seq |
claim1_cl1_dur_out | Claim1 cl1 dur out |
claim1_cl1_benefits_stage_qual | Claim1 cl1 benefits stage qual |
claim1_cl1_medicaid_id | Claim1 cl1 medicaid id |
claim1_cl1_ord_date | Claim1 cl1 ord date |
claim1_cl1_item_ndc | Claim1 cl1 item ndc |
claim1_cl1_auth_cd | Claim1 cl1 auth cd |
claim1_cl1_claim_incentive_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim incentive 3c |
claim1_cl1_insu_phone | Claim1 cl1 insu phone |
claim1_cl1_relation_cd | Claim1 cl1 relation cd |
claim1_cl1_claim_num | Claim1 cl1 claim num |
claim1_cl1_ar_date | Claim1 cl1 ar date |
claim1_cl1_pres_zip | Claim1 cl1 pres zip |
claim1_cl1_addl_denial_or_cd | Claim1 cl1 addl denial or cd |
claim1_cl1_pres_lastname | Claim1 cl1 pres lastname |
claim1_cl1_plan_id | Claim1 cl1 plan id |
claim1_cl1_co_agent_id_qual | Claim1 cl1 co agent id qual |
claim1_cl1_ve | Claim1 cl1 ve |
claim1_cl1_prov_id_qual | Claim1 cl1 prov id qual |
claim1_cl1_item_desc | Claim1 cl1 item desc |
claim1_cl1_co_agent_id | Claim1 cl1 co agent id |
claim1_cl1_icn | Claim1 cl1 icn |
claim1_cl1_claim_elig_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim elig 3c |
claim1_cl1_pres_city | Claim1 cl1 pres city |
claim1_cl1_dur_int | Claim1 cl1 dur int |
claim1_cl1_compound_type | Claim1 cl1 compound type |
claim1_cl1_pres_id | Claim1 cl1 pres id |
claim1_cl1_delay_reason | Claim1 cl1 delay reason |
claim1_cl1_unit | Claim1 cl1 unit |
claim1_cl1_oth_payment_amt | Claim1 cl1 oth payment amt |
claim1_cl1_oth_ppr_cnt | Claim1 cl1 oth ppr cnt |
claim1_cl1_fee | Claim1 cl1 fee |
claim1_cl1_pat_name | Claim1 cl1 pat name |
claim1_cl1_claim_otpayor_3c | Claim1 cl1 claim otpayor 3c |
Description: Coverages
Name | Description |
claim0_cl0_covenddt | Claim0 cl0 covenddt |
claim0_cl0_group | Claim0 cl0 group |
claim0_cl0_claim_seq | Claim0 cl0 claim seq |
claim0_cl0_contract | Claim0 cl0 contract |
claim0_cl0_seq | Claim0 cl0 seq |
claim0_arid | Claim0 arid |
claim0_cl0_num | Claim0 cl0 num |
claim0_cl0_person | Claim0 cl0 person |
claim0_cl0_covbegdt | Claim0 cl0 covbegdt |
claim0_cl0_billorder | Claim0 cl0 billorder |
claim0_cl0_ins | Claim0 cl0 ins |
claim0_cl0_relation | Claim0 cl0 relation |
Description: Order Result Messages
Name | Description |
oorm_msgid1note | Oorm msgid1note |
oorm_time | Msg Time Created |
oorm_cancel | Can Line Sub |
oorm_msgid1orignum | Msg Body Text Orig Num |
oorm_text_l4 | Oe Ques Line Sub4 |
oorm_s_date | Sending Date |
oorm_order_no | Order Num |
oorm_a_num | Ack Emp Num |
oorm_status | Current Msg Status |
oorm_msgid1com_e_init | Msg Body Text Com E Init |
oorm_clo3acktm | Clord Key Ack Time |
oorm_remote | Ref Lab Flag |
oorm_msgid1pnum | Msg Body Text Pat Num |
oorm_a_init | Ack Emp Init |
oorm_clo3ackdt | Clord Key Ack Date |
oorm_s_name | Signed In Emp Name |
oorm_text_l2 | Oe Ques Line Sub2 |
oorm_a_date | Ack Date |
oorm_msgid1pname | Msg Body Text Pat Name |
oorm_s_dnum | Sending Dept |
oorm_a_time | Ack Time |
oorm_tty | Msg Mail Terminal |
oorm_s_time | Sending Time |
oorm_msgid1proc | Msg Body Text Proc |
oorm_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
oorm_msgid1room | Msg Body Text Room |
oorm_need_by | Sched Line Sub |
oorm_s_num | Signed In Emp Num |
oorm_date | Msg Date Created |
oorm_phylnk | Tty Device Type |
oorm_s_init | Signed In Emp Init |
oorm_msgid1sch | Msg Body Text Sch |
oorm_text_l3 | Oe Ques Line Sub3 |
oorm_a_dnum | Ack Dept |
oorm_text2 | Oorm text2 |
oorm_form | Req Form Flag |
oorm_stat | Stat Line Sub |
oorm_s_tty | Sending Tty |
oorm_a_name | Ack Emp Name |
oorm_clo3seq | Clord Key Ack Sequence |
oorm_text_l1 | Oe Ques Line Sub1 |
Description: Notes For Is Tickler Accounts
Name | Description |
ostic3_set | Ostic3 set |
ostic3_patnum | Ostic3 patnum |
ostic3_seq | Ostic3 seq |
ostic3_ins | Ostic3 ins |
ostic3_notes | Ostic3 notes |
ostic3_arid | Ostic3 arid |
Description: Claims By Collector And Review Date
Name | Description |
ostic2_patnum | Ostic2 patnum |
ostic2_reviewdt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
ostic2_col_id | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
ostic2_arid | Ostic2 arid |
ostic2_set | Ostic2 set |
ostic2_ins | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
Description: Claims By Patient And Insurance
Name | Description |
ostic1_findt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
ostic1_set | Ostic1 set |
ostic1_notes | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
ostic1_response_cds | Ostic1 response cds |
ostic1_desc_rvw | Review Code Description |
ostic1_letcd | Ostic1 letcd |
ostic1_arid | Ostic1 arid |
ostic1_stamp_dt | Ostic1 stamp dt |
ostic1_ins | Ostic1 ins |
ostic1_reviewcds | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
ostic1_prior_col | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
ostic1_begdt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
ostic1_changedt | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
ostic1_reviewdt | Ostic1 reviewdt |
ostic1_patnum | Ostic1 patnum |
ostic1_letdt | Ostic1 letdt |
ostic1_col_id | Master Selection > Insurance Tickler System > Claim Maintenance |
Description: Patient Physician Relationship
Name | Description |
patphys_pat_num | Visit Number |
patphys_rel_type | Physician Relationship |
patphys_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
patphys_seq | Sequence Number |
patphys_phy_num | Physician Number |
Description: Pathology Case Detail
Name | Description |
pathdet_seq | Case Number Sequence |
pathdet_questype | Question Type |
pathdet_casenum | Case Number |
pathdet_loinc | Loinc Code |
pathdet_ansseq | Answer Sequence |
pathdet_datefield | Date Field Question |
pathdet_ans | Answer Description |
pathdet_signseq | Signature Sequence |
pathdet_formatkey | Case Format Key |
pathdet_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pathdet_piecenum | Specimen Piece Number |
pathdet_anscode | Answer Code |
pathdet_qseq | Question Sequence |
pathdet_quescode | Case Question Code |
pathdet_snomed | Snomed Code |
pathdet_ordnum | Order Number |
pathdet_spectype | Specimen Type |
pathdet_nicnoc | Nicnoc Code |
pathdet_if_branch | Next Question Code |
pathdet_patnum | Visit Number |
Description: Pathology Cases
Name | Description |
pathmas_grosstrans_init | Gross Transcription Update Initials |
pathmas_or1phy | Ordering Physician |
pathmas_grosstrans_dt | Gross Transcription Update Date |
pathmas_ordnum | Order Number |
pathmas_access_init | Accession Status Update Initials |
pathmas_frozsecdx_phynum | Frozen Section Diagnosis Physiciannumber |
pathmas_c_cytotrans_init | Cytology Transcription Update Initials |
pathmas_has_charges | Case Has Charges |
pathmas_provsign_init | Provisional Diagnosis Signature Initials |
pathmas_finaldx_dt | Final Diagnosis Date |
pathmas_c_pathrev_dt | Cyto Pathologist Review Status Date |
pathmas_specimen_desc | Specimen Description |
pathmas_or1date | Order Date |
pathmas_histo_init | Histology Status Update Initials |
pathmas_micro_tm | Microscopic Status Update Time |
pathmas_finalsign_init | Final Diagnosis Signature Initials |
pathmas_c_cytorev_tm | Cytologist Review Status Time |
pathmas_pathcytogynsign_phynum | Physician Number Of Pathologist Cytogyn |
pathmas_frozsecdx_dt | Frozen Section Diagnosis Date |
pathmas_finalsign_tm | Final Diagnosis Signature Time |
pathmas_gross_dt | Gross Status Update Date |
pathmas_c_cytotrans_tm | Cytology Transcription Update Time |
pathmas_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pathmas_histo_dt | Histology Status Update Date |
pathmas_grosstrans_tm | Gross Transcription Update Time |
pathmas_format_init | Case Type Format Initials |
pathmas_provsign_dt | Provisional Diagnosis Signature Date |
pathmas_microtrans_dt | Microscopic Transcription Update Date |
pathmas_histo_tm | Histology Status Update Time |
pathmas_c_proc_init | Cytology Process Status Initials |
pathmas_path_agree_disagree | Pathologist Agree Or Disagree |
pathmas_access_dt | Accession Status Update Date |
pathmas_complete_dt | Case Completion Date |
pathmas_c_read_tm | Cytology Cases To Read Status Time |
pathmas_status | Case Status |
pathmas_grosssign_init | Gross Signature Initials |
pathmas_grosssign_dt | Gross Signature Date |
pathmas_micro_init | Microscopic Status Update Initials |
pathmas_pathcytogynsign_tm | Pathologist Cytology Gyn Signature Time |
pathmas_complete_init | Case Completion Initials |
pathmas_c_read_init | Cytology Cases To Read Status Initials |
pathmas_pathcytogynsign_dt | Pathologist Cytology Gyn Signature Date |
pathmas_c_cytorev_init | Cytologist Review Status Initials |
pathmas_provdx_init | Provisional Diagnosis Initials |
pathmas_microtrans_init | Microscopic Transcription Update Initial |
pathmas_cytorevsign_init | Cytology Review Signature Initials |
pathmas_specimen_type | Specimen Type |
pathmas_format_tm | Case Type Format Time |
pathmas_complete_tm | Case Completion Time |
pathmas_needsgross | Need Gross Transcription |
pathmas_c_proc_dt | Cytology Process Status Date |
pathmas_case_type | Case Type |
pathmas_cytogynsign_init | Cytologist Gyn Signature Initials |
pathmas_gross_tm | Gross Status Update Time |
pathmas_status_dt | Case Status Date |
pathmas_provdx_dt | Provisional Diagnosis Date |
pathmas_c_read_dt | Cytology Cases To Read Status Date |
pathmas_finaldx_init | Final Diagnosis Initials |
pathmas_cytogynsignseq | Cytologist Gyn Signature Sequence |
pathmas_microtrans_tm | Microscopic Transcription Update Time |
pathmas_c_cytotrans_dt | Cytology Transcription Update Date |
pathmas_seq | Case Number Sequence |
pathmas_pathcytogynsign_init | Pathologist Cytogyn Signature Initials |
pathmas_cytogynsign_phynum | Physician Number Of Cytogyn Signature |
pathmas_queskey | Question Key Code |
pathmas_finalsign_dt | Final Diagnosis Signature Date |
pathmas_finaldx_phynum | Final Diagnosis Physician Number |
pathmas_cytorevsign_dt | Cytology Review Signature Date |
pathmas_frozsecdx_init | Frozen Section Diagnosis Initials |
pathmas_c_proc_tm | Cytology Process Status Time |
pathmas_access_tm | Accession Status Update Time |
pathmas_micro_dt | Microscopic Status Update Date |
pathmas_patnum | Visit Number |
pathmas_c_pathrev_tm | Cyto Pathologist Review Status Time |
pathmas_cytogynsign_tm | Cytologist Gyn Signature Time |
pathmas_gross_init | Gross Status Update Initials |
pathmas_provsign_tm | Provisional Diagnosis Signature Time |
pathmas_grosssign_tm | Gross Signature Time |
pathmas_cytorevsign_tm | Cytology Review Signature Time |
pathmas_format_dt | Case Type Format Date |
pathmas_c_pathrev_init | Cyto Pathologist Review Status Initials |
pathmas_provdx_phynum | Provisional Diagnosis Physician Number |
pathmas_cytorevsign_phynum | Physician Number Of Cytology Review |
pathmas_casenum | Case Number |
pathmas_c_cytorev_dt | Cytologist Review Status Date |
pathmas_cytogynsign_dt | Cytologist Gyn Signature Date |
Description: Patient Acuity Detail
Name | Description |
aqd_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
aqd_a_val | Actual Data Value |
aqd_date | Detail Entry Date |
aqd_a_vemp | Active Data Verify Employee Number |
aqd_p_val | Predicitive Data Value |
aqd_a_date | Actual Data Entry Date |
aqd_a_emp | Actual Data Employee Number |
aqd_a_time | Actual Data Entry Time |
aqd_p_time | Predictive Data Entry Time |
aqd_pat | Visit Number |
aqd_p_emp | Predicitive Data Employee Number |
aqd_p_vemp | Predictive Data Verify Employee Number |
aqd_room | Room Number |
aqd_ns | Nursing Station |
aqd_p_date | Predictive Data Entry Date |
aqd_shift | Detail Entry Shift |
Description: Patient address history
Name | Description |
pah_date_mmyy_format | Pah date mmyy format |
pah_start_date | Pah start date |
pah_spid | Pah spid |
pah_profile_num | Pah profile num |
pah_end_date | Pah end date |
pah_addr_id | Pah addr id |
Description: Patient Cognitive Status
Name | Description |
patcog_entered_date | Entered Date |
patcog_status | Status |
patcog_onset_date | Onset Date |
patcog_removed_reason | Removed Reason |
patcog_acct_num | Account Number |
patcog_desc | Description |
patcog_spid | Pid |
patcog_prof_num | Profile Number |
patcog_impairment_type | Impairment Type |
patcog_seq_num | Sequence Number |
patcog_arid | Accounts Receviable Id |
patcog_snomed_code | Snomed Code |
patcog_entered_by | Entered By |
Description: Patient communication
Name | Description |
patcom_rep_profilenum | Profile Number |
patcom_clin_relevant | Clinically Relevant |
patcom_visit_id | Visit Id |
patcom_subject | Subject |
patcom_rep_spid | Spid |
patcom_id | Id |
patcom_thread | Thread Id |
patcom_status | Status |
patcom_body | Body |
patcom_type | Type |
patcom_visit_arid | Arid |
patcom_logname | Logname |
patcom_dttm | Timestamp |
patcom_response_to | Response To |
Description: Patient communication thread
Name | Description |
patct_clin_relevant | Clinically Relevant |
patct_visit_arid | Arid |
patct_id | Id |
patct_visit_id | Visit Id |
Description: Patient Demographics
Name | Description |
patdemog_middle_name | Patdemog middle name |
patdemog_address2 | Patdemog address2 |
patdemog_arid | Patdemog arid |
patdemog_address_key | Patdemog address key |
patdemog_state | Patdemog state |
patdemog_first_name | Patdemog first name |
patdemog_city | Patdemog city |
patdemog_zip | Patdemog zip |
patdemog_address1 | Patdemog address1 |
patdemog_num | Patdemog num |
patdemog_last_name | Patdemog last name |
Description: Patient Demographics
Name | Description |
hispatdemog_last_name | Hispatdemog last name |
hispatdemog_address1 | Hispatdemog address1 |
hispatdemog_state | Hispatdemog state |
hispatdemog_first_name | Hispatdemog first name |
hispatdemog_num | Hispatdemog num |
hispatdemog_zip | Hispatdemog zip |
hispatdemog_city | Hispatdemog city |
hispatdemog_middle_name | Hispatdemog middle name |
hispatdemog_address2 | Hispatdemog address2 |
hispatdemog_address_key | Hispatdemog address key |
hispatdemog_arid | Hispatdemog arid |
Description: Patient Diagnosis
Name | Description |
pdiag_effective_date | Effective Date |
pdiag_last_updated | Pdiag last updated |
pdiag_id | Serial Id |
pdiag_visit_num | Visit Number |
pdiag_physician | Physician |
pdiag_hh_date | Acct > Plan Of Treatment Medical Update > Click Date Range > Diagnosis And Procedures |
pdiag_mcc | Major Complication Cormorbidity |
pdiag_profile_num | Profile Number |
pdiag_date | Recorded Date |
pdiag_origin_key | Origin Application Key |
pdiag_cc | Business Office Tables > Diagnosis Codes > Diagnosis Code Maintenance |
pdiag_hac | Business Office Tables > Diagnosis Codes > Diagnosis Code Maintenance |
pdiag_poa | Grouper |
pdiag_cpcode | Cp Code |
pdiag_hh_vonum | Home Health Facility > Acct > Plan Of Treatment Medical Update > Click Date Range > Diagnosis And Procedures |
pdiag_origin_reason | Origin Reason Code |
pdiag_arid | Arid |
pdiag_spid | Spid |
pdiag_effective_time | Pdiag effective time |
pdiag_seq | Code Application Sequence |
Description: Patient Employee Relationship
Name | Description |
patemps1_rel_type | Employee Relationship |
patemps1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
patemps1_logname | Employee Log Name |
patemps1_pat_num | Visit Number |
patemps1_dept | Service Department |
Description: Patient Event Notification
Name | Description |
pen_send | Pen send |
pen_spid | Pen spid |
pen_specialty | Pen specialty |
pen_patprofilenum | Pen patprofilenum |
pen_active_date | Pen active date |
pen_inactive_date | Pen inactive date |
pen_arid | Pen arid |
pen_seq | Pen seq |
pen_refphycode | Pen refphycode |
pen_role | Pen role |
Description: Patient Event Notification Log
Name | Description |
penlog_refphys_directaddr | Penlog refphys directaddr |
penlog_refphys_code | Penlog refphys code |
penlog_messageid | Penlog messageid |
penlog_profilenum | Penlog profilenum |
penlog_refphys_name | Penlog refphys name |
penlog_message_status_det | Penlog message status det |
penlog_event_type_desc | Penlog event type desc |
penlog_message_status | Penlog message status |
penlog_arid | Penlog arid |
penlog_visit_number | Penlog visit number |
penlog_spid | Penlog spid |
penlog_send_dttm | Penlog send dttm |
penlog_event_type | Penlog event type |
penlog_message_status_dttm | Penlog message status dttm |
Description: Scanned Images Patient
Name | Description |
patimg_opt | Image 1 Optical Disk |
patimg_comdttm | Image 1 Comment Date Time |
patimg_dt | Image 1 Stored Date |
patimg_deaddttm | Image 1 File Change Date Time |
patimg_doctype | Image 1 Document Type |
patimg_date | Image 1 Last Updated |
patimg_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
patimg_alttitle | Image 1 Alternate Title |
patimg_orddate | Image 1 Order Date |
patimg_num | Image 1 Docnum |
patimg_loinc_code | Patimg loinc code |
patimg_ccda_edited | Ccda Edited Switch |
patimg_title | Image 1 Title |
patimg_auddttm | Image 1 Last Accessed Date Time |
patimg_deadreason | Image 1 File Change Reason |
patimg_docext | Image 1 File Extension |
patimg_ordnum | Image 1 Order Number |
patimg_ccda_export_flg | Ccda Export Flg |
patimg_fidx_key | Image 1 Fidx-Key |
patimg_acct | Image 1 Acct |
patimg_mpmnar | Image 1 Map Narrative Tab |
patimg_comment | Image 1 Comment |
patimg_dept | Image 1 Dept |
patimg_jlnum | Image 1 Just Like Number |
Description: Patient Orders
Name | Description |
patord_verbaltype | Verbal Order Yn |
patord_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
patord_serialkey | Generated Key Value |
patord_visitnum | Originating Facility Visit |
patord_dept | Order For Department Number |
patord_readback | Read Back Yn |
patord_quantity | Order Quantity |
patord_status | Order Status |
patord_expirationdate | Order Expires On Date |
patord_physician | Ordering Physician Number |
patord_oset_id | Patord oset id |
patord_recurrencekey | Recurrence File Key |
patord_chiefcomplaint | Chief Complaint |
patord_type | Order Type |
Description: Patient Portal
Name | Description |
patportal_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
patportal_manually_exclude | Shows A Value Of 1 If Manually Excluded From The Portal |
patportal_exclude | Exclude Visit On Portal |
patportal_visit | Patient Visit Number |
Description: Patient Privacy Settings
Name | Description |
cnprivacy1_data_sens_lev | Cnprivacy1 data sens lev |
cnprivacy1_arid | Cnprivacy1 arid |
cnprivacy1_pro_imm_data_dt | Cnprivacy1 pro imm data dt |
cnprivacy1_visit | Cnprivacy1 visit |
cnprivacy1_pro_imm_data | Cnprivacy1 pro imm data |
cnprivacy1_pen_send | Cnprivacy1 pen send |
cnprivacy1_data_sens_lev_dt | Cnprivacy1 data sens lev dt |
cnprivacy1_pen_send_dt | Cnprivacy1 pen send dt |
cnprivacy1_participate_cahps_survey | Cnprivacy1 participate cahps survey |
Description: Patient Privacy Settings
Name | Description |
hiscnprivacy1_data_sens_lev | Data Sensitivity Level |
hiscnprivacy1_pro_imm_data_dt | Protect Immunization Data Date |
hiscnprivacy1_pro_imm_data | Protect Immunization Data |
hiscnprivacy1_pen_send_dt | Hiscnprivacy1 pen send dt |
hiscnprivacy1_pen_send | Hiscnprivacy1 pen send |
hiscnprivacy1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
hiscnprivacy1_visit | Visit Number |
hiscnprivacy1_participate_cahps_survey | Participate In Cahps Survey |
hiscnprivacy1_data_sens_lev_dt | Data Sensitivity Level Date |
Description: Patient procedures
Name | Description |
pproc_removed_ts | Pproc removed ts |
pproc_end_time | Procedure End Time |
pproc_cpcode | Cp Code |
pproc_proc_phy2_type | Grouper > Proc |
pproc_proc_phy1_type | Grouper > Proc |
pproc_profile_num | Profile Number |
pproc_time | Procedure Time |
pproc_proc_phy1 | Grouper > Proc |
pproc_proc_phy2 | Grouper > Proc |
pproc_end_date | Procedure End Date |
pproc_spid | Spid |
pproc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pproc_rev_cntr | Grouper > Proc |
pproc_hh_vonum | Hh Acct > Plan Of Treatment Medical Update > Click Date Range > Diag Proc |
pproc_visit_num | Visit Number |
pproc_entered_date | Procedure Entered Date |
pproc_date | Procedure Date |
pproc_hh_date | Hh Acct > Plan Of Treatment Medical Update > Click Date Range > Diag Proc |
pproc_origin_key | Origin Application Key |
pproc_entered_time | Procedure Entered Time |
pproc_cpt4mod2 | Grouper > Proc |
pproc_seq | Code Application Sequence |
pproc_cpt4mod1 | Grouper > Proc |
pproc_cpt4mod3 | Grouper > Proc |
pproc_origin_reason | Origin Reason Code |
pproc_id | Serial Id |
pproc_cpt4mod4 | Grouper > Proc |
Description: Ews Event Schedule Patient Demographics
Name | Description |
patsched_hh_loc | Home Health Location |
patsched_precert_ph | Primary Precert Phone Number |
patsched_caller | Event Caller Name |
patsched_source | Service Source |
patsched_phyname | Physician Name |
patsched_eventnum | Schedule Event Number |
patsched_hh_acuity | Home Health Acuity |
patsched_atname | Event Caller Location |
patsched_entry_init | Scheduler Entry Initials |
patsched_precert_dt2 | Secondary Financial Class Precert Date |
patsched_groupnum | Event Group Number |
patsched_patnum | Visit Number |
patsched_precert_policy | Primary Precert Policy Number |
patsched_c_profilenum | Profile Number |
patsched_has_instr | Schedule Instructions |
patsched_last_called | Date Patient Was Last Called |
patsched_call_note | Notes From Patient Last Call |
patsched_mpmphynum | Mpm Physician Number |
patsched_precert_contact2 | Secondary Financial Class Precert Contact |
patsched_precert_todt | Primary Precert To Date |
patsched_patname | Patient Name |
patsched_precert_num | Primary Financial Class Percert Number |
patsched_phone | Patient Home Phone Number |
patsched_precert_req | Primary Precert Requirement |
patsched_seid | Shared Ews Id |
patsched_precert_ph2 | Secondary Precert Phone Number |
patsched_precert_fromdt2 | Secondary Precert From Date |
patsched_servcd | Service Code |
patsched_precert_req2 | Secondary Precert Requirement |
patsched_comment | Event Comments |
patsched_email | Patient Email Address |
patsched_arid | Facility Arid |
patsched_gender | Patient Gender |
patsched_precert_same_day | Primary Precert Same Day |
patsched_confirmnum | Event Confirmation Number |
patsched_has_charges | Charge For Event |
patsched_entry_tm | Schedule Entry Time |
patsched_precert_dt | Primary Financial Class Precert Date |
patsched_precert_same_day2 | Secondary Precert Same Day |
patsched_precert_visits2 | Secondary Precert Number Of Visits |
patsched_precert_ssn2 | Secondary Precert Social Security Number |
patsched_ftdiag | Patient Diagnosis Free Texted |
patsched_precert_policy2 | Secondary Precert Policy Number |
patsched_entry_dt | Schedule Entry Date |
patsched_precert_todt2 | Secondary Precert To Date |
patsched_phone2 | Patient Work Phone Number |
patsched_birth | Patient Birthdate |
patsched_ins | Primary Financial Class Insurance Code |
patsched_precert_ssn | Primary Precert Social Security Number |
patsched_ins2 | Secondary Financial Class Insurance Code |
patsched_precert_fromdt | Primary Precert From Date |
patsched_diagcd | Patient Diagnosis Codes |
patsched_precert_contact | Primary Financial Class Precert Contact |
patsched_origpatarid | Original Facility Arid |
patsched_phynumd | Physician Number |
patsched_proc_comment | Procedure Comment |
patsched_precert_num2 | Secondary Financial Class Precert Number |
patsched_orig_pat_num | Original Visit Number |
patsched_precert_visits | Primary Precert Number Of Visits |
Description: Patient Tracking Record
Name | Description |
bapttk_account | Bapttk account |
bapttk_out_dt | Bapttk out dt |
bapttk_arid | Bapttk arid |
bapttk_out_tm | Bapttk out tm |
bapttk_loc | Bapttk loc |
bapttk_dept | Bapttk dept |
bapttk_out_inits | Bapttk out inits |
bapttk_seq | Bapttk seq |
bapttk_in_tm | Bapttk in tm |
bapttk_in_inits | Bapttk in inits |
bapttk_in_dt | Bapttk in dt |
Description: Patient Transfers Index
Name | Description |
aritr_num | Visit Number |
aritr_date | Transfer Date |
aritr_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Patient Notes
Name | Description |
pn1_phy | Physician number |
pn1_larx1more_less | Lab result greater than less than flag |
pn1_t_dictdt | Transcription-Dictated-Date |
pn1_t_desc | Transcription-Description |
pn1_e_by | Physician number |
pn1_larx1resulta | Lab test alpha result |
pn1_osimagex1key | Scanned image key |
pn1_t_signtm | Transcription-Signed-Time |
pn1_e_tm | Esign time |
pn1_modified_report_flag | Modified report flag |
pn1_larx1flag | High low abnormal critical flag |
pn1_larx1rrdesc | Lab result description |
pn1_larx1chigh | Lab result critical high reference value |
pn1_larx1coltmr | Collection time for reverse sort |
pn1_larx1high | Lab result high reference value |
pn1_larx1type | Lab result record type |
pn1_t_signdt | Transcription-Signed-Date |
pn1_ipanum | Visit number |
pn1_larx1result | Lab result value |
pn1_read | Patnote read flag |
pn1_t_dicttm | Transcription-Dictated-Time |
pn1_t_ordnum | Order number |
pn1_a_tm | Patnote acknowledge time |
pn1_info | Patnote information |
pn1_larx1pnum | Visit number |
pn1_patnum | Visit number |
pn1_larx1clow | Lab result critical low reference value |
pn1_code | Patnote acknowledged flag |
pn1_larx1init | Lab specimen collection initials |
pn1_file | Patnote file name |
pn1_e_dt | Esign date |
pn1_larx1low | Lab result low reference value |
pn1_ipaseq | Nursing order sequence number |
pn1_larx1rrtype | Lab result alpha or numeric |
pn1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pn1_larx1ordnum | Order number |
pn1_larx1inita | Lab specimen collection initials |
pn1_a_dt | Patnote acknowledge date |
pn1_larx1deltack | Lab result delta check flag |
pn1_type | Patnote record type |
pn1_seq | Patnote record sequence number |
pn1_larx1coldtr | Collection date for reverse sort |
Description: Patient Stat
Name | Description |
ps_note | Note statistic |
ps_medord | Medical order statistic |
ps_critical | Critical statistic |
ps_lab | Lab statistic |
ps_phy | Physician id |
ps_trans | Transfer statistic |
ps_scanned_image | Scanned image statistic |
ps_arid | Ps arid |
ps_patnum | Visit number |
Description: Pdimm File Header Record Detail
Name | Description |
ph1_date | Administration Date |
ph1_nurse | Administering Nurse |
ph1_seq | File Sequence Number |
ph1_historical | Historical Flag |
ph1_by_infobutton | Saved By Infobutton |
ph1_language | Ph1 language |
ph1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ph1_time | Administration Time |
ph1_type | Ph1 type |
ph1_medication_flag | Active Medication |
ph1_title | File Title |
ph1_patnum | Patient Number |
Description: Pf File Index
Name | Description |
pffi_spid | Pffi spid |
pffi_arid | Pffi arid |
pffi_profilenum | Pffi profilenum |
pffi_seq | Sequence Number |
Description: Pharmacy Clinical Comments
Name | Description |
cl1_arid | Cl1 arid |
cl1_num | Cl1 num |
cl1_seq | Cl1 seq |
cl1_text | Cl1 text |
Description: Pharmacy Inbound Exception Table
Name | Description |
phrlog1_pname | Patient Name |
phrlog1_msgid | Message Id |
phrlog1_error_svrty | Phrlog1 error svrty |
phrlog1_item_description | Order Item Description |
phrlog1_date | Message Date |
phrlog1_order_key | Order Serial Key |
phrlog1_error_code | Error Code |
phrlog1_rph | Pharmacist |
phrlog1_order_num | Order Number |
phrlog1_num | Visit Number |
phrlog1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
phrlog1_time | Message Time |
phrlog1_error_desc | Error Description |
phrlog1_item_num | Order Item Number |
phrlog1_vend | Vendor |
Description: Pharmacy Order Transfer Keys
Name | Description |
ipatrans_patordkey | New Order Patord Key |
ipatrans_ipanum | Old Order Visit Number |
ipatrans_arid | Arid |
ipatrans_ipaseq | Old Order Record Sequence Number |
Description: Pharmacy Rx Identification
Name | Description |
pcrxid1_lastname | Pcrxid1 lastname |
pcrxid1_state | Pcrxid1 state |
pcrxid1_pickup | Pcrxid1 pickup |
pcrxid1_arxel_sub | Pcrxid1 arxel sub |
pcrxid1_arid | Pcrxid1 arid |
pcrxid1_relationship | Pcrxid1 relationship |
pcrxid1_arxseq | Pcrxid1 arxseq |
pcrxid1_firstname | Pcrxid1 firstname |
pcrxid1_patnum | Pcrxid1 patnum |
Description: Pharmacy Stop Info History
Name | Description |
psih_stop_init | Stop History Stop Initials |
psih_seq | Stop History Sequence |
psih_sys_date | Stop History System Date |
psih_rev_date | Stop History Review Date |
psih_type | Stop History Type |
psih_stop_time | Stop History Stop Time |
psih_num | Stop History Patient Number |
psih_stop_date | Stop History Stop Date |
psih_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
psih_rev_time | Stop History Review Time |
psih_sys_time | Stop History System Time |
psih_stop_code | Stop History Stop Code |
Description: Medication Waste Table
Name | Description |
phwst_seq | Sequence Number |
phwst_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
phwst_wsttm | Time Wasted |
phwst_arxseq | Extended Info Ar1 Sequence |
phwst_admqty | Quantity Administered |
phwst_ordnum | Order Number |
phwst_wstdqty | Quantity Wasted |
phwst_qtyunits | Units Of Measurement |
phwst_chgnum | Item Number |
phwst_entryinit | Initials Of Entering Employee |
phwst_admintimestamp | Time Stamp |
phwst_pheaqty | Minimum Dispensable Quantity |
phwst_wstdt | Date Wasted |
phwst_ndc | Ndc Number |
phwst_visitnum | Visit Number |
phwst_arxel_sub | Extended Info Ar1 Element |
Description: Medication Waste Temporary Table
Name | Description |
phwstt1_visitnum | Pharmacy Waste Temp Visit Number |
phwstt1_wstdt | Pharmacy Waste Temp Date Wasted |
phwstt1_chgnum | Pharmacy Waste Temp Item Number |
phwstt1_qtyunits | Pharmacy Waste Temp Units Of Measurement |
phwstt1_admintimestamp | Pharmacy Waste Temp Time Stamp |
phwstt1_entryinit | Pharmacy Waste Temp Initials Of Entering Employee |
phwstt1_arxel_sub | Pharmacy Waste Temp Extended Info Ar1 Element |
phwstt1_ordnum | Pharmacy Waste Temp Order Number |
phwstt1_art1ktime | Pharmacy Waste Temp Flart Key Time |
phwstt1_wsttm | Pharmacy Waste Temp Time Wasted |
phwstt1_seq | Pharmacy Waste Temp Sequence Number |
phwstt1_admqty | Pharmacy Waste Temp Quantity Administered |
phwstt1_wstdqty | Pharmacy Waste Temp Quantity Wasted |
phwstt1_ndc | Pharmacy Waste Temp Ndc Number |
phwstt1_pheaqty | Pharmacy Waste Temp Minimum Dispensable Quantity |
phwstt1_art1kterm | Pharmacy Waste Temp Flart Key Csnum |
phwstt1_arxseq | Pharmacy Waste Temp Extended Info Ar1 Sequence |
phwstt1_art1ary_sub | Pharmacy Waste Temp Flart Art1ary Subscript |
phwstt1_art1kdate | Pharmacy Waste Temp Flart Key Date |
phwstt1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
Description: Medication Waste Temporary Table2
Name | Description |
phwstt2_chgnum | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Item Number |
phwstt2_admintimestamp | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Time Stamp |
phwstt2_visitnum | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Visit Number |
phwstt2_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
phwstt2_wstdt | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Date Wasted |
phwstt2_art1ary_sub | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Flart Art1ary Subscript |
phwstt2_arxel_sub | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Extended Info Ar1 Element |
phwstt2_art2kseq | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Flart Key Seq |
phwstt2_entryinit | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Initials Of Entering Employee |
phwstt2_qtyunits | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Units Of Measurement |
phwstt2_wsttm | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Time Wasted |
phwstt2_wstdqty | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Quantity Wasted |
phwstt2_ndc | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Ndc Number |
phwstt2_art2knum | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Flart 2 Key Visit |
phwstt2_arxseq | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Extended Info Ar1 Sequence |
phwstt2_seq | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Sequence Number |
phwstt2_admqty | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Quantity Administered |
phwstt2_art2kterm | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Flart 2 Key Csnum |
phwstt2_ordnum | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Order Number |
phwstt2_pheaqty | Pharmacy Waste Temp 2 Minimum Dispensable Quantity |
Description: Physician Or Employee Patient List
Name | Description |
nsnpl1_empnum | Physician Or Employee Number |
nsnpl1_empcomp | Employee Payroll Company |
nsnpl1_emppr | Employee Payroll Type |
nsnpl1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
nsnpl1_patnum | Visit Number |
Description: Order Result Messages
Name | Description |
porm_msg7phylink_cs | Msg Link Csnum |
porm_s_tty | Sending Tty |
porm_time | Msg Time Created |
porm_msg7phylink_id | Msg Link Id |
porm_s_name | Signed In Emp Name |
porm_s_dnum | Sending Dept |
porm_clo3ackdt | Clord Key Ack Date |
porm_msgid1room | Msg Body Text Room |
porm_status | Current Msg Status |
porm_a_name | Ack Emp Name |
porm_msgid1orignum | Msg Body Text Orig Num |
porm_form | Req Form Flag |
porm_text_l4 | Oe Ques Line Sub4 |
porm_msgid1proc | Msg Body Text Proc |
porm_text2 | Porm text2 |
porm_msgid1note | Porm msgid1note |
porm_date | Msg Date Created |
porm_a_dnum | Ack Dept |
porm_a_time | Ack Time |
porm_text_l3 | Oe Ques Line Sub3 |
porm_a_num | Ack Emp Num |
porm_clo3acktm | Clord Key Ack Time |
porm_s_init | Signed In Emp Init |
porm_msgid1pnum | Msg Body Text Pat Num |
porm_cancel | Can Line Sub |
porm_phylnk | Tty Device Type |
porm_text_l1 | Oe Ques Line Sub1 |
porm_msgid1com_e_init | Msg Body Text Com E Init |
porm_s_date | Sending Date |
porm_msgid1sch | Msg Body Text Sch |
porm_a_init | Ack Emp Init |
porm_text_l2 | Oe Ques Line Sub2 |
porm_stat | Stat Line Sub |
porm_need_by | Sched Line Sub |
porm_remote | Ref Lab Flag |
porm_s_time | Sending Time |
porm_msgid1pname | Msg Body Text Pat Name |
porm_a_date | Ack Date |
porm_s_num | Signed In Emp Num |
porm_order_no | Order Num |
porm_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
porm_clo3seq | Clord Key Ack Sequence |
Description: Physicians Ancillary Esign
Name | Description |
physig1_fnordnum | Esigned document filename order number |
physig1_esig | Physician electronic signature |
physig1_cosign_by | Cosigned By Physician Number |
physig1_resigned | Re-Signed flag |
physig1_combinetrans | Combined Transcription Flag |
physig1_seq | Physician esign sequence number |
physig1_cosign_for | Cosigned for physician number |
physig1_fidx_key | File Index Key |
physig1_publickey_ele | Public key array element |
physig1_req_edit | Requires edit flag |
physig1_trans_pr1num | Transcribing employee number |
physig1_patnum | Visit number |
physig1_trans_init | Transcribing employee initials |
physig1_fnpatnum | Esigned document filename visit number |
physig1_esigdt | Esign date |
physig1_phynum | Physician number |
physig1_sig_req_dt | Electronic signature required date |
physig1_publickey_seq | Public key sequence number |
physig1_arid | Physig1 arid |
physig1_fname | Electronically signed document filename |
physig1_ordnum | Order number |
physig1_rtn_cd | Return code |
physig1_edit_comments | Transcribing edit comments |
physig1_cytogynscreen | Cytogyn screen flag |
physig1_fnseq | Esigned document filename seq number |
physig1_rtn_time | Return time |
physig1_physign_inprogress | In progress flag |
physig1_rtn_comments | Return comments |
physig1_ord_desc | Ordered item description |
physig1_esigtm | Esign time |
physig1_his_flg | History flag |
physig1_orig_ord | Original order number when combined |
physig1_rtn_date | Return date |
Description: Portal Log Record
Name | Description |
portallog_serial_id | Portal Log |
portallog_login_profile_arid | Portal Log Login Profile Arid |
portallog_visit_profile_arid | Portal Log Visit Profile Arid |
portallog_action | Portal Log Action |
portallog_visit_arid | Portal Log Visit Arid |
portallog_visit_profile_num | Portal Log Visit Profilenum |
portallog_action_date | Portal Log Action Date |
portallog_login_name | Portal Log Login Name |
portallog_app_id | Portallog app id |
portallog_visit_num | Portal Log Visit Num |
portallog_addressee_email | Portallog addressee email |
portallog_transmission_type | Portallog transmission type |
portallog_logname | Portal Log Login |
portallog_fidx_key | Portallog fidx key |
portallog_login_profile_num | Portal Log Login Profilenum |
portallog_action_time | Portal Log Action Time |
portallog_document_accessed | Portallog document accessed |
portallog_app_title | Portallog app title |
portallog_role | Portallog role |
Description: Ppvisit Guarantor
Name | Description |
ppvg_c_profilenum | Profile Number |
ppvg_spid | Ppvg spid |
ppvg_c_ssn_10dig | 10 Digit Social Security Number |
ppvg_arid | Facility Id |
ppvg_accounttype | Visit Number Type |
ppvg_merging | Visit Merge |
ppvg_acct | Visit Number |
ppvg_pat_profilenum | Visit Number Type |
Description: Ppvisit Patient
Name | Description |
ppvp_acct | Visit Number |
ppvp_c_ssn_10dig | 10 Digit Social Security Number |
ppvp_merging | Visit Merge |
ppvp_c_profilenum | Profile Number |
ppvp_accounttype | Visit Number Type |
ppvp_spid | Ppvp spid |
ppvp_arid | Facility Id |
Description: Stores Preventatives
Name | Description |
prev1_commprefutil | Prev1 commprefutil |
prev1_previnstr | Previous Instructions |
prev1_commpref | Prev1 commpref |
prev1_arxnum | Visit Number |
prev1_forwarddate | Forwarded Date |
prev1_lastchangeubl | Last Changed Ubl |
prev1_prevduetm | Previous Due Time |
prev1_prevduedt | Previous Due Date |
prev1_lastchangedt | Last Changed Date |
prev1_arid | Visit Arid |
prev1_prevtest | Previous Test |
prev1_details | Prev1 details |
prev1_prevseq | Previous Sequence |
prev1_enterdate | Entry Date |
prev1_lastchangetm | Last Changed Time |
prev1_profilenum | Profile Number |
prev1_serialkey | Preventatives Key |
prev1_spid | Shared Profile Id |
prev1_followup | Prev1 followup |
prev1_forwardtime | Forwarded Time |
prev1_status | Preventative Status |
prev1_entertime | Entry Time |
prev1_forwardphynum | Forward To Physician Number |
prev1_phynum | Physician Number |
prev1_item | Item Number |
prev1_forwardubl | Forwarded By Ubl |
prev1_enterubl | Employee Ubl |
Description: Problem List
Name | Description |
pl1_arxnum | Visit number |
pl1_sourcefield | Problem source |
pl1_phynum | Physician number |
pl1_problastaddr_indicator | Pl1 problastaddr indicator |
pl1_probtypedesc | Problem type description |
pl1_probresolvedt_indicator | Pl1 probresolvedt indicator |
pl1_onset_datetime | Onset Date And Time |
pl1_spid | Shared Profile Id |
pl1_hcconcern | Pl1 hcconcern |
pl1_probnum | Problem number |
pl1_lastchangetm | Last change time |
pl1_probdesc | Problem description |
pl1_enterdate | Enter date |
pl1_entertime | Enter Time |
pl1_probenterdt | Problem enter date |
pl1_arid | Ar id |
pl1_profilenum | Profile Number |
pl1_onset | Problem onset |
pl1_comment | Problem Comment |
pl1_probresolvedt | Problem resolved date |
pl1_rank | Problem rank |
pl1_clinrec_import | Clinical Recon Import |
pl1_probdiagcd | Problem diagnosis code |
pl1_diagdate | Diagnosis date |
pl1_onset_date_indicator | Pl1 onset date indicator |
pl1_patname | Patient name |
pl1_problastaddr | Problem last addressed date |
pl1_lastchangeinit | Last change init |
pl1_diagdate_indicator | Pl1 diagdate indicator |
pl1_health_hist_flag | Health History Flag |
pl1_status | Status |
pl1_lastchangedt | Last change date |
pl1_seq | Sequence number |
Description: Problem Log
Name | Description |
plg1_probaddressdt_indicator | Plg1 probaddressdt indicator |
plg1_newstatus | Status |
plg1_probenterdt | Problem entered date |
plg1_clinrec_import | Plg1 clinrec import |
plg1_probdiagcd | Diagnosis code |
plg1_init | Initials |
plg1_comments | Problem comments |
plg1_seq | Sequence |
plg1_hcconcern | Plg1 hcconcern |
plg1_diagdate_indicator | Plg1 diagdate indicator |
plg1_phynum | Physician number |
plg1_onset_datetime | Plg1 onset datetime |
plg1_time | Entry time |
plg1_health_hist_flag | Plg1 health hist flag |
plg1_onset_date_indicator | Plg1 onset date indicator |
plg1_probaddressdt | Problem addressed date |
plg1_arid | Ar id |
plg1_onset | Problem onset |
plg1_profilenum | Profile Number |
plg1_date | Entry date |
plg1_probdesc | Problem description |
plg1_rank | Problem rank |
plg1_probresolvedt_indicator | Plg1 probresolvedt indicator |
plg1_source | Source |
plg1_diagdate | Diagnosis date |
plg1_spid | Plg1 spid |
plg1_probtypedesc | Problem type description |
plg1_probresolvedt | Problem resolved date |
plg1_pl1seq | Problem list sequence |
plg1_visitnum | Visit number |
Description: Problem treated this visit
Name | Description |
pttv_visit_num | Pttv visit num |
pttv_id | Pttv id |
pttv_pl1_spid | Pttv pl1 spid |
pttv_pl1_profilenum | Pttv pl1 profilenum |
pttv_visit_arid | Pttv visit arid |
pttv_pl1_seq | Pttv pl1 seq |
Description: Procedure to patient images
Name | Description |
procpi_patimg_title | Procpi patimg title |
procpi_patimg_num | Procpi patimg num |
procpi_patimg_arid | Procpi patimg arid |
procpi_patimg_acct | Procpi patimg acct |
procpi_pproc_id | Procpi pproc id |
Description: Prof Bio Scan
Name | Description |
pbs_profilenum | Bio Scan Profile Number |
pbs_reason | Bio Scan Reason |
pbs_timeacquired | Bio Scan Time Aquired |
pbs_ubl | Bio Scan Ubl |
pbs_spid | Pbs spid |
pbs_scan_acquired | Bio Scan Aquired |
pbs_dateacquired | Bio Scan Date Aquired |
pbs_type | Bio Scan Type Of Scan |
Description: Prof Bio Scan-Log
Name | Description |
pbslog_spid | Pbslog spid |
pbslog_reason | Bio Scan Log Scan Reason |
pbslog_date | Bio Scan Log Date |
pbslog_scan_acquired | Bio Scan Log Scan Acquired |
pbslog_time | Bio Scan Log Time |
pbslog_profilenum | Bio Scan Log Profile Number |
pbslog_ubl | Bio Scan Log Scan Ubl |
Description: Profile
Name | Description |
prof_c_ip0p_email_comment | Patient Email Comment |
prof_c_ip0notify_email | Notify Email Address |
prof_c_ip0notify_phone_comment | Notify Phone Comment |
prof_c_checkout_unit | Checkout Unit |
prof_c_allertype | Allergy Type |
prof_c_ip0notify_prefix | Notify Name Prefix |
prof_c_spousenum | Spouse Social Security Number |
prof_c_fa_3 | Foreign Address 3 |
prof_c_ip0notify_emp_phone_ext | Notify Employer Phone Extension |
prof_c_ip1p_cell_optin | Cell Phone Opt In |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_addr_id | Alternate Address Uuid |
prof_c_ip1hosp_dir | Hospital Directory |
prof_c_ip1church | Church |
prof_c_ip0dms_id | Patient Dms Id |
prof_c_ip1p_addr_date_mmyy_format | Address Date Format |
prof_c_ip0smoking_enddt | Smoking End Date |
prof_c_nation_code_3 | Race 4 |
prof_c_ip1p_addr_date | Address Date |
prof_c_ip1ubl | Ubl Logname |
prof_c_cpsiarid | Facility Ar Id |
prof_c_ar0ins_b3 | Original Financial Class 3rd Character |
prof_c_ip1language_code | Language Code |
prof_c_ip1postalcd | Postal Code |
prof_c_ar0advdir | Advance Directive |
prof_c_ip0p_emp_phone_comment | Patient Employer Phone Comment |
prof_c_ip0p_phone_ext | Patient Phone Extension |
prof_c_ip1p_cnty | County |
prof_c_creation_dt | Profile Creation Date |
prof_c_ip0smoking_startdt | Smoking Start Date |
prof_c_medhisconsent | Medical History Consent |
prof_c_ip0notify_emp_phone_comment | Notify Employer Phone Comment |
prof_c_ip2p_emp_city | Employer City |
prof_c_allergies | Person Profile Allergies |
prof_c_ip0notify_phone_ext | Notify Phone Extension |
prof_c_ip1indwel | Indigent |
prof_c_driver_lic_st | Drivers License State |
prof_c_ip1religion | Religion |
prof_c_arpsex | Sex |
prof_c_birth_place_country | Birth Place Country |
prof_c_ip0privacy_dt | Privacy Notice Date |
prof_c_ip1adv_dir_date | Advanced Directives Date |
prof_c_ip0notify_county | Notify County |
prof_c_fa_1 | Foreign Address 1 |
prof_c_ip1p_city | City |
prof_c_ip0p_altname_qualifier | Patient Alternate Name Qualifier |
prof_c_ip2newalgcd | New Allergy Code |
prof_c_ip0dva_flag | Prof c ip0dva flag |
prof_c_mothernum | Mother Social Security Number |
prof_c_ip1adv_dir_time | Advanced Directives Time |
prof_c_allercd | Allergies |
prof_c_ip0notify_email_comment | Notify Email Comment |
prof_c_driver_lic_num | Drivers License Number |
prof_c_ip1language | Language |
prof_c_arponlineacct | Online Account |
prof_c_arpphone | Phone Number |
prof_c_fathernum | Father Social Security Number |
prof_c_ip1dnr | Patient Do Not Resuscitate |
prof_c_authreprelation | Authorized Representative Relation |
prof_c_ip1adv_dir_init | Advanced Directives Initials |
prof_c_ip1phy2 | Secondary Physician |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_midname | Patient Alternate Middle Name |
prof_c_ip1military | Military |
prof_c_profilenum | Profile Number |
prof_c_ip1p_email_optin | Email Opt In |
prof_c_ip0foodallergy | Food Allergy |
prof_c_ip0notify_cell_comment | Notify Cell Phone Comment |
prof_c_ar0doc | Admitting Physician |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_name_suffix | Patient Alternate Name Suffix |
prof_c_ip0notify_cell_ext | Notify Cell Phone Extension |
prof_c_ip0tobacco_user | Tobacco User |
prof_c_ip0dnr | Do Not Resuscitate |
prof_c_ar0ins_b1 | Original Financial Class 1st Character |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_name_prof_suffix | Patient Alternate Name Professional Suffix |
prof_c_ccmparticipatedate | Date Asked About Ccm |
prof_c_ip0out_of_country_flag | Out Of Country Flag |
prof_c_ip1p_zip | Zip |
prof_c_ip2p_emp_addr2 | Employer Address 2 |
prof_c_ip1p_cell | Cell Phone Number |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_zip | Patient Alternate Zip |
prof_c_phone_optin | Prof c phone optin |
prof_c_ip0tempdietordnum | Temporary Diet Order Number |
prof_c_ip0pname_suffix | Patient Name Suffix |
prof_c_ip0p_cell_phone_comment | Patient Cell Phone Comment |
prof_c_ip0p_phone_comment | Patient Phone Comment |
prof_c_ip1pharm_name | Pharmacist Name |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_address2 | Patient Alternate Address2 |
prof_c_arpcollect | Collect Code |
prof_c_ip2p_emp_addr | Employer Address |
prof_c_ar0ins_b2 | Original Financial Class 2nd Character |
prof_c_empcd | Employer Code |
prof_c_ip0notify_suffix | Notify Name Suffix |
prof_c_immune_pub | Immunization Publicity Code |
prof_c_birth_place_state | Birth Place State |
prof_c_ip0tempdiet | Temporary Diet |
prof_c_ip0fn_flag | Fn Flag |
prof_c_envallergies | Person Profile Environmental Allergies |
prof_c_ip1pharm_phone | Pharmacist Phone Number |
prof_c_ar0mrsa | Multi Resistant Staph Aureus (Mrsa) |
prof_c_ip1maiden | Maiden Name |
prof_c_ip1isolation | Isolation |
prof_c_ip2p_emp_zip | Employer Zip |
prof_c_arpss | Patient 10 Digit Social Security Number |
prof_c_arpxrn | Film Number |
prof_c_arpbirth | Date Of Birth |
prof_c_ip1p_cntry | Country |
prof_c_nation_code_1 | Race 2 |
prof_c_ip1care | Care Level |
prof_c_ip1p_addr1 | Address Line 1 |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_address1 | Patient Alternate Address1 |
prof_c_ip0_ip2p_emp_addr_id | Prof c ip0 ip2p emp addr id |
prof_c_quincy_pat_id | Patient Quincy Id |
prof_c_ip1fallrisk | Fall Risk |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_name_prefix | Patient Alternate Name Prefix |
prof_c_arpcontrbill | Contract Code |
prof_c_ip2aller | Allergies |
prof_c_ip1prevnum1 | Previous Visit Number |
prof_c_food_aller | Person Profile Food Allergies |
prof_c_ip1adm_eetype | Admitting Employee Payroll Type |
prof_c_fa_2 | Foreign Address 2 |
prof_c_ip0famphy | Family Physician |
prof_c_ip1prevdat1 | Previous Visit Date |
prof_c_secname | Person Profile Second Name |
prof_c_ip2rxgroup | Prescription Group |
prof_c_ip0pname_prefix | Patient Name Prefix |
prof_c_patnote | Person Profile Patient Note |
prof_c_ip0p_emp_phone_ext | Patient Employer Phone Extension |
prof_c_ip1smoke | Smoker |
prof_c_ip1midname | Middle Name |
prof_c_ip1diabetic | Patient Diabetic |
prof_c_allerreact | Allergy Reaction |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_lastname | Patient Alternate Last Name |
prof_c_arpcurname | Patient Current Name |
prof_c_authrepprofilenum | Authorized Representative Profile Number |
prof_c_nation_code_2 | Race 3 |
prof_c_ip2p_emp | Employer |
prof_c_ip1b_place | Birth Place |
prof_c_nation_code_4 | Race 5 |
prof_c_ip1adv_dir_reason | Advanced Directives Reason |
prof_c_checkout_amt | Checkout Amount |
prof_c_ip0out_of_province_flag | Out Of Province Flag |
prof_c_ip1nation | Patient Nation |
prof_c_ip0fooddislike | Food Dislikes |
prof_c_ip1ethnic | Ethnicity |
prof_c_ip1phy | Attending Physician |
prof_c_ip1lastname | Last Name |
prof_c_ip1adm_eecomp | Admitting Employee Company |
prof_c_ip1no_rel | Patient Emergency Notify Relationship |
prof_c_ip1p_addr2 | Address Line 2 |
prof_c_arpmar_stat | Marital Status |
prof_c_last_updated | Profile Last Updated |
prof_c_ip0p_alt_firstname | Patient Alternate First Name |
prof_c_refdiag2 | Referring Diagnosis 2 |
prof_c_arpbill_sw | Bill Switch |
prof_c_arpname | Patient Name |
prof_c_arpcycle | Cycle Code |
prof_c_refdiag1 | Referring Diagnosis 1 |
prof_c_arpcr_rate | Credit Switch |
prof_c_ip1p_state | City |
prof_c_ip0p_cell_phone_ext | Patient Cell Phone Extension |
prof_c_guarnum | Guarantor Social Security Number |
prof_c_ip1adm_eenumb | Admitting Employee Number |
prof_c_ip1smoke_dttm | Prof c ip1smoke dttm |
prof_c_fz_state | Foreign State/Country |
prof_c_ip1p_phone | Phone Number |
prof_spid | Shared Profile Id |
prof_c_ip2p_emp_phone | Employer Phone Number |
prof_c_ssn_10dig | 10 Digit Social Security Number |
prof_c_ip2rxprcd | Prescription Pricing Code |
prof_c_arpmrnum | Medical Record Number |
prof_c_fz_post | Foreign Postal Code |
prof_c_provincial_hin | Prof c provincial hin |
prof_c_occupation | Contact Occupation |
prof_c_ar0vre | Vancomycin Resistant Enzyme (Vre) |
prof_c_ip1pre_init | Pre-Admit Initials |
prof_c_notifynum | Notify Social Security Number |
prof_c_ip0rcmp_flag | Prof c ip0rcmp flag |
prof_c_admingender | Profile Admin Gender |
prof_c_ip1req_room | Room Type Required |
prof_c_ip0pname_prof_suffix | Patient Name Professional Suffix |
prof_c_ip1expired_dt | Expired Date |
prof_c_arprace | Race |
prof_c_ip1name | Patient Name |
prof_c_ip1dpbc | Digital Postal Bar Code |
prof_c_commpref | Communication Preference |
prof_c_signonfile | Signature On File |
prof_c_ip2rxcontract | Prescription Contract |
prof_c_ip0modearrival | Mode Of Arrival |
prof_c_ip2p_emp_state | Employer State |
prof_c_ip1firstname | First Name |
prof_c_ip0notify_prof_suffix | Notify Name Professional Suffix |
prof_c_ip0p_arpmar_stat_uuid | Patient Marital Status Uuid |
prof_c_clinhist_in_fidx | Clinical History In Fidx |
prof_c_ip0privacy | Privacy Notice |
prof_c_ip2rxins | Prescription Insurance |
prof_c_ip0_ip1p_addr_id | Prof c ip0 ip1p addr id |
prof_c_ip1p_email | Email Address |
prof_c_participateinccm | Ccm Participant |
prof_c_ethnic_code | Ethnic Code |
prof_c_commonwell_enrolled_sw | Commonwell Enrolled Flag |
prof_c_confidential | Confidential Switch |
Description: Profile Additional Contacts
Name | Description |
profcontact_contact_profilenum | Profile Contact Profile Number |
profcontact_arid | Profile Patient Arid |
profcontact_patprofilenum | Profile Patient Profile Number |
profcontact_contact_spid | Profile Contact Profile Spid |
profcontact_primary | Profile Contact Primary Notify |
profcontact_spid | Profile Patient Spid |
profcontact_contact_relationship | Profile Contact Relationship |
Description: Profile Chart Note
Name | Description |
pcn_cn_uuid | Pcn cn uuid |
pcn_uuid | Pcn uuid |
pcn_arid | Pcn arid |
pcn_parent_pcn_uuid | Pcn parent pcn uuid |
pcn_profilenum | Pcn profilenum |
pcn_type | Pcn type |
pcn_spid | Pcn spid |
Description: Profile communication table
Name | Description |
profcommun_profilenum | Profcommun profilenum |
profcommun_role | Profcommun role |
profcommun_msg_id | Profcommun msg id |
profcommun_spid | Profcommun spid |
profcommun_arid | Profcommun arid |
Description: Profile Ethnicity
Name | Description |
profe_primary | Profe primary |
profe_profilenum | Profe profilenum |
profe_ethnicity_code | Profe ethnicity code |
profe_spid | Profe spid |
profe_arid | Profe arid |
Description: Profile for visit
Name | Description |
profvis_c_profilenum | Profvis c profilenum |
profvis_accounttype | Profvis accounttype |
profvis_c_ssn_10dig | Profvis c ssn 10dig |
profvis_acct | Profvis acct |
profvis_arid | Profvis arid |
profvis_spid | Profvis spid |
Description: Profile identifier uuid table
Name | Description |
profidu_invite_code | Profidu invite code |
profidu_uuid | Profidu uuid |
profidu_grh_record_id | Profidu grh record id |
profidu_invite_expire_ts | Profidu invite expire ts |
profidu_authrep_spid | Profidu authrep spid |
profidu_authrep_profilenum | Profidu authrep profilenum |
profidu_grh_person_id | Profidu grh person id |
profidu_authrep_cpsiarid | Profidu authrep cpsiarid |
profidu_cpsiarid | Profidu cpsiarid |
profidu_spid | Profidu spid |
profidu_profilenum | Profidu profilenum |
Description: Profile Note
Name | Description |
pnote_text | Pnote text |
pnote_arid | Pnote arid |
pnote_profnum | Pnote profnum |
pnote_date | Pnote date |
pnote_sequence | Pnote sequence |
Description: Profile preferred pharmacy
Name | Description |
pprefpharm_primary | Pprefpharm primary |
pprefpharm_arid | Pprefpharm arid |
pprefpharm_spid | Pprefpharm spid |
pprefpharm_profilenum | Pprefpharm profilenum |
pprefpharm_pharmnum | Pprefpharm pharmnum |
Description: Profile Races
Name | Description |
profr_spid | Profr spid |
profr_primary | Profr primary |
profr_arid | Profr arid |
profr_racecdcode | Profr racecdcode |
profr_profilenum | Profr profilenum |
Description: Public Health Results
Name | Description |
phr_arid | Phr arid |
phr_snd_date | Send-Date |
phr_rslt_date | Result Date |
phr_ordnum | Order Number |
phr_seq | Sequence Number |
phr_rslt_time | Result Time |
phr_acctnum | Account Number |
phr_snd_time | Send-Time |
phr_logname | User Logname |
phr_orddate | Order Date |
Description: Purged Pharmacy Orders
Name | Description |
pphord_ipaenter_time | Time Order Was Entered |
pphord_not_used_1 | Lot Expiration |
pphord_ipainstr2 | Line Two Of Instructions |
pphord_ipbintflowrate | Flow Rate |
pphord_ipaclo1ackdt | Chart Link Ackknowledge Date |
pphord_ipastop_time | Stop Time |
pphord_ipbdesc1 | Iv Description 1 |
pphord_ipaunit | Units Field |
pphord_ipastart_init | Start Initials |
pphord_ipbunit | Iv Additive Item Unit |
pphord_ipastart_time | Start Time |
pphord_ipaverbal | Verbal |
pphord_ipamanufacturer | Manufacturer |
pphord_iparoute | Route |
pphord_ipandc | Pphord ipandc |
pphord_ipbdesc2 | Iv Description 2 |
pphord_ipbdecflowrate | Pphord ipbdecflowrate |
pphord_ipaenter_date | Date Entered |
pphord_ipaitem | Item Number |
pphord_ipaphy | Abreviation Of Physician Name |
pphord_ipadesc | Item Description |
pphord_ipacomment1 | Line One Of Instructions/Comments |
pphord_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
pphord_ipaclo1acktm | Chart Link Acknowledge Time |
pphord_ipanum | Patient Number |
pphord_ipatype | Order Type |
pphord_ipalot | Lot Number |
pphord_ipbivitemnum | Iv Item Number |
pphord_ipafreq_snomed | Pphord ipafreq snomed |
pphord_ipalotexpdt | Pphord ipalotexpdt |
pphord_ipastop_date | Stop Date |
pphord_iparx | Prescription Number |
pphord_ipastop_code | Stop Code |
pphord_ipacomment2 | Line Two Of Instructions/Comments |
pphord_ipbqty | Iv Additive Item Quantity |
pphord_ipainstr1 | Line One Of Instructions |
pphord_ipastart_date | Start Date |
pphord_ipastop_init | Stop Initials |
pphord_ipbitem | Additive Item Number |
pphord_ipafreq | Frequency Of The Order |
pphord_ipaseq | Order Sequence |
pphord_ipaclo1seq | Chart Link Sequence |
pphord_ipappcode | Patient Pay Code |
pphord_ipadept | Department |
pphord_ipaphynum | Physician Number |
pphord_ipafreq_qty | Frequency Quantity |
pphord_ipaenter_init | Initials Of Person Entering |
Description: Qdm encounter
Name | Description |
qdmenc_datatype | Qdm Type |
qdmenc_negation_rationale | Negation Rationale Code |
qdmenc_arext_modifiers | Qdmenc arext modifiers |
qdmenc_reason | Reason |
qdmenc_discharge_datetime | Discharge Date And Time |
qdmenc_admission_datetime | Admission Date And Time |
qdmenc_visit | Visit Number |
qdmenc_facility_location | Facility Location |
qdmenc_ivm_modifiers | Qdmenc ivm modifiers |
qdmenc_insdet_modifiers | Qdmenc insdet modifiers |
qdmenc_fac_location_arrival_datetime | Arrival Date And Time |
qdmenc_fac_location_departure_datetime | Departure Date And Time |
qdmenc_start_datetime | Start Date And Time |
qdmenc_stop_datetime | Stop Date And Time |
qdmenc_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
qdmenc_id | Serial Id |
qdmenc_value | Qdm Value Code |
Description: Qdm intervention
Name | Description |
qdmint_id | Serial Id |
qdmint_datatype | Qdm Type |
qdmint_related | Qdmint related |
qdmint_result | Result |
qdmint_stop_datetime | Stop Date And Time |
qdmint_reaction | Reaction |
qdmint_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
qdmint_received_datetime | Received Date And Time |
qdmint_visit | Visit Number |
qdmint_value | Qdm Value Code |
qdmint_author_datetime | Qdmint author datetime |
qdmint_negation_rationale | Negation Rationale Code |
qdmint_status | Status |
qdmint_reason | Reason |
qdmint_start_datetime | Start Date And Time |
Description: Qdm lab result
Name | Description |
qdmlab_method | Method |
qdmlab_id | Serial Id |
qdmlab_result | Result |
qdmlab_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
qdmlab_reason | Reason |
qdmlab_reference_range_high | Reference Range High |
qdmlab_start_datetime | Start Date And Time |
qdmlab_reference_range_low | Reference Range Low |
qdmlab_negation_rationale | Negation Rationale Code |
qdmlab_author_datetime | Qdmlab author datetime |
qdmlab_datatype | Qdm Type |
qdmlab_stop_datetime | Stop Date And Time |
qdmlab_value | Qdm Value Code |
qdmlab_visit | Visit Number |
Description: Qdm medication order
Name | Description |
qdmmedord_route | Route |
qdmmedord_cumulative_duration | Cumulative Duration |
qdmmedord_reason | Reason |
qdmmedord_value | Qdm Value Code |
qdmmedord_signed_datetime | Signed Date And Time |
qdmmedord_datatype | Qdm Type |
qdmmedord_active_datetime | Active Date And Time |
qdmmedord_negation_rationale | Negation Rationale Code |
qdmmedord_id | Serial Id |
qdmmedord_dose | Dose |
qdmmedord_refills | Refills |
qdmmedord_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
qdmmedord_stop_datetime | Stop Date And Time |
qdmmedord_visit | Visit Number |
qdmmedord_start_datetime | Start Date And Time |
qdmmedord_frequency | Frequency |
Description: Qdm medication purged order
Name | Description |
qdmmedpord_id | Serial Id |
qdmmedpord_refills | Refills |
qdmmedpord_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
qdmmedpord_start_datetime | Start Date And Time |
qdmmedpord_cumulative_duration | Cumulative Duration |
qdmmedpord_stop_datetime | Stop Date And Time |
qdmmedpord_datatype | Qdm Type |
qdmmedpord_negation_rationale | Negation Rationale Code |
qdmmedpord_value | Qdm Value Code |
qdmmedpord_route | Route |
qdmmedpord_frequency | Frequency |
qdmmedpord_reason | Reason |
qdmmedpord_dose | Dose |
qdmmedpord_active_datetime | Active Date And Time |
qdmmedpord_visit | Visit Number |
qdmmedpord_signed_datetime | Signed Date And Time |
Description: Qi infection control
Name | Description |
qit2_findate | Qit2 findate |
qit2_num | Qit2 num |
qit2_arid | Qit2 arid |
qit2_date | Qit2 date |
Description: Quality Improvement Interqual Connect Id
Name | Description |
qiicid1_seq | Qiicid1 seq |
qiicid1_arid | Qiicid1 arid |
qiicid1_patnum | Qiicid1 patnum |
qiicid1_icuuid | Qiicid1 icuuid |
Description: Qi Utilization Review Denial Record
Name | Description |
qitkd2_appeal_days | Qitkd2 appeal days |
qitkd2_denial_days | Qitkd2 denial days |
qitkd2_dendate | Qitkd2 dendate |
qitkd2_appeal_yn | Qitkd2 appeal yn |
qitkd2_recert_dt | Qitkd2 recert dt |
qitkd2_outcome | Qitkd2 outcome |
qitkd2_recoverbeg | Qitkd2 recoverbeg |
qitkd2_appeal_end | Qitkd2 appeal end |
qitkd2_appeal_lv | Qitkd2 appeal lv |
qitkd2_recoverend | Qitkd2 recoverend |
qitkd2_trecover_days | Qitkd2 trecover days |
qitkd2_dencode | Qitkd2 dencode |
qitkd2_irev_dt | Qitkd2 irev dt |
qitkd2_tappeal_days | Qitkd2 tappeal days |
qitkd2_denreason | Qitkd2 denreason |
qitkd2_tdenial_days | Qitkd2 tdenial days |
qitkd2_arid | Qitkd2 arid |
qitkd2_appeal_beg | Qitkd2 appeal beg |
qitkd2_recover_days | Qitkd2 recover days |
qitkd2_num | Qitkd2 num |
qitkd2_bookdesc | Qitkd2 bookdesc |
Description: Quality Improvement Qa Study Record
Name | Description |
qis1_date | Qis1 date |
qis1_arpname | Qis1 arpname |
qis1_arpmrnum | Qis1 arpmrnum |
qis1_arpsex | Qis1 arpsex |
qis1_dept | Qis1 dept |
qis1_time | Qis1 time |
qis1_patnum | Qis1 patnum |
qis1_answers | Qis1 answers |
qis1_study | Qis1 study |
qis1_outcome_app_date | Qis1 outcome app date |
qis1_outcome_ref | Qis1 outcome ref |
qis1_patstudy_sw | Qis1 patstudy sw |
qis1_arpbirth | Qis1 arpbirth |
qis1_ar0p_type | Qis1 ar0p type |
qis1_pnum1 | Qis1 pnum1 |
qis1_outcome_ref_date | Qis1 outcome ref date |
qis1_phy | Qis1 phy |
qis1_accessed | Qis1 accessed |
qis1_arid | Qis1 arid |
qis1_outcome_app | Qis1 outcome app |
qis1_ar0admdt | Qis1 ar0admdt |
qis1_ar0disdt | Qis1 ar0disdt |
Description: Qi Utilization Review Tickler Record
Name | Description |
qit1_certdays | Qit1 certdays |
qit1_dentype | Qit1 dentype |
qit1_panum | Qit1 panum |
qit1_appealdays | Qit1 appealdays |
qit1_contphone | Qit1 contphone |
qit1_version | Qit1 version |
qit1_certnum | Qit1 certnum |
qit1_bookname | Qit1 bookname |
qit1_paphone | Qit1 paphone |
qit1_num | Qit1 num |
qit1_contname | Qit1 contname |
qit1_bookdesc | Qit1 bookdesc |
qit1_dendate | Qit1 dendate |
qit1_paname | Qit1 paname |
qit1_denieddays | Qit1 denieddays |
qit1_date | Qit1 date |
qit1_empnum | Qit1 empnum |
qit1_recovereddays | Qit1 recovereddays |
qit1_arid | Qit1 arid |
qit1_psrocode | Qit1 psrocode |
Description: Qi Utilization Review Certification Record
Name | Description |
qitkd1_certdays | Qitkd1 certdays |
qitkd1_to_dt | Qitkd1 to dt |
qitkd1_certnum | Qitkd1 certnum |
qitkd1_from_dt | Qitkd1 from dt |
qitkd1_tcertdays | Qitkd1 tcertdays |
qitkd1_bookdesc | Qitkd1 bookdesc |
qitkd1_contphone | Qitkd1 contphone |
qitkd1_irev_dt | Qitkd1 irev dt |
qitkd1_contname | Qitkd1 contname |
qitkd1_arid | Qitkd1 arid |
qitkd1_num | Qitkd1 num |
Description: Qi Sw Note
Name | Description |
qiif_subset | Subset Description |
qiif_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
qiif_sessionid | Session Id |
qiif_version | Version |
qiif_date | Date |
qiif_icuuid | Qiif icuuid |
qiif_reviewid | Review Id |
qiif_patnum | Person Visit Number |
qiif_reviewstatus | Review Status |
qiif_seq | Record Key Sequence |
qiif_product | Prod Desc. Note/Info |
qiif_reviewtype | Review Type Description |
qiif_criteriamet | Criteria Met |
Description: Rcm Pause Resume Agent Times
Name | Description |
rprat_resume_prompt_dttm | Rprat resume prompt dttm |
rprat_resume_click_ok_dttm | Rprat resume click ok dttm |
rprat_sequence | Rprat sequence |
rprat_eelogin | Rprat eelogin |
rprat_pause_prompt_dttm | Rprat pause prompt dttm |
rprat_visit | Rprat visit |
rprat_arid | Rprat arid |
rprat_pause_click_ok_dttm | Rprat pause click ok dttm |
Description: Receipt Information
Name | Description |
rc1_reim_amt | Reimbursement amount |
rc1_ar | Ar receipt |
rc1_trace | Era trace filename |
rc1_serv_dt | Rc1 serv dt |
rc1_code | Receipt code |
rc1_procdt | Procedure date |
rc1_apc_sw | Apc switch |
rc1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
rc1_seq | Record sequence |
rc1_drg | Receipted drg |
rc1_glc | Credit gl number |
rc1_contrgl | Contractual gl number |
rc1_remitdt | Remit date |
rc1_noncv | Noncovered amount |
rc1_init | Initials |
rc1_num | Receipt number |
rc1_arnum | Visit number |
rc1_rejectcode | Reject code |
rc1_colcd | Collect code |
rc1_term | Terminal |
rc1_inscode | Insurance payment type |
rc1_set | Insurance set number |
rc1_amount | Receipt amount |
rc1_litem | Line item receipt |
rc1_approv | Approved amount |
rc1_copay | Copay amount |
rc1_misc | Miscellaneous |
rc1_era_file | Era filename |
rc1_net_reim | Net reimbursement |
rc1_coins | Coinsurance amount |
rc1_gld | Debit gl number |
rc1_time | Time Of When Receipt Was Posted. |
rc1_payer | Payer |
rc1_deduct | Deductible amount |
rc1_newins | New insurance receipt |
rc1_outlier | Outlier amount |
rc1_arname | Patient name |
rc1_same | Same receipt |
rc1_date | Receipt date |
rc1_ckno | Check number |
rc1_contract | Contractual amount |
rc1_ins | Insurance code |
rc1_totchg | Total charges |
Description: Receipting Cycle Bill Plus
Name | Description |
rcbp1_receipt_service_date | Rcbp1 receipt service date |
rcbp1_visitnum | Rcbp1 visitnum |
rcbp1_arid | Rcbp1 arid |
rcbp1_element | Rcbp1 element |
rcbp1_arxseq | Rcbp1 arxseq |
Description: Reconcile formulary match
Name | Description |
rformm_complete_timestamp | Rformm complete timestamp |
rformm_completed_by | Rformm completed by |
rformm_arid | Rformm arid |
rformm_visit | Rformm visit |
rformm_entry_timestamp | Rformm entry timestamp |
Description: Reconcile Group Information
Name | Description |
recon_arid | Recon arid |
recon_profile_num | Recon profile num |
recon_read_only | Recon read only |
recon_reversed | Recon reversed |
recon_description | Recon description |
recon_date | Recon date |
recon_reversed_time | Recon reversed time |
recon_visit_key | Recon visit key |
recon_logname | Recon logname |
recon_time | Recon time |
recon_sprof_id | Recon sprof id |
recon_employee | Recon employee |
recon_dest_id | Recon dest id |
recon_reversed_date | Recon reversed date |
recon_id | Recon id |
recon_dest_type | Recon dest type |
recon_reversed_logname | Recon reversed logname |
recon_dest_event | Recon dest event |
Description: Reconcile Item Information
Name | Description |
ritem_cpoe_instructions1 | Cpoe Instructions1 |
ritem_modify_item | Modify Item |
ritem_related | Related |
ritem_cpoe_instructions2 | Cpoe Instructions2 |
ritem_clord_serial | Clord Serial |
ritem_cpoe_dose | Cpoe Dose |
ritem_freq | Frequency |
ritem_cpoe_instructions3 | Cpoe Instructions3 |
ritem_id | Id |
ritem_cpoe_freq | Cpoe Frequency |
ritem_source | Source |
ritem_compliant | Compliant |
ritem_copy_from | Copy From |
ritem_item | Item |
ritem_comments | Comments |
ritem_type_key | Key Number |
ritem_dose | Dose |
ritem_rx_startdt | Rx Start Date |
ritem_detail | Detail |
ritem_pharmacy_name | Pharmacy Name |
ritem_cpoe_flowrate | Cpoe Flowrate |
ritem_verbal_order | Verbal Order |
ritem_cpoe_route | Cpoe Route |
ritem_org_uuid | Ritem org uuid |
ritem_new_clord_serial | New Clord Serial |
ritem_new_rx_key | New Rx Key |
ritem_unit | Unit |
ritem_desc | Description |
ritem_status | Status |
ritem_linked_order | Linked Order |
ritem_continue | Continue |
ritem_patordkey | Patient Orders Key |
ritem_last_dose_date | Last Dose Date |
ritem_clinrec_directions | Clinical Recon Directions |
ritem_user | User |
ritem_indication | Indication |
ritem_clinrec_import | Clinical Recon Import |
ritem_physician | Physician |
ritem_pharmacist_ubl | Pharmacist Formulary Matching |
ritem_cpoe_unit | Cpoe Unit |
ritem_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
ritem_modify_ndc | Modify Ndc |
ritem_route | Route |
ritem_visit_key | Visit Key |
ritem_group | Group |
ritem_ndc | Ndc |
ritem_linked_seq | Linked Sequence |
ritem_need_education | Need Education |
ritem_active_type | Active Type |
ritem_type | Type |
ritem_cpoe_instructions4 | Cpoe Instructions4 |
ritem_pharmacy_num | Pharmacy Number |
ritem_last_dose_time | Last Dose Time |
ritem_continue_type | Continue Type |
ritem_related_seq | Related Sequence |
Description: Reconcile item archive
Name | Description |
ritema_item | Ritema item |
ritema_continue | Ritema continue |
ritema_related | Ritema related |
ritema_pharmacy_num | Ritema pharmacy num |
ritema_related_seq | Ritema related seq |
ritema_type_key | Ritema type key |
ritema_continue_type | Ritema continue type |
ritema_clord_serial | Ritema clord serial |
ritema_compliant | Ritema compliant |
ritema_physician | Ritema physician |
ritema_unit | Ritema unit |
ritema_pharmacy_name | Ritema pharmacy name |
ritema_cpoe_freq | Ritema cpoe freq |
ritema_source | Ritema source |
ritema_active_type | Ritema active type |
ritema_ndc | Ritema ndc |
ritema_route | Ritema route |
ritema_new_rx_key | Ritema new rx key |
ritema_user | Ritema user |
ritema_linked_order | Ritema linked order |
ritema_cpoe_route | Ritema cpoe route |
ritema_visit_key | Ritema visit key |
ritema_dose | Ritema dose |
ritema_linked_seq | Ritema linked seq |
ritema_last_dose_date | Ritema last dose date |
ritema_verbal_order | Ritema verbal order |
ritema_freq | Ritema freq |
ritema_status | Ritema status |
ritema_modify_item | Ritema modify item |
ritema_indication | Ritema indication |
ritema_id | Ritema id |
ritema_need_education | Ritema need education |
ritema_rx_startdt | Ritema rx startdt |
ritema_type | Ritema type |
ritema_copy_from | Ritema copy from |
ritema_desc | Ritema desc |
ritema_comments | Ritema comments |
ritema_cpoe_unit | Ritema cpoe unit |
ritema_new_clord_serial | Ritema new clord serial |
ritema_last_dose_time | Ritema last dose time |
ritema_cpoe_dose | Ritema cpoe dose |
ritema_detail | Ritema detail |
ritema_modify_ndc | Ritema modify ndc |
ritema_arid | Ritema arid |
ritema_organization_uuid | Ritema organization uuid |
ritema_group | Ritema group |
Description: Reconcile Item History
Name | Description |
ritemh_visit_key | Ritemh visit key |
ritemh_hist_time | Ritemh hist time |
ritemh_hist_seq | Ritemh hist seq |
ritemh_pharmacy_num | Ritemh pharmacy num |
ritemh_physician | Ritemh physician |
ritemh_copy_from | Ritemh copy from |
ritemh_last_dose_time | Ritemh last dose time |
ritemh_status | Ritemh status |
ritemh_related_desc1 | Ritemh related desc1 |
ritemh_pharmacy_name | Ritemh pharmacy name |
ritemh_user | Ritemh user |
ritemh_detail | Ritemh detail |
ritemh_route | Ritemh route |
ritemh_unit | Ritemh unit |
ritemh_hist_date | Ritemh hist date |
ritemh_related_desc2 | Ritemh related desc2 |
ritemh_continue_type | Ritemh continue type |
ritemh_type | Ritemh type |
ritemh_related_desc3 | Ritemh related desc3 |
ritemh_indication | Ritemh indication |
ritemh_last_dose_date | Ritemh last dose date |
ritemh_related | Ritemh related |
ritemh_source | Ritemh source |
ritemh_need_education | Ritemh need education |
ritemh_item | Ritemh item |
ritemh_group | Ritemh group |
ritemh_dose | Ritemh dose |
ritemh_compliant | Ritemh compliant |
ritemh_arid | Ritemh arid |
ritemh_continue | Ritemh continue |
ritemh_freq | Ritemh freq |
ritemh_desc | Ritemh desc |
ritemh_type_key | Ritemh type key |
ritemh_ndc | Ritemh ndc |
ritemh_org_uuid | Ritemh org uuid |
ritemh_id | Ritemh id |
ritemh_comments | Ritemh comments |
ritemh_hist_desc | Ritemh hist desc |
Description: Reconcile item history archive
Name | Description |
ritemha_hist_date | Ritemha hist date |
ritemha_unit | Ritemha unit |
ritemha_copy_from | Ritemha copy from |
ritemha_ndc | Ritemha ndc |
ritemha_visit_key | Ritemha visit key |
ritemha_desc | Ritemha desc |
ritemha_last_dose_date | Ritemha last dose date |
ritemha_group | Ritemha group |
ritemha_dose | Ritemha dose |
ritemha_arid | Ritemha arid |
ritemha_hist_desc | Ritemha hist desc |
ritemha_source | Ritemha source |
ritemha_related_desc2 | Ritemha related desc2 |
ritemha_detail | Ritemha detail |
ritemha_need_education | Ritemha need education |
ritemha_user | Ritemha user |
ritemha_last_dose_time | Ritemha last dose time |
ritemha_route | Ritemha route |
ritemha_id | Ritemha id |
ritemha_type | Ritemha type |
ritemha_item | Ritemha item |
ritemha_compliant | Ritemha compliant |
ritemha_related_desc3 | Ritemha related desc3 |
ritemha_organization_uuid | Ritemha organization uuid |
ritemha_comments | Ritemha comments |
ritemha_related_desc1 | Ritemha related desc1 |
ritemha_related | Ritemha related |
ritemha_continue | Ritemha continue |
ritemha_freq | Ritemha freq |
ritemha_physician | Ritemha physician |
ritemha_hist_time | Ritemha hist time |
ritemha_pharmacy_name | Ritemha pharmacy name |
ritemha_indication | Ritemha indication |
ritemha_type_key | Ritemha type key |
ritemha_hist_seq | Ritemha hist seq |
ritemha_status | Ritemha status |
ritemha_pharmacy_num | Ritemha pharmacy num |
ritemha_continue_type | Ritemha continue type |
Description: Credit Card
Name | Description |
rccard_expiration | Rccard expiration |
rccard_ossitnum | Rccard ossitnum |
rccard_last_four | Rccard last four |
rccard_patnum | Rccard patnum |
rccard_token | Rccard token |
rccard_arid | Rccard arid |
rccard_seq | Rccard seq |
Description: Lab Result Index
Name | Description |
larx1_ordnum | Order Number |
larx1_pnum | Visit Number |
larx1_rrtype | Lab Result Alpha Or Numeric |
larx1_resulta | Lab Test Alpha Result |
larx1_inita | Lab Specimen Collection Initials |
larx1_deltack | Lab Result Delta Check Flag |
larx1_type | Lab Result Record Type |
larx1_flag | High Low Abnormal Critical Flag |
larx1_low | Lab Result Low Reference Value |
larx1_more_less | Lab Result Greater Than Less Than Flag |
larx1_coltmr | Collection Time For Reverse Sort |
larx1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
larx1_coldtr | Collection Date For Reverse Sort |
larx1_high | Lab Result High Reference Value |
larx1_chigh | Lab Result Critical High Reference Value |
larx1_init | Lab Specimen Collection Initials |
larx1_result | Lab Result Value |
larx1_clow | Lab Result Critical Low Reference Value |
larx1_rrdesc | Lab Result Description |
Description: Referral Transition Of Care
Name | Description |
reftrans_fromaddr2 | Reftrans fromaddr2 |
reftrans_fromprov_npi | Reftrans fromprov npi |
reftrans_entry_time | Entry Time |
reftrans_fromaddr1 | Reftrans fromaddr1 |
reftrans_prof_num | Profile Number |
reftrans_entered_by | Entered By |
reftrans_fromcity | Reftrans fromcity |
reftrans_speciality_key | Specialty Seq Key |
reftrans_fromaddr_key | Reftrans fromaddr key |
reftrans_phone | Phone |
reftrans_toprov_phys1num | Reftrans toprov phys1num |
reftrans_address2 | Address 2 |
reftrans_entry_date | Entry Date |
reftrans_toprov_npi | Reftrans toprov npi |
reftrans_spid | Shared Profile Id |
reftrans_fromtype | Reftrans fromtype |
reftrans_report_sent_date | Report Sent Indicator |
reftrans_uuid | Reftrans uuid |
reftrans_state | State |
reftrans_status | Status |
reftrans_address1 | Address 1 |
reftrans_provider | Provider |
reftrans_fromphone | Reftrans fromphone |
reftrans_fromprov_phys1num | Reftrans fromprov phys1num |
reftrans_report_expect_date | Report Expect Date |
reftrans_manual_request | Reftrans manual request |
reftrans_appt_date | Appointment Date |
reftrans_zip | Zip |
reftrans_reason | Reason |
reftrans_toprov_phys1arid | Reftrans toprov phys1arid |
reftrans_acct_num | Account Number |
reftrans_fromzip | Reftrans fromzip |
reftrans_fromprov_phys1arid | Reftrans fromprov phys1arid |
reftrans_fromprov | Reftrans fromprov |
reftrans_city | City |
reftrans_seq_num | Sequence Number |
reftrans_report_received_date | Report Received Indicator |
reftrans_type | Type |
reftrans_address_key | Reftrans address key |
reftrans_fromstate | Reftrans fromstate |
reftrans_arid | Arid |
reftrans_info | Additional Information |
Description: Refusal Of Education Data
Name | Description |
refeduc_visit_num | Refeduc visit num |
refeduc_snomed | Refeduc snomed |
refeduc_arid | Refeduc arid |
refeduc_entry_date | Refeduc entry date |
refeduc_ref_asthma_plan_loinc | Refeduc ref asthma plan loinc |
refeduc_ref_asthma_plan_sw | Refeduc ref asthma plan sw |
refeduc_entry_time | Refeduc entry time |
refeduc_entry_logname | Refeduc entry logname |
refeduc_neg_rsn_snomed | Refeduc neg rsn snomed |
refeduc_ref_as_pl_neg_rsn_snomed | Refeduc ref as pl neg rsn snomed |
refeduc_refeduc_sw | Refeduc refeduc sw |
Description: Reportable Exception
Name | Description |
rptexcept_acctnum | Account Number |
rptexcept_except_arid | Ar Id |
rptexcept_ordnum | Order Number |
rptexcept_ordtime | Order Time |
rptexcept_logname | Logname |
rptexcept_except_time | Time When Except Occurred |
rptexcept_orddate | Order Date |
rptexcept_except_date | Date When Except Occurred |
rptexcept_seq | Generated Seq |
Description: Risk Cat Assess Table
Name | Description |
rca1_remove_reason | Reason Removed |
rca1_status | Status |
rca1_other | Other Description |
rca1_type | Category Type |
rca1_seq | Visit Sequence |
rca1_reason_snomed | Reason Snomed |
rca1_loinc | Loinc |
rca1_decision_date | Decision Date |
rca1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
rca1_visit_num | Visit Number |
Description: Risk category assessment
Name | Description |
rca_interpret_code_sys | Interpret Code System |
rca_timestamp | Timestamp |
rca_negation | Negation |
rca_interpret_code | Interpret Code |
rca_rr_high_units | Reference Range High Units |
rca_code | Code |
rca_numeric_value | Numeric Value |
rca_negation_code_sys | Negation Code System |
rca_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
rca_value_code | Value Code |
rca_serialkey | Serial Key |
rca_code_sys | Code System |
rca_text_value | Text Value |
rca_value_code_sys | Value Code System |
rca_status | Status |
rca_rr_high | Reference Range High |
rca_rr_low_units | Reference Range Low Units |
rca_visit_num | Visit Id |
rca_remove_reason | Remove Reason |
rca_negation_code_value | Negation Code Value |
rca_type | Type |
rca_rr_low | Reference Range Low |
Description: Quality Improvment Risk Management Incident Record
Name | Description |
qir1_room | Qir1 room |
qir1_factordesc | Qir1 factordesc |
qir1_typecity | Qir1 typecity |
qir1_prov_ntime | Qir1 prov ntime |
qir1_factorcd | Qir1 factorcd |
qir1_fes_desc | Qir1 fes desc |
qir1_time | Qir1 time |
qir1_arid | Qir1 arid |
qir1_event | Qir1 event |
qir1_eventcd | Qir1 eventcd |
qir1_riskclass | Qir1 riskclass |
qir1_enternm | Qir1 enternm |
qir1_enterext | Qir1 enterext |
qir1_date | Qir1 date |
qir1_compdt | Qir1 compdt |
qir1_safetydev | Qir1 safetydev |
qir1_num | Qir1 num |
qir1_locacd | Qir1 locacd |
qir1_typestate | Qir1 typestate |
qir1_age | Qir1 age |
qir1_typezip | Qir1 typezip |
qir1_arnum | Qir1 arnum |
qir1_typeaddr | Qir1 typeaddr |
qir1_typeaddr_key | Qir1 typeaddr key |
qir1_prov_num | Qir1 prov num |
qir1_typecd | Qir1 typecd |
qir1_locadesc | Qir1 locadesc |
qir1_prov_notif | Qir1 prov notif |
qir1_enterdpt | Qir1 enterdpt |
qir1_admdt | Qir1 admdt |
qir1_sex | Qir1 sex |
qir1_comptm | Qir1 comptm |
qir1_outcome | Qir1 outcome |
qir1_witness1 | Qir1 witness1 |
qir1_addiag | Qir1 addiag |
qir1_typedesc | Qir1 typedesc |
qir1_fes_cd | Qir1 fes cd |
Description: Release Of Information Detail
Name | Description |
roid1_document_desc | Release Of Information Description |
roid1_patnum | Release Of Information Visit Number |
roid1_number | Release Of Information Number |
roid1_released | Release Of Information Release Date |
roid1_numofcopies | Release Of Information Num Of Copies |
roid1_comments | Release Of Information Comments |
roid1_patname | Release Of Information Patient Name |
roid1_patmrnum | Release Of Information Medical Records Number |
roid1_document | Release Of Information Document |
roid1_pull_dt | Release Of Information Date Pulled |
roid1_emr_document_info | Release Of Information Document Info |
roid1_type | Release Of Information Type |
roid1_patssn | Release Of Information Patient Ssn |
roid1_pull_init | Release Of Information Initials Pulled |
roid1_selected | Release Of Information Selected |
roid1_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
roid1_seq | Release Of Information Sequence |
roid1_dept | Release Of Information Department |
roid1_date | Release Of Information Date |
roid1_document_path | Release Of Information Path Name |
roid1_patdob | Release Of Information Date Of Birth |
Description: Release Of Information Master
Name | Description |
roim1_consent_cd | Release Of Information Consent Code |
roim1_request_type | Release Of Information Type Code |
roim1_rec_init | Release Of Information Received Init |
roim1_number | Release Of Information Number |
roim1_arid | Roim1 arid |
roim1_request_tm | Release Of Information Request Time |
roim1_date | Release Of Information Date |
roim1_mu_due_tm | Release Of Information Mu Due Time |
roim1_patname | Release Of Information Pat Name |
roim1_addr2 | Release Of Information Address 2 |
roim1_billed_dt | Release Of Information Billed Date |
roim1_numofcopies | Release Of Information Number Copies |
roim1_paid_dt | Release Of Information Paid Date |
roim1_loginit | Release Of Information Initials |
roim1_requestor_cd | Release Of Information Requestor Code |
roim1_address_id | Roim1 address id |
roim1_notes | Release Of Information Notes |
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roim1_sent_dt | Release Of Information Sent Date |
roim1_request_dt | Release Of Information Request Date |
roim1_addr1 | Release Of Information Address 1 |
roim1_dept | Release Of Information Department |
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roim1_type_desc | Release Of Information Type Description |
roim1_purp_cd | Release Of Information Purpose Code |
roim1_pr1num | Release Of Information Ee Number |
roim1_comp_dt | Release Of Information Complete Date |
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roim1_requestor_name | Release Of Information Requestor Name |
roim1_comp_tm | Release Of Information Complete Time |
roim1_consent_desc | Release Of Information Consent Desc |
roim1_paid_amt | Release Of Information Paid Amount |
roim1_sent_time | Release Of Information Sent Time |
roim1_patmrnum | Release Of Information Med Rec Number |
roim1_received_dt | Release Of Information Received Date |
roim1_bill_amt | Release Of Information Billed Amount |
roim1_mu_due_dt | Release Of Information Mu Due Date |
Description: Room Change Log
Name | Description |
marml_loccode | Location Code |
marml_arxnum | Visit Number |
marml_date | Date |
marml_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
marml_time | Time |
marml_seq | Record Sequence |
marml_patnum | Profile Number |
Description: Rx
Name | Description |
rx_dispunit | Dispense units |
rx_printernum | Printer number |
rx_sigphynum | Signed By |
rx_ultimedex_tc_full | Rx ultimedex tc full |
rx_refills | Refills |
rx_route_ncit | Route Ncit Code |
rx_enterdt | Entered Date |
rx_sigtm | Time Of Signature |
rx_temporary | Temporary code |
rx_prescriber_phone_ext | Rx prescriber phone ext |
rx_org_uuid | Rx org uuid |
rx_cmdata | Clinical monitoring data |
rx_freq_code_alpha | Rx freq code alpha |
rx_lastgiven_tm | Rx lastgiven tm |
rx_delivery | Delivery code |
rx_pre_existing | Pre existing condition code |
rx_samplelot | Sample lot |
rx_ready_to_sign | Ready To Sign By |
rx_overrides | Overrides |
rx_arid | Ar Id Number |
rx_indication | Indication |
rx_days_supply | Days Supply |
rx_refill_prn | Refill As Needed |
rx_doseunit | Unit Of Dose |
rx_pubkey_ele | Element Number |
rx_din | Canadian Drug Identification Number |
rx_brand_gen | Micromedex Generic Brand |
rx_dctime | Discontinued Time |
rx_supply | Supply Flag |
rx_cust_controlled_sub | Custom Controlled Substance Flag |
rx_ndc | Ndc |
rx_ssnumber | Surescripts number |
rx_supervisor | Supervisor Ubl |
rx_enterlogname | Entered By |
rx_pharmacy | Pharmacy |
rx_daw | Daw code |
rx_deleted_dttm | Deleted Date Time |
rx_deleted_by | Deleted By Logname |
rx_cmid | Clinical monitoring id |
rx_rxnorm | Rx rxnorm |
rx_acctnum | Account Number |
rx_modify | Medication Modify |
rx_profilenum | Profile Number |
rx_custom_med | Custom Medication |
rx_lotexpdt | Expiration Date |
rx_faxnum | Fax |
rx_createdfromkey | Created From Key |
rx_name | Item Name |
rx_source | Source |
rx_route | Route |
rx_ready_to_sign_dttm | Ready To Sign Date Time |
rx_prefix | Medication prefix |
rx_dose | Dose |
rx_rx_ind | Over The Counter |
rx_dispenseunit_ncit | Dispense Unit Ncit Code |
rx_deaclass | Dea drug class |
rx_doseunit_ncit | Dose Uint Ncit Code |
rx_spid | Id |
rx_dcreason | Discontinued reason |
rx_freq | Frequency |
rx_entertm | Entry Time |
rx_qty | Quantity |
rx_prescriber_addr_uuid | Rx prescriber addr uuid |
rx_comment1 | Comment1 |
rx_gcn_seqno | First Data Bank Clinical Formulation Id |
rx_prescriber_name | Other Prescriber |
rx_instruct | Instruction1 |
rx_doseunit_ucum | Dose Unit Ucum Code |
rx_lastgiven_dt | Rx lastgiven dt |
rx_esig | Electronic Signature |
rx_seq | Sequence Number |
rx_comment2 | Comment2 |
rx_nextduetm | Next due time |
rx_elec_attempt | Electronic attempt |
rx_dc_ubl | Discontinued By Ubl |
rx_nextduedt | Next due date |
rx_sigdt | Signature date |
rx_earliest_fill_date | Earliest Fill Date |
rx_prescriber_phone | Rx prescriber phone |
rx_notes | Notes |
rx_deleted | Record Deleted Flag |
rx_startdt | Start Date |
rx_epa_priority | Rx epa priority |
rx_oldssnumber | Old surescripts number |
rx_clinrec_import | Clinical Recon Import |
rx_freq_code_numeric | Rx freq code numeric |
rx_dcdate | Discontinued date |
rx_sigline | Sig |
rx_pubkey_seq | Sequence Number |
rx_comment | Comment |
rx_dcphynum | Discontinued by physician number |
rx_instruct2 | Instruction2 |
Description: Rx Associated Problem
Name | Description |
rxap_profilenum | Associated Diagnosis Profile Number |
rxap_prob_desc | Associated Diagnosis Problem Description |
rxap_prob_seq | Associated Diagnosis Problem List Seq |
rxap_rx_seq | Associated Diagnosis Prescription Seq |
rxap_sharedprofid | Associated Diagnosis Shared Profile Id Number |
Description: Prescription Statistics
Name | Description |
rxs_step_med_cov_status | Step Med Coverage Status |
rxs_health_group_id | Health Plan Group Id |
rxs_alternatives_id | Alternatives Id |
rxs_profilenum | Profile Number |
rxs_cardholder_name | Cardholder Name |
rxs_text_msg_cov_status | Text Message Coverage Status |
rxs_payer_name | Payer Name |
rxs_gender_limit_cov_status | Gender Limit Coverage Status |
rxs_payer_id | Payer Id |
rxs_bin_location | Bin Location |
rxs_age_limit_cov_status | Age Limit Coverage Status |
rxs_pbm_member_id | Pbm Member Id |
rxs_denial_ssm_seq | Denial Ssm Seq |
rxs_formulary_status | Formulary Status |
rxs_summary_resource_cov_status | Summary Resource Coverage Status |
rxs_sharedprofid | Shared Profile-Id |
rxs_drug_excl_cov_status | Drug Excl Coverage Status |
rxs_formulary_id | Formulary Id |
rxs_copay_id | Copay Id |
rxs_coverage_id | Coverage Id |
rxs_health_plan_id | Health Plan Id |
rxs_spec_resource_link_cov_status | Spec Resource Link Coverage Status |
rxs_quantity_limit_cov_status | Quantity Limit Coverage Status |
rxs_med_nec_cov_status | Medical Necessity Coverage Status |
rxs_cardholder_id | Cardholder Id |
rxs_seq | Sequence |
rxs_prior_auth_cov_status | Prior Authorization Coverage Status |
rxs_step_therapy_cov_status | Step Therapy Coverage Status |
Description: Scheduling Appointment
Name | Description |
sch5appt_event_task_seq | Sched5 Event Task Sequence |
sch5appt_id | Sched5 Appointment Id |
sch5appt_visit | Sched5 Visit Number |
sch5appt_auc_id | Auc Consultation |
sch5appt_referral | Sch5appt referral |
sch5appt_last_updated | Last Updated Timestamp |
sch5appt_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
sch5appt_group_id | Sched5 Scheduling Appointment Group Id |
sch5appt_datetime | Sched5 Scheduling Date/Time |
sch5appt_self_scheduled | Sch5appt self scheduled |
sch5appt_eventid | Sched5 Event Id |
sch5appt_duration | Sched5 Appointment Duration |
Description: Scheduling Event
Name | Description |
sch5event_comment | Sched5 Comment |
sch5event_entered_by | Sched5 Entered By |
sch5event_phy_phone | Sched5 Physician Phone |
sch5event_id | Sched5 Event Id |
sch5event_ins_prim | Sched5 Insurance Primary |
sch5event_client_uuid | Sch5event client uuid |
sch5event_contact_email | Sch5event contact email |
sch5event_phy_fax | Sched5 Physician Fax |
sch5event_ins_tertiary | Sched5 Insurance Tertiary |
sch5event_recur_key | Sched5 Recurrence Key |
sch5event_entry_datetime | Sched5 Entry Date/Time |
sch5event_arid | Sched5 Ar Id |
sch5event_ins_second | Sched5 Insurance Secondary |
sch5event_profile | Sched5 Profile Number |
sch5event_client_description | Sch5event client description |
sch5event_physician | Sched5 Physician |
sch5event_caller | Sched5 Caller |
sch5event_contact_cell_phone | Sch5event contact cell phone |
sch5event_contact_phone | Sched5 Contact Number |
sch5event_spid | Sched5 Spid |
Description: Scheduling Precert
Name | Description |
sch5prct_approved | Sched5 Approved Number Of Visits |
sch5prct_contact | Sched5 Precertification Contact |
sch5prct_contact_phone | Sched5 Precertification Phone Number |
sch5prct_fc | Sched5 Financial Class |
sch5prct_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
sch5prct_event_seq | Sched5 Task Id |
sch5prct_set | Sched5 Insurance Set Number |
sch5prct_contract | Sched5 Insurance Precert Contract Number |
sch5prct_primary | Sched5 Primary Insurance |
sch5prct_start | Sched5 Precertification Start Date |
sch5prct_precert | Sched5 Precertification Number |
sch5prct_visit | Sched5 Visit Number |
sch5prct_end | Sched5 Precertification End Date |
sch5prct_event | Sched5 Event Id |
Description: Sexual History
Name | Description |
sochistsexual_sexual_screening_dttm | Sochistsexual sexual screening dttm |
sochistsexual_sexual_genderid_freetext | Gender Identity Freetext |
sochistsexual_spid | Shared Profile Id |
sochistsexual_sexual_unsafe_activity | Sexually Unsafe Activity |
sochistsexual_sexual_sexually_active | Sexually Active |
sochistsexual_sexual_preference_dttm | Sochistsexual sexual preference dttm |
sochistsexual_profile_num | Profile Number |
sochistsexual_sexual_sexual_preference | Sexual Preference |
sochistsexual_sexual_sexpref_freetext | Sexual Preference Freetext |
sochistsexual_sexual_gender_identity | Gender Identity |
sochistsexual_sexual_pref_pronoun | Sochistsexual sexual pref pronoun |
sochistsexual_removed_flag | Removed Flag |
sochistsexual_sexual_identity_dttm | Sochistsexual sexual identity dttm |
Description: Sexual History
Name | Description |
visitsexual_so_effective_dt | Visitsexual so effective dt |
visitsexual_sexual_preference | Sexual Preference |
visitsexual_genderid_freetext | Gender Identity Freetext |
visitsexual_so_snomed | Sexual Orientation Snomed |
visitsexual_arid | Accounts Receivable Id |
visitsexual_gi_snomed | Gender Identity Snomed |
visitsexual_visit_num | Profile Number |
visitsexual_gender_identity | Gender Identity |
visitsexual_sexpref_freetext | Sexual Preference Freetext |
Description: Sexual History
Name | Description |
hisvisitsexual_gi_snomed | Hisvisitsexual gi snomed |
hisvisitsexual_gender_identity | Hisvisitsexual gender identity |
hisvisitsexual_genderid_freetext | Hisvisitsexual genderid freetext |
hisvisitsexual_sexual_preference | Hisvisitsexual sexual preference |
hisvisitsexual_arid | Hisvisitsexual arid |
hisvisitsexual_so_effective_dt | Hisvisitsexual so effective dt |
hisvisitsexual_so_snomed | Hisvisitsexual so snomed |
hisvisitsexual_visit_num | Hisvisitsexual visit num |
hisvisitsexual_sexpref_freetext | Hisvisitsexual sexpref freetext |
Description: Sliding Scale Record
Name | Description |
ss1_active_sw | Ss1 active sw |
ss1_t1subtype | Ss1 t1subtype |
ss1_amend_nurse | Ss1 amend nurse |
ss1_amend_tm | Ss1 amend tm |
ss1_notify | Ss1 notify |
ss1_dc_nurse | Ss1 dc nurse |
ss1_nurse | Ss1 nurse |
ss1_acct_num | Ss1 acct num |
ss1_com_rec | Ss1 com rec |
ss1_low | Ss1 low |
ss1_amend_dt | Ss1 amend dt |
ss1_high | Ss1 high |
ss1_t1nsmedokey | Ss1 t1nsmedokey |
ss1_medorder | Ss1 medorder |
ss1_dc_tm | Ss1 dc tm |
ss1_title | Ss1 title |
ss1_historical_sw | Ss1 historical sw |
ss1_tm | Ss1 tm |
ss1_form_units | Ss1 form units |
ss1_form_carbs | Ss1 form carbs |
ss1_dc_dt | Ss1 dc dt |
ss1_dose | Ss1 dose |
ss1_arid | Ss1 arid |
ss1_type | Ss1 type |
ss1_at_clsign | Ss1 at clsign |
ss1_bolus | Ss1 bolus |
ss1_t1type | Ss1 t1type |
ss1_dt | Ss1 dt |
ss1_itemtype | Ss1 itemtype |
ss1_seq | Ss1 seq |
Description: Sliding Scale Comment Record
Name | Description |
ssc_historical_sw | Ssc historical sw |
ssc_t1subtype | Ssc t1subtype |
ssc_dc_nurse | Ssc dc nurse |
ssc_slot | Ssc slot |
ssc_t1type | Ssc t1type |
ssc_itemtype | Ssc itemtype |
ssc_dc_dt | Ssc dc dt |
ssc_amend_nurse | Ssc amend nurse |
ssc_type | Ssc type |
ssc_comment | Ssc comment |
ssc_t1nsmedokey | Ssc t1nsmedokey |
ssc_at_clsign | Ssc at clsign |
ssc_acct_num | Ssc acct num |
ssc_title | Ssc title |
ssc_tm | Ssc tm |
ssc_active_sw | Ssc active sw |
ssc_amend_tm | Ssc amend tm |
ssc_arid | Ssc arid |
ssc_amend_dt | Ssc amend dt |
ssc_seq | Ssc seq |
ssc_nurse | Ssc nurse |
ssc_medorder | Ssc medorder |
ssc_dc_tm | Ssc dc tm |
ssc_dt | Ssc dt |
Description: Socioecon hist equip
Name | Description |
socecohe_profile_num | Socecohe profile num |
socecohe_concept_code_sys | Socecohe concept code sys |
socecohe_start_date | Socecohe start date |
socecohe_end_date | Socecohe end date |
socecohe_seq | Socecohe seq |
socecohe_device_code | Socecohe device code |
socecohe_spid | Socecohe spid |
Description: Socioeconomic History
Name | Description |
sochistsocec_occupat_exp_overuse_injry | Sochistsocec occupat exp overuse injry |
sochistsocec_equipment_bedside_commode | Sochistsocec equipment bedside commode |
sochistsocec_living_cond_homeless | Living Condition Homeless |
sochistsocec_occupation_code | Sochistsocec occupation code |
sochistsocec_occupat_exp_stress | Sochistsocec occupat exp stress |
sochistsocec_living_cond_college | Living Condition College |
sochistsocec_soc_eco_acts_religious | Sochistsocec soc eco acts religious |
sochistsocec_occupation_end_dt | Sochistsocec occupation end dt |
sochistsocec_soc_eco_children | Sochistsocec soc eco children |
sochistsocec_living_cond_home | Living Condition Home |
sochistsocec_occupat_exp_other_text | Sochistsocec occupat exp other text |
sochistsocec_living_cond_other | Living Condition Other |